Soul Eater RP >:3

Kai stood there shocked eyes wide body still *blink blink* was all that he did before slowly turning, "Huh? but....don't we get to kill it?" His face was still full of shock and wonder.
Dolly laughed,"it's a test Kai.... In my book you passed"she said and put her soft slender finger on his lips gliding it around,"come on hot stuff next test"she said smirking under her mask.
The confusion slowly went away, "Oh..." he said blinking slowly a few more times long lashes fluttering, the disappointment on his face was curved by Dolly rubbing the most gorgous finger along his lip Was he grinning like an dope? He felt like he was "Okay , yeah next challenge."
Dolly giggled as she walked into the next room. It was a written exam,"oi Kai if you pass this ill let you kiss me"she said smirking then sat down and quickly finishe the test and gave it to the teacher,"wow! The highest score yet!"the teacher yelled in excitement. Dolly lifted her mask waiting for Kai.
Kai felt his face heat and heart race,Whu kiss? Whoa, but i am not good at this sh*t! Kai bit at his lip as his pencil drummed against the paper his eyes moving along the words his finger raked through his hair Urgh! I really suck at this! It will take a miracle! Why can't I just go beat the monsters face in?? by now, Kai was sweating and bouncing the pencil off the paper, he could feel himself losing it, all he had done so far was write his name! Kai began to jitter, he wanted to kiss Dolly he would not get anywhere in this state, taking a deep breath he held it, okay Kai, your going to calm down and just do this your going to let this breath go, and ace this test Kai let out his breath sat very still for a moment before twitching his eye, shoving the test off the desk he hopped up pointing a finger at the woman,

"WHAT DOES THIS STUPID PIECE OF PAPER PROVE? WE DON'T GO AROUND WRITING STUFF." Kai's nostrils were flaring and he was shaking from head to toe. Kai did not handle written things well.
Dolly looked at him then looked down,"I'm sorry it's my fault I promised him something he didn't want"she told the teacher sadly."no it's fine you guys have proven yourself a lot so since you guys came in a pair you both pass"the teacher said and stood up. Dolly pulled her mask down and walke out. She hid her crying face with the mask and made no noise,"hey Kai sorry. What I said threw you off huh? I shouldn't have said that besides it would've been some horrible concoction huh?"she asked.
Kai's finger dropped to his side as Dolly stared at him for a moment, than the words Didnot want..... Kai jolted as she walked off he slowly turned in his spot, body rigid watching her leave. No, no, no! It did not throw him off, wait horrible what? Nothing was horrible about Dolly or what she did! Kai took a step forward shaking his head, "No, Dolly....." Kai said sofftly taking a few more steps after her.
Dolly glanced back then bonked his head lightly,"don't worry about it... Look lets just get to class so we can get a mission"she said an put her hands in her pockets then walked out with a final sigh.
Roland had sat awake. He trembled. "H-Hi..." He mumbled.

Xandi yawned, stretching.

(Sorry, i've been stretched for time...)
(Its okay meow maybe putting a but more into your reply next time ^_^ "")

Alice smiled and kissed his cheek,"lets go to school!"she yelled and got dressed and brushed her teeth then began making breakfast.
Sen- she smiled at the hello, "Good morning," she said again looking at the school with wide eyes, it looked so nice in the sunlight. "Alhough, don't know if it's a good morning, maybe we can try our best to make it one eh?" Sen offered her hand, "want to go in now?"

Kai~He still frowned as she bonked him on the head. I let her down.....I know it. starting to walk, but in the opposite direction, Kai appourched the desk picking the exam off the floor, he sat back down, feeling no more sure of himself than before, Kai start circling and filling out answers.
Dolly looked back at him and blushed she picked up he mask rubbing her eyes making sure he couldn't tell she was crying,"good luck....."she said then looked up,"if you still want the deal it's there"she mumble looking down at the ground waiting for him to finish.
Kai scribbled on the paper filling in the answers to the best of his abilities. Coming to the last question, he was sure of that answer. What is a weapons purpose? Kai did not write to become a death sythe, his purpose was to protect Dolly with his life.

Getting up, Kai looked over at Dolly before walking up and handing the test woman his paper, looking a bit sheepish from his ealier behavior, stepping back, he waited nervously biting his lip.
Dolly looked at him for a moment then the woman,"wow.... I've never seen a grade so low"she said and Dolly facepalmed,"but you just barely passed"she added then took her leave. Dolly snickered,"your stupider then you look"she mumbled to the side.

Xandi blushed, his eyes widening. "School...?" He asked, holding the cheek she had kissed.

Roland nodded. "I-I guess so...If it's, y-you know, possible." He said. "Yes..." He took her hand.
Alice blinked then sighed,"Baka! Your my weapon! My sister..... If she sees me in class maybe she'll stop hating me"Alice said then stood up and ran over to Xandi,"up up up!"she yelled.
Sen-When Roland too her hand it left, right, just right, she could not think of any other way to put it. Blinking several times at his hand, before she gently pulled Roland up. Moving her hand from his, red eyes exaimed her fingers curiously. Her head titlted to one side, completely engrossed by the weird feeling she had gotten, "Say, are you a miester?" Her voice was hushed and a little far off.

Kai-His eyes narrowed at the woman. Demands for her to recheck it brimmed in his throat, tch okay, who was he kidding? He sucked at this stuff. Butttttttt, he still passed! Kai's eyes went over to Dolly a light grin tossed acrossed from one side of his mouth to the other, "How can such a handsome face be stupid?" Kai asked swaying over to her.
Dolly smirked under her mask,"because it just is Baka!"she said moving back until she was against the wall then bonked his head,"g-g-g-good job on passing though"she stuttered then looked away.
Kai grinned as she bonked him, "Just suck at writing stuff...the rest of my brain rocks." Kia said decisively folding his arms and lifting his chin, "thanks though, but your the true brain, that test tsh, could not handle you." Kai priased smiling hugely.
Dolly sighed,"yeah yeah lets go..... Or are you hoping for that prize"she asked and pulled up her mask and leaned in then ran away pulling the mask down,"pervy weapon!"she yelled and ran off.
Kai's heart started beating like a furious drum in his chest. As she leaned in, her pretty features blonde hair, amazing blue eyes closing leaning....lips...than Kai jarred blinking as Dolly ran. "Wha?! Am not!" He jabbed a finger in her direction running after her, "You are the one that offered the kiss! Crazy girl!"
Dolly giggled,"if you want it your ganna have at catch me Baka!"she yelled as she ran happily.(she has black hair it's Alice who has blonde hair xD )
(Oops, xD but Blue eyes right?)

Kai smirked picking up his speed jetting through the hall, turning this corner and that corner. Kai leap the distance between them, reaching for her wrist.
(Yes 0v0)

Dolly jolted when he grabbed her wrist she then tripped backwards by the pull and landed in his arms,"fine fine"she said and took off her mask,"you can kiss me now"she mumbled blushing then slowly closed her eyes and leaned up to alow him to kiss her.
Kai oofed as Dolly landed in her arms, his own face became heated as Dolly closed her eyes, leaning up. Kai gulped, This was it....kissing her the thing he always thought of doing when he watched her sllep, but what would it bring? This kiss? Good change? Weird? Kai swallowed again leaning down close, his eyes wide over her delicate features. Yet, she was so strong so smart....she could not abandon pulsed through him wiping away the nervousness. Black hair gently brushed Dolly's face as Kai lean down further, lips inches apart, Kai could feel and smell her soft sweet breath. Who cares what change it may brings, I can handle it Kai closed his eyes, bring lips gently onto Dolly's.

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