Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly blinked for some reason she could withstand the craziest souls she coughed a bit then looked around and blinked. She was a built to be petite but strong enough for Kael then brushe her hand through his hair looking around.
the cloud slowly heads over towards death city slowly covering it in an electrical storm of darkness, it shocked with lightning as it strikes the ground. ''hehe'' The strange male slowly walks towards the city with each step he looked at the gates of the city.
Alice wandered around doing grocery shopping for dinner. She surely didn't know where her partner was but wasn't going to let that stop her from moving on she would have to find a new one if he didn't turn up.
He looks. ''hmm..strange'' He floats up and over the walls and walks down the village street. ''hmm...just about here'' He sat down with legs crossed and begins to talk to himself. ''meus...rero...itar...izi...moro...seke...oo...tomr...reshi..rais...toro...SEKI!'' the clouds begin to disperse and spread larger beginning to cover the continent
Kai- "Yeah, that what's makes you awesome." His voice dripped with sincerity, before he blushed slightly as she kissed him again, sorta. You always miss... I am just going to haveto teach you how aim. Kai jolted as a storm suddenly hit, "Strange storm...." Kai muttered casting his eyes upward, "Yo Dolls, something is....weird bout this storm." Kai told looking over at her when she brushed her hand through his messy raven hair.

Sen- "No way Roland, I don't care about what, when or saved me, that is all that matters, at least for me." Sen smiled lightly taking a bit of her sandwhich, she watched his ears twitch, did he do that when nervous? The pink haired girl looked out the window, "Aw man, its stoming so much for exploring the city, which was my plan, if you wanted too....but now look at it!" She exclianed huffing than eeping as a bolt of lighting struck through the sky. Sen went to pick up her sandwhich and felt weird looking bac out at the storm, " feel that?" She asked looking back at Roland.
Roland sighed, looking out the window. "If you say so." He said softly. It would have been nice to explore the city, but it was storming. He started to quiver. "Yes."
Sen looked back down at her sandwhich, "I don't think this is a normal storm." She said softly, Sen did not like storms, but this one was weird, dark....
Roland looked down at his sneakers. "I don't like this feeling." He said quietly.
Sen nodded to herself, "Me neither, it feels dark." Sen looked back out the window pressing her chin up to the glass flinching as another flash of lighting crashed across the sky, "Whoa, Roland...the clouds, they are moving all over Death City and more." She felt herself shiver.
one of the clouds formed into a creatures face similer to the one summoning it then it startd heading towards the house opening its mouth widley, as it starts groaning so loud it even makes the world shudder and shatters the glass of the house.
Dolly nodded,"right?...... Tch.... Lets go find out"she said and stood up then jolted and coughed a bit,"damn it am I going to be okay?"she thought then punched the tree one of the branches broke off.
more lightning strikes the city, the mist sweeps through the cit from the being as he soon stands sensing energy. "mmmm some new food scorce my my...hooow delicioussss!" his tounge licks his whole face clean. "mmmmmnnnnnmmmmm" he smiles waiting for the enemies
Roland stared out the window, his expression darkening. "That's just creepy."
He continued waiting for anyone to try and stop him. ''hm..its a shame no one can stop me..oh well'' He bounces onwards waiting, as he hops. ''boing boing boing...I cant wait in 10 minutes the soul academy will be gone FOREVER!!! AHAHAHAHH!!!'
He checks the clock, as he smiles widley. ''yes yes YESS!!! DOOOOM FOR THE AREA AHAHAHAH!!!'' He claps three times and shouts out. ''cry my lord CRY!!!'' a massive thunderbolt shocks the very middle of the academy that creates a giant explosion which parts the entire storm cloud away. ''AAAAHAHAHHAHA PERFECTION!!! BEAUTIFUL!!''
Roland jumped. "W-What was that?!" He ran outside and noticed that the Academy had been struck by a thunderbolt.
He balances on one leg laughing loudly, bouncing up and down. ''YES BURN BURN BURRRRARARARARARN!!!'' He continues laughing
Roland's expression turned grim. "I got to go, Sen." He mumbled, running towards the academy. When he got there, he noticed the academy burning and some lunatic bouncing up and down on one leg shouting random things. Roland was confused, and he tilted his head.
yea yeaa!'' He laughs loudly, clapping hands. '' asura do you see, I did it for you, I destroyed the enemies base for you!!'' He laughs loudly, then turns seeing the male with grim expression. ''oh come to marvel at my masterpiece'' He smiles softly
Roland raised his eyebrows. "You did this?" He asked in disbelief. He backed away a bit, his usually timid expression returning. This guy, he decided, was not all there in the head.
He smiles softly, and turns head over cackling like a complete and utter moron. ''so are you a meister..I guess that means I missed one...'' He shook his head slowly. ''shame...'' He walks over and appears right infront of him and kicks you flying with my foot that feels like an iron pole
Roland went flying backwards, hitting the wall of a nearby building. "Ugh!" He falls to the ground. Blood trickled out of his mouth. He twitched his ears and flicked his tail. He slowly picked himself up. "Ow..." He mumbles, wiping at the blood with his sleeve.
He lunges over again and grabs your collar lifting you up. ''my not even gonna fight should have checked what I was first.....'' He smiles widley, and whispers softly in your ear. '''' He throws him flying away, and makes another thunderbolt destroy the entire village as well as the remains of death city, laughing loudly.
Roland hit the wall once again. He slowly stood up again and went running to where he left Sen.

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