Soul Eater RP >:3

Kai looked to were she was pointing, "Go for it, the horns are cool," Kai nodded looking at himself in the mask. I do look good in this don't I? I look sexy ha! "Yeah, I will get it"
Dolly took off her mask and guy looked at her,"wow hey Alice"one said. Dolly glared and grabbed Kai's arm,"turn into a weapon"he demanded after paying for her new mask and put it on she put the older one in her bag.
Kai just got finished paying for his mask when he felt Dolly's fingers wrap around his arm. He knew that grip, and his heart leapt with excitement, letting out a rather wild whoot, Kai grinned, "Gottcha." He said before his arm became the handle of a deadly looking mace, the spiked ball was heavy, but was light as a feather to Dolly.The chain that connected the handle and spiked ball, could extend as if Kai was merely streching. Their soul force could form around the ball making an ora of power for an even more brutal impact.
Dolly smirked and swung Kai around with one hand she laid the handle over her should another group was there and there weapons transformed. She quickly swung him around before one grabbed her wrist. The chain wrapped around her leg and the ball was on her foot. She quickly kicked the man in the face sending him flying as she held the hand and spun. Dolly was very flexiable and had created this move after months of harsh trainning with Kai. Her feet an body where now immune to the pain Kai could give her. She could neve be hurt by him. She finished off the guys and slung Kai onto her shoulder and walked out,"nice job today..."she said smirking. Dolly walked into there apartment and hung up the mask. She was now able to take it off and relax.
Kai laughed with vigor as Dolly performed their long waged technique with absolute perfection. As they walked, Kai changed back distrupting his weight lightly and eveningly squating on her shoulder, "Right back at you, good kick." Kai jumped off leading the way into the apartment. Flicking on the lights as he went, Kai did a flip and landed on the sofa. Bouncing a bit, still energized from the fight.
Dolly smiled a bit at Kai,"your a such a little kid"she said before handing up her mask on the wall with the others. She went into her room changed then came out with a pencil and paper. She put the paper on the coffe table and looked at the paper. She draw out a map of the town then dots appeared on the map some of them where red and some where blue and some where orange."okay look"she said looking at Kai with a blank expression as she put up her hair in a pony tail.
Kai turned his head to her, "Are not, I just love a good thrill," Kai laid back against the couch grinning. As Dolly left, he slipped off his shoes to the edge of his toes, lifting his right leg, he fling the shoe off, it sailed through the air hitting the wall, but landing perfectly inline on the floor, the left shoe followed. Kai smirked, yeah Kai~toss it was always a perfect aim. Relaxing back once more, Kai looked over as Dolly came back, sitting up to pay attention as she drew a map out unrolling it, Kai widened his red eyes to a exstant before saying,

"I am looking, looking at the map." He let his eyes go back to normal size with a laugh.
Dolly sighed then got up and hugged Kai,"Your never going to forget me right? Promise you won't leave me?"she said somehow feeling more lonely and hideous by the second.
Like before, Kai was taken aback by her hug yet he felt his slim arms wrap around her frame gently, "Forget? Leave? Why would I? Got nowhere else to go....And nowhere else I wanna be besides, you are a cool person to hang with." Kai's voice was smmoth as he spoke, yet it had a noticeable tender note to it, the one he felt when around Dolly.
Dolly sniffled,"I feel worse and worse now that where so close to my sister.... I feel like nothing"she mumbled cuddling closer as she pressed against him. She wondered why when she was alone she felt like this maybe it wa because when she was alone she realized her hatred for the one who put her in the darkness.
Kai let out a snarl firmly removing Dolly from him, Kai moved himself to stare into her eyes, "You are not nothing! You got it? You are the strongest mister I know, and sure, people may think you are what's her face, but you know what? Screw them! They are worthles for liking a true loser your sister." Kai's voice was set, in his mind, there was no disagreeing with these points. He gently placed Dolly back where she was, cuddled up to him, his voice still set, yet more gentle, "Don't feel bad....I was nothing when you found me.....remember? But together we have become a badass team, so badass, that soon, everyone will know us for our greatness, I will be the most awesome weapon ever, and you as my mister, will be like a.....uh oh! Yeah you will be a queen, so don't feel like nothing, because you are something, and soon you will be even cooler." Kai gently patted her arm in a way to comfort.
Dolly smiled a bit slowly going back to her usual blank expression then kissed Kai's cheek,"thanks Kai"she said softly then patted his head,"your my best friend and most treasured thing"she said then got up want some of the cake from yesterday?"she asked putting on a cat mask.

(if you ever seen Naruto the secret ninja wear cat masks that's the one she's wearing 0v0)
Kai flushed lightly at her words, than slightly deeper when Dolly kissed his cheek, he realsed his hold as she got up, he muttered, "Right back at you." Softly than with a smile claimed more loudly, "Yum~yeah cake sounds good." Kai patted his stomach before reaching over, and lifting her mask back up, "Its a cool mask, but you don't have to wear it." He shrugged before letting it go.

(I Do know naruto and :o those are awesome masks <3)
(Yeah xD )

Dolly blushed a bit,"erm okay......"she said not pulling it back down. She was clearly effected by everything Kai could do. She slowly cut him a slice and put it on a plate,"here... E-enjoy"she said before covering her mouth and looking away.
Kai took the plate with a decent amount of restraint, but hell cake was one of the tasty invientions the humans made, Kai bit his lip against a laugh cant be a jerk right after being nice but ahahahahaha she stuttered! Funny stuff Kai dug his fork into the cake opening his mouth, he engulfed the fork, before remembering not to eat that too Kai slowly side it back out of his mouth running his tounge along the mental licking off the icing and crumbs.

(Hehe, I like rping Kai. Dolly is great, I like seeing the other side of her ^^)
Dolly pulled her mask down and grabbed her book then sat down and began reading. The house was quiet but that how it usually was after Kai ate cake. She could hear him eat in his awkward way. It always made him look cool but she would never admit it.
Kai let the dish spin on his finger and licked away the last bits, so the plate was spotless, "Yum, so good." He muttered than looked over at Dolly, " soooo what about the map?" He asked before gripping the plate like a frizbee and shooting it through the kitchen door, it speed through, and landed in the sink, but smashed, breaking on impact. He had put to much force into it,

Dolly shot a glare,"go clean it up..."she mumbled then pulled up the mask and stretched,"the blue dots are regular people the red dots are ya know "bad" hearts and orange dots are miesters and weapons hmmmm purple dots are witches,"..... Um so the bigger the dots the more powerful the heart"she said then looked at Kai and grabbed his hand and then yawned cutely,"we just have to wake up early tomorrow"she mumbled then let go so he could finish cleaning.
"Stupid plate, it just can't handle me." Kai grouched before getting up off the sofa and looping over to the kitchen staring down at the mess. Now, his version of cleaning was to shove everything into one corner and call it a day...but Dolly was watching him, sighing, He properly cleaned up the mess stopping and nearly dropping the pieces he had when Dolly grabbed his hand She is cute when she is all sleepy "Huh? Oh right map, orange, purple, blue gotcha." He nod seeming distracted. When she let go of his hand, Kai blinked down at it, wigging each finger before looking back at her, a dumb little smile light on his face before turning and cleaning the rest of the mess up.
Dolly tilted her head at his dumb smile then rubbed her eyes cutely. She hugged him from behind,"hurry up so we can sleep together"she said. They usually did sleep together in new places. It was because Dolly was afraid to sleep alone in new places but she called it making sure Kai was safe. Truth was she felt safe with Kai.
Kai dumped the last bits away, before he felt Dolly's arms wrap around him, to wield him like no tomorrow, yet delicate and smooth. Kai thought absentmindly running a finger along the lengh of her right arm. Blinking his face flushed a little, "uh hu, nope no scrapes on your arm." Kai said covering for what he had just done. Kai still recovering gave a weak nod, "Finished, let's go sleep." Kai was giddy on the inside, it was nice to sleep with Dolly, even in the innocent way they did. Just the fact of having another so near, hearing her heart beat, he had memorized the rythem, it was his own special was a reassurance that he was not a total screw up, because she was still breathing.
Dolly nodded and pulled on his arm shutting off the light in the living room and walking into her room and laid on the bed with a yawn,"come on Kai"she mumbled falling in and out of sleep.
Kai let himself be led to the room, he stopped as Dolly continued to the bed. Slipping off his socks and shirt, he set them aside, he never slept with either one, even if it was cold he would just add more blankets. Why was this? Kai could not even give a reason it was just what he did. Slipping into the bed he stretched out before curling up, sighing softly, sleep was evil, it hit you out of no where.

"Night, Dolls" Kai muttered watching her go in and out of sleep.
Dolly cuddled up against Kai putting her head on his chest. She loved his skin on her cheek it was very warm and comforting."Kai..... Goodnight..."she said softly as she close her eyes for the final time. The mask on her head fell to the floor and she had to cutest face when she feel asleep it showed her vulnerability.
Kai watched her eyes close as she cuddled up to him, her head on his chest. Dolly's hair fell around his chest, so silky soft it tickled somewhat. Kai blushed lightly, it was probably creepy to watch someone sleep, but to him it was golden. You look so peaceful.....I still don't get, why you hide this face.... its pretty. Even if it looks like your sister's I see it differently wonder why you can't? Stupid girls....and their vanity problems. Kai encircled one arm around Dolly while the other stroked her hair. He closed his eyes focusing on her heart beat thump, thump thump, he slowly drifted off to sleep, determined to not let his lullaby ever stop.

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