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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

Ruby grinned at Richard, then looked back at the kid. She frowned. "Hey, Richard? Look at that kid. Her hair is a different color. What do you think that means?"

The girl indeed had purple hair, so dark only someone with perfect color perception could notice. It was chocolate brown before.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
Ruby grinned at Richard, then looked back at the kid. She frowned. "Hey, Richard? Look at that kid. Her hair is a different color. What do you think that means?"
The girl indeed had purple hair, so dark only someone with perfect color perception could notice. It was chocolate brown before.
"...Uh...No, it's brown for me Ruby..." he said, he couldn't see what she was talking about at all, Richard didn't know what color she was talking about either. "What color is it? Because I can't see it." he said, feeling a bit confused.
"It's purple. Really dark purple. Even I can barely tell. But it changed. I saw it-- look out!" She yelped just as someone face planted into the ground in front of them.
FrostRaven said:
Evan raced after Eris "get back here and give it back you hound" Evan soon tripped and face planted infront of 2 people. Eris stood infront of him and barked "gah i hate when you do this"
@CERBERUS177 @WhoCaresAnyway62
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
"It's purple. Really dark purple. Even I can barely tell. But it changed. I saw it-- look out!" She yelped just as someone face planted into the ground in front of them.
"You alright there...?" Richard asked, seeing that the man was having problems with his dog, it was a cool looking dog, but Richard thought that his own as a power dog than just an average pit bull.
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Ruby jumped to the guy's side, put a hand on his arm, and closed her eyes. When she opened them, the guy got up.
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
Ruby jumped to the guy's side, put a hand on his arm, and closed her eyes. When she opened them, the guy got up.
Richard had no idea what just happened with the man standing up, but the scraps on his face were going away, Richard was impressed with her abilities and all that, but really, the man fell in love with the changing eye colors when he first saw her, he would have been fine if they were just friends, but the whole incident in the school hallway, made it all feel like a dream.
Shadow said:
Glenn raised an eyebrow, although a smile pulled at his mouth. "Wow, thanks." He said, rolling his eyes. He nodded slightly. "I guess I should look into that, then. I'm not really sure where to find those types of birds though. Obviously not at your average pet store, but I'll figure it out." He said, actually starting to look forward to his next day off. It was extremely rare for him to enjoy his days off, since he didn't have anyone to visit or hang out with. But now, he had the fun of getting a pet to look forward to.
"Loyalty certainly is an amazing thing." He said, returning her smile. For a moment, he just silently watched the sun sinking towards the horizon. He felt like he should say something before the silence became awkward, but making conversation was never his strongest suit. "So, um...... Is this what you usually do in your free time? Hang out with random strange men and watch the sun." He said, giving her a slightly teasing grin.

@Queen Lamer
Ruby grinned at Glenn, who luckily understood that she was just making a joke about it. She didn't expected him to be much older than she was. "You are very welcome," she said, still enjoying the sun on her skin. Heat had always been her favorite thing. Just like taking extreme hot showers. She nodded when he seemed to like the idea of the pet she had suggested. Perhaps it would give him some comfort and company, like Madison did to her. It was silent for a moment, but soon she heard his question. She definitely did not miss the teasing grin he gave her. She decided to make a move. Why wouldn't she. "Only with handsome and cute ones," she told him, not being able to hide the smile on her face. She started being nervous again, but it was a good kind of nervous, "so if you would like to do this again. Tonight during the stargazing, for example."

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With a boom a short girl opened the door. It swung open with a creak as she walked in, her head to the floor as she moved swiftly, ignoring as many people as she could. Her eyes glistened their normal color as they hit the light. Her light pink lips pressed together with a small squeak as she was bumped into. Somehow the girl was back on the ground. She shook lightly, her head raised as there was no Sorry said. She looked around and smiled lightly, trying to make sure she doesn't change, nor does she get angry. Her hands pushed up against the floor as she stood up and sighed, looking back around. What did she bump into? Without realizing she had hit a wall, the girl continued to walk. No words escaped her lips as she walked though, not that she didn't want to say anything, but she wasn't used to it. School was alright... but still seemed a bit off. She sighed lightly, her hands down in her pockets as the girl moved on.

CERBERUS177 said:
"You alright there...?" Richard asked, seeing that the man was having problems with his dog, it was a cool looking dog, but Richard thought that his own as a power dog than just an average pit bull.
"Im kinda alright, until Eris drops my song book" eris gives a slightly muffled bark with the book in her mouth. "come on girl give it back" he slowly reaches for it but she jerks away.
FrostRaven said:
"Im kinda alright, until Eris drops my song book" eris gives a slightly muffled bark with the book in her mouth. "come on girl give it back" he slowly reaches for it but she jerks away.
Richard, without looking, yanked the book out of the dog's mouth and handed it back to the man, "There ya go." Richard said, hiding some anger, as he was hanging out with Ruby, and planning on stargazing soon.
Evan reaches for it and notices a small blackness on his sleeve. he activates his power causing his eyes to glow green and examines the guy. "so your a fire user. don't be afraid of the eyes is just apart of my power" the green glow starts to flow to Eris.
FrostRaven said:
Evan reaches for it and notices a small blackness on his sleeve. he activates his power causing his eyes to glow green and examines the guy. "so your a fire user. don't be afraid of the eyes is just apart of my power" the green glow starts to flow to Eris.
Richard recoiled when the green went into the dog, "What the...Why is it glowing too...the dog!" Richard said.
Briar rubbed her forehead in pain. That morning she had bumped her head on a shelf, the top of a doorway entrance, a low windowsill, and a cabinet's door. Being tall was a pain but she enjoyed it since having to look down on people was fun and it made her feel unique. She made loud thumping noises every time she took a step, it was obvious the subtly and quietness was not her thing...at all. She bumped into a few others but ignored them completely, looking unfazed and also uncaring. She was in her own world at the moment.

Hachi tried to basically blend into the walls as he walked at a slow, unrushed pace. He was keeping his eyes infront and not looking anywhere else but forward. There were somethings he wanted to glance at or even stare but he ignored them and went on. He kind of wished he wasn't there but a little part of him said stay positive while something else said curl up in a ball and wait for the school year to end. They were very conflicting but he chose to show up.
"well Eris is a husky from the north. The northern lights is kinda a connection to it so it goes to her. With the mixed colors mainly green it means a connection." the sky slowly starts to show northern lights.
Glenn chuckled quietly then suddenly his eyes widened and his mouth formed a silent 'oh.' He blushed slightly, even more embarrassed since he didn't catch her meaning at first. "Well, um.....thank you? And I would love to do this again tonight. Just, maybe, not as awkward." He said, chuckling nervously. He twiddled his fingers, not sure what to do with himself now. Suddenly he had an idea, sparked by Ruby's question earlier. He pressed his hands together and focused on drawing out his nervous energy. Slowly light orange flames flickered to life and surrounded his right hand. At the same time, he felt his nervous energy dissipating. After a moment, he stopped and pressed his hand against the ground, letting the orange flames sink into the ground.

He grinned at her, excited by his new discovery. It had been a while since he had learned something new about his powers, so now he felt happy instead of embarrassed.

@Queen Lamer
A pretty confident smile appeared on Ruby's lips when she heard his reply. It wasn't exactly what she was hoping for, but at least he wasn't turning her down. That was quite interesting. She grinned, quite excited to hang out with someone for the first time in the longest time ever. "I am sure it won't be as awkward," she told him, "we are just.. anti social and talking is weird to us." She thought of all the enthousiastic students that she had seen walking around. She'd rather avoided them. Glenn was the first person she had no trouble with at all.

Ruby stroke a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and moved her gaze to his hands, where an interesting orange light appeared. "Don't make your abilities seem cooler than they already are," she said with a grin, "you are almost making me jealous." She looked at the flames that sank into the ground, quite impressed.

FrostRaven said:
"well Eris is a husky from the north. The northern lights is kinda a connection to it so it goes to her. With the mixed colors mainly green it means a connection." the sky slowly starts to show northern lights.
"Whoa! Richard, look!" Ruby pointed to the sky. She linked arms with Richard and continued. "These guys must go to Snow, like us. My name is Ruby, and this is Richard." She glanced up at him, and practically read his mind. "Well, it was nice meeting you, see you around!" She and Richard walked off, arm in arm.
Glenn chuckled quietly, amazed by how similar they were. In all his travels when he was younger, he never met someone who understood him, or even bothered to care. Yet suddenly, by chance he met a girl who was almost exactly like him. "Strangely enough, we seem to be doing just fine talking to each other." He said, smiling and giving her a quick wink. He didn't even realize how relaxed and free he felt comapred to the way he was when they first started talking. Ruby clearly had a good influence on him. Or at least, she helped him forget his insecurities enough to allow him to be open.

He chuckled again, letting the flames die away. "It's not as cool as it seems. I think it's just because the physical manifestation of the energy is attractive. It's not nearly as useful as fire control, anyway." He said, falling into his teaching mindset a little. It was hard to talk about powers without feeling like he had to go into every little detail about said powers. Maybe he needed to take a year off from being a mentor and just be.....himself.

@Queen Lamer
WhoCaresAnyway62 said:
"Whoa! Richard, look!" Ruby pointed to the sky. She linked arms with Richard and continued. "These guys must go to Snow, like us. My name is Ruby, and this is Richard." She glanced up at him, and practically read his mind. "Well, it was nice meeting you, see you around!" She and Richard walked off, arm in arm.
"I'm Evan, and it was nice meeting you too." he waves as they walk away.
Ruby nodded along with him. "I don't think we are doing too bad," she agreed. She was quite excited for the stargazing, and knew that the only reason why was Glenn. She was excited to spend more time with him and get to know him. It was the first time she was genuinely interested in another human being. It felt slightly weird, yet pretty comfortable to hang around with him. Talk about random things and not feel judged.

She looked at him and shrugged. "Well I think it's interesting. I wouldn't mind having your powers. I think they are more useful than controlling fire. Besides, electricity can set stuff on fire too." She smiled as she looked at him. She was wondering how late it was getting and how long she had already been talking to Glenn.

Glenn chuckled quietly. "I agree." He said quietly, realizing again how unusually comfortable he felt around her. And they had only been talking for, what? Two hours at most, probably. The corner of his mouth quirked up as he noticed how nice it was to be able to talk to someone without worrying. Why was he so relaxed around her? He bit his lip and looked back up at the clouds drifting by. For now, he didn't want to answer that question.

He shrugged slightly and began to play with the blue energy from the wind. Playing with his powers was starting to become a habit. "I suppose it is rather unique. But what you can do with fire is also extremely special. Have you made any creatures, yet?" He asked, curiosity lighting his eyes as he turned to her. He mentally reminded himself that he wasn't her mentor, although he was still curious about the extent of her mastery over her powers.

((@Queen Lamer Sorry this is so late and short!))
There was a silence for a while, but not an unsettling one. It was a comfortable silence and she joined him while he looked at the clouds. Quickly the silence got interrupted by a question. Creatures? She glanced over to Glenn. Her expression betraying that she had no idea what he was talking about. "Creatures?" she asked him, "I can make creatures with fire?" She had no idea how to do that. Yet it sounded quite interesting. She let a ball of fire appear in her hand and started throwing it from one hand to another. "Do you know how to do that? Can you teach me?" she looked at him curiously, a smile on her face. She wanted to know more about her powers but hadn't found anyone to teach her. Perhaps Glenn was a good option.

((@Shadow it's fine ^^))
Glenn nodded slightly, a bit confused why none of her mentors had taught that particular skill to her. "Yes, although they aren't real creatures. But depending on how strong your powers are and how much control you have, you should be able to make 3D images or even figures of animals that can move around. Each person's creations have slightly differently capabilities; for instance some water controllers can make 'creatures' out of water and set them loose to wreak random havoc, while others can specifically control what their creature does. Sorry, I'm not very good at explaining it. How about I show you?" He offered, standing up and moving a few feet away.

Using wind energy to make a 'creature' was always the most fun for him, so he pulled from the light breeze blowing past and soon a ball of blue energy was floating just above his hand. He narrowed his eyes as he focused, moving his hands in circles around the ball. He made a throwing motion and the ball flew away from him then burst outwards into a small, elegant, energy dragon around Madison's size. He used hand motions to guide it back to him and made it lay down. He gave Ruby a quick smile and raised an eyebrow, silently asking what she thought.

((@Queen Lamer Just so you know, I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, so I probably won't have wi-fi for a week or more...))
She shifted slowly on her seat, listening to Glenns words about the creatures. It did sound really cool and suddenly she regretted not going to classes. They probably already went through this but she never bothered showing up. If she would have went regular, she would know a lot more about her abilities for sure. How more powerful could she become if she'd actually learned more about her abilities? A smile appeared on her face when Glenn wanted to show her. She sat straight up and looked at him. Quite a big dragon appeared and Ruby's mouth dropped slightly. She could see the energy going through it. It was clear and amazing. "Wow..." she mumbled softly, glancing towards Glenn. "That is amazing... I wish I was able to do that." She let a small ball of fire appear in her hand but whatever she tried to do, she could not turn it in any kind of animal. The ball was just moving from the right to the left quickly.

((@Shadow It's fine, have fun!!)

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