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Fantasy Silva (always open)

Personally, i would feel like it would be easier to just jump straight into it. Mostly because A; i'm a lazy shit and B; i'm tired lol. 
Personally, i would feel like it would be easier to just jump into it directly. Mostly because A; i'm a lazy shit and B; i'm tired lol. 

edit: i have no idea what happened there. I got no explanation. jesus
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Well usually the gm would write a paragraph or something to get things going. Like, an overview of whats happening IC-wise and stuff.
Inactive until 6:45 tomorrow for college, sorry guys. Looks like thread's gotten popular though, that's good!
I can write a paragraph tomorrow. Need to take my meds and shit soon, eh. I'll probably get on 3:30/4 PM CET. 

If you haven't written a CS yet you can do it now and i'll add it tomorrow.

Gotta go ://////
Yo, let's use this as a main. It's probably the easiest.

It's shitty but hopefully it's something we can work with lol.


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]During the day, people’s life all were the same as before, the butcher’s gently put their meat on hooks and the bakers were selling their bread and pastries. It was a happy life, in general. But as soon as twilight came everyone closed their business in a haze, it was a drastic change in their personality. Everyone panicked and hurried home to safety, making sure to look behind their back every once in a while. Some walked around with silver or iron jewelry, and some even had daggers with them wherever they went. They suddenly became a paranoid people, trusting no-one around them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Rosemary Bennett was one of them, especially at night. She held her dagger close to her as she walked home from the bakery, and with every step she counted the time left until she was home again. As long as she remembered, she was never safe outside and her parents were very wary about letting her out on her own. As a child she never understood why her parents were so stern, but today she realized that she would do the same if she had a child to look after. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Snow slowly began to fall from the sky, quickly covering the ground like a huge, white duvet.  Flashbacks from her childhood began to come back, and she remembered playing in the snow with Luna and her mother. She would always scolding them for not being careful while being on the ice, and in the end of the day their dear mother would be on their wits end.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Rose smiled, the thoughts of happier times always made her feel both happy and sad. Sad because she can never again relive those precious memories of her, and happy because it actually happened. With a slight shudder, she forced herself forward. Never look back, just keep walking.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Never look back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Not once.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The only thing so far being open was the tavern, but as it was open most of the time it wasn't a huge surprise for Rose at all.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Isaac stared up at the stars before he silently closed his eyes. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]‘It’s time’ he thought as he climbed up one of the large oaks holding up different sized “cabins”. The forest went from 0 to 100 very fast, from quiet to loud. Monsters showing up from nowhere, screaming in rage - or was it pain? Isaac was not sure, but neither was he very keen on finding out. He simply sat there, studying the creatures that haunted so many of his kin. Many of them were grotesque, and terrifying. Isaac crawled closer to the cabin and cowered against it, begging to the lord that the night would be over soon enough. He had not found any food lately as most had died due to the cold.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Youngling..?” he heard a whisper close to him, and he would have screamed if the stranger didn’t put a hand on his mouth. Isaac was breathing hard, obviously terrified, but the man’s grip did not loosen as he began to speak.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Calm down.” He whispered, and Isaac calmed down the slightest.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You are safe here. It looks like most are going towards the city and the castle.” He nodded towards the path some of the monsters took, and it indeed looked like most of them were going to the city. Many of them were still left behind in Silva, either by choice or being abandoned by their pack. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Isaac never truly understood them, they all were so different. The wendigos, as an example, he had seen so many of them prefer the city instead of the forest, but some werewolves preferred the forest. He did not understand why their preference changed so much, there was not many people in the forest anymore. Maybe some lonely person, being there at the wrong time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Have you warned the kingdom?” Isaac whispered when the man took away his man, and only got a scoff as a reply.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Why should i?”[/SIZE]

short but oh well. Hopefully it works, if not; oh well.

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For atmosphere.

Of course, in the only place open at night, it would make sense for a large amount of people to be there, at the Inn/tavern, but even there seemed empty, except the scarce few who hadn't gone to lock themselves up in their rooms for the night. Among them, sitting at a small seat in a corner, was Ash. The atmosphere in here seemed a lot less tense than the rest of the city, almost like an escape, and many people used it that way. However, he hadn't ordered any beer, like others seeking one, he seemed to just be sitting there, daydreaming. Though, he was deep in thought. His exotic clothes and posture gave him away, though. Without a doubt, he wasn't from here. The barkeep wasn't exactly packing up to close for the night, however he had begun to clear some tables, as evident from the few larger ones in the middle being entirely empty and the chairs being tucked in. There was a good reason, however, that Ash was not in his room he had already bought, sleeping. The night seemed restless, usually the bar would be more empty than it is now, only one or two people still there, however there seemed to be a few more people, around ten, not counting exact numbers.

There was a good reason, however, for Ash not going to his room. This night felt different. Colder, darker, more foreboding. Many townsfolk were probably restless, just as he was. It was quiet in the town and the bar. Too quiet. The hairs on his neck were standing on end, even though it was relatively warm inside of the bar. His senses were rebelling against him, making him paranoid and alert, not the best state to get to sleep in. He would look around the room for a second before going back to staring off into space. He wanted this night to end as soon as possible, but it only really just began, the last slither of the light from the sun retreating over the horizon, leaving the city with only the light of the stars and the moon to guide them in the streets, save the occasional candlelight coming from the cracks of shutters, though not often. This is gonna be a long night...
King Cassius made it a priority to oversee the changing of the guard. As the final grievance was aired and the last rays of sunshine faded from his throne room, the King signaled for the closure of the gates. Ironically, the busiest time of day at the castle was nighttime. The sounds of heavy doors being locked and metal boots clanking on stone floors resounded as the night watch began. There was another irony for you; the noise was the only thing that let Cassius sleep at night. The guards made the King feel like his family was safe. 

Queen Eliose (( @2PM )) sat beside him on the throne every single day, despite the increased evils in the world and the sad and sadder stories heard from his subjects. Eliose was Cassius' rock. (One might suppose this was because she had been through so much. She had married the King when she was only twelve years old, and their first child, Thalia @FireMaiden, was born soon after. The pair decided that their children should marry whenever and whomever they wish.) Even on days when he could not bring himself to get out of bed, Eliose was up and in the throne room, serving her people.

Speaking of serving people, there was one final duty the Royal Family had to attend to: the evening meal.

((Royal Family @2PM @animegirl20 @FireMaiden, Maids @Rhaine, Adviser @Destructus Kloud))
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Luna's steps were light as she walked in the hallway, the lights flared as she walked past them. Slightly humming she made her way to the dinner hall to see if the princesses' already had arrived. She was exhausted, and you could see it on her face. She had a harm time keeping her eyes open, and she was yawning every five seconds as she went through the castle.

She gently knocked on the wooden gate and carefully opened, it was not as heavy as it looked, definitively not. Luna did not have much muscles, so her finding the door light said a lot.

As she opened the door the first thing she saw was the table, and then later the King (?). With a curtsey she opened her mouth to later close it again.

"My lord." Luna said and looked him in the eye. She had not met the King many times, she simply work for their children and had gotten used to them by now. She cleared her throat before she continued.

"I see that m'ladies haven't arrived yet. Should i fetch them for you, sir-?" she focused hard to not stumble on her words, and before she could finish a blood curling scream was heard. Luna paled and stared at the king, not knowing what to do. It did not sound like it came from inside the castle, but from the outside; and in a sense of way it was no surprise. 
With the final clasp in place, her hair looked normal again. A day of running around, avoiding her classes and duties was easier if she didn't look like a princess. Thalia sighed, looking in the vanity mirror. She glanced over at her sister, currently doing who knows what, and stood. Her dress was heavy, and slightly uncomfortable compared to the clothes she had been wearing, a pair of pants and a loose fitting shirt. She took a deep breath, "Come join us soon Courtney," She said, leaving her room. The eldest princess walked slowly, not in and rush to see her mother or even her father that day, wanting to rest instead of eat; curl up with a good book, and get lost in a differnt world. But, as she made it to the dinning hall, she briefly stopped. Thalia was actually contemplating wether or not to actually go in. It's not like she hasn't skipped dinner with her family before. She took a deep breath, however, and walked in just in time to hear Luna's question. "No need Luna, I'm here and Courtney should be soon," She said with and said soft smile. Looking at her father, she smiled again, "Father."

@mantab @Bethari
The King frowned, startled by the scream. 

"I do hope that was Pauletta," he said, using his daughter's middle name, "She can be excitable at times."

Servants bustled to and from the kitchen. They set bowls of warm water at each place, six in total. "Your brothers should be home soon," he said to Thalia,  "I do not know what is keeping them; they know that they should not be out this late."

A maid handed a towel to Thalia, then the King as another servant prepared an extra place for Luna.

"How were your lessons," he asked. All of Cassius' children knew that this meant he wanted to know what they learned that day; a new fact or two would suffice. His reasoning behind this was two-fold. First, it would tell him whether or not his children were focused on their schooling. Second, it gave him a clue as to what they were being taught.
As night finally fell, Claramond began to close and lock the windows in the princesses' chambers, as was her daily responsibility.  She couldn't say that she wasn't a bit unsettled with every diminish of the sun.  These days, a bit of fear was justified.  She made sure each window was fastened securely, the curtains drawn.  What she couldn't reach, which was quite a bit thanks to her small stature, she quietly flitted up to.  She had control in her limbs when she flew that she almost didn't possess when she walked.  When her task was finished, her feet met the ground once more.  She began to tidy up, pausing as Princess Thalia stood from her position before her mirror.  Clara stood at attention in case she was about to receive instruction.  She received none, and bowed her head as the eldest princess left the room. 

Clara turned her eyes to the young princess still in the room.  Finishing in her tidying up, placing a few things in order, Clara's gaze fixed on the young girl.  "My lady, is there anything else you need before you join them for dinner?  Would you like me to brush through your hair for this evening?  Or perhaps do a braid?"  She kept her voice light, gentle and attentive.  A soft smile was found against her features.  She was rather fond of the young princess, as she was with all young ones.  In these dark times, Claramond made it one of her missions to be a bright, stable light for those around her - especially those she served.  She considered her easy and unshaken countenance to be a mark on her capability in her position.  

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"The boys should be fine Father, they can handle themselves," Thalia replied, sitting at her spot (after thanking the maid), which would be beside Courtney and her mother. "As for my lessons, same as yesterday. Reviews and studying the map of the kingdom. Nothing interesting." She paused, "Though the royal advisor stopped by briefly to see how things were going and drop off a book I would be using tomorrow," She said this with a quick glance around the dinning hall. "If you're so worried about my brothers, then send out a few guards to search," Thalia suggested, not looking at the King. "How was your day Father?"

Cassius smiled wanly at Thalia as he gestured for a nearby guard to search for the wayward princes.

"Good, very good," he said.

Truthfully, he had much on his mind. The kingdom's treasury was at an all-time low, with the increased guard presence and diminished tax revenue straining the reserves. There was another matter of demons being spotted in Silva at midday. However, the worst came from a young mother, not much older than Thalia, whose infant had been torn to shreds by a monster. The look of utter despair on her face as she begged someone, anyone, to do something broke Cassius's heart. What else could he do? How could a king feel so helpless?

The servants scurried in with loaves of fresh-baked bread. Cassius turned to Lily @mantab. "I trust the children are doing well with their lessons?" he asked, his mind on Pauletta and her brothers' safety.
"I hope you're being truthful," Thalia said quietly. She knew about what was going on, her having to be present in the throne room most often as the eldest child, so she knew somewhat about the kingdoms troubles. Which she knew she'd be married off as soon as they found a wealthy king. Thalia sat watching the servants bustle about the dinning hall, saying nothing more. 
(OOC: if you mean luna lol?)

Luna smiled at the king, giving him her full attention.

"As far i know, my lord, they are doing excellent in their studies." she was honest, as far as Luna knew they did do well. If it were Luna's younger siblings or even her children she would be very proud.

"If i may ask, my lord, but is there something major in her studies that we should focus on or prepare her for? I may tell their teacher in the specific subject" she said.

Her hand were connected behind her back and she stood as straight as she possibly could. Looking straight ahead she tried to calm her pounding heart, she did not know why she was so nervous all of the sudden. The presence of the king did make her wary, but not like this.

'Probably because it's night' she thought and tried to focus on anything other than the scream she heard. She wanted nothing more than to believe the king, but a part of her did not believe it to be so simple. Her blood ran cold as she thought about the possibilities, was they hurt? Or was they simply scared? Who was it? Was it a woman? A man? A child? There was too many questions, and too few answers, but for once she dared not ask the king about sending out knights. She had to stay in her lane, she could not just force the king to make orders in her place.

It was not right, in any sense of way, but she could not shake away the lingering feeling that something was wrong. It was like a deep, dark pit in her stomach.

Isaac stared at the creatures, it made his heart race in an unnatural way. It was making him sweat and teary eyed. 

"They could kill somebody." he whispered, not looking away from the creatures. They seemed to target the larger city, where the castle were placed. He did not particularly like humans, but neither did he hate them. Isaac was simply neutral about humans, they existed alongside him and he had to accept that.

"So?" the stranger answered, looking towards the city. It was like he didn't care the slightest about the humans. It was like he only cared about what happened to his own kin, and nothing else mattered to him. The strangers blatant refusal to help was saddening, it's not pure to think that you went above everyone else.

"They live alongside us.." he whispered. Isaac's hair was practically glued to his forehead as his body heat began to melt the snow on his head.

short but brb, getting painkillers and then i'll be back on track lol
It was at that moment that a black and purple cloud began to form by the king's side and the Grand Royal Adviser appeared, kneeling in respect. His head bowed as he spoke, "My liege, there is word of dark forces stirring in south. Rumour has it that it is the work of Morris." He rose and faced Cassius formerly. His robes ornately inscribed and coloured as per the garb required of the Intelligence and Special Ops Master, his Book of Arcreatology and Necrosia hanging by a thin rope by his side, "Your orders, my liege?" He was used to the King asking for his advice and opinion on certain things, so he wouldn't have been surprised if the King decided to do so. Of course, the King was fully entitled to simply give out orders as he saw fit, regardless of whatever he as an adviser might think. Not that he would ever go against his lord's word. 

@Bethari @everyone else in the room I guess
Rilaz Flemming - The Royal Physician 

     It seemed that the staff wasn't as accident prone as per the usual, but is seemed the young knights in training had plenty of it going around. From bashed and broken fingers and toes to bloodied noses and lost teeth, she had seemingly seen it all. And had reviewed each case with her typically neutral self with little thought about the blood on her apron.

     Currently, she was stitching up some buffoon who had decided to sharpen his blade the wrong way on the grindstone. The huge bloody gash across his forearm was the result, one that she was meticulously rewinding with clean, precise stitches. It was most annoying however, as he kept twitching as the needle slipped through his skin. After finally getting the job done, she gave him a tonic for pain and told him to use his head more often. 

Now it was dark out, and all the night creatures were making their noises. Screeches. Howls. Screams. 

All part of the night life. 

However, this night seemed to call her more strongly than normal. To have flesh in her mouth and gore dripping down her torso. It sent anxious and jittery quivers across her skin and down her spine, the Wendigo side of her wanting to escape the life of the castle and to be free. Rizal growls to herself and removes her apron, laying it neatly beside her 'operation' table. 

Having no blood on her now, save for her hands, she wipes them on a rag and gives herself a look over. A simple white tunic and loose grey trousers girth about her hips. To informal for a person of the royal palace, she tsked herself and she pulled out a plain, though still lovely, white frock and slipped it over her shoulders. Perhaps not the most time-spending or the most fashionable but it was precise. 

Now dressed slightly better than the scullery maids, she makes her way to the king's throne room, sensing the tension like a moth drawn to flame. 

She was surprised, when she entered discreetly alongside a seamstress bustling past muttering about mattress seams, and saw the advisor appear. It seemed things were possibly worse than what she had originally expected. 
((Sorry it's taken so long for me to respond. Real life stuff, you know. Also, sorry about the character name mix-up.))

@mantab "Thank you, Luna," said Cassius, "You may go, unless you would like to join us for dinner. I believe our cooks are making lamb today, and a nice vegetable stew."

@Destructus Kloud The King sighed. "Morris, again?" He motioned for the adviser to continue to fill him in on the situation. He waved to Rilaz Flemming, @SolistheSun one of the royal physicians as she took her place beside Rainmaker.

(Between you and me, Cassius didn't care much for Rilaz. He couldn't really say why.)
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