Soul Eater RP >:3

When the lesson was over Dolly got up,"neh Kai~ I'm hungry"she mumbled,"what doyou want to eat today?"she said rubbing his head with her hand.
At the last half of the lesson, kai's attention slipped causing his focus to go on Dolly, he stared at her mast face imagining the mask not there. The next thing he saw was stars "Ngh!" He groaned clamping his hands over his mouth. He stayed like that for a moment, body twitching slightly, "Anything...but blood." He finally mumbled gulping down a mouthful of his own, before pulling a face.
Dolly blinked picking up her mask and sitting up," what are you talking about I aske you what FOOD you want to eat"she said rolling her eyes then stood up and stretched.
Sen pranced inside and looked around before turning to Roland, " I have no idea were to go." Sen said while sweat dropping, " Are you new here too? Hm, wonder if a student can help us?" Sen swept curious eyes around the empty halls.

Kai was still recover when he did, he hopped up, stratching at his neck and popping a hand into one of his deep pockets, "hmm, what about chicken? You can do a million things with chicken."
Dolly thought,"sounds good lets go"she said and began walking pulling her mask down again."what did you learn?"Dolly asked smirking.
Kai rubbed at his head, he had learned that Dolly was an incredibly peaceful when she slept, but he did not think that was the answer Dolly wanted,

"Er....I learned stuff, good learning stuff," Kai asaired squinting his eyes up in thought, "Oh yeah, about wavelengths, that was cool."
Dolly smiled and patted his head,"good I expect the best and I want to see good grades in your next test"she said and yawned,"you want to hang out somewhere before we eat?"she asked.
Kai blinked gently, She just does not want me to be her weapon...? But do good in other stuff? This...was new. No one else really expected more than his power

"Okay, I will try my best," Kai thought for a moment, "How about we go get food, and eat it over by the bridge, I like that bridge." Kai muttered fondly swing his arms, his fingers brushed up a long side Dolly's.
Dolly smiled a bit under her mask,"sounds good"she said. As the next time he swung his arms she grabbed his hand and continued walking. She ordered her food when they got to there destination then looked at Kai so he could order.
Kai grinned a syrupy grin as Dolly grabbed his hand. He walked along with her staring at her a little, sometimes he really hated those mask, because it made it hard to figure out what she was feeling. Stopping at the place Kai grinned a toothy gin at the menu ordering his food, he waited for the double order of rice and chicken he ordered, "So, after lunch do we get to kick butt?"
Dolly nodded,"yeah we can pick a mission"she said and paid for there food then when they got the bag they began walking out,"I just wish you hadn't gotten such a low score now we can't say anything if someone wants to talk to you about your grades unless I say I'm tutoring you"she mumbled.
Kai flashed a eager almost vicous smile before it dropped at Dolly's last words. Kai made a couple of grumply noises before scowling and hunching his shoulders, his foot kicked a rock that zipped hard along the air knocking some poor bystander in the back of their skull,

"If they say stuff, I'll just break their jaw to make em shuttup." Her growled than when they got to the bridge he hopped up, letting his feet dangle, "Stupid paper..."He muttered.

(I was wondering, how long has Kai and Dolly been partners? Would you say?)
Dolly sighed looking around then took off her mask and sat by Kael. She then kissed his cheek."aw what a cute couple"an old woman said walking by."where not a couple! Where partners!"Dolly replied.

(like 3-5 years maybe what do you think? 0v0)
Kai watch Dolly with slight scorn for even bring up the test. He brought his food onto his lap. But jolted gently when Dolly pressed her lips to his cheek, he made a little pleasant squeky noise. She was amazing, always calming him. Kai looked over at that woman, "Yeah lady buzz off!" Yet his ears had flushed a shade of pink.
Dolly smiled and patted his head,"down boy"she said then began eating. She leaned on Kael ever so slightly enjoying how close they where. She could see the outline of his arms from his shirt and smiled,"at least you have physical strength"she mumbled as she ate.(oh wait there on a bridge... eve hehehe)
Kai chilled at her touch she always had that effect even when they met for the very first time those years ago, he had gone postal happened, and she managed to chill him long was that ago?Two years? No three, shesh time sure does fly. Kai began to eat in his Kai-ish way of his. Also liking the contact of Dolly leaning on him. He kept his balance and made sure Dolly would not topple over into the water.

Kai blinked looking over at Dolly with a rather surprised look, his red eyes wide as they blinked slowly his fork half in and half out of his mouth. Sliding the fork out slowly he chewed gently before swallowing and giving a cocky grin,

"Yeah, see, thats right, you got most of the brains, I got most of the muscles, and we both put the fear of death in all the wanna be losers of the world, perfect team." Kai declared.
Dolly looke into the water for a moment,"Kai.... Nevermind"she said softly then jolted a bit as some dude pushed her into the water and ran off thinking it was funny. Dolly jolted falling into the water. It was cold and she couldn't swim. She found herself going under the water. Why was it so deep why had she been stupid enough to sit on it when she knew she ha the worst luck. These thoughts swam through her head before she lost consciousness.
Kai looked over at Dolly, "Hm? How you can say never mind, you only said my name..." He stuck his fork back into his mouth just as some guy came out of nowhere, and shoved Dolly, the shove had bumped Kai as well causing his food to fall all over and for him to wobble, a red orb shot to the corner of his eye, Dolly jolted than fell like a brick into the water. Kai stopped trying to keep his balance, letting himself fall.

Flipping, Kai went to into a graceful dive filling his lungs with air, he snapped open his eyes as his body broke through the surface of the water, and under he went. Looking around he looked for any sign of Dolly. Stopping a mask floating upward, Kai swam small brisk strokes getting close he realized there was no face attached to the mask swimming down, he saw her. Floating near the the bottom unconscious, her hair floating all around her, face fearfully peaceful....eyes closed, bubbles.....putting his strong arms and legs to work, Kai zipped over to her in seconds.

Swimming under Dolly's frame, he linked her limp legs around his waist and her lead arms around his neck No time no time please hang on...His soul energy swished around him in thick circles and he rocked to the surface, to the shallow part, he stood up, to the untrained eye it may have looked like he was standing on the water even running across it as he jetted to shore, but really it was just his soul power causing him to slightly hover.

Losing the strength as fast as it came, Kai dropped to the ground cradling Dolly to the ground and placing one hand to her neck, the other to her heart, please beat please beat my lullaby my Dolly, please.
Dolly was getting up her heart stopped. There was too much water in her lungs to breath and for her heart to beat. Was this the end? But she never got to tell Kai how she felt never got to kiss him... Dieing a virgin man that sucks but dieing without a first kiss reminded her of how lonely she was. Her soul wavelength slowly dieing out the chance to save her was slipping. Maybe if she learned how to swim like Alice- wait wasn't Alive someone she was perusing to distroy?! Why was her mind perusing to become her?! No no this was her goal to destroy the one person that made her life horrible. Her heart pushed and she began to breath again. The life returning to her cheeks she shot up and coughed up the water,"Tch..... Where's my mask?"she said covering her face then smirked at Kai and gave him a thumbs up but still covering her face. She then looked at him a bit sadly,"your always saving me....."she said then leaned in towards him. Her eyes where closed and her body was close to his but as her hand gripped his she was cold.
Kai blinked franticly would he have to do CPR? Was there anyone around to help?? No. he was alone. Kai was about to start CPR when Dolly seemed to come back to life, all by herself Ha! that's my miester! as she sat up, Kai reached over placing his hand over hers that covered her face. Yeah she was real. Kai felt his stomach unknot and his heart to untwisted with utter relief and graditude. As she leaned towards him, Kai looped her into a hug pressing her body lightly to his side, his face hovered close to her hair for a moment,

"Death can't handle you." Kai spoke voice weak with its thankfulness, "In the water, I can go get your mask, anything you want." Kai broke the hug, yet Dolly stayed close to him. Kai rubbed her hands in his trying his best to warm them up.

"Nah, you saved me remember?" Kai said his voice still close to a whisper. All those years ago, he had lost it, they were going to destroy him. But Dolly stopped the elites, stopped him, he remembered seeing her mask through all the smoke watching in awe as she offered her hand, Kai did not remember exactly what she said, something about needing a purpose for that power, he took her outstretched hand. It was so soft and warm it broke through the destructive choas in his mind, the rest was history.
Dolly laughed a bit,"no it's fine"she said then thought and close her eyes,"okay!"she said and stood up stretching. She was still a bit dizzy but she wasn't going to say that,"well get up! If we don't get home we'll get sick and what good will a sick weapon do me?"she said,"come on!"she added and began walking her hair gaming her face so she didn't look so much like Alice.
Kai felt his eyes widen slightly as he watch Dolly rise to her feet. Kai stared up at her in surprise water gently dripping from his raven locks, "Are you sure you okay?" He asked while standing as well. Only then did he realize how cold he was, shivering slightly, Kai walked along side Dolly, being catious and completely on gaurd.
Dolly glanced back at him,"change into a weapon ill get us home faster"she said holding out her hand to him. She felt a bit bad for making him jump in after her.
Kai quirked an eyebrow yet did not question, he lifted his arm and placed his palm into Dolly's before curling his fingers around her, "Yeah, Okay." And in a flash of light he was in his weapon form.

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