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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

Tenner smiled and cringed inwardly. "Um, no I'm not dead. It's my power. I can possess the spirits of animals." He said gently, not wanting to crush her excitement. He summoned the spirit of a dove and jumped into it, his soulless body sinking to the ground. "Yeah, it took me a long time to get used to such a weird power. Anyway, it will help me teach you how to control your flight. Although you seem to have it down pretty well." He said, moving back into his own body and standing up. "So, just let me know whenever you feel like training. I'm usually around."

Ruby shrugged. She knew that, if she had powers like him, she would've tried draining someone's energy a long time ago. Besides, if you could drain it, you should also be able to put it back. Right? She looked at the fire before closing her hand, making the fire disappear. For a moment she listened to him talking, as she moved her head to look at him. "It's fine," she told him, "you're right. I just...-" She stopped for a moment, before shaking her head. "Never mind."

Shadow said:
Tenner smiled and cringed inwardly. "Um, no I'm not dead. It's my power. I can possess the spirits of animals." He said gently, not wanting to crush her excitement. He summoned the spirit of a dove and jumped into it, his soulless body sinking to the ground. "Yeah, it took me a long time to get used to such a weird power. Anyway, it will help me teach you how to control your flight. Although you seem to have it down pretty well." He said, moving back into his own body and standing up. "So, just let me know whenever you feel like training. I'm usually around."
"Awwh... So you aren't a ghost" she mumbled, a little sad because the idea of bodyless being fascinated her. "I don't know how to control my flying very well" she confessed "i have trouble turning, even slowing down is a hassle. I'm glad I'm very durable" she giggled. "Can you turn into any animal then? Oh! Turn into a harpy!" She smiled, not having seen another harpy in a week, which seemed to be the limit of her memory
"You just..........what?" Glenn asked, watching her face carefully. He didn't know if she thought he would make fun of her for what she had been about to say, but he hoped that wasn't the case. He may not be the most approachable person, but he liked being a confidant for other people. "If you want to tell me anything, I promise I'll listen." He said, looking into her eyes and giving her a small reassuring smile.

@Queen Lamer
Tenner grinned at her disappointment that he wasn't a ghost. "Well, I'm sorry it makes you sad that I'm not dead. Well, scientifically speaking I am dead whenever I spirit jump, but that's beside the point." He said, still grinning. "Yeah, flying really isn't as easy as it looks. And yes, I can possess any spirit I summon. But I'm not sure....harpys are part human and I can't summon human spirits. Maybe I can work on it and get back to you." He said, not wanting to make a fool of himself if it didn't work. "So, I hear you also have air manipulation?"

" so you are a ghost? But only sometimes?" She said, trying to wrap her head around the whole thing "I'm glad someone else knows the struggle... It's so tiring too! Humans must have it lucky getting to walk around for so long, I can walk around for a while, but my legs are made for it, they are better at holding onto stuff. Back when I was still a pet for the royal family which was... Three days ago..? I had to hold on to this weird gold pole for sleep, and i was never let out! It was awful! And they fed me bird food!" She hissed, getting angry even at the thought of it. "I think I can use magic..?" She said, not having used magic in a while @Shadow
Tenner chuckled softly. "Maybe I can explain it more in-depth some other time. For now, yes, I'm a ghost." He said, giving her a mischevious grin. When he heard her say she was a pet to the royal family, his jaw clenched tightly. "What kingdom?" He asked tensely, wondering if the same people who had abandoned him, had kept her as a pet. He probably didn't want to know, but it was too late now.

"Do you know what kind of magic it is? Elemental, light magic or just all magic in general?" He asked, wondering why he had been assigned to her. He had no skill with magic, unless his power was considered summoning magic. On the other hand, most of the other available mentors didn't have the option of flying. Even if she did have all magic, flying would still probably be her biggest asset.

Shadow said:
Tenner chuckled softly. "Maybe I can explain it more in-depth some other time. For now, yes, I'm a ghost." He said, giving her a mischevious grin. When he heard her say she was a pet to the royal family, his jaw clenched tightly. "What kingdom?" He asked tensely, wondering if the same people who had abandoned him, had kept her as a pet. He probably didn't want to know, but it was too late now.
"Do you know what kind of magic it is? Elemental, light magic or just all magic in general?" He asked, wondering why he had been assigned to her. He had no skill with magic, unless his power was considered summoning magic. On the other hand, most of the other available mentors didn't have the option of flying. Even if she did have all magic, flying would still probably be her biggest asset.

"It was the northern kingdom, i remember that much because it was a long cold flight down to here. I'm lucky the headmaster was so willing to accept me..." She mumbled while trying to think of her magic. "Oh! That's right, I have wind magic, I sometimes use it to help me fly but it really takes it out of me... Can you do magic or is turning into a ghost the only thing you can do?" She smiled
Tenner nodded with a sigh of relief. His parents might be selfish and careless, but at least they weren't cruel. He nodded patiently, then shook his head. "I mean, I can control them without possessing them, but I don't know if it's classified as magic or not. Honestly, I think my particular power is too rare for it really to be put in a specific class. Anyway, so is there anything in particular you want to improve on with your powers?" He asked, trying to get a feeling for what she needed most help with. He hoped he was doing this whole mentor thing correctly, even though it was his first time.

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Shadow said:
Tenner nodded with a sigh of relief. His parents might be selfish and careless, but at least they weren't cruel. He nodded patiently, then shook his head. "I mean, I can control them without possessing them, but I don't know if it's classified as magic or not. Honestly, I think my particular power is too rare for it really to be put in a specific class. Anyway, so is there anything in particular you want to improve on with your powers?" He asked, trying to get a feeling for what she needed most help with. He hoped he was doing this whole mentor thing correctly, even though it was his first time.
"Control mostly, I can be a little too forceful with my magic sometimes, one time, when i was fiddling around in my cage, i tried blowing the food tray a little close to me because i couldn't reach it. Ended up flipping the entire cart over" she giggled, hiding her anger towards the place. "If you could teach me that, it would be wonderful!" She began hopping around again in an attempt to relieve herself of some of the excitement
She bit hard on her lip, feeling quite awkward about what to say. For some unknown reason, she felt like she could trust him. There was something in him that she hadn't experienced before with anyone else. Yet it wasn't her she was worried about, but him. Afraid that he would walk away, but it was something she had to risk. "I can't lose control," she said softly, looking at her hand that was on her knee, "I burned our house down when I was little, because I lost control. Things happen to catch fire whenever I get upset or angry." It was also the reason why she barely socialized. She couldn't get hurt or get upset.

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Tenner nodded, knowing that was always the most difficult part. When he first discovered his powers, he had gotten stuck as a penguin for days. "As it happens, that is my strong suit. Do you want to start training now or another time?" He asked, not wanting to rush her.

Glenn nodded, a sad look passing over his face. "I'm sorry. I know there is no greater pain than that." He said, watching her carefully. He had heard too many stories of people with powers hurting someone they loved on accident. By the sounds of it, her whole family had probably died in that fire. That couldn't be easy to live with. "So you think locking yourself away is the answer?" He asked softly, almost in a whisper.

@Queen Lamer
Evan was laying down in his bed late in the after noon, but then Eris jumps up and tries to wake him. after awhile she gives up and snuggles with him. [media]

Shadow said:
Tenner nodded, knowing that was always the most difficult part. When he first discovered his powers, he had gotten stuck as a penguin for days. "As it happens, that is my strong suit. Do you want to start training now or another time?" He asked, not wanting to rush her.
"hmm... do you mind if we start later? I want to go tell my friend that my teacher is a ghost!" she giggled, running off by leaping in huge strides. she hopped up on her stolen room's windowsill and peered in, only to see a huge scratched mark on the wall above James's bed. "hey... was that always there?" she asked him, who appeared to be worried about something, her head tilted slightly to emphasize her question

Ruby didn't look at Glenn. Yet she listened to his words and shrugged. Like he could know what it felt like. She highly doubted it. She didn't feel like getting pissed at him again. It was useless. Instead she just looked at the ground. "At least it's worth a shot," she told him, "it makes everything easier. No one to hurt."

Tenner chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll be around here somewhere when you're ready." He said, waving as she flew off. He whistled for Enara who came bounding out of some nearby bushes. He smiled fondly as he pulled some leaves out of her fur. They walked together to a large willow tree by itself on the lawn in front of the main building. They climbed the branches and sat in comfortable silence, watching some students wandering around.
Glenn nodded, not sure what to say that might make her feel better rather than piss her off. "Being close to people can be frightening. There's no telling what could go wrong. But sometimes they make you happy enough that it doesn't matter. I hope you find that feeling with someone one day." He said softly, his attention focused on the grass at his feet. His reasons for not getting close to people weren't the same as Ruby's, but he could easily understand her fear. Of course, he was being a total hypocrite and could benefit from listening to his own advice.

@Queen Lamer
"They never made me happy," Ruby shot his attempt of helping her down. She took a deep breath before turning back to the guy. "Besides, you're not all that social either. I have Madison and that's enough. She doesn't hurt my feelings, doesn't let me down and doesn't abandon me." She pushed her hands in her hair for a moment, letting out a sigh. "I don't know why I am telling you all this. Let's just keep it between us, shall we?" She looked at him quite desperate, not wanting anyone else knowing any more about her.

CainMcknight said:
Oliver smiled at the thought of having a friend that isn't an owl and looked around "Yeah, Lead the way" Oliver said calmly while still looking around trying to find something. Then he looked back towards Ruby waiting for her to lead the way.
"Ok," Ruby said to Oliver quickly. "Richard, why don't you join us?"

She walked over to Richard and motioned to Oliver.

@CERBERUS177 @CainMcknight

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