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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Dar'vange could see the forest rotting around them and feel the presence of pure Death. He was almost forced to the floor by the feeling of some of the most powerful beings become injured.


He turned to Ezreal. "Ezreal! You need to go! Farazia is here and she's already attacking Gods for some reason. No doubt they sided with the Mortals. She's coming for the Assassin's Headquarters and you if she finds you. I'll do what I can. If I don't make it, seek out Melissa. She'll know what to do." 


He didn't wait for an answer as tears welled in his eyes and he shook them out. No time for emotion. He noticed the blizzard was reaching proportions he wasn't aware were possible as he flew towards the raw stench of Death.

From a small distance he saw Veid on the ground severely wounded, Dracke, God of War, assaulting two of Farazia's minions. Jennifer, the Lady of the Woods, was being pulled away from the cruel sword of Death, and an Assassin was too. He couldn't see much else as the storm grew worse. 




@Wick @Jzork @TheCountryWarrior @DeathValley105 @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers

Farazia aimed skew kicks at the strange creatures that had her surrounded. Her attacks were uncertain, off-balance and very problematic for her angled spine. Even when she did manage to land a hit, it was weak and confused. 

"Why - don't - you - die!" She yelled, throwing one kick after the another. Everything she touched was supposed to die! That was what she was! That fact was one that fueled the raging fire of her thoughts.


It all happened so fast.

One moment she was facing demise, the next she was running blindly to escape death.

The next, carried off by frosty orbs, burning her skin even through her thick winter clothes. It was like icy fire. 
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(OCC: So sorry... But would anyone mind clarifying the current situation of the library? I can't just leave so... Is anything going on there..?)

At last, he found it, tugging desperately at the buckles of his drinking horn to unlatch the lid and take a large swig. The blizzard proceeded to fiercely batter anyone caught, stinging his exposed skin and tanned chest. Fumbling he forced the lid back down, slipping the horn into its holder; managing to secure it closed. It was pure agony. Freezing winds were exchanged for the sensation of fire, scalding him from inside out, whilst his injury managed to quite gruesomely stitch itself back together. Flesh twisting and rejoining, but the blood he'd lost remained a weakening factor. Gold stained his hands, coagulating in the bitter air, as he stumbled upwards from his knees gazing at the figure of Jennifer. So close to tasting the blade of Death, yet the wounded assassin he'd briefly encountered shot an arrow - landing true, in the spine of the Farazia. It almost saddened him.


Snapping his head back towards Jenny, Vei was in time to watch her be carried off by the odd orbs of ice. Or what appeared to be. "JENNY" Veiðimaður yelled, sprinting through the snow after the Goddess of Growth and Foresty with a certain madness in his eyes. "JENNY -" The kind a man has when he's lost too much to bear part with another. Straining his exhaustion just to reach her side.




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Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Everything was a blur. In a blink of an eye, it was hell on Earth. At first, it was a little spat between Farazia and Veidimadur. The horned God got what he deserved; the bastard would pay for siding with the humans. It wasn't surprising; with enough time spent with the humans, any God could be swayed from their allegiances. Escora watched in satisfaction as the mighty Veidimadur fell on his knees, brought down by a single swipe of Farazia's deadly sword. Escora marveled at how powerful her Queen was. One day, she thought. One day, I'll be just as strong, and we'll rule these four corners of the planet, the Underworld and the heavens together. We'll make these rebels and traitorous Gods fall on their knees and beg for mercy! So much destruction....She smirked at the thought. Escora would go to ends of Hell to obtain this childhood dream.


Escora watched as Farazia made Jennifer, the Goddess of Forestry and Growth, flee back into the woods, tail between her legs. It was a joyous sight. Escora's heart swelled with happiness at how much destruction was being caused here. She growled in hatred as the arrow shot by that damned assassin struck Farazia in the shoulder. She was about to lunge for the bastard and make him suffer, when something else pops up. Instantly, strange glowing orb creatures circle the Goddess of Death, attacking her. Farazia was struggling, her attacks weak and confused. Escora quickly changed course and charged straight for the glowing orbs. In her palms, dark amounts of destructive energy were building. Escora let out a ferocious battle cry and aimed for the glowing orbs, her destructive magic hitting one straight on. 

Escora knew she wouldn't stop until these insolent little orbs were all destroyed. She didn't care about how much destruction she caused; she just needed to destroy them. She was angry, and that was dangerous.









Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael heard Dar'vange, and took a fleeting moment to glance as the God of Judgement flew out of the bloodbath of a battle, his warnings echoing in the young god's head. For a second, he wondered who this 'Melissa' was. It didn't matter, because an instant later, he was back on Vixen. It was too late. Vixen had already tried to swing her sword to deliver a blow, but instantly failed. Her ankle gave way beneath her, and she crashed to the ground, her sword clattering on the floor next to her. She was hunched over, gasping for breath, as if in pain. Lucifer was laughing, unable to hold it in. Ezrael couldn't believe it. How could she have failed? Vixen had told him that she was fine, that she was healed.

It hit him. She was lying. 
Before Escora could fire her bolts of destruction ((xD)) a massive force charged into her hitting her into the ground. It was Dracke covered in gold and fire. His maces were replaced with two long swords that glowed red. "I will not hesitate to kill you Escora, for you are but a child if war. War bring destruction and death. Surrender and renounce your oath to her and your life will be sparred. If not then I will have to kill you." He growls the fire giving a light in the blizzard

@Esther_Silvers @Wick @TheCountryWarrior @Jzork @Emberskull

(Ah, that makes sense :)  )

Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora cried out as she was struck to the ground. She cursed out loud, and struggled to get up. Anger inside flared; making her deity blood boil, her emerald green eyes sparking in hatred. "And I you," she hissed, staring daggers straight at the War God. "You are a selfish bastard, Dracke, and I will not hesitate to blast you to pieces!" With that, Escora lunged for Dracke, her palms fizzing with the dark calamitous amounts of destructive energy. Being the psychopath she is, anger completely took over, and common sense left her; it was only anger now. 

And that, was dangerous.


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The children of the frost holding Farazia down continued their effort in detaining the goddess of death. A kick to the head managed to make one shatter into ice, but it did not matter, as the conditions were perfect for three more to crawl out of the snowbanks, latching onto their target with their burning hands of ice.
Their babbling became more and more apparent as more of them appeared. "Freeze her! Freeze her! Freeze her! Freeze her!" They chanted to each other, climbing one by one out of the whiteout conditions.

Farther into the forest, the icy hands settled Jennifer down beneath a crooked tree, and the young figures quickly dispersed and fled back to the battle, some of them morphing back into snow, others gliding across the surface of the powder, effortless as ice-skaters. One of the glowing icy creatures passed by her, it's eyes scanning the goddess that had just been delivered to its location. Tempted to kill her off as well, it lifted one of it's icy claws up to strike vulnerable frozen flesh. It's eyes sized her up, scanning for a weak point... And then Veidimadur crashed through some frozen deposits on the ground, making it hastily lose interest and re-focus on the more important target, the wounded goddess of death. It whirred into the clearing, and joined another one of the monsters in circling Farazia, adding to the blizzard and taunting her.

CRACK!! A shot from Escora pierced it straight through it's back, puncturing right through it's icy body, sending shards of ice flying everywhere. The mechanical whirring from the creature stopped, and what was left of it's body hit the snowy ground with a less-than-delicate THUD. However, thanks to Dracke, Escora had missed it's vital components, and it began trying to reform itself with the snow billowing around it, flailing wildly. The blizzard's harsh nature dimmed ever so slightly as it fumbled about, fixing a now misshapen form.

A frozen creature moved from it's position out in the forest, circling the duel of Escora and Dracke, making sure to be just out of Escora's line of sight. It hid in the frigid air it spewed, taunting her, seeing if it could get her to try and focus on two targets at once. Out of the snow, more icy hands and bodies emerged, now doing their best to block Escora's attacks and hold her down. One by one, they threw themselves in front of her attacks, and one by one they were smashed to bits, ice littering the ground. Whether it stopped her attacks or not, it didn't matter to them.

Three of the creatures were now in view. The last hovered in the forest, waiting for its turn. So far, the pack-attack was doing well.

@Emberskull @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers @Wick @TheCountryWarrior @DeathValley105



(Xerxes "God of Consumption.")(Location: Boreal Forest)(With: Nobody.)

Escaped breathes huffed from betwixt both of his frigid lips as his strapping back continued to remain bolstered against one of the surrounding trees, few of them happened to split from the midsection, their bark littered trunks scarred with extensive claw-markings that ranged from to that of ordinary forest critters to something that didn’t resemble anything from this planet. He could perceive his own forehead becoming icebound once the soft graupel kissed his skin, Xerxes brow furrowed with slight irritation as he now had begun to wake up from a slumber that had been discourteously interrupted by mother nature’s sobering embrace, not to mention the stench he was encompassed by was something that of a rotting stench that had already brushed his nostrils with the unpleasant aroma. Upon sluggishly opening his eyes he had promptly discovered a horrific sight, although fortunately it wasn’t anyone that he had previously encountered in his travels as it happened to be miscellaneous rodents and mammals judging from what pieces that had been indiscriminately scattered around him, Xerxes awakening mug zipped downward as he experienced the smell of the atrociously mauled head of a gargantuan-sized cave bear laying beside him, being buried by the drifts of snow as its disgusting odor lingered in the frosted air . “Oh, that’s pleasant sight to wake up to.” He frowned in displeasure, complimenting his overly sarcastic tone as he blundered his back upward even further against the in-tact tree, pushing away its decapitated head that ultimately rustled into the bushes a few feet across from him.

These forgetful nights were beginning to take its toll on his mind as did his bestial presence coursing through his very veins, Xerxes could only remember a compilation of  defeaning roars and ungodly shrieks of panic after cautiously situating himself off of the snowy ground and brushing off the left-over slush that was hugging the outside material of his pant legs. Something had been particularly worrying Xerxes just from the expression carved into his face and how he situated his bulky arms in a crossing fashion over the top of his bare-chest, momentarily clamping his teeth down onto his bottom lip once his reminiscence had brought him back to his assigned duties that had been postponed from his lack of competence, relieving a perturbed sight in the process as he sauntered forward while picking up one of the deceased animal’s detached legs that had been scorched before eventually wandering  into the oncoming blizzard of snow. “Well, at-least i’ll be able to have something for breakfast before getting reprimanded by Farazia.” He sunk his sharpened teeth directly into the tenderized meat of the thigh,  savoring the warm flavor of the animal before carefully tearing a chunk of it out from its femur bone, thoroughly chewing it and letting out a deep sigh after he had swallowed it. Xerxes couldn’t help but be disappointed in his own actions as he was supposed to be scouting for these would-be assassins but instead he had been partaking in his own hunt, fortunately he had been around forty miles away? Maybe a tad bit more of that because of the over-abundance of snow in his immediate location, nevertheless he was intending to make his arrival very shortly.

(Open for interaction, didn't want to add to all the chaos so my character is just wandering around.)



Pressing the thin bobby pin along her scalp towards her ear, she secured the final braid along her thick bundle of red hair. She lightly pushed a few of the other pins to ensure their security, and then gave a small grin towards herself in the mirror. She knew few would notice, and none would care, but she tried nonetheless. She wrapped a small smock along her waist and pushed open her chamber door.

Heading from her room she found her way to one of the many halls. The kitchen was well hidden but once inside, difficult to pry away one's eyes. The copper stoves and kettles lined many of the walls. Drawers and shelves were lined with every ingredient imaginable. Goose and a variety of rarer waterfowl hung, herbs ranging from ginger to vanilla beans the size of a fist were stored in small hand blown glass jars. The area was sparse, only a few coming in and out to fetch small things, and it would remain that way till the Gods demanded a banquet or feast of celebration or simply for pleasure. Rather she pulled out a large jar of flour and a variety of other powdered goods, mixing them quickly. Within the hour she had the small cakes of dough in the oven, all the while she searched the cellar for a few jars. Returning with her hands full, she removed the cake like biscuits from the oven, placing a few on a small silver serving tray. She opened several jars of preserve and jam and scooped them into small bronze bowls. Backing out the kitchen she was curt in nature as the halls were nothing but familiar. 

Finally she arrived to the door of Lazarus Chauncey, the silver serving platter in one hand and a pitcher of spring water and a few glass cups. She set the tray along a small cabinet, displaying some odd horn, and knocked lightly on the door. "Sir Chauncey?" She spoke up, her tone unusually formal, maybe he would find the humor in it. 


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A half asleep, shoeless Lazarus approached the door. The man somewhat lived in the archives, even if he had his own chambers in the grand hall of the gods. He preferred books over people in many aspects, for books didn't argue over the laws of the universe, and made no comments about his lineage. As a demi-god, it became a weakness to mention his human mother. Long dead now, much to his sorrow, but it was her mortal blood that made many disregard how much he took after his father when concerning knowledge and the wider understanding Chauncey actually held.


With tender head, and untied brown locks which would usually be tethered back falling forward, the demi-god tripped over a fifteenth-century tome and landed awkwardly on his front whilst calling out "Be right there!" A little too enthusiastically for his current situation. Nonetheless, he picked himself up and brushed the dust off his untucked tunic and breeches in his rush to swing open the entrance of the library. Faced with the redhead, he was almost surprised. "Lillibet? I almost didn't recognise your voice for a moment there, 'Sir Chauncey' seems all quite formal. I sound like an old man." Laz smiled, laughing lightly with a gentle shake of his shoulders. "Then again, I do suppose I'm almost ancient." Came the melodramatic sigh, till grinning at the woman whom stood in the doorway. "Ah, well, I doubt you're just here for conversation - but if I am to mention anything, is that drinking large portions of Brandy and then napping, causes incredibly odd dreams to occur." As while mentioning this, his hand ran quickly down through his hair with a long sigh. Prone to rambling, he decided it was best to shut himself up before the young woman had exceeded her dose of odd and useless facts for the day. Laz after all, found himself a solitary figure. Not mixing well with many of the other gods, and yet the isolation did nothing for talking to people. He quite missed the mortal realms, for the singular reason of discussion with intellectuals, or those who bothered to listen. Unlike Farazia it seemed, who was determined to bring down both humanity and the gods in her hectic plans of domination. He'd at least implore she had less chaotic plans. But one doesn't argue with Death, when Death is also considerably stronger than you.




Lillibet gave a small smirk, grasping her plate and pitcher as she lifted them from the small table. Leading herself in she lay them along the closest thing Lazarus had to a dinning table. "Ancient?" She giggled, pushing a lock of hair from her face. "You seem hardly old, far from it in fact." She always envied his room, full of books and achieves. To spend the days amongst knowledge, reading and writing away the hours, could be nothing less than a blissful dream. She poured the pitcher's contents into a pair of glasses, their crystal shape lined with a silver ring along the rim. "Your drink, Sir?" She handed him the glass in the most pompous way she could manifest. "It is the best cure for any hangover, even one from an excess of Brandy and poor sleep."


She then preceded to grasp her own, taking a small sip. "And I would like to think I do come here for conversation. Lady Farazia is away, and I find myself with nothing to do but bake and make company with you." She spoke in a satirical tone, reaching for a crumpet. "Now drink up, and at least attempt to eat something." She sat herself down rather casually. A rare sight it was, to see her not wired and attentive to every little need of those she served, but with Lazarus that feeling evaporated away. She did wonder in the back of her mind to where Fazaria was now. She never asked of course, it was not her place, but rather she was to be told, if the mood suited the Goddess. "So if I may ask, Lazarus, why do you drink till you are nearly in a state of stupor?" Her blatancy was apparent. 



"Old comes with new meaning when you live a lifetime in the realm of mortals, my dear Miss Lillibet." He commented, inclining his head forwards marginally, following her inside the room after shutting the door. "I've succeeded so many things, I find myself making new lists of what I should accomplish. A bucket list I believe the humans call them. Yet without 'kicking the bucket'. Odd phrasing. Ah, yet if I was ancient, I hardly doubt I would be able to enjoy your company for fear of feebleness." Lazarus afterwards remarked, accepting the drink with uppermost etiquette. The same etiquette he remembered being taught as a boy, at the dining tables of grand country manors. Comedically bowing, whilst balancing the drink precariously in his hand, Laz straightened himself up to his full height and winked. "I'm assured by a fair woman's words, so it must be true." Taking a large sip, he glanced over the rim of his cup at the redhead and set himself down opposite her on a pile of books. "I still wonder why you bother conversing with me, I am but a glorified librarian in some sense. On the other hand, if you need a book, I believe I can help you using very little effort." Chauncey flashed another charming, boyish smirk of humour. Eyes alight with gratitude and amusement, at her dry wit and kindness.


After leaning over to help himself to a crumpet, as she had done, Lazarus sighed taking a clean bite. "All this useless war business. I've read a million texts, and prophecies that indicate Gods should let humanity mature, or fall to our own destruction. That and the impending end of the world. Escora's petty threats, and Farazia's bullheadedness. But what can I do? I just write down what happens."





Lillibet looked towards Lazarus with a sincere smile. "I talk with you for the simple reason that you are, as you say, old. You have seen the world a hundred times, experienced what is to be experienced. While I myself have lived upon this earth for only two decades." She stood, giving Lazarus a small nudge as she examined the books that he sat on, eyes taking in each title and cover. "I came here for the reason you dread it, I came here to experience history being made. I came here to learn what I could never learn in the mortal realm." She brushed her hand down each book spine with care before looking back towards Lazarus with a bittersweet smile She had spent so many years, wasting her time over the nuance day to day lives of mortals."Sure, yes, I find myself making crumpets for the drunk librarian, but I am living all that I can right now." She felt a pith in her stomach. She knew her words were only partially true. 

"Beside, old man, if you really are that bored, why not leave? Why not take an absence and travel the world? Sure the end is near and the melodramatics of Gods vs. Mortals is pressing..." She teased pulling out a large book before sitting beside him. She dabbled over the pages of the History of the Dark Woods, vacantly scanning over the illustrations of spiders the size of a colt and miniature dragons that hadn't been seen in over a hundred years. "But in all seriousness, why not? You could write your next epic. Or document the behavior of some exotic two headed snake. Or just write of your travels. I surely would read such a work." She began to scratch at her wrist lightly. She felt nervous for the oddest reason. Fazaria's name kept finding its way into the back of her mind. Surely she was alright. 

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Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


"Vixen!" cried Ezrael, not believing what he was seeing. Now at a very big disadvantage, Vixen was struggling to regain her balance, but kept falling. Her ankle just kept giving way. It was clear Vixen was in pain. She couldn't get up, not defend herself. All the while Lucifer just kept laughing like the fool he was. Lucifer was pulling out a sharp sword, ready to plunge it into her, grinning wickedly. Ezrael knew if he didn't do something, she would die. He couldn't let that happen. He just couldn't.


All it took was a moment. A fleeting second, a pause in time to finish Lucifer. Ezrael didn't know how he did it. All he knew was that he wanted to save Vixen. So, using his telekinetic abilities, Ezrael changed the outcome. With a powerful blast of telekinetic waves emanating from Ezrael, Lucifer was thrown back hundreds of feet away. Ezrael turned to Vixen, kneeling beside her. "What were you thinking?" he hissed, angry but relieved. Vixen didn't answer, but instead was staring at something behind him. "Ezrael..." she breathed, her blue eyes wide with shock. Ezrael turned around, quickly spotting something in the half-light of the bloody scene. The body of Lucifer, impaled on a large piece of bent metal, the product of the blast Lucifer has created himself. The sharp piece of bloody metal emerged from his midsection, his entire body limp and covered in golden blood. Ezrael stared at it in horror. 

What had he just done? 


"You killed him," said Vixen, breathless. "You killed him!" Ezrael couldn't believe the happiness in her voice. It sounded so bitter to his ears, and he felt rage boiling inside. This was nothing to be proud of, no matter how horrid Lucifer was. If Farazia heard about this...Ezrael couldn't imagine what she would do. Ezrael knew this victory was short-lived. Lucifer would not stay dead for long; and when he awoke, he would be angry. And that anger would be directed right at Ezrael. The young God despaired at how easily he had fallen into this poisonous tangle. No matter what he did, no matter ho hard he tried to fight, he would always be tangled. Once you were in, there was no way out.


The realization that Ezrael had actually killed someone, as huge. It was overwhelming, and Ezrael started to feel as if his once pure and untouched soul was now tainted. It frightened him. Did he really fall to the darkness so quickly? 

Dar'vange looked at the battle scene. Farazia had been struck with an arrow in the back of her neck. While it wasn't fatal it still probably hurt. Jennifer had escaped and Escora was locked in combat with Dracke and the Ice Monster. Seeing an opportunity, he teleported behind Escora and, unsheathing his twin long swords, stabbed her in the back. 



(Sorry @Jzork and @TheCountryWarrior but i had something planned on Escora)

As Escort lunged at her Dracke smiled a devious smile swung his sword upwards the sword cutting from her abdomen up to her collarbone it was not deep enough to cut her in half but it would make her live until he finished The call for his son The God of Blood. Once that happened they would have another ally against Faranzia and her her minions 

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