Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Maygen smirks when the bell rings and she hops out of her seat grinning "Need a ride?" She asks pulling her oversized sunglasses out of her bag and she brushed her hair hoping not to be late to the parking lot where all of her friends gathered around her lime green Lamborghini until she arrived

Her car:
(her parents are very rich)
Flower: I shook my head no. "I'm fine I'll walk I don't live to far from here and it's a nice day." I smiled feeling like the only normal no rich girl here. Then walked out and sighed deeply.
Maygen shrugged and walked out to her car and she didnt take time to stop and talk she hopped in seeing she could make Selene think she was going to hit her pretty little mustang so she yanked out of her spot and sped up hitting the breaks 1/2 and inch before Selenes car and laughed at her shocked face in the rearview mirror. She rolled down her window and called out sarcastically "Sorry deary!"
Zack ran outside the school and suddenly ran into Flower. He fell on top of her making it look like he was pinning her down. His eyes widen as his thinks were all over the sidewalk. He looked at Flower. "Oh....I....I am so sorry!" He looked panicked but was frozen there.
Maygen saw Zack on Flower and knew she was uncomfortable so she yelled out the window. "Zack, ask BEFORE you try to screw some one!" She emphasized before then she snickered and drove off.
Flower: I looked up at him having no choice and blushed deeply. "um....i-its ok.....just...please get off?" I asked and looked to the side away from him seeing people staring. I swallowed feeling uncomfortible. "....."
Zack nods and gets up looking away from her. He picked up his things and looked at Flower. "Again I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck slightly inside he enjoyed it but none the less he felt bad about the whole thing.
Flower nodded and got up and then looked at zack a picture of one of her drawlings slid out of her folder and went by Zack's feet. She went to grab it. Still blushing from what just happened.
Zack picked it up and smiled. "Wow what drawling..." He looked at Flower and smiled. "Um here." He gave her the picture. "Nice hand work."
Flower sighed realizing she had left her homework at school so she drove back and saw Flower blushing like a child and since she felt almost like her big sister she smiled and touched her heart parking again and walked into the building grabbing her work and walking back out waving and smiling at Flower.
Zack looked up at at the girl passing by and then looked at flower. "Well then...I should go." He looked and walked off with all his stuff.
Flower: I looked at Zack then shook my head and gathered my stuff saying nothing. I soon looked at the girl waved and lifted my hand and slightly waved back. I started walking home.
Flower: I walked home. As I unlocked my door I turned on the light inside. Walking through the house no one was there. I lived alone. As I opened my bed room door I looked as a pet of mine was sleeping near a heating rock. It was called a sugar glider (Very popular pet but there are so many different Idea's about the sugar glider and how to take care of them some say they are expensive feed others say they aren't. But they cost alot just to buy one. But they get very attached to their owners) Her name was Starglider. I opened the cage and checked her water. As She awoke she ran up my arm and greeted me. I smiled and let her into my pocket with an apple slice in there incase she got hungry or thirsty. I went to the living room and sat down doing my homework.

*merely rolls her eyes at Maygan's trick with her car; as Selene drives us home, Anya takes her time getting out of the car and disappears upstairs without a word, later walking out the back door of the house and taking off on foot*
Selene sat in her room brushing through her pale blonde hair. She picked up the box of die and smiled. She went into her sister's bathroom and began applying the dye to her hair. When she was done her hair was black. She smiled and went to get ready to go to the skating rink.

Her new hair-

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Her Outfit-

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(but without the jacket)
Maygen gets home parking in the garage of her little apartment. She knew no one would be home because her parents gave her 7,000 a month and she got her own place bought her own stuff too, well technically. So she tossed her keys onto the living room glass table and her purse with them she changed into a tight mini skirt and a belly showing tube top. She changed out her belly ring to a shinny diamond one and slid on a pair of black 3in. heels she switched her purses grabbed her keys and drove off to a club with her fake i.d. ready to go.
Flower I sighed petting starlight and then did my chores. I looked around and then blinked looking at the clock. "Better get to the pet store." (Man Flower's life is boring she has to work...) I took Starlight and went to the pet store starting to work.
Maygen was driving and she saw this girl with hair just like Maygens but rainbow and that gave her an idea so she went to the store and got rainbow dye and dyed her hair uber bright


And since she was so bored she decided to pierce her lip and nose.

Zack was siting on a bench drawling. Quite happy with himself he didn't even notice the girl from school coming around the corner. Looking up at up he was drawling he saw Anya. Then looking down he was drawling a forest.
Seeing Zach, and instantly recognizing him as a boy she had previously marked as easy prey, Anya's lips curve, and she then straightens them before approaching him, tossing her hair behind her shoulder and coming to stand behind him. "You are very talented."
Zack blinks and looks up. "Thank you?" He looks back to his drawling and sets it beside him closing the book. He was very secretive about his work.
Lingering close by, Anya continues to smile slightly, deliberately yet seemingly innocently rubbing her hand along her neck and collarbone. "Mind if I sit down?"
Zack shrugs. "Why would I?" He grabbed his drawlings to make room for her. "Something you want?" He looked at anya kinda confused why she was here.

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