Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Selene smiled as she walked with him, she also waved to Flower. She ran a hand through her hair again and sighed " want to dance?" she asked.
*Anya makes her way closer between Selene and Zack, then "accidentally" steps on the end of Selene's dress, ripping the train. "Oh wow sis, so sorry!"
Selene clenched her teeth "Why, Anya? Why?" she said as she dragged the girl to a corner. "Why do you have to ruin everything?" she asked, fury in her voice. "For once could you just leave me and my life alone!"
(oh sorry)

A shy girl walks into the dance and nobody knows her. She is unfamiliar to everyone and she stands by the doorway sort of out of place. Wearing a calf length black dress surrounded like a princess in neon green tulle she watches everyone dance and socialize.
Anya smiles, then tosses back her hair, stretching slowly, as though very bored, but very satisfied, and answers deliberately. "Because it's entertaining...and you're sooo cute when you're pissed off." She smirks, then starts to walk away.
Stands by the entrance way wondering what to do as i watch everyone else dance and have fun. " i hate always being the new girl." I whisper to myself as i stand there and fiddle with my dress.
Seeing the new girl in the corner, Anya's smile widens, and she quickly straightens, arranges her features to mild friendliness, and approaches her, giving her a small smile. "Hi, you must be new, I haven't seen you around here, and you know how it is in small towns, you pretty much see the same people over and over whether you want to or not. I'm Anya."
"So, did you come here alone, Kayin?" Anya asks, leaning casually against the wall near her, her shoulder lightly brushing Kayin's. "That's a really nice dress...really shows off your figure." Her eyes slowly scan over Kayin's form somewhat insinuatively.
I blush and watch this girl. I nod slowly" yes i did cause i dont know anyone here. And thank you about the dress." I scan the room and then back to Anya. "nice dance"
"Well so far it's a little know how it is, everyone's so.." she lets this trail off, then looks Kayin up and down again, holding out one hand. "Well if everyone here is too blind to see the hotness of you hanging back here...want to make them jealous and join me?"
Smirking inwardly, Anya pulls Kayin onto the dance floor, immediately beginning to dance with her in a very provocative fashion, grinding, her face close to Kayin's neck.
BLushes and tries to stop Anya. "please this doesnt feel right" I back away and look around seeing a lot of people watching. I feel like crying and looks around for a way out
Suddenly Anya shoves you away, speaking loudly, eyes wide and seemingly disgusted, and she glares at you, backing away with her hands up. "Damn, Kayin, when I said dance I meant DANCE, not hump my leg like a pathetic skank! You better learn fast around here, you don't just throw yourself at people you hardly even know. Especially girls...what, are you trying to spread disease?" Smirking, she walks away, leaving Kayin standing alone and humiliated.
I turn and run. i cry and cry as i run and make my way to the bathroom. As i run to the bathroom i run into a guy coming out of the bathroom. I try to push past him but he stops me. "hey are you ok?"

I shake my head my eyeliner streaking down my face. "No!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Daniel

Nickname: Danny

Age: 17


Crush: kayin

Bf/Gf:none yet

Fiance: none yet

Spouse: none yet


Other: cares a lot for kayin ever since they met
Flower grabs Anya and then punches her hard him the face. "You sick bi***! I saw what you did! That girl did nothing but you were the one doing the humping!" she said angry. "You're a lier and a sick one at that!" she yelled and then saw everyone looking at her. She backed away suddenly getting shy.

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