Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly smiled a bit and began running threw the town. As she walked into the door she threw Kai to the couch,"your taking a shower first!"she yelled and ran into her room and locked the door. She began breathing hard. She touched her forehead,"nothing much....."she mumbled feeling even dizzier. She probably wouldn't have lasted the walk. Did she catch something from forcing herself back to life? Was she just feeling weak? Did she catch something? She very well couldn't answer these questions with her mentality. Everything seemed to go blank and she collapsed on the floor silently.
Kai felt himself soaring through the air and changing back he flip into the air before landing on the couch. Kai just turned his head when he heard Dolly's door shut, her call racing to his ears, "Wait hey shouldn't you...?" His questioned it flattering, Kai looked down at his hands shivering slightly before peeling off his shoes thinking, Dolly should go first, right? I mean she took the worse of it...and girls not last or whatever the saying is Taking a towel he rubbed it along himself as he walked to the bedroom reaching the door, he raped on it, "Hey, Dolls, I think you should go first, go ahead okay? *Knock, knock* Dolls?" Kai twisted the knob covering his eyes with the towel, "I am not looking okay? I-neh? Why want the door open? Oh for Death sake Dolly! Open the door!" Kai hit the door rougher twisting the knob left than right, he felt his heart beat faster, "Dolly....? Are you okay?"
Dolly jolted at the sound of Kai's voice,"I'm not going to be able to hold up"she mumbled think he would steal all her energy. Her body was too weak for her to get up but she pushe herself and stood up openin the door angrily,"didn't I say YOU could go first?!"she snarled grabbing his callor,"if you don't go in ill do something you hate!"she snarled with a creepy smile,"now go take a shower and get warm! And don't disturb me till you get out!"she whisphered pushing him away then closed the door and locked it again not giving him the time to respond. Damn why did she do that? She felt the world spin again. No no if she got sick so would Kai. She must not let him find out she'll be able to sleep soon enough.
Kai rapped on the door again before it came open in a swift motion, his fist hovered close to Dolly's hair, "Gah! H-!" Kai's protest was cut off by her snarling anger Do something I won't like? What? That smile is creepy... He felt himself be shoved back, her voice was weakened again into a whisper than the door was shut again *clicked* and locked. Kai's finger tips gently pressed against the wood of the door. His mouth scrunched up in confusion than deepened into a scowl, eyes narrowing, his fingers curled into a ball striking the door,

"Fine! I was trying to curt-a-whatever (courteous) but fine!" Kai snatched the towel from the floor and move to the bathroom in an agitated way, "And by the way I am warm!" He exclaimed before shutting the door roughly manhandling the knobs of the shower hot water sprouted out, "You are the one that is still all cold...and drippy." He muttered before taking his shower.
Dolly smiled unlocking the door so he could wake her up when he got out. She slowly fell asleep curled up in a ball with her underwears and pjs on the floor beside her. The towel strapped over her shoulders as she took her 'power nap'. She just didn't want Kai to worry so she ha to be a little mean to him but even she knew she was going to blank out soon with her fever.
Kai finished and walked out towel secure around his waist, he walked back into the room peering around the corner lips pursed, "I'm done- you are acting come you are sleeping on the floor, the beds right there." He said pointing to it. Bending down next to her, Kai eyes roamed over her, "Hey Dolls wake up, your turn." His voice came out in a caring whisper as he tilted his head slightly water still lightly dripping from his hair.
Dolly sat up coming inches away from his face there lips so close."sorry I just got tired....."she mumbled then smiled,"Kai take the bath with me"she said. She had obviously said this because of the fever.
"Uh, um, uh nu?" His voice coming out in wisps, Kai leaned back despite his want his face coloring red, "D-don't you-you y-you think we are taking this a little to fast? I mean......" Kai wrung his hands together his neck and ears going red, "We have not even, you know k-k-kissed yet...I uh...." He was sputtering now and words ceased to come, his mouth just snapped shut.
Dolly blinked,"aw Kai if you wants a kiss you should've just ask"she said then giggled leaning towards him. She kissed the corner of his lips,"woops I missed ahaha"she said with a cute smile. She then fell into his arms her forehead hot against his chest,"Kai take a bath with me~"she whined.
Kai was in a state of awe as some of Dolly's lips touched his, her words, her smile was so cute, but, but something was off she fell into his arms, Kai felt the heat from her forehead press against his bare chest, "Iya! Dolls your head, shh, hold still okay?" Kai gently pressed the back of his hand to Dolly's heated head, "Crap, your head is not supposed to feel that way." Kai pressed his hand to his own head, yeah, cool. There was something wrong here.
Dolly blinked,"no Kai no I want you to take a bath with me... A bath"she said as though talking to someone stupid. She then began feeling tired but if she didn't change her clothes she would probably get sicker. He would either need to trick her into changing by herself, take a bath with her or just change her clothes but she just clung to him like a child,"Kai~ bath~"she whined. She put her forehead on his neck feeling like his neck was really cold compared to her head.
Kai blinked his features still red, yet slowly returning to normal Dolly what? Is it because of the water? He moved his hand to her shoulder touching her shirt, still soaked not even damp, his eyes trailed to her clothing laying a little scattered down, "I need to get you warm." He spoke to himself unable to resist stroking a hand through her hair, staying still like this for a bit Kai gently blinked, "Okay Dolly, lets go take a bath." He lifted her up before carrying her over to the bed. Reaching back, he picked up her clothing blushing again at her underclothing, "Alright you were in the bath, now you have to get dressed."
Dolly blinked then nodded and began to taking her clothes off and putting on the new ones infront of Kai then fell off the bed,"ow"she mumbled then began crying,"Kai that hurt! Why'd you do that?!"she whined.
Kai snapped his hands over his eyes, his memory of the first time he walked in on Dolly naked still a permanent mark in his mind yet temptation was hard, fingers slid apart just a little, but did not see much. As Dolly fell, Kai jolted diving down next to her, picking her up, he sat on the bed sliding his way up to the pillows, "I'm sorry, I got you now." He promised, letting Dolly cuddle as close as she wanted.
Dolly smiled,"aw Kai~ "she said snuggling up to him,"Bleh~ your too nice"she said and kissed the corner of his lips again,"aw why do I keep missing"she mumbled pouting cutely.
Kai snorted, "Because your aim is off, and you are I have to be nice, so bleck yourself," Kai spoke resting his finger on Dolly's pout before lifting it off smirking slightly, "You should rest now."

(Good night! ^^)
(Your going to sleep or are you reffering to them 0ve)

Dolly nodded,"only because Kai is so nice.... And because I love him so much!"she said before shutting her eyes and falling asleep. She was happy sleeping by him but when she woke up she would remember everything and become embarrassed.
(I meant I was going to sleep, but they can too hehe)

Kai's eyes went wide at the last part of her sentence. His face slowly flushed again, "me too," he managed to edge out of his lips. Kai watched her sleep gently running his hands along her hair, "Do you really?" Kai question softly angling his head to rest next to hers closing his eyes, he listened to Dolly's heart beat. "Love can be dangerous though." His voice was so low and muffled by the pillow. Kai let the trickle of fear shake his body once, before shoving it back into its dark forgotten corner, letting himself fall asllep.

Sen stared around to scratching her head. They were both helplessly lost here. And Roland was even more shy than herself, this was a new perspective...she could do it though! Getting a determine look, she lead the way, after talking to a few teachers they were sent to lord deaths room. Sen looked extremely nervous trying to push hair over her eyes, pushing her hat lower.

Entering they encountered lord death, who seemed to freak out Sen even more, the young teen sweat dropped when death said, "Why Sen, you came bac-" but Sen interrupted him, laughing loudly. Putting her finger quickly to her lips, her eyes narrowing....she had her reasons, but wanted to leave that in the past too. Lord Death let the matter go before telling them, they could start tomorrow at the academy. Sen beamed turning to Roland,

"Looks like we are partners!" Sen bounced out of Death's office. After a few bounces, her vigor seemed to drain, "I mean that is if you want to be my miester....I am a good weapon....I could become a deathsythe."

(I thought we should get things moving along with Sen and Roland ^^)
( xD wow yor online surprise surprise)

Dolly slowly woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at Kai and kissed his cheek her cold hands brushed against his warm cheek. Her fever went down but not down enough. She turned away and coughed then jolted the cough had started to pull something from her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. Her body began to shake but she took a bath and changed into her normal clothes then began walking to the kitchen to cook. Her body was shaken but she wasn't going to let that stop her. Although the thoughts of yesterday crosse her mind and her cheeks began burning red she just continued to cook.
(Whatever happened to Alice and Xander?)

Kai rustled from his sleep yawning lightly he sniffed the air and shot up scrambling from the bed. Kai took quick strides before gripping the frame of the kitchen door. Red eyes watched Dolly closely for a moment Was she shaking? "Morning, you feeling alright?"
Dolly nodded,"I'm fine"she said. She had one hand on the counter to support her,"we have school today so get dressed"she said walking passed him and grabbed the plates and put them on the table. She made herself a really small portion because she wasn't feeling hungry and didn't want to throw up.(your guess is as good as mine :P )
Kai made his way into the kitchen a little watching her still, "Alright, I will be back in a jiff." Kai ran back to the room getting dressed than coming back. He started eating looking at Dolly, "That is all your eating?"
Dolly jolted but didn't make it noticeable,"yeah I ate some while I was cooking it I actually don't feel like eating this right now"she said then stood up and shoved her plate to him then drank some orange juice and went into her room an yawned,"damn I hope I hold"she mumbled blushing then jolted and walked over to Kai and kissed his cheek hugging him from behind,"thanks for taking care of me yesterday"she whispered.
Kai was already polishing off his food when Dolly pushed hers, to him. Kai began to finish it off, it was such a tiny portien, but what Dolly said checked out, she was not one to lie. Kai could never get enough of her kisses, his mind went back to last night. Kai felt himself blush slightly, "No problems Dolls, you do the same for me." The teen gestured to his now healed wrist. Kai snorted lightly,And she called him to nice pff!

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