Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Selene glanced at the posters in the hall and smiled. She would love to go...But, no one would ever ask her. She ripped down the one in front of her and crumbled it into a ball before shoving it into her bag.
Zack was leaning on a wall alone. He didn't have to go to his class yet and was drawling a injured angel. He wasn't really paying attention to anything.
Zack looked at her and hid the picture. "yeah thanks." he sighed again alittle bit more nervous this time and looked at her.
Selene nodded and moved his hand pointing to the spot where the angel's wing was injured, "A little more shading there and a drip here would make it seem like the wound was bleeding." she said.
Zack looked at the picture and nodded. "Seems it would." he said and started fixing it. "It seemed you are an experienced drawler?" he looked at her once finished waiting for an answer.
Zack nodded. "I was around that age too." he smiling lightly. "I guess it's our programing." he held up the picture done with it for now. "Thanks it looks better this way."
Selene nodded "I'm Selene. We sit next to each other in art class." she said. She a hand through her light blonde hair and set a high heel against the wall as she leaned next to him.
Selene smiled and handed him the drawing she had been sketching from before. It was him from a distance, leaning against the wall, drawing. She smiled and walked off toward her math class.
Zack shrugged. "I guess I can skip a walk today the clouds are making me nervous." he looked at her. "I live about three blocks from here. If you wouldn't mind."
Mayegen waved at Zack when the bell rang and smiled. She went throught art class doodling her outfit and she walked out the door soon as the bell rang. When she was in the parking lot i saw Zack walking away from Anya and Selene and she called out to him. "Wanna ride?" She motioned to her car and smiled.
Zack sighed and nodded walking to her. "Yeah thanks." he looked down not looking at her because of their fight yesterday. "Thanks..." he said waiting for her.
Selene sighed and drove home. She ran to her room and texted Zack 'Sry 'bout my stepsis. wat was she talkin bout when she said that u couldnt leave her alone?' she set her phone down and began getting dressed for work. She sighed and looked at the drab Chile's outfit before adding a ruby necklace and bracelet.

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