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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael couldn't believe this God. Was he trying to convince the young god out of this? Ezrael couldn't see how he would ever escape the tangle he had twisted himself into, even if he wanted to leave this all behind. But he couldn't. He couldn't just stand by and let Farazia get what she wanted. He couldn't let suffering and oppression continue for these poor mortals, especially Vixen. She, like every other assassin, hid dark pasts. Secrets they didn't want to share, unspeakable tragedies they didn't want to live through again. He couldn't let Farazia usher in the end of days, where suffering and pain will be a thousand times more bitter than anything in the past.


It shocked Ezrael to the core that Xerxes would say such a thing about Death. She had done nothing to deserve this God's gratitude, or any God's for that matter. She may have banded them together, but don't the deities know what disaster that treacherous unity could usher in? Ezrael would never call the followers of Farazia friends, much less family. They were blind, incompetent fools, unable to see Farazia and this 'bond' for what it really was. Ezrael glared at Xerxes and his stretched-out hand, his offer like poison to the young god's ears.

"It is too late for any escape, Xerxes," answered Ezrael coldly. "I will not cower and hide again, not when Farazia threatens the whole Earth an the life it holds with this foolish, wicked plan of hers." Ezrael's voice was tainted with heartache and longing as he uttered these last words. "Even if I did wish for things to go back to the way they once were, that is nothing but an impossible fantasy." 




(Xerxes "God of Consumption.")(Location: Infirmary)(With Ezrael and Vixen)(Mood: Saddened.) 

His outstretched hand was moderately trembling, Xerxes tried so desperately to get both of them onto his own side but to no avail. Each single utterance of the God’s defiance to Farazia felt bitter to his ears, bringing himself to accept the loss of another brother was definitely heart-breaking to him especially considering the fact that he himself might have to commit the dirty deed of disposing of this now supposed ‘renegade.’ Every digit of his finger shook quietly to his discouraging response, eventually coiling up into his palm and into a clenched fist which he drove swiftly into the wall a few feet away from him. Miscellaneous objects stacked upon the nearby shelves were violently altered from their original spots, being promptly tossed about and some even crashing to the ground. The abrupt loud noises erupted through the room and the corridors outside until the objects ultimately stood still, fragmented and shattered into several pieces. Ezrael’s voice was contaminated with sorrow as were Xerxes actions, coming to accept that his offer was falling upon deaf ears was maddening, one after another he has mindlessly executed traitorous deities for turning their backs upon Farazia, all of which were dealt with swiftly as to not prolong their suffering, only to be judged by their betrayal. This particular being on the other hand made him feel genuinely susceptible to emotions that he did fully experience until now.

“I see.” Xerxes said, biting his lower lip with a pained expression on his face, drawing a smidgen of blood that gently trickled down his defined chin, Xerxes descended his clutched hand back down to his side while lowering his head in the process as he faced the wall, contemplating all of the atrocities that he has carried out in the past because of blind devotion and eventually giving into the thought that he was the evil one after all. Worst part about it was that he had an obligation to serve just like Ezrael, succumbing to the side of those that deserve protection for their innocence and Xerxes, eliminating that have unfortunately chose to leave behind their brothers and sisters. “I have killed so many.. So many that have wished for something better, my own two hands are tainted with the blood of my companions and here I am lecturing about joining a righteous side when it’s been built up by the stacked bodies of those who have abandoned it.” Bringing his hands near his face, he could feel the presence of those that have been murdered by his hands and their screams still haunting his former memories. “So much bloodshed and for what? Still I have to serve my purpose instead of giving into these feelings that I have. You understand how much pain you’ve felt when you killed Lucifer? Times that by several more, I do not enjoy this, but I must” He relieved the tension placed on his lower-lip as he sauntered on towards the walkway and pausing, leaning himself against a segment of the doorway and using his right shoulder to maintain his own body-weight.

Soft drawn out laughter etched its way from his lips as he turned his head over his shoulder, looking back at Ezrael, revealing serious intentions once he sealed his mouth. “Why haven't you killed me yet? I’ve given you so many opportunities to end my existence, you know that i’m your enemy. You know that my own being will only make more lives lost in the end? I’m giving you this one final chance to end my life Ezrael.” Xerxes turned himself and placed his arms behind his back, submitting to having Ezrael decide whether or not to kill him or let him go and face the potential consequences that may be outlined in future events.


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