Soul Eater RP >:3

He hops on top the burning village and makes the shadows mold around it turning the soul eggs up and makes them go flying into the mouth of the kishin as he swallows them all gulping loudly and laughing as his energy increases more. ''yahahahaha!!!!''
Roland continued to run, ignoring the lunatic kishin. He ran around, trying to find Sen. "Sen? Sen!"
He soon makes the husks of the bodies to come alive and become demons themselves, making them the guardians of the village.
The building had collasped all around her rolling into a ball she avoided as much reckage as possible, clambering up from the debri she coughed heavly covered in dirt and dust, stratches and bruises began to form, no time though! hopping over the mes, she ran, "Roland!" she yelled spotting him and flinging herself she changed into her weapon. a pole with a sword edge on one end and a dagger on the other.

(Won't be back till later classes)
Roland grabbed her, swinging her around to get the feel of her. "Sen..." He said softly.
Sen her face appeared in the blade of the sword. Death was burning! "Roland, we have to do something....that soul is demonic, evil...." her voice was certain yet full of fear. Was she strong enough....? last time.....
Roland looked around quickly. "I don't know where he is." He said, coughing.
Sen closed her eyes concentrating, "I think, I can track his soul go up the street and head out towards the gates of Death City, he is no longer here."

Kai jumped up his skin tingling, he brought Dolly away from the tree and started running, knowing she could keep up with him, she was alright from yesterday after all. Excitment brimmed inside him, he had been yearning a fight for the last few days!

(I thought Roland and Sen could use some help till Kady gets back, Kai is just being implusive and reckless right now. xD Also @ Suika-Are you gonna post for Xandi? Kandy posted for Alice a bit back.)
(I did post for Xandi a while back...No one responded :( )

Roland nodded. He began to make his way through Death City to the gates.
Sen closed her eyes still concentrating making sure she did not lose the sense, but how could she? It was evil out of control and dark so dark...shivers ran down her frame We have to do something though....we have to try.

Kai was running top speed he was making a bit of a game out of running and hopping over all the debri, his eyes were wild with hungry excitement, "Oooo someone thinks they are bad enough to wreck this city, news flash I WANTED TO DO THAT!" Kai howled wildly, sliding down a topple over building.
Roland nodded. "Y-Yeah. We just have to try to not get killed." He continued to run.
Sen nodded firmly a powerful determination in her voice, "We won't." He could not, she could not, no one could. "Roland, there is another soul coming behind us, its good...but very...." Sen tried to find the word, "Crazy."

Kai rocked forward, Dolly was long forgotten, all he wanted now was a fight, a good old fashion show down! Yes! He saw a person running head of him Was that the guy? Acting first he sprung into the air doing several flips before landing in front of Roland, "Hey you with the ears! Whattcha doing? Stealing my thunder its so not rad of you!"
Roland tilted his head and twitched his ears. "E-Excuse me?" He asked softly. Who was this guy and what in the world was he talking about?
excuse me...'' He appears from rolands own shadow, leaning against his shoulder. ''may I ask..what your dearing near my kingdom''
Roland almost had a heart attack. "AAH!" He screamed, his tail bristling up. He turned towards the kishin. "Y-Your kingdom?"
Kai blinked between the two and looked around than turning back he pointed a finger at the two other males, "HEY! Which one of you burned down the city?!"

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