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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

Ruby shrugged, "I just walk around. Scaring other students." She didn't tried hard to be nice and get friends. Friends were for the weak. They'd only bail on you and dump you. Abandon you like her parents did. "I don't think anyone really cares about what I do around here."


@WhoCaresAnyway62 why new..?
Ruby walks away from the crowd, now surrounding the two, and sits on a bench. Alley jumps up and sits next to her, rubbing her head on Ruby's arm. Ruby strokes Alley, then pulls out a notebook and a pencil and starts to draw a person who has been on her mind lately. The boy from the nurse's office. His name, was it Robert? No. Ricardo? No. And then she remembered. Richard. She was halfway through the face when someone sat down next to her.

WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
Ruby walks away from the crowd, now surrounding the two, and sits on a bench. Alley jumps up and sits next to her, rubbing her head on Ruby's arm. Ruby strokes Alley, then pulls out a notebook and a pencil and starts to draw a person who has been on her mind lately. The boy from the nurse's office. His name, was it Robert? No. Ricardo? No. And then she remembered. Richard. She was halfway through the face when someone sat down next to her.
(Oh, that's my cue!)

Richard sat down next to the girl that he met in the nurses office, he didn't pay much attention as he was listening to music and rolling fire droplets around his hand and messing with the drops turning them into shapes and dropping them onto his other hand.
Usagi walked around alone. She knew absolutely nobody here. She had no idea where to go or who to look at. She wasn't usually this shy, but she felt almost overwhelmed. She fished out a book from her bag, an old and tatter one. No idea why she brought it along, she didn't plan on reading it much, she wanted to make some friends more. Nevertheless, she sat down on a nearby bench and opened up the book. Trying to get herself immersed in the story, but to no avail.
Glenn nodded quietly, opting not to scold her about her pastimes. "That's nice." He said, moving to the nearest tree and leaning on its smooth bark. "You've been here for a while, haven't you? Strange we've never really talked before." He commented off-handedly, giving her a quick once-over. He knew he had seen her around before, but he had never had much reason to talk to her. He gave her wolf a tiny barely-there smile. He was almost grateful to the creature for introducing them. It wasn't every day he met someone almost as quiet and anti-social as himself.

@Queen Lamer
Murder felt odd in the situation an decided to simply head back to his dorm. He quietly slipped from the Lucy's side and walked along the side walk, not really sure how he managed to find his way there in the first place. (I really don't know where @Trust went so that's like 80 percent of what my character has done so far just vanished xD )
"I am here for 4 years now," Ruby mumbled as she crossed her arms, looking at the guy. She was only still here because it was the only place that let her stay for free. That gave her food, a roof above her head and a good bed to sleep in. She glanced back at him. "It's not that weird we never talked," she said, "I hear you're not all that social. I am definitely not social. I am actually quite surprised we are talking." Yet it wasn't an unpleasant conversation and she couldn't remember the last time she had enjoyed a conversation with someone.

SlightlyInsaneJake said:
Murder felt odd in the situation an decided to simply head back to his dorm. He quietly slipped from the Lucy's side and walked along the side walk, not really sure how he managed to find his way there in the first place. (I really don't know where @Trust went so that's like 80 percent of what my character has done so far just vanished xD )
(Basically she jumped out a window and tried chatting with @WhoCaresAnyway62 but I don't think she noticed xD )
Murder found his bag and took out the journal his doctor told him to keep. He felt he had some stuff to right into it that would be helpful.

"Journal entry, first day of the academy.

This place is pretty big, I'd be worried about finding my way around, but that's never been a problem anywhere else. Since I've gotten here though, I've had two close calls with my beast side. It wasn't because I was angry though, it was a different emotion that I haven't felt before. It was nice, but unexpected. Twice it caused beast-like characteristics to appear. I only feel it when I'm around this girl-well, Harpy,as I've been left to understand all Harpy's are girls, which seems biologically impossible to me- and I don't know why. I've never felt it before, but as I write, it scares me that I might go full beast and hurt her. What am I feeling?"

He set the pencil down, laid back with his head against the wall, and took a deep sigh. He didn't understand why, but he kept looking to Lucy's bed, and even right next to him, thinking she should be there. He allowed himself to dose off to this thought.
SlightlyInsaneJake said:
Murder found his bag and took out the journal his doctor told him to keep. He felt he had some stuff to right into it that would be helpful.
"Journal entry, first day of the academy.

This place is pretty big, I'd be worried about finding my way around, but that's never been a problem anywhere else. Since I've gotten here though, I've had two close calls with my beast side. It wasn't because I was angry though, it was a different emotion that I haven't felt before. It was nice, but unexpected. Twice it caused beast-like characteristics to appear. I only feel it when I'm around this girl-well, Harpy,as I've been left to understand all Harpy's are girls, which seems biologically impossible to me- and I don't know why. I've never felt it before, but as I write, it scares me that I might go full beast and hurt her. What am I feeling?"

He set the pencil down, laid back with his head against the wall, and took a deep sigh. He didn't understand why, but he kept looking to Lucy's bed, and even right next to him, thinking she should be there. He allowed himself to dose off to this thought.
"Is that my room..?" She mumbled to herself, hopping up and down in an attempt to see through the window before she remembered she had wings. She flapped a few times to test herself before practically jumping up to the windowsill. "Hey! James! Can you let me in?" She asked through the window, clutching onto the windowsill with her talons.
Murder jumped, suddenly hearing a voice at the wonder. He looked and saw Lucy at the window. He forgot about the flying thing, but even then didn't think she would use it in this scenario. He got up, threw the Journal in the bag, and opened the window.

"You got a thing against walking, don't you?" He joked.
"Walking is hard" she replied as she floated into the room, nestling into her feathers as she landed on the bed. "I don't know how humans can do it so much, the ground is so flat and hard to get a grip on." She said while hanging a claw off the bed, holding it up for him to examine @SlightlyInsaneJake
"Well, we don't really grip the ground,we just kind step on it." He tried to explain awkwardly, not sure it was actually making anything clearer. "So...I wonder what we're supposed to do till classes start?" He questioned, sitting on his own bed. He liked the idea of learning how to control his power, even if it meant boring classrooms and lectures. He assumed that's what they'd be doing here anyway.
"I suppose we are supposed to... You know... Get to know eachother..?" She said with a flirty smile. "So... How are you?" She asked with a smile, her claw still hanging over the edge while the rest of her was surrounded in feathers. She wasn't exactly sure why she liked him so much, but she knew she liked him, she felt all warm inside, even at the thought of him

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"Oh um, I'm doing good." He smiled back. "How are you doing?" He asked politely, not sure what else to say in that moment. There was something about the way she said that first statement that sounded odd to him, not that he didn't want to get to know people.
"I'm doing fine, still trying to get used to this bed.. It's like a super soft and squishy..." She mumbled before disappearing inter her feathers. Faint snores could be heard emanating from the now pillow-like Lucy @SlightlyInsaneJake

A girl walked down the halls. Her head low, her eyes shimmered in the small light reflecting off the ground. Her bags weren't with her. She had nothing to do. Walking into her room she looked around and walked to a window. 'Fantastic...' She whispered as she stared outside and sighed lightly. Before she knew it she snapped out of her day dream and saw the door. "Great!" With that the girl stormed out of her room, which wasn't that hard, and walked down the hall.

The girl came to halt as she found her bags. She must have dropped them? She picked them up, heavier than most and walked back to her room. "Alright... Come on out..." She said as she unzipped a bag. Three figures jumped out and onto the bed. One stared at the door, it's yellow and black fur shook lightly as it curled up.

A grey figure was pulling things out of the bags and shoved them in drawers. It's fur was soft and colorful of shades of grey. Then there was a third. Red fur and red eyes. With a smile it just stared at the broken door. The girl shook her head and walked around the room.​
"That was fast." He mumbled to himself, looking across the room at the bundle of feathers. He wondered if she was actually asleep. The beds couldn't actually be THAT comfortable. He heard someone down the hall moving in, and the sound of a door breaking, which reminded him of how Lucy opened the door in the first place. "They really should get tougher doors in this place." He thought to himself. He thought about getting up to say hi, but instead decided to try and fix their own door. Lucy gave it a good kick, but all the pieces were there at least.
Glenn nodded thoughtfully, then let out a short laugh that completely lacked humor. "Somehow I am not suprised that there is gossip about the anti-social mentor that talks to no one. But I hope I am not as unpleasant as rumors say." He said quietly, tilting his head as he listened to the wind rustle through the trees. Slowly he lowered his gaze back to the girl and waited quietly for her response. She didn't look bored of him yet and for some reason he found himself actually caring what her answer might be.

@Queen Lamer
Her eyes were fixated at the guy in front of her. Clearly he had no idea that that rumor was going around, but he didn't denied it. A small grin appeared on her face, "you're not working on my nerves yet. I guess that's a good start," she answered. Somehow it was nice to know she wasn't the only anti-social person around. Some students here were way too cheerful. Way too happy and it was beyond annoying. She looked away from him for a while, before turning back. "Is there a name you have? It makes this conversation a bit easier."

A shadow cast upon Academy of a bird high in the sky, The giant shadow flew over the school then circled a courtyard. After circling around for a few seconds, there was a loud thud from the Shadow finally landing dust and dirt particles were kicked up by the giant creature. The owner of the shadow was a Giant Grey Owl the owl flapped its wings a couple times to clean itself and from the back of the owl jumped down Oliver the owner of the giant owl that had just landed. Oliver smiled as he pet the creature with many more smaller owls landing close by on the ground all of them making noises communicating with one another while staying close to the bigger owl. All of the small owl slowly moved like a wave to the underside of the giant owl looking for shelter under its mothers wings. Oliver pulled out some owl grain from the pouch he kept at his side and sprinkled it out in a line to the side of the bigger owl and slowly all of the smaller ones started to jump out and nibble at the food on the ground.

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