Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

"Just to talk to you...your name is Zach, right?" Anya sits slowly, crossing her legs in a faintly seductive fashion as she looks at you from under her eyelids. "I'm Anya."
Zack looks at her then looks away. "Zack..." He looked at nothing in preticular. "Nice to meet you Anya." He looked back at her. He couldn't helop but look her over then leans back uncomfortible. He sighed a bit.
Anya is sitting closer than most would find comfortable, and she moves one arm to "casually" rest against the back of the bench, then leans slightly so her low cut shirt dips, showing part of her cleavage. When she recrosses her leg her leg touches yours and stays. "Has anyone ever told you that you're a really sexy guy, Zach?"
Smirking inwardly, Anya leans slightly closer, just enough so he could feel her breath lightly against his cheek. "You have the most amazing...eyes." But her eyes are sliding down to his crotch briefly before she looks back up. "Those looks and that you're quite the catch."
Zack's fake smile was toldaly gone. He leaned away. "Not at all...nope...not me." He looked away trying to see if he could run home fast enough for her not to know where he lives.
Enjoying herself fully at his discomfort, Anya snakes one hand up his arm and cups the back of his neck, her voice dropping to a whisper. "When you're embarrassed, Zach, and your cheeks get that cute shade of red...does every part of you match?"
Zack swallows. "Could you back up....maybe just a little please?" He had grabing her hand trying to get it off his neck. He swallowed again lean back away from her.
Zack swallows again. "..." He looks around looking for help or something. He pushes her arm away. "Serriously I don't like this..."
"What's wrong, Zach? I'm an attractive young're a guy sitting around with nothing to do, are you gay?" Still smirking, Anya runs her fingers through his hair, now leaning into him heavily.
Zack face turned stern. "Of course not! I mean I like girls and all" Looked away again. "Your kinda....i mean I just met you. And yes your a cute girl but.." He tried to push her back.
"I see how it is." Anya pulled back, outright smirking now, eyes glinting, and stands slowly, stretching." Maybe I need to warn alllll the girls in school about how they shouldn't try to flirt with you, Zach, because you'll reject their advances, seeing as you're gay and all. I wouldn't want them to have their feelings hurt because they don't understand."
Zack crosses his arms. "Says the girl you was nearly on top of me....and my name is zack!" He said and grabbed his things and walked off to his house.
Maygen saw Zack chasing after Anya and she was a short corner away from them so she sped up her walking speed having left her car at the drugstore and she spoke "Hey An!" She smiled then looked Zack up and down. "What Flower isn't enough, so now you gotta have Anya too? Or are you trying oh so desperately to convince people your not gay when really you sit at home and fantasize sitting in a candlelit room with posters of dreamy teen heartthorbs lining the wall like the little gay *** you are?"
Zack loo "Oh shut up the little brat came onto me...and I was not happy about it! And who ever this flower girl is....I am not after a relationship with anyone! I haven't found the right girl! I was upset because I don't want a cirtain someone thinking I'm gay!" He said refurring to Flower not really knowing her name though.
Maygen laughed so hard she nearly fell. "Why don't you just admit it? If it'll make you feel any better i'll admit that im bi."
"Woah woah woah!" Maygen grabbed his arm spinning him so fast it cause a breeze making her rainbow hair hit him in the face. "No one walks away from me. Now i'll make your life living hell."
Zack sighed. "Listen I really don't care. Do what you wish I've had enough of being picked on. I just really need to get home now my mom is waiting for me." He sighed again. "I'm sorry ok?"
Maygen thought for a minute. "Fine since your new i'll let this be your first and ONLY warning. Screw with me again and it's hell for you! Got that? If you don't too d@mn bad, now go home to your mom." She turned then paused mid spin "Oh and be grateful i usually dont give a warning." With that she walked back to the wallgreens got in her car and drove home eating a sandwich and sleeping through the rest of the day.

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