Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

I turn from the boy and look to see some other girl punch anya in the face. I feel less ashamed as i watch it all play out
Logan looked at her slightly smiling and then looked down.Flower sighed and then sat back down pushing her white hair back. "This was a bad idea..."
Selene sighed and ran to the bathroom. She sat on the sink and began to cry. It was so wrong that Anya ruined her life when it could be perfect. She looked in the mirror and wiped the mascara from her face.
Kayin runs into the bathroom leaving the boy outside and sees a girl in the bathroom as well. I try to compose myself but its hard to considering i have eyeliner and mascara all over my face. I go to the sink on the other end of the bathroom and starts to wipe water on my stained face.
Finding a guy to torment some more, Anya flirts with him, then begins to dance with him provocatively before shutting him down as well, walking off and heading towards the refreshments.
Flower smiles and looks at him. "WHy?" She asked feeling not so shy. She glanced around before looking back at Zack. Her hair coving one of her eyes.
Looks up shocked, "shes your sister??" Finishes wiping up and then turns to face the girl. "im sorry ill just leave you alone i dont wanna cause any trouble."
She smiled preforming the steps now at normal pace seeing he got it at the slightly slower speed she had set now she was moving with the music. "See. Not hard at all. Right?"
Anya, meanwhile, is telling her current boy all about Selene, including her bisexuality, and embellishing greatly about her sexual behaviors in order to make her sound like a slut. She begs him not to tell anyone, which is of course a guarantee that he will tell all the boys in school.
Zack sighed and got up. "I don't want to talk about it." He got up and then walked away. Seeing Anya tring to avoied her he slips trough the croud.
Anya excuses herself to the restroom when she sees Zack pass, smirking; the boy who had been with her, whose name is Jackson, seeing Zack approach, gestures for him, his voice hushed. "You're with Selene, right? You know she's already had three abortions? She screws guys AND girls..." He snickers, shaking his head, then claps Zack on the shoulder. "Let me know how she is in the sack...and let me know if her herpes has cleared up too, I don't mind a girl with experience."

Meanwhile Anya enters the restroom, heading straight to the mirror to touch up her makeup, flashing Kayin and Selene a breezy smile. "Why aren't you girls out there having fun?"
Zack grabs his hand and shoves it off. "Number one...I'm not going to bed with her...number two....I couldn't care less as long as she keeps her eyes up...number three....find out for yourself. Plus I got my eyes on another girl plus I don't think she is like that." He said walking away.
Jackson blinks, then laughs. "What, you think I meant Anya? Hell, I know SHE knows her stuff...I'm talking Selene. Who the hell would think she would be that badass?"
Zack glares at him. "Anya is a lied and a sick leave me alone." he said walking away. As he walks to a table he sits down grabbing a cub and fillig it with punch.
I blush, " oh im so sorry i didnt mean to judge you. I just am new and had no idea who anyone is." I step closer to the girl and hold out my hand. "Im Rosie"

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