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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

Ruby heard a yell in the distance. She looked toward the noise and saw someone dangling out the window. She gasped and by instinct, she flew up toward the window just as the person slipped out of it. She caught him and put him down in the courtyard. "What's a New York?" She asked him.


(Gtg goodnight everybody)
Glancing down at the annoyed people below, Levi scratched his head. How would he talk to girls, let alone apologise to them.

"Sorry!" he shouted quickly, bolting the window as quick as he could.

How could that girl not know what New York was? She obviously hadn't been on any holidays.

"You stupid boy," Clause, his pet crow muttered to him. Levi had cast a spell on him to understand what he was saying. "You just can't fit in, can you?"

"Thanks for helping, dumb crow!" he joked, kicking the bird to the side of the room. Now he had to think of a way to thaw his room.


@WhoCaresAnyway62 (nite btw xD )
When the window was shut, Hoshi suddenly remembered where she had to go- the laundry.

The boy was wearing an electric blanket wrapped around him, reminding her that she had to take down sheets for her bed.

How an electric blanket and bed sheets were linked together, she didn't know.

But at least the terrifyingly startling yell did at least some good to her.

(ok byeeee, i be leaving now. see yer.)
(sry temporarilY died while @BlossomPaw spammed my IG with emojis)

Clause was shaking his head in disgust as Levi watched with narrowed eyes out the window.

"Levi, what in the name of the Lord are you doing," the crow said hoarsely, hopping around the slowly-thawing dorm.

"She's doing laundry," Levi replied in a short whisper, huddled in his blanket at the windowsill.

"Don't tell me you're spying on someone," his pet snapped, leaping forward to his owner's side.

"Sssshhhhh..." the boy hushed, clamping the crow's beak together with the click of his fingers.

The animal beat its wings in distress, rolling around in the background.

"You know what?" Levi said, unlatching Clause's beak.


"I'm just gonna sleep for a while."

"Uhh... Okay."
Ruby looked up when she saw two people standing by a tree near her. She knew the guy. She had seen him walking through the school a few times. She remembered hearing he was some sort of mentor. The girl was there in a flash, but also disappeared again. Ruby frowned, not understanding what was going on, when suddenly Madison jumped up and ran towards the tall guy. "Maddy!" Ruby yelled, as she got up. She looked at her wolf, who seemed to want to play with the guy. It was a first that Madison was actually nice to someone.

"Is that ru... Rubi... Rubai? Rubina? Ahh well" she said, having forgotten her first friend's name. "HEY RU! Where have you been?" She asked, leaning out of one of the windows in the corridor, her feathers rustling softly in the wind before she slipped out, since she hadn't been able to get a grip on the windowsill. Moments later she stood up again as if that hadn't happened. "Hi Ru!" @WhoCaresAnyway62 @Anyone else around her (felt like getting into the rp once more :3
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"You can call me Glenn or Mentor." Glenn answered, sighing and rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes when she flew away. Suddenly a wolf ran over to him looking as if it wanted to play. He chuckled quietly and knelt down, scratching behind her ears. "Hey there, pretty girl. Do you want to play?" He said, his voice softening for the first time. He sighed quietly when someone shouted for the wolf. He quickly stood up and saw a girl who he recognized as one of the students. He gave the wolf one last pat before he gently pushed the her towards the girl.

@WhoCaresAnyway62 @Queen Lamer
Ruby slowly walked towards Madison who seemed to be much more interested in the mentor than in her. That was a first. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, looking at the man. "How did you enchanted my wolf?" she asked, quite sure that her wolf wouldn't just randomly go to any stranger. She kneeled down and whistled softly. Madison made her way to her owner. Ruby took the wolfs head and looked into her eyes, but she couldn't see any sign of spell. She pushed herself up and looked back at the guy.

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Evan got his dorm settled and sat on his bed near the window. Eris jumped up next to him while he pulled out his guitar. he opened the window then started to play


Eris made a long howl at the end of him playing

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Glenn shrugged, but didn't show his confusion. "I did not enchant your wolf. She seems a very friendly creature." He said quietly, watching her return to the girl. He crossed his arms, wondering if he should leave or wait to see how this turned out. He wasn't sure why she thought he had enchanted her wolf, but maybe she usually wasn't friendly.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby raised her eyebrows. "Friendly creature? That's the first time someone called her that." She placed her hand on Madison's head and ran her fingers softly through her hair, "most people call her scary or dangerous." Not that she could blame them. Normally she'd show her teeth and started growling, like with Evan a bit earlier. "Somehow you seem to be the first one she actually likes..." she mumbles, more to herself than to the guy in front of her.

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Glenn was a bit surprised when the girl said that the wolf was usually considered dangerous or scary. He couldn't help the tiny smile that crossed his face when he heard that he was one of the few people that the wolf actually liked. "Well, I guess it's a first for both of us." He said, almost directing it at the wolf.

@Queen Lamer
Madison tilted her head as the guy started talking to her, as her tail swept quickly from the right to the left. It almost pissed her off that her own wolf seemed to be interested in someone else but her. She took a deep breath as she kept her eyes fixated on the guy. "What were you even doing here?"

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"I was trying to get time alone." Glenn said, knowing he shouldn't blame her. It did lighten his mood a little to see the friendly wolf. Honestly, he should probably go find his student, but he made no move to go. "What were you doing here?" He asked, returning the question.

@Queen Lamer
Murder stood quietly behind Lucy as she approached her friend, curious to see if she acted around the other people like she did him. He really didn't know what else to do but try to keep up with the energetic Harpy.
Ruby looked at the guy. She sorta understood what he was talking about. She went here to spend some time on her own. She shrugged when he asked what she was doing here. Was she gonna be honest and tell Him she was skipping classes? "Oh nothing. Just enjoying nature," she lied.

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Glenn raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious, but he kept his mouth shut. There was no need to insult a student just because he was having a bad day. "Yes, nature is always prettier during the day when everyone else is busy doing their studies." He said, hinting that he thought she was missing a class but he wasn't going to tell on her. "Where did you get such a unique wolf?" He asked, deciding to make conversation.

@Queen Lamer
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Ruby grinned softly. Studying was for the weak. What was studying even good for? She remembered the fights she had had with teachers for not making her homework. Yet she couldn't care less about it. She shrugged. "Nature is quite beautiful. If I burn it." She said the last part with a soft chuckle and looked down at Madison. "We found each other a few years ago," she said, "we were both running away. We connected and since that moment she has been with me." A smile appeared on her face as she thought back to the time. Madison was still a pup when they ran into eachother.

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"You are a pyrokinetic?" Glenn questioned, raising an eyebrow. It wasn't an extremely rare power, but it was certainly an interesting one. He nodded quietly, deciding not to delve into what she was running away from. Lots of the students here had painful pasts and he wasn't one to push in before they were ready to talk about it. "That's nice." He said, trying to put his sincerity into his voice.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby nodded, quite proud of her abilities to set stuff on fire. The destruction part of it was something that she enjoyed the most. She remembered always having a weird interest for fire. Her parents always thought she was a pyromaniac. At least that thought she had made come true. She looked down at Madison and nodded. "It's nice to have someone. To not be completely alone."

Glenn nodded in agreement, although he didn't really know what it was like to have someone. He had been alone since he could remember, except for maybe when he had come here. He hadn't made many friends, but it had become his home nonetheless. "I'm sure it is. However, I would not want to keep you from any classes...." He said, raising an eyebrow and waiting to see if she would confess to skipping class.

@Queen @Lamer
Ruby looked curious at the guy in front of her. She had heard stories about him. About how he was distant with others and didn't look for too much affection with anyone. She couldn't blame him. She pushed her hands in the pockets of her jeans. "Oh, you're not keeping me from classes," she said, "I am sure they wouldn't be missing me." She hadn't really attended any classes since the beginning of the year. Most teachers had just accepted the fact that she didn't showed up.

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Glenn nodded quietly, not sure what else to talk about. No one who knew him could possibly accuse him of being talkative, so it wasn't really surprising. "That's good. So if you don't go to classes, what do you do all day? Surely nature isn't that interesting." He said after a moment. It was a weak conversation starter, but at least he wasn't being rude.

@Queen Lamer

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