Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Anya has been watching from the corner, leaned casually against the wall with arms crossed, eyebrow quirked in amusement. She has no concerns about getting to class on time, since by this point most teachers do not bother to discipline her unless she's done something very serious, and she keeps up her grades with minimal effort- when she chooses to. LIstening to the exchange between the girls, she snorts, calling out to them. "Sexual tension much, girls? Why don't you just kiss and make up, give us a real show?"
selene fought the urge to beat the shit of Anya, "Why don't you take your petty remarks to the depths of hell?" she said to her. She pushed her sunglasses back and walked away. She soon caught up with Flower and shook her head "I am so sorry about that. Maygen's the preppy, ***** of the school. So, whatch out for her." she said. "We've been rivals since kindergarten." she shook her head.
Anya's lips curve as she shrugs, calling back to her as she remains leaned idly against the wall. "Devil might be scared he'd be shit out of a job." Watching with her eyes narrowed for a few more moments, she sidles just behind them, taking Flower's arm, and speaks to her in a much nicer tone than she had with the other girls, her entire expression changing to one that could pass for genuine concern. "You must be new, I haven't seen you before. My name is Anya...I guess you haven't heard about her yet, huh?" She nods towards Selene slyly.
Anya slides a hand up Flower's arm, letting it rest on her shoulder, as she leans towards her, hair brushing her arm as she lowers her voice. "Selene here...well, I'm sure you'll see. It's not a secret."
Selene glared at her "You wouldn't dare, Anya..." she said, "or I could tell Flower here about you and Maygen and your little 'exploration'." she said making air quotes.
Flower: I sighed and started walking away. "I am not getting in the middle of this...see this is why I never talk to anyone." She sighed and pulled her hair behind her ear. All this tugging around made her hair get in her face.
"Oh, sweetie, you think you really have a choice in the matter?" Anya laughs, smirking finally, before moving past her. "You really are new."
Selene nodded "You can go, Flower. I'm sorry for getting you in this mess. Step-sibling rivalry, you know?" she said keeping her eyes on Anya. After Flower left she crossed her arms "You would not tell anyone I'm, you know, a lesbian?" she whispered to her.
Flower: I sighed deeply. "..." I went silent. I looked at her with a please go away look. I crossed my arms my annoience over coming my shyness. I waited for her to continue annoying me. As I looked around not really wanting to pay any attention.
Anya laughs, entirely unphased. "Selene, babe, you can tell anyone in the school whatever the hell you want about me, isn't gonna hurt my fragile little feelings. I am what I're the one that has a problem letting people see the REAL you." She leans close, her eyes glinting as she whispers loud enough for anyone passing to hear. "Every square lipstick smearing, Megan Fox fantasizing inch."

--- Merged Double Post ---

(wait, are Anya and Selene supposed to be stepsisters? I planned on her only having a baby brother, but whatever, we can if you want)
FLower: I walked away and sat down somewhere alone. I looked at the outside. Maybe hiding in a tree will help, I didn't know why people wouldn't stop messing with me. I looked up again and just sat there. "It must be my white hair....right?" I shook my head and crossed my arms.
Selene glared at her "You're the only one who fantasizes about Megan Fox. We all know you'd just LOVE to make out with her." she said plenty loud enough for anyone in a 10 foot radius of them to hear.
"Wouldn't suck....but what I'd really love is to watch YOU make out with her. Now that would be a fascinating sight, watching you ram your tongue down her throat and try to hook her tonsils. You know, like you with with Mackenzie Peters last week and tried to play it off as being drunk after exactly one fourth of a beer?" Anya leans close, her voice barely more than a whisper now as she slips an arm around Selene's shoulders that is as much threatening as it is seemingly friendly to the casual observer. "Selene, if I were you, I would watch myself, be a real good girl...because that little gold mind of knowledge, I'm sure Mom and Dad...and everyone who doesn't already know the whole story...they'd probably find it very interesting to know. "She pulls back, smirking. "Just looking out for you, sis. Saving your soul and all that."
Flower: I sighed deeply. "...." Oh great a new school and already something to be weary of. I sighed again and looked at a boy passing by. I blinked and looked down as he noticed me. As He walked away I looked up and sighed. (We need more guys....) I got up and walked away.

Logan: I passed a strangly white haired girl and then blinked as I looked back at her. She got up and walked away then I shruged and past the two girls arguing. "..." They were kinda cute but to bad for me.
"You just think you know," Anya smiled, watching her walk away. She took her time before heading to her own class, even later than Selene as she slipped into her seat, propping her feet on the back of the chair of the person in front of her.
After class was over Selene was careful to avoid her sister as she walked along the halls. She headed to chem class where sadly she was paired with Anya.
Flower: I was already in class. Of course I saw people pointing at me and sighed deeply. I hid my face behind my hair although that was what they were pointing at. It was completly natural, all the way down to my roots. My shyness got the best of me and I tried to seem unnoticible.
"Chemistry...well isn't this just your favorite subject, Mackenzie Maker Outter," Anya smirked as she leaned back in her chair, having absolutely no intention of doing work. "Since you know so much about can show me how it's done."
Anya continues to sit unworriedly, simply staring you down. She knows even if she gets a zero on this exercise, she can easily make A's through exams.

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