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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
"No," Ruby sobbed. "I-it's just... Have y-you heard the name Rubystone Williams? The... The.... "
Richard cleared a stand of hair from the front of her face, "No, I have not." he said, confused at what she was trying to tell him.
"Oh..." She watched his hand move her hair out of her face and gripped it. "Rubystone is my real name. I hate being called it because it..." She looked into his eyes, hers dark blue. "It reminds me of my past and the way I have to marry a prince." She looked at the floor and tried to hold back tears.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
"Oh..." She watched his hand move her hair out of her face and gripped it. "Rubystone is my real name. I hate being called it because it..." She looked into his eyes, hers dark blue. "It reminds me of my past and the way I have to marry a prince." She looked at the floor and tried to hold back tears.
Richard hated fixed marriages, and couldn't stand that parents from royalty won't just let them be themselves, "Hey, I can keep you from ever having that happen, I feel that we can make this work..." he said feeling that she want's him, and not the snotty little rich kid that her parents want.
"Really?" Ruby asked. "I mean, I am the princess of Central Kingdom, but could you?" She looked up at Richard, her eyes hazel.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
"Really?" Ruby asked. "I mean, I am the princess of Central Kingdom, but could you?" She looked up at Richard, her eyes hazel.
"With all the fire I got, I'm pretty sure Ruby, it'd take an army to take me down." he said to her, reassuring that he will do anything to protect her.
As Oliver was walking through the halls a sudden sharp pain ran down his spinal cord and extended through his nervous system, Oliver was hunched over in pain running to the closest bathroom when he closed himself in a stall as blood started pouring from his eyes as they turned a crimson red. Slowly he started to grow in size until he stood taller then the actual stall and was hunched over and his skin slowly turned black as it was replaced with feathers so dark it seemed like someone was staring into a black pit and the feathers were not there at all just empty darkness.
Ruby smiled. Her eyes were fuchsia. "Thank you, Richard." The way he had said her name sounded like music to her ears. "I will do the same." And with that, she leaned in and kissed him again.
As Oliver kept changing into the giant owl of nightmares pain was running throughout his body until finally it was over and he was the full figure of a giant humanoid owl. Oliver had little control in this form but he could control the beast within from doing anything Oliver considered immoral, The Giant black owl opened the stall in the bathroom and left the bathroom walking into the hallway standing taller than most people in the building while walking down the hallway.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
Ruby smiled. Her eyes were fuchsia. "Thank you, Richard." The way he had said her name sounded like music to her ears. "I will do the same." And with that, she leaned in and kissed him again.
Richard was happy that he found someone to his liking, he always did love short girls, the way he can be the big giant and protect them. Of course, now that he is with one, he's more protective of her, and will defend her to the last breathe. After Ruby was done kissing him, he helped her up, "After school is over, want to head someplace peaceful? I heard there might be a full moon tonight, and the landscape will look nice with the dim lights, of course we can also head to a movie or arcade, mostly up to you." he said
"Yeah, let's go to the park." She had an overwhelming feeling of love for Richard, and she was happy to forget her royal life, if only for the moment. She couldn't wait for tonight.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
"Yeah, let's go to the park." She had an overwhelming feeling of love for Richard, and she was happy to forget her royal life, if only for the moment. She couldn't wait for tonight.
He smiled at her, "Nice. Just glad that you're happy, that's all that matters now." he said, keeping any girl happy was his priority, but since he was now dating one, he deiced that keeping her happy was now at the top.
She hugged him, and thanked him. "You didn't immediately bow down to me. I get that reaction a lot, and it's annoying. I appreciate that. And you just want me to be happy. You make me happy," she grinned wider. "Now, let's go before we're late for class."
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
She hugged him, and thanked him. "You didn't immediately bow down to me. I get that reaction a lot, and it's annoying. I appreciate that. And you just want me to be happy. You make me happy," she grinned wider. "Now, let's go before we're late for class."
He nodded and walked with her, he was happy someone like her would actually take a liking to him, a tall man, from an average home. He wasn't royalty, or a noble, just a regular person living day by day.
Glenn flinched slightly when she grabbed his hand, stunned by what he felt when they touched. For a moment he wondered if he had accidentally electrocuted them both with energy, but it didn't look like it. It wasn't like he touched many people, but all the same, he had never felt that before. He looked down at their joined hands, then up at her face. "You're welcome." He said gently, returning her smile. All he could think about was if she had felt it too. Or was he going mad?

@Queen Lamer
She didn't noticed how she was staring at Glenn for a while. Her thoughts were at a whole different place than they had to be. She quickly shook her head and looked away from him as she started playing with her fingers. What was that feeling she had? It felt like her stomach was turning inside of her. Nervous perhaps? It had been a long time since she was nervous and it was with the death of her little brother. This was nothing close to it, but then why did she felt nervous? Did it had something to do with Glenn? "So..." she said, breaking the silence, "do you have a pet?"

Glenn tilted his head and gave her a slightly quizzical look when she stared at him for a moment. He wondered briefly if he did something wrong or maybe he had something on his face. He ran his hand through his hair then quickly put it back in his lap when he recalled that it was one of his nervous ticks. He watched her playing with her fingers and knew something must be going on in her head. Hopefully she wasn't tired of being around him. He had just worked up the nerve to ask her what was wrong when she asked him a question. "No, I've never had enough time to watch over an animal that's completely dependent in me. Maybe I will some day, when I settle down." He said, knowing at some point he would have to leave the school. "Has is always just been you and Madison?"

@Queen Lamer
Ruby listened to his words. "You know, there are animals that are not that dependent of someone," she said with a chuckle, "like fish." Of course she wasn't entirely honest. A fish was the most boring pet you could have. It just said in a bowl all day and swam around. "Or you can have a bird." Her eyes moved to Madison. She was laying on her stomach, sleeping. "Not always. Just the past few years. I found her a few days after I ran away." A soft smile appeared on her face. "I am glad I did. I am not sure what would've come of me and where I would be if I didn't found her." To most people, pets were just... pets. Yet Madison was a whole lot more to her.

Glenn chuckled softly. "Maybe when I'm really old and half-demented, I'll get a fish. Until then, I might prefer something that doesn't just swim in circles all day. A bird actually sounds like a good idea.....thank you." He said, thinking about her suggestion. He had seen a couple students that had different types of birds as pets, but he hadn't really thought about one for himself before.

He nodded gently. "Well, she acts like she was with you since she was a pup. I can tell she really loves you." He said quietly, watching the wolf sleep. He figured she already knew that the wolf was fond of her, but for some reason he felt like he should say it anyway.

@Queen Lamer
"You're already halfway there," Ruby grinned at his comment about being old and half-demented. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the sun hit her face while she listened to Glenn's words. It sounded like he wanted a bird. She opened one eye and turned her head a bit to look at him. "You're welcome. But if I were you, I'd take a pretty badass bird. Like a hawk or something. That be pretty amazing."

Her eyes moved to Madison and she smiled. "I hope she does..." she mumbled softly, her eyes fixated at the wolf, "but I suppose you're right. Why else would she still be here after so many years." She looked back at Glenn again, smiling slightly at him.

Glenn raised an eyebrow, although a smile pulled at his mouth. "Wow, thanks." He said, rolling his eyes. He nodded slightly. "I guess I should look into that, then. I'm not really sure where to find those types of birds though. Obviously not at your average pet store, but I'll figure it out." He said, actually starting to look forward to his next day off. It was extremely rare for him to enjoy his days off, since he didn't have anyone to visit or hang out with. But now, he had the fun of getting a pet to look forward to.

"Loyalty certainly is an amazing thing." He said, returning her smile. For a moment, he just silently watched the sun sinking towards the horizon. He felt like he should say something before the silence became awkward, but making conversation was never his strongest suit. "So, um...... Is this what you usually do in your free time? Hang out with random strange men and watch the sun." He said, giving her a slightly teasing grin.

@Queen Lamer
It's after sunset now. Richard and Ruby meet in the courtyard and head to the park.

Ruby gripped Richard's hand as they walked. She was so happy that she made it through the day so she could see him. Her eyes were strangely colored at the moment. The left was hazel, the right was fuchsia. They arrived at the park, and the full moon had risen.

The couple sat on a park bench near the playground and watched the kids play. One girl around the age of 6 fell of the monkey bars and started to cry, holding her arm.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
It's after sunset now. Richard and Ruby meet in the courtyard and head to the park.
Ruby gripped Richard's hand as they walked. She was so happy that she made it through the day so she could see him. Her eyes were strangely colored at the moment. The left was hazel, the right was fuchsia. They arrived at the park, and the full moon had risen.

The couple sat on a park bench near the playground and watched the kids play. One girl around the age of 6 fell of the monkey bars and started to cry, holding her arm.
"Oh...Wait here please." he told Ruby, Richard walked over to help the girl, and pulled a first aid kit out of his pack, and cleaned the scrape and put a band aid on it, "Your mom is here right?". Before the child could answer, the mother came over, "OH! Thank you kind sir!" she said, Richard stood up and nodded a your welcome. She did the basic 'say goodbye to the nice stranger' thing mothers do for children and then walked away, Richard walked back to the bench and sat down next to Ruby.

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