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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Dar'vange bowed respectfully to the Lord of Time. But questions popped into his mind. Shouldn't he be able to see that? Look into the future or something? He answered anyways.


"She went into her study with The Seductress trailing behind her, unwelcome as always. Be careful, Farazia does not want to be distracted. I won't stop you but Ishari might. Good luck, friend. If that is all, I have business to attend too." 


He decided he'd visit Ezrael in his forest, after speculating on where he could be for a bit. He instead found...Lucifer... Damn. And a human? As she fell Dar'vange teleported under her to catch her. 



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Lucifer looked around for movement for any human figures besided the girl. Lucifer wanted to oil everyone of them.  They dare step foot outside there puny homes they will die. "Come out!  Don't be a small rat and hide from me! I'll fins you and make you feel like you would've been killed" lucifer yelled looking around. @Blitzer @TheCountryWarrior @Emberskull @Jzork


Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael was right. Lucifer was here; but not for the reasons the young God had presumed. It seemed Lucifer had sensed the girl and her large, strange stone stove as well, and came to investigate. Ezrael stiffened, wondering whether the dark God wanted to hurt the girl. She seems to be no threat, thought Ezrael, noting the girl's stuttering and lack of courage or confidence. What could Lucifer possibly want from her? 


Ezrael watched in confusion and curiosity as the girl began to frantically dig in the snow, looking for something. But what? Ezrael noticed a chunk of ice hanging from a tree right on top of the girl, with three dark rings decorating it's core. It seemed the girl noticed as well; the God watched as she climbed on top of her stove and murmured for the stove to go a little closer. The stove didn't move, and Ezrael widened his blue eyes in alarm as the girl had to resort to jumping. 

The girl did in fact jumped, and achieved into getting the ice ornament. But then, she began to plummet. 


Ezrael knew the snow underneath her wouldn't completely soften the blow. If something wasn't done, she would end up with a broken bone, or worse. Ezrael knew that this may not be the best thing to do, but he did it anyway. 

Using his telekinetic abilities, Ezrael prevented the girl from hitting the ground, and lay her down on the snow gently.

At the exact moment, Lucifer yelled out, and Ezrael sensed another presence in his forest. Dar'vange.






Coactus, God of Time


Coactus nodded his thanks to Dar'vange and turned to go to leave the hall. Throughout eternity, he had gazed into this sort of castle forever, and knew every hall, and every room. He knew exactly what Farazia's study looked like, and where it was located. That was one of the best parts of being the God of Time; nothing surprised him; Though he was unsure as to what he should expect from her or the war now that the humans possessed power that only the gods have ever wielded.


Upon turning a corner he noticed Ishari heading down the corridor. Coactus continued forward, speaking up. He knew this goddess spent her time seducing humans, and even the other immortals, but he felt no desire to be with her, only to speak with Farazia about the newfound issue. He would not let her trick him into going to bed, or worse, simply staying in the open hallway.


"If you are planning on enjoying some time with Death, then you shall have to wait. I must speak with her about far more important matters than those of desire, and lust."


Jay Conners


Jay raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the newcomer. He had seen this man a few times before, usually keeping to himself in the shadows. Jay used his own darkness to bring about his inner evil, but this man, Jay believed he was capable of controlling the very essence of darkness itself. Perhaps he was a demi-god? Unless there were people from the future that could warp the elements of nature in similar relation to the gods, he was unsure this man was human; Then again, Jay himself was from the past, who knew where, or rather, when this person had come from.


The man spoke of Lucifer? The devil himself was aiding the gods? For a moment, a Jay was struck with a twinge of fear, and the idea that Satan was known by many as the worst possible evil in his time, but if he was simply one of Farazia's pawns, then how bad could he possibly be?


Jay looked toward the monitor that had flicked to a new image. He still didn't have any clue how these screens worked. Sure he had cameras and similar technology in his time, but the image that popped up on it was that of a frozen forest. Surely there were not any security cameras set up in a forest? Another thing caught his eye; the large stone structure in the footage. It glowed lightly, flickering in the cold wind; Fire. He had no idea what it was, but he was sure it wasn't Lucifer.


Jay pulled his hood over his head and brought up the metal plate that covered the lower half of his face. "Fine then. Let's go ice the Devil." He unhooked his bow from his back and adjusted his quiver over his shoulder.


Lucifer looked around he saw nothing."oh a God no gods are in this very foest.I can tell you and one if them is a very nice God. One is a judmentor one is a devil. I'm the devil and I won't play games with you Know come out before I come in!"@Blitzer @TheCountryWarrior @Emberskull 
As though by magic, and by means she knew not, Annabelle was gently nestled into the snow... and then covered by it as snow from the branches she had leaped over fell right on top of her. It took a little bit, but her hands raised above the snow triumphantly, holding the strange artifact. Her head popped up mere moments later, almost smiling, mostly chattering.
"I-I-I got it! Eheheh! That was-s-sn't so hard! I... I..." 
Annabelle's eyes grew wide as she noticed Dar'Vange standing over her, his arms still out, presumably because he was about to catch her before she had been moved ever slightly to the side. The hooded figure sent more chills down her spine than the snow currently was. Snow. That's right, she was freezing out here! She could feel a numb sensation crawling into her legs. She had to get back to the safety of NAMELESS... but there was an obstacle.

A lot of obstacles, actually. 

The forest had become a sudden hot-spot for activity. Lucifer was babbling about THREE gods, and there were supposedly others lurking between the trees. This hooded being most likely was one of the gods being spoken about by Lucifer. Were they the kind god or the judge? Dar'vange was right between Annabelle and the warmth and comfort of her construct. This could either go really well... or not so well... or "HELP ME, NAMELESS!" She pleaded in her head.

"A-A-Alright, d-don't move and I-I-I won't have to uuuuus-s-se this!" Annabelle said, holding up the artifact of ice. Hopefully she wouldn't have to use it... because regretfully... she still had no idea how to use any of the artifacts.

@LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior
Lucifer tried to keep a straight face but hearing the poor girl threaten dar'vange with an item she just got was hilarious. He started to think about the egg he stopped and died laughing in an instant. H cried as he fell to the floor. 

Dar'vange stood above her as his hands retracted in to his White Cloak. As many know, the stories say when he appears in his white cloak he means no harm. He smiled. 

"Relax child. I am Dar'vange, God of Judgment. And you have done no wrong. Tell me, what are you doing in the middle of a frozen wasteland?" 

He had yet to acknowledge that he in fact was not responsible for her current safety. Given that The Hell Spawn was laughing hysterically, and he wouldn't have helped the poor girl anyway, it probably wasn't him. So who else was here? 



Annabelle shivered and shakily put the artifact into her bag. "Nameless took me here. Nameless has been taking me everywhere recently. It's been taking me to many strange and diverse places to collect these... artifacts. I have no idea what they do... but there is some sort of power within them. I guess I'm part of some sort of prophecy and this is like... required of me? Nameless seems to know. Meanwhile, I myself have no idea what I'm doing." In hindsight, Annabelle probably shouldn't have spilled all of the beans to Dar'Vange, but it was an honest answer. She really had no idea what she was doing. NAMELESS, however, seemed to know everything. 

She felt... uncomfortable in the presence of so many gods. Weren't they... the ones she was supposed to be fighting? Lucifer did blab about a resistance... Annabelle guessed that she would fall under that category. She wasn't collecting these artifacts and riding around in NAMELESS for nothing.
Yet Dar'Vange seemed kind. Lucifer himself was at least kind enough not to attempt to kill her... And there was supposedly a third, kind god in the area.
Silently, she became more and more unsure of this "prophecy". Construct? Check. Artifact Monsters? 50/50. Valiant hero? Not yet.

... Where?
@LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior
Lucifer chuckled "Hey resistance aren't you suppose to kill us maybe even you know attack!  If you can see us and hear us or at least me then show yourself it's funny how I'm told you all are some humanity's last chance" lucifer wanted to at least see what the gods where at least fighting. @Emberskull @Jzork @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior

"Prophecy? This is interesting. Have you found many artifacts? That must mean you've traveled a good bit, well done!" He glared at Lucifer. "Pay him no mind. I'm suprised he hasn't attacked you yet. He doesn't ever need a reason." 



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Lucifer walked tworads a mysterious figure. Maybe it was exarel. "Hey ezarel is that you? " he chuckled at the idea of him here. 
Annabelle still stared at Dar'vange, barely reacting to the minor praise she had just been given by a godly being. 

"Y-Yeah, I've collected plenty of artifacts-s-s... This is a... home-town sort of tall-tale, really. I come from a mining town and we're big on treasures we find underground. All my grandparents and great grandparents talked about this giant stone creature buried underground... and I thought it was utter nonsense until... Surprise! I struck a piece of coal and accidentally uncovered it! And now I'm far from home and I'm collectingrandomrocksthatihavenoideawhattheyevendoandi-" Annabelle's nervous banter slowly babbled into nonsense. It was clear that she was under some great stress, mostly self inflicted. She grasped at her bangs and attempted to pull her hair over her face, only managing to pull a few frozen strands over her eyes. 

NAMELESS moved towards her, sensing her stress. It pushed over the tree that she had fallen from with ease, snapping it at the base. As it moved forward, it kicked a large amount of snow over Lucifer as it had done so earlier. The heat from the fire inside NAMELESS warmed Annabelle up just to the point where her shivering wasn't as intense.

"And yeah. I'm surprised Lucifer hasn't attacked me either. Sorta relieved, actually. And... well, confused. And distraught, and uuuuurrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh..." Hands back over the face. Overwhelmed, that's what she was at the current moment. Gods appearing from thin air to talk to the likes of her, alongside hidden figures and that endlessly spouting Lucifer. She would have blamed him for all the trouble she was having right now, buuut then again, she was the one collecting so called "god-fighters".

@LuckyLucifer @TheCountryWarrior @Esther_Silvers

Dar'vange laughed as the large construct kicked snow over Lucifer. Guy had it coming. He saw the poor girl was stressed about her current task. An...understandable emotion for humans. He inquired about the abilities of her construct. "What power does this creature have? Or does it give power in some way?" 




Lucifer dug himself from the snow. "God damnit you stone giant is a nuisance more then lazarus himself. You giant rock!" Lucifer threw a knife at the giant. "Well if you hate me hit me not cover me with snow! " lucifer wanted to kill that's rock and it's puny commander. He gave off a almost death feeling as a large amount of darkness consumed him. @TheCountryWarrior @Jzork @Emberskull
The knife hit the side of the construct and bounced off into the snow. NAMELESS simply stood it's ground and did nothing. It maintained excellent self-control in not raising up one of it's stone legs and attempting to squash Lucifer like an insect (which would be giving Lucifer exactly what he asked for).
Annabelle looked shyly around, but figuring she could trust Dar'vange with that information, she would tell him nonetheless. Besides, Dar'vange and Lucifer were gods. They could probably find out about NAMELESS fifteen times over with whatever libraries they had. Maybe even moreso with their own supernatural abilities.
"It's got one ability and one ability only as far as I can tell. Wonder Barrier. It's some kind of aura, almost. An unbreakable aura possibly set in place by some godly power to spite the power of other gods. If Nameless can't use a certain power in battle, neither can it's opponent. Like a shield, almost. It's a weird sort of ability that even I don't understand fully."

Annabelle sighed. "That's why I basically rely on Nameless here. It's a very defensive kind of thing..."
She looked at her bag. "But defense alone can't win a war. Just because Wonder Barrier can prevent diverse abilities doesn't mean that I'll be able to fight by myself."

"W-Well, not yet at least. Not y-yet."

She had probably said too much. There might as well been a huge circle of gods surrounding her, figuring out how to exploit her only strength. 

@LuckyLucifer @TheCountryWarrior @Esther_Silvers
"Girl do you want to know what happens I people that have gone against gods espeacilly me? " lucifer wanted her to see the terrors of his realm and make her scared I even step foot near any God. @Jzork @TheCountryWarrior


Dar'vange glared even harder at Lucifer, while still maintaining a friendly conversation with this mortal. "Hmm... That is one of the most amazing concepts I've ever heard. I guess in that case ignorance really is bliss." He turned to Lucifer. "You monster. You will not threaten innocents in my presence. My advice is go back to your realm, torture some innocent stolen souls, and leave the living alone. Or I will throw you back there myself!"



"My job is o show them what's coming or at least screw with em you are no help!  It will get worse they betray everyone of use even ezarel will get betrayed by what he loves! " lucifer had te hate for dar'vange that a cat and dog had. he just couldn't let the poor girl be clueless of her peoples and maybe even her future. @TheCountryWarrior @Jzork

"You are mistaken, Hell Spawn! Your job is to show the souls of the wicked their punishment: eternal suffering! You have no right to drag the living to your realm! Back off the child!" Dar'vange's cloak was swirling between Red and White as he struggled to fight the urge to put this Minion of Death down.



Jay Conners


A sharp swish ran through the air and an arrow laced with holy oil ran through Lucifer's shoulder, sending golden blood against the snow. Jay stood a few hundred feet away, crouched within the cloaking branches of a tree. "If you want something done.." He whispered to himself.


He pulled out another arrow and drew his bow, aiming at Lucifer again. Earlier on, he had felt a small surge of panic at the idea of having to face such a threat as Satan, but now that he sat there in the frigid air, he remembered his time with Farrow; It was just another contract; Eliminate the target, and return for the next.


Lucifer looked at the arrow and at the blood. "You bug!" Lucifer saw it. The archer was crouching. Lucifer started to almost run at the archer. Lucifer made a weapon of barbed wire and massive demonic sword. "You shall perish you damn fool" lucifer ran at rim his eyes staring exactly at the enmy. He had a feel of a ominous monster. @Wick

Jay Conners


For a moment, Jay was almost taken aback by the sudden flash of anger that radiated off Lucifer; Then again, he was supposedly a god, which would explain his ability to radiate power, along with locating Jay in mere seconds. He stayed calm and placed the arrow back in his quiver, locking  his bow into place on his back, and jumping from the tree, landing in another nearby one. Barely any of the snow on the branches fell once he landed. He had noticed the stone giant before he had shot the god. It appeared a lot larger than he had previously expected, and there appeared to be a girl by it as well. He had seen another person, a cloaked figure, but they had disappeared after he had let loose his arrow. Perhaps she was what Lucifer was after; what he was doing out in the forest.


It had been begun to snow rather lightly upon his arrival at the forest; Now it was a small blizzard. The wind was harsh, howling as though it were trying to call upon the wolves of the forest. It reminded Jay of the League; It had been on a mountain, colder even than this forest.


Lucifer continued forward, but Jay had no intent on finishing him, yet. He began to climb the tree, some branches lashing against his face in the wind.


=Where in the hell are the others? They should be here by now.. Heh, told them I could find a quicker way when separated from them.= He thought, and continued upward.



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