Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

(wait...they just sat down and both refused to do any work. How was their a purple mixture that exploded if neither made any move towards doing anything?)
Flower: I sat down quietly thinking to myself. I looked at logan who was bored. We were done because we had done it quickly and not fought like crazy. However a guy behind my thought it funny to tug on my hair to see if it was a wig. I didn't say anything I just grabbed his hand and throw it away from my hair after a few hard hurtfull tugs.
When Selene spit on her toes and Anya made that remark she lost it she spun to Anya. "I'll be d@mned if im going to let you say that to me and get away with it. Why don't you and your gay @ss take yourself to class, you know? The place where you sit in a desk and actually don't fail oh about 5 grades?" She did her signature eyebrow raise and giggled turning to Selene "And you! B!tch who the hell are you that you can do that?!?! Oh and Flower?" She asked seeing she was walking away. "I have nothing against you." She walked away heading to class, she didnt care if she were late all the teachers loved here, and the students all either worshiped, ignored, or disliked her but, most worshiped her. In chemistry everyone was partnered up since she had wandered about after the fight, she put on a smile and walked to the teacher. "Mrs.Brown, i'm terribly sorry but i was feeling ill so i stopped at the nurse and she said i could lay down for just a short while so here i am." I handed her the copied nurses note i had made and filled out. "Alright," She pointed to a single desk and handed me a worksheet. "Turn this in by tomorrow, and be glad i'm giving you extra time." I smiled and walked to my desk pulling out a pencil and getting to work.
Flower: I looked at everyone and sighed deeply. I was silent the whole time. I tired to ignore the whispers thinking they could be talking about something other hen me. But my face gave no smile. Suddenly hiding behind my hair I looked down.
((Oh, sorry...I thought you said she started working on the project...))

Selene sighed and pulled her cell out and began texting. She looked up as the bell rang and shoved her phone back in her bag. She walked to her locker and spun around when she heard Maygen's sickly sweet voice behind her.

And Accepted!
Maygen walked over to Flower smiling. "Hey Flower, what class do you have next?" She smiled at Selene "Deary i know we hated each other in kindergarten but i'm being polite just as i was earlier so don't go getting your panties and a knot." She turned back to Flower walking along side her
Zack had walked out of class. Drawling a hand holding fire in his pad. He stopped by his locker and opened it. He looked up just enough to pull out another book for the next class. As he put it under his pad he continued drawling.
Flower: I looked up another person wanting to be friends? Really? I shrugged and looked at the floor. "Um math...I think." I said and grabbed her math book.
Selene rolled her eyes and continued on to her next class. Luckily she had art with Zach. She sat next to him "Uh, hey." she said and took off her white shaw.
Maygen pouted slightly. "Well d@mn i have gym but maybe we have other classes together? Do you have your schedule with you, or did you memorize already?" She was back to smiling.
Zack went to his class which was art. He sat down and contined to drawl his hand holding fire. He looked up at everyone.
Selene pulled her pad and sketch pencils out of her bag. She glanced over at the boy next to her and smiled. She was bi not a lesbian like everyone though she was.
Flower I shrugged and pulled it out. "Um yeah the class I was just in then math gym and art." I looked at her then looked at the clock. "Oh crap I got to go." I ran off quickly.
Zack Looked at the girl next to him and waved slightly. He gave a small smile and then turned to look in front of him before continuing his little drawling. He really didn't like what the teacher gave him to do. It was boring to him but he still did it and had an A+ in this class.
Maygen shrugged walking to gym getting changed into her short black shorts and plain tight white tee shirt this class passed quickly afterwards she changed and headed to art taking her seat in the middle and people imideatly walked over to talk to her and asked to sit with her. "Sorry this seat is taken." Is all she would say
Flower: Math was borinand gym went by so fast I was surprised. I went to art and then blinked looking for a seat.
Flower: I nodded and sat down in the seat saved for her. Suddenly my hair color was recognized. I said and finally flat out said it. "I was born this way thank you!" I sighed and then went silent. I was Logan who was oddly enough in all of my classes and he sat down in the back. I didn't blame him but maygen saved me a seat so I guess I would sit by her. But why was I making friends so easily?
(lol insulting Anya about her sexuality or pretty much anything absolutely will not bother actually feeds into her satisfaction, she enjoys confrontations. And incidently, she is not bi or gay. She just enjoys making people uncomfortable and manipulating them.) Anya attends the rest of her classes without incident; as school is ending, she sees Zach in the hall and sidles up to him, sliding one hand up his arm. "Hey, Zach," she says with a smile.
Maygen smiled at Flower and asked "So how was your day?" she looked between her sketch pad and Flower every so often her pencil flying on the paper occasionally erasing then she stopped and held up her near exact portrait of Flower showing it to her.
Flower raised an eyebrow. "Wow nice." I smiled and then looked down. I could do animals but humans were alittle to hard for me.
Selene rolled her eyes at her sister from the driver's seat of her black and red mustang. She honked the horn at the girl to tell her to hurry or she was going to leave. She picked up her white sunglasses and put them on before honking again.

Her Car-


((FYI their dad (Anya's stepdad) is rich.))
Anya takes her time sidling back to the car after making Zach quite uncomfortable, slipping into the passenger seat and propping one foot on the dashboard, legs open carelessly, and grins at Selene. "You're so tense."

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