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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

Glenn frowned slightly, not particularly caring for either type of conversation. "I suppose a conversation about the weather would be in the former category, so that's ruled out." He said, returning her grin. "Perhaps if there was a topic in the middle-ground, let's say how you like it here. You seem to hold a certain disgust for classes, yet you don't seem to care for graduating so you can get away from them. Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?" He tilted his head and waited for her reply. He had the uncomfortable feeling he had just ventured into the 'deep topics' section, which wasn't his intent. But somehow, he couldn't control his curiosity.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby nodded, "definitely," she agreed along as she watched how Madison jumped up and ran off. She probably had heard something. A squirrel or rabbit. She didn't bother calling the animal back. Instead she looked at Glenn and his question. How was she going to explain all of this? Her not wanting to go to class or needing help was all caused by how her parents had abandoned her. Besides, it was a story she never shared with anyone, aside from Madison. She paused for a while, not saying anything. Eventually she decided to speak up. "I don't want help," she said, "I don't need people helping me or trying to become my friend. They will bail on you. Everyone does. They will drop you and abandon you." It came out a lot colder than she wanted to and she noticed the anger inside growing.

Glenn waited patiently for Ruby to decide what to say, then he listened silently. When she finished, he just nodded, completely clueless on how to help her. Not everyone had to leave and if they did, they obviously had issues. But he knew she had probably heard that before, he certainly had. "Believe it or not, I actually understand what you mean. But maybe some day we'll both make a friend who we can count on. Not everyone leaves." He said, keeping his voice soft and he pulled his knees to his chest. He paused uncomfortably, not sure why he had been so relaxed with a student. He probably should get going, but he felt her anger and he wanted to help in some way. "And you know, not everyone who helps you wants something in return."

@Queen Lamer
Tenner ran through the woods, leaping over fallen trees and swinging from branches. Enara was just behind him, thoroughly enjoying her run. Finally they reached the school grounds and Tenner jumped back to his body, letting the lemur's spirit dissolve into the ground. He kept walking as if nothing had changed, making his way to the headmaster's office. He was already late for the meeting so he let Enara run off on her own while he picked up his pace. When he reached the office door, he knocked twice before letting himself in. "Who is it this year?" He asked quietly, an excited grin on his face.
A soft sigh escaped her lips as she stared into the distance. She had no idea why she had just told Glenn all of this. She should've just came up with a bullshit story, without sharing something like that. She wanted to hit herself against her forehead, but decided not to. It would probably look weird if she did. "Understand what I mean?" she asked, almost laughing, "yeah right. Well perhaps you shouldn't work at a school if you have so much problems with others." She couldn't help but act all rude. She bit on the inside of her cheek before letting out a louder sigh. "I am sorry, that was rude. I don't know why I said that." Somehow she felt quite sorry for the way she was reacting. Normally she couldn't care less about someone's feelings or what she said to hurt them. She had said worse things than this.

CainMcnight said:
Oliver wanted to laugh when she said that he liked owls and he smiled then extended a hand out towards her "Yes I'm new, I am a owl technically, and I'm Oliver nice to meet you." Oliver said in a friendly tone waiting for the girl to respond while the last of the giant baby owls were flying towards their mother off in the distance.
"Nice to meet you too, Oliver. I guess I could... Walk you around the school? Be a friend? Both?" Let's just make sure he doesn't find out I'm royalty.

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Glenn looked away to hide his hurt. He didn't even know why his feelings were hurt, honestly. It wasn't like someone hadn't said that before. So why did he care what this girl thought of him? For a moment he considered telling her that the only reason he stayed was to have a house, surely she could understand that. But he knew better than to share something that sensitive. "You don't have to apologize." He said quietly, reaching out and stroking Madison's ears. He knew how annoying it could be when everyone said they understood, even though he actually did. He pulled his hand back and linked his hands around his knees. "So let's go back to something shallow. Do you like stargazing?" He asked, a faint smile lighting on his face.

@Queen Lamer
Ezekiel Black As Ezekiel wandered around he began talking to his fox. "I wonder what people are up to. Actually we should probably figure out where everything is first... then again I don't care..." His fox smacked him and he smiled. "What? I can't make a joke now and then?" As he continued to wander around he noticed people here and there, but none of them seemed to stand out to him yet. Perhaps someone would make their unique presence known to him.
(Anyone who cares)
Oliver smiled at the thought of having a friend that isn't an owl and looked around "Yeah, Lead the way" Oliver said calmly while still looking around trying to find something. Then he looked back towards Ruby waiting for her to lead the way.
She noticed how it suddenly had gotten quiet. Great, she probably had said something wrong that scared him away. He would tell her she was weird and take off. She stared at the ground, but somehow it did not happen. For some reason he stayed and said she shouldn't apologize. She slowly moved her head to the handsome mentor next to her. A soft smile appeared on her face and she nodded. "I love stargazing. Just laying in the grass when it's dark. Be alone with the silence and your own thoughts. It's quite relaxing." She looked at Madison, "you never told me what your ability is."

Glenn nodded and his smile widened. "There is a group stargazing tonight. Everyone is going to be out on the main lawn and there with be snacks and stuff, if you want to come. The headmaster was thinking of making it a yearly tradition." He said quietly, thinking back to the meeting. He hadn't been planning on going since he could do it any other night in peace, but maybe if he knew someone there.....

His smile faded away and he held up his hand. Slowly a ball of blue light grew around his fist and changed colors, green, red, blue, purple. He opened his hand and extinguished it. "Energy manipulation." He explained.

@Queen Lamer
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A group of stargazing. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. About having to socialize and be in a group full with others she didn't know. Others who thoughts she was intimidating or scary. She shrugged slowly. "I don't know... I don't think anyone is really waiting for me there," she said with small smile. Perhaps it was also anxiety building inside of her. She fixated her eyes on Madison for a while, before seeing the light in the corner of her eyes. A grin appeared on her face. "I have to admit, that is cool," she said in awe.

Glenn shrugged slightly. "You don't have to know people, but I understand if you would rather not go. But if you change your mind, you know where to go." He said, giving her the ghost of a smile.

He blushed slightly when she said his power was cool. It wasn't something he usually showed to people unless it was necessary, but he found it wasn't as bad as he had expected. After all, he wasn't a freak here. He stayed quiet, enjoying the moment of comfortable silence. After a moment he brought the energy back to his hand and sent a tiny disc weaving through his fingers.

@Queen Lamer
Tenner left the headmaster's office, a slightly puzzled expression on his face. His assigned student was someone named Lucy Feathers who he had never met before. The headmaster had suggested that he start getting acquainted with her as soon as possible since they were assigned late. So, here he was, wandering the grounds and looking for a harpy. He honestly hadn't seen a harpy before, but she should be hard to miss. He whistled quietly as he walked, Enara bounding over to him after a moment.

@Trust (You can come find him if you want.....)
Shadow said:
Tenner left the headmaster's office, a slightly puzzled expression on his face. His assigned student was someone named Lucy Feathers who he had never met before. The headmaster had suggested that he start getting acquainted with her as soon as possible since they were assigned late. So, here he was, wandering the grounds and looking for a harpy. He honestly hadn't seen a harpy before, but she should be hard to miss. He whistled quietly as he walked, Enara bounding over to him after a moment.
@Trust (You can come find him if you want.....)
Lucy was happily singing on the roof, among numerous other birds that seemed to be tweeting along with her. Her voice was one of the reasons why the northern kingdom had held her captive in the first place but noone ever really told her what they thought of it.
Tenner suddenly noticed a girl sitting on one of the roofs, singing. Sure enough, she had wings instead of arms and bird legs. He grinned, running forward and jumping into the spirit of a hawk. He flew up to the roof and landed near the girl. "Are you Lucy? Because, if you are I've been looking for you." He said, his voice coming from the hazy image of the hawk, although it's mouth couldn't move.

Shadow said:
Tenner suddenly noticed a girl sitting on one of the roofs, singing. Sure enough, she had wings instead of arms and bird legs. He grinned, running forward and jumping into the spirit of a hawk. He flew up to the roof and landed near the girl. "Are you Lucy? Because, if you are I've been looking for you." He said, his voice coming from the hazy image of the hawk, although it's mouth couldn't move.
"Am i Lucy..?" She asked herself "Oh, yeah, that's me! Hello ghost bird! My name is Lucy!" She smiled a little confused as to why the hawk was slightly see through and hard to focus on. She gently tried touching it. "Are you a ghost..?" She asked, her eyes filled with awe
Tenner laughed quietly. "It's kind of....hard to explain. Would you mind coming down to the ground for a moment?" He asked, hopping into the air and hovering beside her. He felt a little bad for meeting her like this, but it was certainly easiest.
Shadow said:
Tenner laughed quietly. "It's kind of....hard to explain. Would you mind coming down to the ground for a moment?" He asked, hopping into the air and hovering beside her. He felt a little bad for meeting her like this, but it was certainly easiest.
"Okay ghost birdy" she smiled as she hopped down from the roof, not bothering to try and cushion her fall as she fell. She landed on her talons, crouched and stood up again. "I love doing that, it's fun" she grinned at the bird. "So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked, her eyes still looking at it with curiosity
Ruby was debating whether she should or shouldn't go. Perhaps if Glenn was there, it would make things quite easier. She wasn't truly alone. Maybe she should give it a chance. "Are you going to be there?" she asked, looking at the guy next to her, "because if you are, I think I will attend it. Give it a shot." Her eyes moved to the energy in his hand again. She wondered what happened if you touched it, but figured she also already knew the answer to that. "So what about thunder and lightening?" she asked, "do you have any influence on that?"

Glenn shrugged and considered her question. Was it foolish to go just because she was going to be there? He knew how horrible it was to think about doing something just because a girl would be there. Not to mention the fact that she was a student, so he wasn't allowed to have any feelings for her....if that was even the reason. "I suppose so." He said quietly, wondering if it was the right thing to say.

He chuckled quietly when she questioned him about his powers. "No, I can't control it anyway. But I can drain the energy from it if I want to." He said, remembering the first time he had tried to draw the energy out of a lightning storm. His air had been static-y for a week afterwards. "Do you create fire, or can you only control it once it's there?" He asked something he had always been curious about with fire powers.

@Queen Lamer
Tenner chuckled awkwardly, following her back down to the ground. "Don't freak out." He said, before moving back into his own body and letting the hawk dissipate. "So, hello. I'm your mentor." He said, running his hand through his hair and grinning a bit nervously. His power was pretty rare, so most people had rather a bad reaction the first time they saw him spirit jumping.

Ruby stared at the dark haired guy next to her, a soft smile appeared on her face. "Then I guess I might show up," she told him. She was well aware of the rules, but she was -hopefully- about to graduate. She had broken more rules than she liked to admit. She might as well had some fun in her last year. Ruby pressed her back against the tree behind her and listened to him. "You can drain energy out of people too?" she asked, looking at him miraculous, "that is quite impressive."

She opened her hand and showed a ball of fire, grinning slightly. "I can create it, but only so much. It helps more when there is some around. Thing is, you don't randomly find fires," her grin got a bit wider. "And if I am really pissed things can get out of hand. I am sorta... trying to control that part."

Shadow said:
Tenner chuckled awkwardly, following her back down to the ground. "Don't freak out." He said, before moving back into his own body and letting the hawk dissipate. "So, hello. I'm your mentor." He said, running his hand through his hair and grinning a bit nervously. His power was pretty rare, so most people had rather a bad reaction the first time they saw him spirit jumping.
"Woah! Ghost bird is a man! Ghost man?" She pondered and brought her wing up to her chin in thought. "Are you a ghost? How did you die? Was it murder!? Did you come back from the dead to get me to avenge you mr. Ghost? I am being taught by a ghost!! This is so cool!" She yapped, hopping around the place excitedly, her talons clicking everytime she landed. "Will i be a cool ghost when i die..?" She asked, stopping suddenly
Glenn frowned slightly. "Actually, I've never tried to drain people's energy. It would probably kill them." He said, feeling slight fear as the realization hit him. He had his powers under control enough so he couldn't do it on accident, but the knowledge of what he might be able to do almost scared him. Not quite, but almost.

He nodded in understanding. "That happens with most people until they truly master their powers. But you don't have to have your powers mastered to graduate. Controlling your powers even if you're experiencing strong emotions comes with time." He said, stopping when he realized he had gone into teacher mode. "Sorry, that was sort of a rabbit trail." He said, giving her a slightly sheepish smile.

@Queen Lamer

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