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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

"Who is that?" Ruby asked.

She watched a large bird land on a boy with a red stripe on his nose. She stood up.

"One sec, Richard."

She walked over to the boy with the bird.

"Yes, I suppose it is." Glenn answered, a tiny smile appearing on his face. "You realize you haven't given me your name either.....But you can call me Glenn." He said, raising an eyebrow at her. He knew she was probably offended that he hadn't introduced himself like a decent person would, but somehow it had slipped his mind. "So what might your name be?" He asked, glancing down at the wolf who he thought he had heard the girl call Maddie.

@Queen Lamer
Oliver was crouched surrounded by the smaller fluffy baby owls that were about the size of tire as they were pecking at the ground eating the food he had sprayed into the dirt for them to eat. As one of the smaller owl was eating Oliver saw a beautiful young woman approach looking at the birds and him. Oliver whistled at the Giant owl and it started to flap its wings until it jumped into the air flying off while the smaller owls slowly drifted off following its mother off into the distant forest. Oliver stood up and wiped his hands off on his pants turning to meet the girl that had approached him.
"Hello, my name is Ruby Williams. Are you new?"

She glanced at all of the baby owls, then realized this guy just loved birds.

"I guess you like owls."
Oliver wanted to laugh when she said that he liked owls and he smiled then extended a hand out towards her "Yes I'm new, I am a owl technically, and I'm Oliver nice to meet you." Oliver said in a friendly tone waiting for the girl to respond while the last of the giant baby owls were flying towards their mother off in the distance.
She raised an eyebrow. Was that a smile on his face? That was a first. "I asked for your name first," she said, when he mentioned she hadn't given her name. She crossed her arms and nodded when he told her his name. It was a quite interesting name. "Nice meeting you Glenn," she spoke, "my name is Ruby and that's Madison. Although I call her Maddie a lot." The wolf looked up when she heard her name, moving her tail.

"It's a pleasure to officially meet you." Glenn said, giving the wolf a small smile when she wagged her tail. Suddenly he realized how lonely he was, always returning to his empty cabin every night. Maybe what he needed was a pet. "This is your last year as a student, isn't it?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly. It wasn't like him to be nosy, but for some reason he was allowing his curiosity to over-rule his better judgement.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby tilted her head for a moment as she looked at Glenn. She turned away when she heard his question, staring at the ground as she shrugged. "If I pass everything. Which I probably won't because I am not in class," she mumbled softly. She hadn't been in class since the day she got here. Well of course she tried the first week, but it was stupid and a waste of time. Besides, she still couldn't fully control her ability. Especially when someone got on her bad side.

Glenn watched her quietly for a moment. "If you really want to pass your classes, maybe you should think about getting a tutor. There are plenty of teachers or mentors that have free time to help students." He said quietly, giving a small shrug. He didn't necessarily mean himself, but for some reason he actually cared if she passed her classes. If he could give her a tip, why not? It was part of the job description to help students, after all.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby shook her head. Accepting help wasn't something she did. It led to her having to help others. Besides, no one ever tried helping her. Both her and Madison had always been on their own. "I will be fine," she said, brushing his advice off, "who needs to graduate anyway." She hesitated for a moment before sitting herself down next to Glenn. Madison walked up to them and placed her head on her lap. Ruby gently placed her hand on Maddie's head and started petting her.

SlightlyInsaneJake said:
"That was fast." He mumbled to himself, looking across the room at the bundle of feathers. He wondered if she was actually asleep. The beds couldn't actually be THAT comfortable. He heard someone down the hall moving in, and the sound of a door breaking, which reminded him of how Lucy opened the door in the first place. "They really should get tougher doors in this place." He thought to himself. He thought about getting up to say hi, but instead decided to try and fix their own door. Lucy gave it a good kick, but all the pieces were there at least.
"What are ya doing?" She asked, confused as to why he was putting the door back together. "Did I open it the wrong eay or something..? That's how i open most doors... No wonder people keep yelling at me!" She giggled before noticing the huge owl lying around outside. "Owl!" She yelled while flying out the window, flapping straight for it with her harps wings @CainMcknight
Murder jumped at the sudden yelling, then chuckled a little bit. "Nice attention span." He muttered smiling, using a claw that he had worked up enough anger to summon to screw in pieces of the door handle. He had to search a bit, but found some duct tape left by other dorm residents, which would serve him as he put the actual door back together. When he was done it wasn't neat, but it looked and worked like a door at the very least.
Usagi looked around tirelessly. Book in her hands, lost on who to approach, who to converse with. Everyone seemed to be in the swing of things, with their own cliques and friends. She didn't consider herself particularly shy, only considerate. She didn't want to disrupt the peace, destroy the order. There were people all around her yet she felt so alone. She had only herself to blame, after all, it's nobody's duty to talk to her. If she wanted friends, she'd have to put the effort in. But... She didn't want to. The atmosphere intimidated her. For know, she'd read, looking quite forlorn. She was not an attention seeker, she wasn't going to scream for attention. By now, she had gotten up and walked towards the grass. She took a seat.
Glenn smiled at her spunk. "Sure, just live here forever as a student. But I will tell you a mentor's secret.....no one tells you what to do." He said quietly, as if he was really sharing a secret. It wasn't entirely true, considering he was always told who he had to mentor. But otherwise, he didn't have a curfew or tests or many expectations of how he spent his time. He just had to work a certain amount of time with his 'apprentice' before the end of the school year. He slid down the tree until he was sitting beside her. It felt strange to be talking with someone so comfortably, but it was almost a welcome change.

@Queen Lamer
"Hey, free housing and food. I can't complain," she said with a grin. Yet the grin disappeared quickly again. There was a part of her that wanted to graduate, but where would she go? She didn't had anything. No money, no friends or family and no one to help her out. She kept petting Madison for a few more seconds and turned her head when Glenn said next to her, a vague smile appearing on her face. "If I can find a mentor who is willing to help me, I'll think about it. Yet I don't think much are waiting for me since I never really tried to attend classes."

"Tell you what, when you get assigned a mentor tell me who it is and I'll make sure they actually do their job." Glenn said, suddenly finding himself invested in this girl that was so similar to him. He had a feeling she felt the same way he did when he first came here as a student. It was the only home had and he had flunked his classes on purpose for two years so he could stay. Luckily, his last mentor had told him about the cabins that the mentors got, so he finally passed. Maybe he could do that for Ruby....show her that she didn't have to worry about where to go.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby glanced over to Glenn. She wasn't sure how she felt about him trying to help her. Why was he even doing it? He didn't seemed like the socially awkward guy that most people pictured him as. Yet it made her feel slightly awkward. "We'll just see how it goes," she said as a response. She showed a small smile as she sighed softly. "So how long have you been here?"

Glenn watched the sky thoughtfully. "Almost six years now." He said quietly, remembering the first day he found the school. He had stumbled on it, half-soaked and starved, begging for a piece of bread. When the headmaster discovered that he was a gifted, he was allowed to become a student. He momentarily considered telling her about it, but he remembered his resolve to keep his life to himself. "I'm sure you're getting tired of me, so I should probably go." He said, giving her the faintest smile.

@Queen Lamer
Murder looked at his handy work with the door, and then at his hand. His claw was still showing. He had to find a way to hide it and fast. He closed his eyes and quickly thought of happy thoughts...of vacation...of fun...then suddenly of Lucy. He opened his eyes to see his whole arm was beast-like now. Instinctively he put it behind him, tried hiding it in a blanket, but it wouldn't transform back. The harder he tried morphing back, the worse it felt. Finally out of pure anger he screamed, then roared, and slashed the wall with his claw, leaving three claw marks. With the outburst said and done, his arm transformed back to it's human state. He panicked when he saw the markings. Quickly, he grabbed a bed side table, which he had his bag under previously, and moved it to that area. The lamp on top of it was really what he was looking at, as it was big enough to at least hide most of the damage.

"If she asks...they were there when I got here." He breathed to himself.
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She studied his face for a bit, while his eyes seemed to be fixated at the sky. Six years was quite a long time and she wondered what his story was. Yet, it wasn't up to her to ask him about it. She wouldn't randomly tell him her story either. Besides, she saw a lot of herself in him and she was quite sure what he did and didn't like. She frowned when she heard his words and shook her head. "I actually can't remember the last time I enjoyed a conversation with someone," she said softly, "so I am not exactly getting tired of you. But if you want to leave, I'd understand."

Glenn shook his head gently. "No, I don't want to leave. I haven't felt this companionship in a very long time." He said quietly, leaning his head against the tree with a contented sigh. He truely hadn't been so relaxed around someone for a long time. Maybe it was just because they seemed similar in personality, but he didn't care what the reason was. "So if I'm going to stay, I suppose we should talk about something." He said, raising an eyebrow at her to see if she had any ideas.

@Queen Lamer
SlightlyInsaneJake said:
Murder looked at his handy work with the door, and then at his hand. His claw was still showing. He had to find a way to hide it and fast. He closed his eyes and quickly thought of happy thoughts...of vacation...of fun...then suddenly of Lucy. He opened his eyes to see his whole arm was beast-like now. Instinctively he put it behind him, tried hiding it in a blanket, but it wouldn't transform back. The harder he tried morphing back, the worse it felt. Finally out of pure anger he screamed, then roared, and slashed the wall with his claw, leaving three claw marks. With the outburst said and done, his arm transformed back to it's human state. He panicked when he saw the markings. Quickly, he grabbed a bed side table, which he had his bag under previously, and moved it to that area. The lamp on top of it was really what he was looking at, as it was big enough to at least hide most of the damage.
"If she asks...they were there when I got here." He breathed to himself.
(RP'd myeslf into a corner, i have to wait for @CainMcknight to respond ;- ;)
Ruby grinned at Glenn, nodding. "Guess we are gonna be stuck with each other for a bit longer," she told him as she leaned against the tree behind her. She blew a piece of her blonde hair out of her face as she shrugged. "Depends. Do you want a light and stupid conversation that doesn't really involves any good topic? Or do you want to go deep and talk about parents issues?" She grinned slightly as she turned her head to him.

Ezekiel Finally Ezekiel had arrived at the school. Where he was from this was a long journey, even when shadow melding at night. As he approached he looked around while his pet fox was sitting on his shoulder. "What do you think Kai? This seems like a pretty good place." The fox nodded in agreement as he too was looking around at everything he could see. "Maybe it won't be so bad..."
(Anyone who cares)

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