Soul Eater RP >:3

He heads into the cloud and goes back to his castle smiling. ''after a taste you savor...then devour heeh'' He smiles wickidly
Roland dropped to his knees. "..." He coughed up a little bit of blood, but quickly wiped at it with his sleeve. Those kicks were awful!
(@ Sweet revenge-Welcome! Kandy should be back today at some point ^^ @Suika dawww Roland is so sweet and ooooh, evil suspense plotting!)

Sen- I'll do anything for Sen even if kills me Those words twriled in her head, ranf in her ear drums....he meant them. switching back int human form, Sen sank to her knees in front of Roland, she placed her hand on his arm,

" got hurt..." her voice was a mixture of sadness, self-blane and left over confusion from the aburt end of the fight.

Kai- he was between sleep and awakness, it was a sort of a peaceful place...where was Dolly? Kai tried to wake up.
so sorry people i really hope you guys just killed me off i have been so busy lately and i just kinda got out of contantment
(Thanks Roxel :3) Roland blinked, his expression nervous. "I'm OK...I didn't get hurt..." He said softly. He coughed again. His ars twitched.
Sen lifted her red eyes to his, "Your bleeding, bloods supposed to stay inside, that means you are hurt...." Her eyes moved along him looking for outer injuries, "What can I do?"
Roland shook his head. "There's nothing to do. I'm fine." He said, smiling softly. "What about you? Are you ok?" He asked, looking Sen up and down.
Sen watched him for a moment more, before matching his smile, "I'm alright, thanks to you, Roland," Sen reached out forgeting her ealier pledge not to be all huggy, Sen wrapped her arms around Roland. She rested her head on his chest, "I have no idea what happened, or how, but I do know, bcause you vowed to protect me....that kishin decided to spare us...." she trailed off still in half shock.
Dolly blinked looking down at him and smiled softly then kissed him knowing he was asleep. She pulled away and looked at the sky.(what happene while I was on my trip? :D )
(well I succeeded in destroying death city, but roland honour made me rebuild and revert everything back, aside from that that's about it)
(Kk kewl can't really do anything and sweet revenge if your online yeah you can join put up a Skelly and ill figure somethin out nyah!)
{Did you have a nice trip? yeah baicially what painclown said. kai actually went after the kishin too and got knocked out, he has been dying for a fight for the last few days, it made him reckless,

Also, a new person wants to join above, called sweet revenge, quentin popped in, and Suika replied to Alice somewhere back in the Rp.)
(Ill try and find it and yeah it was fun I loved it I rode a duck >D and I drew some perspective pics at a science museum but the ride was crazy boring and I had to defend my sleeping friends from pictures and felt with stupid bullies but at least there sleeping faces are saved and plus only your husband or lover should see that >/ oh and ill fix what I put too)

Dolly jolted awake rubbing her head. What had happened? Why couldn't she remember?.... The fever made her sick like this! She slowly got up and threw up in the water and looked around coughing,"where is Kai....?"she mumbled slowly standing up with wide eyes. She felt alone and somehow she felt betrayed.... Why? She decide not to wonder and go looking for him.

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