Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly blinked,"yeah but you didn't need to strip infront of me and I had to keep my eyes closed.... So thank you"she said then hugged him close,"you know what lets play hooky I want to explore the town"she said smirking then grabbed his hand.
Kai grinned at the image than quickly shook his head so it went away, blushing slightly. A grin spread over his face, than lessened, "Aw, but I want to kill something, we need a mission to do that." Her cracked his knuckles grinning viously.
Dolly thought,"but don't you want to go on a date?"she offered up although it was going to be a cover since she was too weak to fight in battle,"or maybe your right we should get a mission"she said letting his hand go and shrugging.
Kai blinked before he knew it, his hand had gently grabbed her's again, "you know, first options are always the best, hanging around town, on a ah date sounds great." At it's less extreme than the idea from yesterday
Dolly chuckled,"alright shall we get going?"she asked and began walking. She smiled she knew she could relax a little if they weren't fighting something but if they where she would probably send herself into another fever trying too hard to hide it in battle.
(I dunno what happened to them :( oh, and good idea...moving them along.)

Roland stared at Sen and Lord Death and tilted his head at their strange exchange. He looked down slowly and then looked at Sen. He nodded. "Of course I'll be your partner." He said softly. Roland sighed, twitching his ears. He wondered where his cousin, Xandi was.
Kai-with a grin, the teen flung himself up from the chair and raced around the other side of the room and got to the front door first opening it, "Yup!, ibam ready were to first?" kai asked before a thought came to him a devious little smirk to the corner of his mouth.

Sen- large red eyes focused on Roland as a wide smile crossed her face, "Oh goodie!" she exclaimed her vigor back, yet she tuned it down a little. they ended up at the fornt entrance again, "Sooooo what should we do oh miester of mine?" Sen watching Roland twitch his ears, they were rather cute, and Sen still wanted to touch them.
Dolly smiled and brushed her hand on his cheek,"the park"she said smirking then slowly move her hand down to his chin and off his face as she walked out then looked back,"remember to lock the door"she said smiling.
Kai grinned lopsidedly as Dolly ranher smooth hand long one side of his face, walking backwards out the door, hands twisted the key into the lock, catching up, Kai walked along beside her, "Its a good day for the park." Kai inqured happily. He had recovered quickly even affter using that burst of the power his mind still settled on slight worry for Dolly, she was fine though, jezz, when did he become such a worry wart? Iit was cramping his style.

Sen stood tapping her chin and swaying side to side in place, "Whatta do whatta do." Sen wanted to get to know Roland more, but trading questions back and forth did not seem like his style, maybe just hanging out and letting the wind blow the along would be more natural, but were should they go first. An answer came in the form of a stomach growl, "Are you hungry? We could go eat." her stomach growled again, when was last time she had eaten? Digging her hands in her pockets, she searched for money.
Roland sighed. "Sounds OK to me. " he said, digging out his wallet. He was beginning to trust Sen a little more. He felt a little guilty for not opening up to his partner. She deserved at least a compliment or something, but but Roland wanted to scream. He glanced at Sen, his ears twitching.
Dolly hugged his arm,"that's why I offered silly"she said as they walked she had a mask on her head but wasn't going to wear it because she didn't want to make herself pass out.
Kai- he glanced over at her smiling than he titlted his head up catching the wind along his face, eyes raised to the clouds, "You ever do that thing, were you look at the clouds and they turn into something?" Kai asked out of the blue.

Sen-Finding enough money, she grinned back at Roland, "Alright! lets go get some grub!" She did a bit of a soldier march walking along the street and into a cafe. It looked like they had really good sandwhiches for cheap. Selecting one, Sen stepped back waiting for Roland, and looking for a table. Spotting a good one, she skip over setting her plate down another plate followed, but it was not Roland's.

"Eh lil darlin, did not know you wanted to eat with me." the guy was gruff and buff. Sen picked up her plate

"Oh uh no, I'm with my friend see..." she took a step back. the man grabbed her plate, Sen hung onto it. "Wait bueat, we can be friends too." he leaned close, his breath smelled, "Come on, we can share sandwhichs than make our own sweetcheeks." Sen make a face, her red eyes showing disgust, tugging at her plate, she tried to twist it away, "let go." she hissed.
Dolly chuckled,"not since I was a kid"she said as they walked into the park. She sat on the grassy area by the lake and leaned on a tree in the shade."Kai..... What was your childhood like?"she asked. She always chose to leave that behind them but she was curious he was more child-like the more she became mature.
Roland paid for his drink and took a sip before he spotted Sen and some... Huge guy... Talking? No...He was bothering her. Now, Roland wasn't very brave, but he definitely was NOT going to let this guy harass Sen. He calmly strolled over and grabbed the guy's wrist with a powerful grip. "Excuse me...Do we have a problem?" He asked the man, smiling sweetly. "My friend and I, well, we kind of wanted a peaceful lunch, and you're ruining it. "
Kai-Reaching the park, Kai stopped a bit away from the tree Dolly was sitting under, his red eyes glared at the still calm waters, as they were solely to blame for yesterday, but they were not, and once he saw that...pile of, words were not harsh enough, anyways, Kai would push him in the water, watching it turn purple.

A delighted little smile crossed his lips at these thoughts, Kai blinked over at Dolly, Arn't they still kids? well teens, but, ah, who cares! Clouds were cool Coming over, the teen jumped on a low branch taking it, he shook it looking along the clouds, little blooming flower petals sprinkled down on Dolly. At the question, Kai turned on his stomach, gazing down at Dolly from his perch, his eyes went back to the lake,

"My childhood...could not handle me, that's how it was." No one likes sad stories....

Sen- Apon seeing Roland, red eyes filled with relief, before she gave another tug of her plate. the man's beefy face turned towards Roland,

"Your going to make sandwhiches with this loser?" the man snorted pretty much ignoring Roland.

Sen growled, "NA-O! I am not making sandwhiches with anyone nasty man!" The man sniggered letting the plate go, it caused Sen to stumbled back than forward on her toes,

"Look ere, she wants me." his gruff voice hooted as he slapped his thigh. The young girl tried to move away, but he grabbed her hood, she let out a startled cry trying to kick back at him.
Roland glared, his face flushed. He pulled his fist back and punched the dirty man in the face. "How dare you..." He mumbled, calmly looking at the man. "Leave. Now." He hissed.
The impact of the punch caused the man to rear back into the side door frame. Sen stumbled forward when his grip loosened regaining her balance she spun around to watch still gripping the plate tightly.

The man wiped his mouth as blood trickled from it, "Da*n kitty, find have your samwhich, I just go get a another one, more pretty one." he hollered before he stumbled out of the side door.Sen watched him go, her body sagged with relief yet tremebed lightly, feeling faint, her legs carried her to the chair before giving way, she dropped into it, her hands still gripped the plate tightly.
Roland went to the restroom and washed his hands. He came out and sat across from Sen. "A-Are you OK?" He asked concerned. "I'm sorry about that..."
name serezeo

age 19

status kishin

gender male

personality: with a child like emotion, and insane background, he will attack anything that will affect his humour

appearance see picture

weapon hidden blades

powers enhanced strength, speed and durability, energy slashes<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/gastro.jpg.d413f1450e0b1eebdaef9f41061ef870.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/gastro.jpg.d413f1450e0b1eebdaef9f41061ef870.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Oooooo, new person! welcome!)

Sen blinked rapidly bringing back a hand to straighten out her hood. Her head snapped up as Roland walked off. Don't leave.She wanted to say, but her throat was dry, but she than realized he had only went to the bathroom. A shaky sigh edged from her lips, and she slowly looked up and over at him,

"Yeah, I am okay saved my sandwhich." she took a half hearted bit chewing slowly than stopping when he aplogized,"Sworwoy?" Chewing, Sen tried again, "Sorry? for what? You saved me from that pervy creep."
(Join whenever you want and guys so you know I won't be here tomorrow or Friday 0v0)

Dolly smiled at him then jolted at his words,"well I guess I'm the only thing in this world that CAN handle you huh?"she said then kissed the corner of his lips,"woops missed again"she whispered smirking then touched the petal on her knee,"soft... Petals are really soft"she said.
He stood on a super tall, ruined tower that was slowly crumbled. ''I cant wait till this world is mine'' He bursts out in loud laughter, as his soul energy reveals in the shape of a large muscular demon with two blades in each hand, then the thunder and darkness starts spiralling around my castle
Roland sighed. "Alright...But I should have saved you sooner." He said softly. His ear twitched.

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