Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Zack sighed. He texted back. "She tried to um suduce me I guess and then called me gay...I tried to tell that I'm not..." sighed deeply.
Flower walked home and sighed resting in her room the Dance not to far off she entered her shower and started the water.

Logan was walking home. He looked around then sighed deeply.
Maygen smiled. "I'm sorry about before." She smiled a shy little smile then headed in the direction Zack had pointed out as his house then when she dropped him off she waved a quick goodbye and sent a text to Logan "dance, 6:00, be there. ;) " then she slammed her car door racing up the steps and flying into her unlocked apartment and she tossed her stuff and ran into her room tugging off her ensamble for school and wooshed out her out fit for the night then she dyed her hair light brown with blonde highlights then she curled it into elegant waves and then carefully pulled on her dance out fit and her heels placing her mask on her face and then she switched purses and was out the door getting into her other car that was midnight purple.

Logan texted back "Ok." He went to his house and got ready putting on a plain black shirt and pants nothing really. He combbed his hair and sat down watching TV before he had to leave.

Flower was ready. Waring a purple dress and started walking down. A few other girls all dressed up were ready to go as well. Hair: Dress:
Maygen smiled when she arrived propping her mask on her head so Logan would recognize her thats when it hit her she forgot her make up so she whipped out a mirrior applied a light blush and eyeliner and some light lavender lipstick quickly shoving it all back in her purse and relaxing yet again then she texted Logan again "Do u have a mask for the "masquerade" part? If not i have 1 tht isnt a girly 1."
Logan texted back no and then started walking to the dance. He had a very nice jacket though and looked really nice none the less.

Flower bought a mask and then went to the dance and sighed deeply seeming shy again. Logan was there after Flower and they both seemed pretty nervous.
Maygen spotted Logan and walked slowly but quickly to him holding his mask in both hands and handed it to him smiling. "You look great!"

Logan blushes a bit. 'Yeah thanks." He grabbs the mask. "Um it's ok I guess." He said smiling and then looked around. "Whoa." He said and sighed.

FLower walked around a bit. Getting stares she sits down alone. Looking around she sighs and leans back.
Zack texted back sure and then started back to the school stopping waiting for Selene. However he was unsure about even going. He had a nice white suit.
Anya has managed to convince a guy even shyer than Zack that she's in love with him and wants him to take her to the dance within a space of an hour; when he shows up, she is in a bright blue, tight-fitting, cleavage baring dress and spiky heels, and gets in with a smile. The moment she arrives at the dance though she drops him, having nothing more to do with him and looking for people to bother or tease.
may i join?

--- Merged Double Post ---


Nickname: Kay

Age: 17

Gender: female

Crush: none yet

Bf/Gf: none yet




Other: in foster care because i was abused but hates all my care givers
Maygen smiled looping her arm through Logans and started walking in the door smiling at Flower when she saw her but making no move to make conversation.
As Anya remains lingering in the foreground, her eyes move between Zack and Logan, assessing which she would more enjoy tormenting.

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