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Fantasy Sibectio, the Abyssal Prison: character thread


Homestuck Trash
This RP is open only by invitation. It may become open in the future to anyone, but for now it is closed.

So I would hope you've already read the info and RP overposts. If not, shame on you! Go back and read them.

If you /have/ read all the other info, here's the cherry on top of the sundae; the character sheet!

Name: their given name or what they go by. Nicknames can be put here as well; however, make sure to add why they have that nickname please, down in the backstory section.

Age: simply enough, how old they are!

Physical description: basic description of what they look like. Written please! Though you can add a picture if you like

Persona description: basic description of how they treat people and act in different situations. I understand that characters are prone to acting differently than their personality is written; so this doesn't have to be perfect! Just give a starting point that makes sense with the backstory.

Backstory: this is where you can explain why they look the way they do, have the persona they do, why they're at Sibectio, and even why they have the name they do, if applicable.

Gear: Anything they brought with them. They would be allowed to take whatever was on their person when arrested unless it’s an obvious weapon(gun, sword, dagger, etc.). It could be sneaked past if it was very well hidden/disguised, though these are basically police you’re talking about, they know how to recognize weapons.(NO, your character can’t sneak a sword into Sibectio. Not even if it folds up somehow. :P ) Example of something that wouldn’t slide: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/342062534175858437/You can see that it has a trigger and a barrel, that won’t slide. However, it might possibly be sneaked by if it wasn’t on, and was in a pocket or the like. Now something that would slide: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/342062534175859185/ The only giveaway there is the seam on the tail, and even that isn’t terribly obvious. That has a pretty good chance at sliding. Basically just use your head! Anything that isn’t obviously going to be used for escape or harming officials should be fine, though. Feel free to ask if you have any questions! Also, if it’s a permanent attachment to their body, it will slide by default. :P

EDIT: And anything that looks like it could be used for alchemy(vials, strange materials, etc) would be confiscated. Dcat is a dumb and has made many mistakes that she is now trying to fix.

Notes: anything else you want to add about your character

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Name: Nathan Selissio

Age: 20

Physical Description: Nathan stands tall at six feet and five inches, weighing approximately 220 lbs. Dark haired and amber-eyed with a nigh unto perpetual smirk showing clean teeth, he could easily be considered conventionally attractive. A fairly average physique is covered with fine noble clothes; Selissio is not a poor name. A long black coat sporting many pockets and hooks for attaching things is a favored accessory.

Persona Description: He has a tendency to want to be a people pleaser, due to his father’s preference for his older brother. However, he tends to pursue said tendency in ways that tend to be counterintuitive and counterproductive. He believes he can get anything he wants from those he considers below him, due to his noble upbringing and living with servants at his beck and call. He believes he can get away with anything as well, since he was lucky enough to escape officials as long as he did. He is a narcissist and quite easy to hate, with a temper that tends to spark when people disagree, criticize, or belittles him, even slightly. He tends to blow things out of proportion and respond as such.

Backstory: Nathan grew up in a well-to-do family, the second out of three sons born to his father. as he grew up, he never had as much attention from his father as his older brother, and constantly sought attention from him. After a while, when he was around the age of ten, he took up alchemy in an attempt to impress his father and brothers, none of whom had any skill in that area. after a while of experimentation on small animals and insects that often ended in terrible malformations, mutations, or death, without eliciting any interest from the intended audience, he began to turn his focus to larger and more complex creatures to experiment on. From mice he went to cats, from cats he went to dogs, from dogs he went to horses, and from horses he went to humans.

His first human experiment was on his baby sister. Stolen from the arms of his father’s latest lady, he stole the child- who could not have been more than than two years old- and took her to his lab. The child suffered unspeakably awful things at the hands of her brother, and eventually died. This sparked an investigation that went on for months with no fruit. At this point, Nathan knew he couldn’t stay for long, that he would soon enough be sent to Sibectio. From then on came a rash of kidnappings around his parents’ mansion, with investigations still leading nowhere. All this came to a head at a dinner party hosted at the Selissio home, with another family they were trying to improve relations with. In the middle of dinner, Nathan suggested entertainment, saying that he had something that was sure to interest those present. Curious as to what his middle son had come up with, Nathan’s father agreed, and Nathan went to his lab, returning with a quiet pair of women in many layers of clothing. At his order, they danced, and the uppermost layers of clothing shredded off of them, revealing them to be horribly mutated, with terrifying animal features. This, of course, frightened the dinner party guests, the family who they were trying to improve relations with fleeing in fear of Nathan’s “entertainment”. His father, in shock and disgust, had him arrested and the mutated women disposed of. And thus Nathan found himself on his way to Sibectio, maintaining a smile the whole way. For finally, he had no brother to overshadow him, and his father had seen what he was capable of. And twisted though it may be, he was proud of that.

Gear: Normal clothing including a long black coat, pockets containing a few small trinkets: a lighter, a couple of mysterious vials, the pestle of a mortar and pestle set, and a locket charm shaped like a dragon.

Notes: None as of now.
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Name: Vera Ventura

Age: 17 and a half

Physical description: Five foot five with a slender physique and stormy gray eyes. Black messily chopped pixie cut hair that’s not often combed tops her heart-shaped head. She commonly wears a thieving cloak and dark clothing with high mobility underneath. She doesn't possess nor wear any jewelry. Viewed from the back, she looks amazingly similar to her twin brother Reid.

Persona description: Vera is cunning and subtle. She’s a fan of humor, commonly of the sarcastic variety. She’s the type to laugh at others misfortune but help her friends if they’re really in trouble. Somewhat a loose cannon, Vera can be unpredictable and rash if no one shows her reason. Of course, she’s rebellious and takes every opportunity she has to oppose authority. The only person she really listens to is her twin brother Reid. She’s outgoing and willing to be friends with anyone who doesn’t cross her short temper and is willing to put up with her, easier said than done. She'll go to great lengths the protect herself and the friends she has.

Backstory: Vera and her twin brother Reid are illegitimate products of a nobleman and his one-night fling with a peasant woman. Soon after birth, they were cast off into an orphanage by their careless mother and embarrassed father. They were raised in the orphanage under poor conditions and a vile headmaster. Vera was a constant trouble maker, wreaking havoc and mischief while her brother stayed behind the scenes, elaborately planning each prank or theft and keeping his sister from getting in trouble. Eventually, the two planned a successful escape from the orphanage. In need of money and food, they became thieves in the shadows of alleyways. Naturally, who is better to steal from than the very father who disowned them? Soon after initiating the theft, they realized that they were taking on bigger fish then they could handle. Vera was caught in the act by her affluent father’s security measures. Reid, watching from behind the scenes, rushed out to help his sister, but in the end, he was captured alongside her. With nothing they could do about it, both twins were sent to the place every criminal fears-the underground prison known as Sibectio.

Gear: Nothing but the clothes on her back.

Notes: Nothing to add as of yet!
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Name: Reid Ventura

Age: 17

Physical description: Reid is about 5'7” and lean. He has black hair that reaches down to the base of his neck, extends a bit over his ears, and bangs that sometimes get in his eyes. His eyes are grey, and he also has some stubble. He is not particularly muscly, though he is fit from his life on the streets- but not as much as he could have been if he wasn't malnourished. From the back, he would look exactly the same as his sister Vera. He commonly wears a thieving cloak and dark clothing, that would offer lots of mobility if he had to run.

Persona description: Reid is cold, intelligent, and calm. That isn't to say he doesn't appreciate humour- he particularly enjoys sarcasm, and likes joking with his sister, Vera. He isn't one for schadenfreude, except in particular situations, and will gladly help those lucky few who gain his friendship. Though he doesn't show it, he is quite the rebel, and loves working with Vera to defy authority. He has a bit of a problem when people don't listen to him, as he is firmly convinced he has the best judgment skills out of anyone he's met. He's introverted, not very approachable, and is challenging to befriend. He will, however, work doggedly do ensure his safety and the safety of those who he does care about.

Backstory: Reid was born from a one night stand between a nobleman and a peasant, along with his twin sister Vera. Their father wouldn't take them, and the peasant wouldn't keep them, so they were placed in an orphanage. There, Reid and Vera quickly grew up and became a team. Together, they pulled off pranks and stole things from the uncaring staff. It quickly became apparent that they had a talent for thieving. Reid was the one who did all the plotting, thinking out every small detail to give themselves the smallest chance of failure. Vera was the one who went out to put Reid's “master plans” into action. Life soon became dull in the orphanage, though. Not even the constant rule-breaking could lessen the overwhelming dullness of the place. So Reid and Vera escaped from the orphanage, and began the next stage of their lives as thieves. Soon they found themselves stealing from the very noble that had disowned them. Reid and Vera quickly found themselves in over their heads, as the noble proved to be far more difficult to steal from than anyone in the past. Vera was quickly found out and captured by the noble's security, and Reid rushed to her aid. Much to their dismay, that only resulted in them both being captured. After that, the noble quickly sent them to Sibecto, to quietly waste away and remove any traces of their existence that could have sullied his reputation.

Gear: Nothing but the clothes on his back.

Notes: A B C D E F G A# B# C# D# E# F# G# Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb

No, I will not complete the set.

May edit this in the future if I so choose. Make it more polished. Stuff like that.

[excitement intensifies]

[desire to forum RP again intensifies]
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Oooo, gotta love siblings. It all looks good! A+ vocab there snorky, I had to look up what schadenfreude meant. :P

Also, why you gotta be so r00d to lil ol Gb?? You're so mean

Anyway, you're both accepted. We'll start once a few of our other members have added their characters!
Name: Dracon Stormcloak

18 and a half

Physical description: he is a tall (6'3) and muscular man with a square face and steel blue eyes with short auburn hair that is covered with a flat cap and yet he lacks facial hair despite his more manly in terms face as for his clothing it is clear from the number of patches and holes and general worn nature of his jacket, pants, and shirt he is from peasant level living and only if to add onto that coal dust stains his very being and skin leaving him dirty and slightly grey

Persona description: Dracon is a very quiet and self concerned person with little friends and fewer enemies as he give people what they want should they ask that is until something he deeply cares about is threatened or he him self is deeply scared then he becomes a much different person who will defend that he loves or fight what he fears until the threat is gone and he can go back into the recluses of his mind trying to escape the reality he has been placed in

Backstory: He lived a very nice humble peasant life with his father and their mechanical steam shop while his mother ran off while he was only 2, at age 16 he earned the trust of a black lab pup with green eyes and a love for pettings and of course the food he was getting from the kind people, on his 18th birthday a incident happened that left his father dead and mangled and dracon with blood on his hands, it was an average day like any other work the machines give the rich what they want and dont step in the way of the machines until of course they jam and money is hard and they need this pay or someone will be mad, dracon ended up holding a maching off so his dad would fix the jam, with a slip of the fingers though that left mister Stormcloak very dead and very mangled

large black dog with green piercing eyes who is named vull, a small lump of coal, a small 2 cm by 2 cm block of wood, and a single copper ring with HS sloppily engraved on it

Notes: none to add yet
this is probs gonna suck but here goes

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Name: Meredith Arleine

Age: 24

Physical description:

Meredith stands at a height of 5’6”, 5’7” with her heels, and she has an ectomorph body type. Her chestnut brown hair falls to about 4 in below her shoulders, and her neatly trimmed bangs threaten to infringe upon her already poor field of vision. Plain, light lime green eyes compliment her austere, yet chic attire. Due to her poor background, Meredith owns only a couple outfits, all lackluster in design, yet moderately stylish. Her favorite outfit consists of a comfortable, long, tan garibaldi blouse with brown buckle ornaments spanning from the collar of the blouse to the shoulders and arms; a tan, ruffled cloth short-skirt; a tan, tiered cloth elliptical hoop skirt; a brown corset; a clockwork headband; brown tights; brown gloves; and black heels.


Persona description:

Meredith has never been the gossiping type; however, due to her poor eyesight, she has always been a very curious girl. Meredith made “friends” through her constant interest and questions as to what was going on around her. She also tends to stare off into space as she is unable to see the outline of objects and people, earning her the title of an aloof ditz. Meredith is not very fond of people and finds it hard to trust others as she has been shown very little respect from her peers. However, she still tries to treat every person in a respectful and humane way.


Meredith was born with poor eyesight, so to her, the world was always out of focus. Colors and shapes seemed to blend together, and it was hard to differentiate or understand what was going on around her. Despite being so incredibly nearsighted, Meredith was unable to correct her vision. Her family was not terribly rich, and glasses were expensive. Not to mention, the frames offered were horribly unappealing in eyes of her peers, and for a family that was looking to escape poverty, the only ensured means of doing so was to make sure that their daughter was as pretty as a peach and to hope that a noble would sweep her off her feet. Therefore, Meredith was forced to a sullen life of a glorified doll. Laughing at actions and incidents that she couldn’t actually witness and asking silly questions about events that she was missing out on, she became a pawn to the people around her, friends and parents alike.

On the bright side, Meredith’s peers took her submissive and inquisitive nature as an entertaining, acceptable quirk. Deeming her the local ditz, as she always asked about what just happened even though she seemed to have been watching the scene unfold, Meredith was accepted in the local social group. Her title reined far and wide, and her peers grew used to her constant questions so much so that they began to explain things to her before she even asked. Some people who heard of her title,though, thought to take advantage of her though, making a mockery out of her when there was nothing exciting going on. They would tell her false, whimsical tales and lead her on wild goose chases, leaving the wobble-kneed ditz to stumble around town. The girls were especially brutal. Jealous of any and all women, the group of vicious noble gals deemed Meredith an easy target. They threw insults, spurious rumors, and insincere apologies. There was even one instance in which a man proposed to the little lass, but for petty reasons. The young aristocrat was a shallow man. He was simply infatuated with her beauty and enjoyed the thought of having a scatterbrained, clueless wife. However, little did any of them know, Meredith was not as inane and frivolous as they all thought she was. Meredith knew; she knew of their lies and churlish thoughts. She played along, though, as she knew that feigning ignorance was better than insolence. The only thing that Meredith could not bare to stomach was thought of getting married to one of those despicable people. She did everything her power to ensure that the wedding would not go through.


Despite being unable to see many things, one thing that Meredith could see clearly and could differentiate from other objects was fire. The bright light flickered and danced a lovely dance of crimson red. Its light defined its existence. Meredith was instantly entranced. She was finally able to see something, a beautiful light. If only her world was like that light, engulfed in crimson clarity.

To fuel her tenacious obsession, Meredith would frequently pilfer a matchbox from either a friend or a local vendor and visit the nearby stream. Having never been caught conducting the immoral act, Meredith thought little of her actions, especially since it was so easy to slip the little box into her glove or handbag without notice. Taking the matches to the stream, Meredith would play with the fire, burning twigs, grass, leaves, and anything else that was small and flammable. She had never dreamed of burning anything bigger; however, sometimes the only way to fight fire is with a bigger fire.

Meredith contested her betrothal with words at first. She argued with her parents as to why she could not marry the man, but her parents would not hear of it. This had been her parents’ dream, marrying their daughter off to a wealthy family. Seeing as she could not persuade them to call off the marriage, Meredith worked to deter the man. She started off by asking the man to reconsider, elevating his ego and telling him that there were far prettier women that would be much more suitable as his bride. Her flattering suggestions bore no fruit in the end. The man was stubborn and refused to call off the wedding. Meredith was running out of options. She had protested the marriage publicly and reached out for support from her “friends”, but no one came to her aid. Stressed and fearful, Meredith broke down the day of her wedding. She didn’t want to be a trophy wife, living a life of ignorance and insignificance. She wanted to experience life, she wanted to see the world, but everything and everyone was so restricting. They predicated her life for her and she hated it. She hated them all.

Taking her fate into her own hands, she struck a match from the matchbox she had tucked into her handbag, and she set the world ablaze. Minutes before it was time for Meredith to be escorted by her father down the aisle, Meredith tossed the burning match into the tissue-filled waste basket and proceeded to uncap the bottle of nail polish remover. Drizzling some of the bottle’s contents around the match, Meredith stepped back as the fumes caught fire. Admiring her work for a couple of seconds, the spiteful girl sighed before she quickly scurried out of the room in her favorite outfit, leaving the pristine white ceremonial garment to fuel the flames.

The story goes that the fire spread quickly. When Meredith’s father arrived to escort his daughter, he found the scorching flames blocking his path. Fearing that his daughter, his family’s ticket to a better life, was caught in the flames, he and 3 others rushed into the burning and smoke filled area in order to rescue the bride. 13 other guests were burned in the event, and the chapel was burned to the ground by the end of the event. The bride, as it was later found out, was the only person missing from the whole scene. Therefore, she was arrested and charged with arson, the murder of 4 people, and injury of 13 others. Deemed a menace to society, a pyromaniac, Meredith was sentenced to life in Sibectio.


A gold vial necklace hidden by her dress - it contains nail polish remover, a half-empty box of matches is stowed away in the left sleeve of her puffy blouse - prevented from slipping out by her glove and the cuff of the sleeve



Because there are just too many good song references, lmao

Please let me know if any changes need to be made, and/or if I need to remove any of the gear items.
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Looks good, Dracon! I like how the father died, makes it real hard to believe that the boy wasn't malicious eh? The grammar could use a little work, but it's still readable.

WitchOfTape said:
Oooo, gotta love siblings. It all looks good! A+ vocab there snorky, I had to look up what schadenfreude meant. :P
Also, why you gotta be so r00d to lil ol Gb?? You're so mean

Anyway, you're both accepted. We'll start once a few of our other members have added their characters!
I'm not mean, I'm average.

aaaaay math puns

and yes, my vocabulary is quite magnaflorious
Wow sheepy, being a sneaky ninja! Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I LOVE Meredith, she sounds awesome and I totally can sympathize with not being able to see, lol. Accepted!
EDIT: @TheUglyDuckling, why did you delete your post?

Ok... While the general concept is okay, I'm not entirely sure of the execution you wrote out here.

First off, Ada is too young.

But, I see you had the grandfather go with her to counter that; however, no amount of adoration for a child is likely to stick around after they murder their parents(one of whom would be said grandfather's child; no good), seeing as how, if they're likely to kill their parents, why not their grandparents?

Also, "Happy Puppet Syndrome" is an archaic term for Angelman Syndrome, which does not have the effect you're looking for in your character. Just to note, creepypasta mental disorders=/=real disorders. Just saying.

Then, why do her parents hate her? Why did they keep her, when they could just have easily abandoned her or sent her to work making lace or something? Or perhaps, kept her in good condition(I E unscarred) so that they can marry her off to someone wealthy and make some extra money that way? Remember, this is set in a psuedo-Victorian England setting. Steampunk is the key word.

And have you ever tried to pick a lock? A normal doorknob lock is really difficult to pick, even with a hairpin. I've done it before. A small knife is highly unlikely to pick a lock; also, where did she get the knife? If her parents are so abusive, wouldn't they keep anything like that away from her?

As a near-the-end point, people don't simply snap and start killing people. If one's been abused and belittled and told they're worthless, they are most likely to lose their fight, especially if they're a child.

And to end on a much lighter note than much of the above... If she has pale skin from a lack of sun... How does she also have freckles, which are gotten from sun exposure?

Overall, she needs a lot of work, but there is potential here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! And don't feel bad, lots of people make mistakes like these in their first apps.
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Well, since you started over with a new character, we're back to square one.

To start with... Mostly, in Victorian era England... Women weren't sent to schools. If anything, they were kept at home and taught by their mother, or a maid, or someone like that. Being bullied at school is highly unlikely, and is definitely more of a 20th-century issue than a Victorian Era one.

Also, Schizophrenia is a disorder that doesn't really allow for much optimal interaction with other people, and in that day and age wouldn't have suitable control techniques; they'd be most likely to lock her up until after she turns sixteen and then send her to Sibectio(which is the name of the complex btw, not Abyssal)

I personally would suggest starting out with a character that's mentally sound. Well, as in no disorders and such; obviously, there are some unsound characters.

Also suggesting having her be at least 16- having her underage means she would HAVE TO have her guardian with her AT ALL TIMES- limiting interaction with others, tasks she can do with other characters, and also meaning you have not one but two characters to roleplay! A little bit of a sticky situation for coming fresh into a new RP.

Again, back to square one. But hey, third time's the charm, right?
Name: Lucia Buchanan

Age: 18

Physical Description: 5’6” tall. Has blue eyes and long unkempt blonde hair. Thin, gaunt, wears tattered clothing.

Persona Description: Sharp, clever, and witty, Lucia focuses on her survival above all else. Any kindness she might have harbored has long been buried under the struggle for survival. Can be mischievous and playful when relaxed. As a side effect from observing people closely, Lucia is able to read people’s faces.

Backstory: Thrown out by her parents when she was six, Lucia was the youngest child of seven. Her parents were unable to provide for all of them and decided that the youngest had to tough it out on her own. It didn’t help that she was a girl, nor that her looks were fairly average in an era where males reigned supreme and women were expected to be trophy wives.

Out on the streets, Lucia had to adapt quickly or die. Initially filled with a mixture of resentment, pain, confusion, and despair, she wandered aimlessly in the dirty alleys she now had to call her home. Eventually, her hunger overwhelmed her sadness and Lucia began to search for sources of food. She resorted to begging, but the district she resided in was too poor to spare anything for her. Lucia decided to use what little energy she had left to cross into the rich district. While she was rummaging for food scraps in various trash cans, she discovered a worn and beaten leather book. Piquing her curiosity, she flipped through the pages, but could not understand a good portion of it to her frustration. She resolved to learn how to read well enough in order to glean the information from the book.

Lucia started collecting all the food she could scavenge, and practiced stealing from food stalls. She would wait patiently until the shopkeeper’s attention was distracted elsewhere, quickly swipe a piece of food or two, stuff it in her bag, and walk away calmly. Her eyes searched the alleys, looking for an appropriate person to teach her how to read. Lucia finally happened upon a wizened old man, a perfect target-- an old person would most likely know a lot of things but also be too decrepit to acquire food on his own. She crouched down and offered him a deal: if he could teach her to read, she would give him food. The old man weakly nodded and introduced himself as Silas.

For the next several months, Lucia would gather thrown away old newspapers and bring them to Silas. She dared not reveal the existence of the leather bound book just in case it was valuable. But, her learning progressed smoothly until she could finally start reading her book, titled The Basics of Alchemy. Lucia’s heartbeat raced out of anticipation, she had heard of the various exploits of alchemy through the newspaper articles. It was widely lauded as a superior art and a hobby only for the rich. Lucia’s mind devoured the book and wanted more so that maybe, just maybe, she could get herself off of the streets and have her family take her back. She cracked a rare smile at the thought of their tearful faces apologizing profusely how they had been wrong to kick her out.

Lucia decided to start small, such as creating a tiny flame to warm herself at night with some wax, coal, and something flammable--the catalyst. Or converting stone to a common metal, just for practice. Sometimes, the ingredients would simply explode without accomplishing anything, due to the crudeness of the materials used. Lucia decided it was time to obtain better books and higher quality materials. As luck would have it, due to a certain boy, Lucia was able to acquire the necessary resources for more advanced alchemy. She raised her level of alchemy to a respectable level before soldiers caught her and had her sent to Sibectio.

Gear: Clothes on her back, pair of fireproof gloves, slightly beat up deck of cards, a few crumpled pages from an advanced alchemy book, small pouch full of materials for minor alchemy

Notes: None for now. :)

I hope my app doesn't go too out of line with the alchemy stuff. >___>

But it's nice to start forum RPing again~
Name: Julie C. Maleady

Age: 23

Description: She has short black hair in a bob style, grey eyes, and has a dark tan with freckles on her cheeks, nose, and forehead. She usually wears a oversized jacket over a short, corseted dress and tall, leather boots.

Persona: She is stubborn when it comes to new things, and quite frankly can be flat out rude to someone without them doing anything bad. She also tends to yell slightly when angered or frightened, and has a resting anger face. Once someone gets to know her she tends to want to know everything about them.

Backstory: Julie was born into a poor family with 4 older brothers. Her family loved her none the less as she was their token out of poverty. Her parents arranged for her to marry the son of powerful polital figure, who she found was very cruel and demanding. She, not wanting to marry him complained all the time, and begged her parents to call it off (which they obviously refused). Thing is the son of the man was found dead just days before the wedding with a bullet to the head, her being the prime suspect. She was later convicted of the murder.

Gear: She wears a small, heart shaped necalace with a more then normal pointed tip.
Name: Jarred Gregson

Age: 19

Physical description: Jarred is 5’7, with a thin, wiry frame. He wears a overly large coat, with sleeves long enough to hide his hands. The coat is made up of so much patchwork that it’s hard to tell where what’s a seam and what’s a stitch. The rest of his clothing is similarly tattered and worn.

Jarred has messy dark brown hair that falls over his green eyes, an unfortunately crooked nose, and a permanently close-lipped, smiling mouth.

Persona description: Jarred is loud, witty, and usually very talkative. Only when he’s stressed or things are serious will he fall silent for any length of time. As a necessary part of needing to steal to live, Jarred’s moral code lays decaying in some poor unused corner of his mind. Lying, stealing, and selfishness are tools that only the rich can do afford to do without, and Jarred is by no means rich--yet. His determination and enthusiasm is directly proportional to the amount of wealth he will receive in return.

Backstory: Jarred was born and raised by poverty. Malnourished as a young child, he could only watch grimly, too weak from hunger to work or play, as his mother struggled to feed the two of them. A kind, selfless soul, she worked for borderline abusive wages at any menial task she could find, profusely thanking the cold, uncaring visage of her employer for the day.

Jarred would have been fine living like this--his mother tried her best and he knew he wasn’t old enough to help her yet, but his mother’s will was too weak (or her heart too strong). On the way back from work, carefully clutching whatever meager wages she was able to earn, she couldn’t stop herself from using that newfound money to help others. A coin went to the beggar in the alley, the drunkard on the steps, a few more towards a blanket for the shivering vagrant, and by the time Jarred's mother came back, she could only shrug helplessly and smile sadly.

As Jarred grew older, his mother’s wages left him more and more hungry. He resorted to stealing to keep himself alive and soon was able to live solely off of what he stole, leaving his mother to her own devices. Once, he tried giving her what he’d stolen, proud of himself for being able to help his mother for once. She threw the food to the ground declared righteously “she’d rather starve to death.”

In the end, she did starve to death.


Soon, pickpocketing became effortless. While it would never be truly risk-free, he could get by without starving every day. But being able to just live wasn’t enough. The image of his mother working herself to the bone every day without anything improving burned bitterly in his mind, and so Jarred took up pickpocketing. And then burglary. And more.


Jarred found Lucia after seeing one of her alchemy fires from a distance. Intrigued, he asked her to teach him. In return, he procured (stole) alchemy materials for her. And so, a strange partnership formed. While attempting to steal the rarest and most valuable alchemy material yet, Jarred was caught and sent to Sibectio.


-Long, smooth cylindrical rock that fits comfortably in his palm--passed off as a memento or religious idol, but actually used as a weapon. Also sharpens blades nicely

-A long, thin, sturdy rope threaded through the lining of his coat.

-The broken blade of a small knife, hidden in the lining of the hem

-Alchemy materials of various kinds, too eccentric to be recognized

Notes: None?
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Looks good, Mattie! I'm interested to see the interaction between Jarred and Lucia. Accepted.

Also, wow, so many poor children. And then there's Nathan. xD
The rich are less likely to resort to crime, and more likely to be able to get out of it after all.

Ahh this is excitingggg!

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