Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Logan nods and starts walking to a different hallway. He stops and leans against the wall. "Ok I guess here is good. Unless you want to go somewhere else." He shrugged again.
Logan looks at her. 'Soooo...what's up? I would think you would rather talk to your other friends then me." He said and looked back in front of him.
Logan smiled a bit and rubbed the back of his head. "Hehehe really? Well that's a first." He said and looked at her.
Logan shrugged. "I don't know...this is a first." He shrugged and looked at her. Seeing her blush made his cheeks a bit red to but not as much as her.
Selene sat on a bench outside during her gym period. She smiled as several boys passed her. She tightened the laces on her heels.Her Outfit-
Maygen smiled a bit saadly as she heard the bell ring warning kids to get to class. "Well maybe i'll see you around." She walked away slowly to math.
Maygen handed her excuse from p.e to her teacher that she had forged, she was not risking having this dress getting wrinkled, stolen, stained, or ruined in ANY way. "Sorry coach but i damaged my ankle." I heard her grunt and she spoke, "Probably from wearing those fancy schmancy shoes of yours." and she walked away
Flower and Logan went through their classes. Not much happened exept Logan didn't do all of his homework. Logan looked at the cloak time going so slowly. (What did you think of the dance Idea I had? You know after their school?)
Maygen got classes while all day putting up posters about the after school "Masquerade Stary Night Ball" at 6:00pm to 10:30pm as she went. (i liked it so i put it into action)
Once Maygen got to art she sat in the back saving a seat for Flower again. She started sketching out the dress she was going to wear for the Ball tonight and the shoes and how she would wear her hair, basically her whole outfit.
Flower looked up seeing the posters. She smiled knowing just what to wear. She chuckled to herself and suddenly was pushed to a wall by a boy. Flower eyes widened and looked straight down. ".." The guy just smirked. "You kinda cute. DOn't talk much do you?" He leaned in close. Flower turned her head away. "..."

Logan was somewhere else hoping to see that that girl again. He rubbed the back of his neck and then shrugged.
Maygen wondered what was taking Flower so long so she got up and walked out the door lookign for her and when she turned a corner she saw her being held against the lockers by a large male and she stalked over grabbing his shirt digging her sharp nails into his arm and pulled his face her way with her other hand and when he saw who it was she no longer had to hold him. "What do you think your doing?!?!" She raised an eyebrow glaring and thats when she saw Logan out of the corner of her eye and blushed to herself loosing a little of her stone cold glare.
Seeing the posters in the hallway for the dance, Anya is bored at the very thought of such cliched high school drama; but as she listens throughout the day to the rest of the students, hearing their excitement, she decides she'll go after all- and steal as many dates as she can, cause as many tears and fights as possible by the night's end.
Flower walked off quickly. The dude sighed. "And there she goes....I was just saying how cute she was." He chuckled to himself and then looked at maygen.
Maygen rolled her eyes hurring after Flower catchign up to her. "Sorry about Chris he's worse than Anya in some ways so just if he gives you trouble again tell me." She smiled and sat at her seat and motioned at the empty seat next to her. "I saved you a seat again."
Flower nodded and sat beside her. She looked around and then set my head on my hands.

That's when Logan walked in and stretched out. He looked at maygen and then kinda stared waving hi.

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