Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Zack sighed deeply and sat alone in his room drawling Flower. He sighed making enimies with one of flower's friends was not what he wanted.
Maygen woke with a start to a pounding at her door but eventually after ignoring it the noise went away and she slept till it was time to get ready for school so she did. Throwing on an adorable dress that matched her hair. She knew people would think warily of her wearing a wedding dress to school but she didnt care. She plopped a metal pure diamond tiara on her head that Selene couldn't break, put on some diamond high heels and walked out her door getting in her car going to school

Flower walked into school her hair up in a ponny tail. It revealed her beauty that she always hid. Walking along she looked straight down.
Logan walked around along looking at all the girls. He then just started walking around bored.

Flower sighed and looked around and then back to her picture of a white flower in the middle of snow.
Maygen spotted Logan and walked to him batting her eye lashes and waving with her french tipped manicured fingers. "Hi, I'm Maygen." She smiled her signature 1,000 watt smile.
Logan shrugged. "I got nothing better to do." he sat down and stretched out. As he yawned he bent over and looked at her his arms on his legs hanging.
Selene pulled into the parking lot of the school and rolled her eyes as she saw Maygen. She walked up to her "Good day, your royal b!tch!eness." she said.
Logan blinked and looked at her. "...." He looked at the girl next to him. "...." He looked between the two and then just sat there quiet.

Flower hit the lockers next to her. "COOL IT WITH THE CUSSING!" She yelled for some reason she was irratated today. Maybe it was because she had to work over time at the pet store. (Can we have like a school dance after school that's be so awesome!)
Maygen smiled at Logan then turned to Selene "Hello deary.' She flashed another 1000 watt smile again what have i done to you to make you so agressivly hate me?" She looked innocent and confused.
Logan blinks and sighs a bit. "Um maybe I should let you two sort this out alone." He said starting to get up. He was unsure if he wanted to stay there or not.
"No it's okay Selene was just coming to say hi. But if you'd like we could go somewhere else." She smiled a simple kind little smile.
Logan shruged. "Sure I guess." He looked around woundering why she wanted him around. He pushed it out of his mind and looked at her.

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