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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

(Tbh Lazarus doesn't do much, but he very openly disregards Farazia and could send documents or be a leak of information to the rebellion ^^)
Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora grinned, not realizing how much she missed the hearty laughs and uplifting spirit of Coactus. She may loathe the side of the light and anything related to it, but even that couldn't stop her from breaking into a smile now and then. Even at the brink of war, Coactus always managed to smile. Escora even counted him as a friend.

 "Ah yes," she answered. "It's been too long, dear Coactus." She took a sip from her mug of beer, feeling it's burning liquid run down her throat. If only it were effective. Escora watched the Time Lord, and listened to his worries intently. "The mortals are fools," answered Escora bluntly. "They are too weak and narrow-minded to achieve such a feat. You have nothing to worry about; once we win this war and get to Earth's core, the humans will bend to our will, and these mindless little disturbances of yours will disappear." She smiled, taking another sip of beer. She loved the way she sounded so sure. 


She laughed again, hearing what Coactus had to say about her. "You are quite right," she responded. "I am the Goddess of Destruction and Deception after all. It delights me at how much destruction this war is causing, and I laugh at the naivety of the humans. They are easily deceived. All you need is a little sprinkle of lies here and there, and that's all it will take to seal the fate of humanity."





Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael clenched his fists. "Yes, I do. I want to talk to him. Send him over or else." It was a veiled threat, but most likely an empty one. Ezrael was hardly the threatening type, and with his powers compressed, he couldn't even hurt a fly. Hopefully the mortal behind the speaker didn't find that out.


@Esther_Silvers "Or else what, Mr. Ezrael? The chamber you are in renders you useless. There is nothing you can do to me from in there." There was a static sigh. "The reason I'd recommend talking to me first is... well, the General isn't very open minded. I doubt he's want to hear what you have to say. 

He trusts me. You can speak with him if you convince me you're worth speaking to."

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael wanted to curse. Great; the mortal had found out. Ezrael searched the right words. If he wanted to convince this assassin, he needed to be convincing. Ezrael figured that if what he said before to Vixen convinced her to help him, it would most likely convince this mortal. "I am the God of Innocence and Life," he started. "I protect the virtue of every single mortal on Earth, and am the life-giver to all. Farazia is everything I stand against. She is death to my life, and is sin against my virtue. I've seen what Death and her evil reign has done to humanity. My heart cracks at the passing of each child, and at every loss of innocence in a man's soul, to become cold-blooded killers." He paused, letting this sink in. "I know that without me or any other godly ally, the Resistance will surely fall. You are no match for the Goddess of Death and her powerful followers. Farazia has disciples ready to die for her, to fight for her, and you have an army of mortals that do nothing but hate one another." Ezrael paused again.

"I am willing to help you. I am willing to fight for humanity, to die for it. I can help you; Farazia has yet to know of my activities, and you can use me as a spy. Gather information at Death's domain, and report back. Such information would put you one step ahead of the game." Ezrael halted, remembering his other deity friends. "And there are more, more like me who disdain Farazia and her plans. They can be more than willing to join the Resistance as well. You need all the help you can get. I will do anything to gain your trust."

Ezrael stopped, staring intently at the speaker. Would that be enough to get the young God the audience he needed with the General?


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There was momentary silence.

"How many others?" The voice asked cautiously. The speaker's voice was layered with curiosity and deep thought, unlike the emotionless drone their voice had been before. 

"And what are their names?" The second question was even quieter as if the person was afraid of hearing the answer. Mind reading abilities or not, anyone could tell he had already earned his ticket to the General.

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael was a little taken back from the question. How many others were there? Ezrael's limited knowledge of the Gods and their alliances to which side was troubling. Sure, he knew that most of his familiars were against Farazia, but there must be more. Ezrael figured he would just have to tell what he knew. "I don't know," he admitted. "I am a relatively new God, and know few among the circle of Gods. The people I do know, most are all against Farazia, and re doing everything in their power to stop her. Gods like Dar'vange, the God of Judgement, demi-god Lazarus Chauncey, Jennifer, the Goddess of Forestry and Growth and Veidimadur, the God of the Hunt, Harvest and Fertility."


There was a small sigh that almost sounded disappointed.

"I'll get the General." The voice was deadpan. There was a soft beep and a long, grueling silence. It lasted an eternity or so it seemed. The only sound was the faint hum of vents. 





The creaking door interrupted the calming quiet. A large man stepped in, his shadow hanging ominously in the brightly lit room, scowling.

"Hello, prisoner. I believe you asked for me?"
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Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael swallowed, staring at the man who called himself leader of all of Farazia's problems. A little fear sparked in the young god's blue eyes. One wrong move and Ezrael could die. Something told the God that Farley wasn't patient type. Or the merciful type. Or any type for that matter, except for cold, calculating, ruthless and intimidating.

"Y-yes, I did," responded Ezrael. Don't stutter, scolded Ezrael to himself. Don't make yourself appear weak! "I came here to join the Resistance and bring an end to Farazia's horrid plans."




Farley paced slowly. Got him. He thought, smiling to himself. 

"And why would I believe,  you? Hmm, stranger."  The air was thick with tension. Anything could happen next, and the majority of those things weren't good for the God of Life and Innocence.
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Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


"I would never lie," responded Ezrael, with slight indignation. "You and I both know the Resistance won't last long in a war against the Gods. Gods are powerful, immortal. If you want to stand a chance against us, you may as well find ones who are willing to fight for you." By now, Ezrael was finding steadier ground, and maybe even sounded cocky.  
General Farley slammed his hands down on the table with a loud crack, "We? If you're so different, why are they still your we??" His eyes glinted.

"We have more men than you could ever kill. It's impossible for us to lose. He held his head in proud determination. "This war is dangerous.

We don't have space in this institute for innocence."
Lucifer impatient to get back to the mortal plain left the halls to the top of the supposed base he had found. Lucifer waiting no time put explosives down on top. He ran as it lit and exploded eseconds later making a echoed sound. It made a cloud of smiled drift threw the air. He ran to the newly made hole and dropped in. It revealed halls of concrete cells and even rooms. "YES hahaha I did it I one I found it suck it!" Lucifer yelled so loud even farley which he didn't know was there could hear it.  @Emberskull @Esther_Silvers 

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael flinched at Farley's outburst. His heart raced in panic. This wasn't going well. It was going downhill! "I may have different views, but it doesn't change the fact that I too, am a God. Please, believe me," pleaded Ezrael, a desperate note in his voice. "In the end, it will be you that will be the ultimate price. But that can change, if you would only---"

A distant blast interrupted Ezrael, capturing both deity and mortal's attention. The same, horrid and sinful sense overcame Ezrael. He recognized this sense. 



@LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers @Blitzer @Wick @Jzork 

The alarm blared instantly, a continuous flat blare tat pierced ears. All the assassin were at arms in a second, rushing out of their designated chambers, weapons at their sides.They surrounded Lucifer in an instant. With sharp weapons and clocked guns. It was an army of killers. An army capable of taking down a thousand men, if not four or five. That's what General Farley saw.

Lucifer didn't stand a chance. But, lest we forget the interview happening previously. The General, upon hearing the great bellow of the demonic god, rushed out to sound the alarm, without sparing a thought for Ezrael. The door swung open, the light of freedom flooding the chambers.

Jay Conners


There was a sharp crack and Jay nearly fell back into the dirt again. His leg was broken, he could tell. The pain flared up his thigh, even searing the back of his eyes. He could still see and hear alright though, and as the gods conversed, they spoke about fighting back against the other immortals. They discussed how they both wanted to spare the humans and help them save the Earth. Lucifer wasn't anywhere to be seen at this point. The coward had probably fled before the other two gods could squish him.


Jay managed to push himself fully back onto his feet and peered over at Annabelle. She seemed fine despite the blood having had dripped from her lower lip. He looked back to the massive gods and slowly inched his way along the craters edge, heading for Annabelle. The deities had conversed about keeping them alive, and had both shown a mutual hate toward Lucifer, but Jay had fallen for this before. Gods, pretending to side with the humans, only to wipe half the resistance, which then needed to be rebuilt once more. It was one of the reasons Farley lacked any trust in the gods, whether they came off as helpful and kind, or evil, and destructive.


Jay glanced back at Annabelle and locked eyes for a moment. He stared at her as if to say; 'Stay put, we need to get back to the hideout.'. Then he heard it. They had gone quite a ways out into the forest, but with the storm only just beginning to make a reappearance, he could hear the alarm. It was faint, but there. Something was happening at HQ.



Coactus, God of Time


He chuckled lightly, and again, took a swig of beer. "The humans, they are not the most intelligent beings within this universe, then, they are not the most foolish either. Sure they were indeed foolish to make away with the technology of the gods, but there are some solar systems out there that behold lesser species." Suddenly Coactus felt a small wave of revelation.


"I, remember... a part of the future.." He put down the mug and stared straight ahead, his eyes flicking about in his head, as though searching for a fly. "A traitor... someone. I cannot tell whom it is, but one, no, many, of us gods, we have sided with the humans." He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his fingers into his temples, thinking. "There are some in this room, others, elsewhere." The feeling passed and he opened his eyes once more. "This, was a complication in the war before the humans took the Gears.."


Lucifer chuckling at the humans. "Look at all of these little things" Lucifer poked on of the guns dismantling it with a touch. Lucifer recreating the gun smiling. He shot straight threw the poor man's face as the others shivered in fear. "Don't worry I can't torture you for the rest of your lives...but I can't spare mercy either" Lucifer slashing threw a small crowd clean cutting their heads. He grabbed a assassin his head that seemed to almost Stand up from the rest. "Die" lucifer said softly as he crammed the assassins hrs into the wall making a crater. Lucifer killed the rest making the halls full of blood. He could sense the smell of innocent. "Ohhh poor little child I won't have to kill you for you being here just  kneel to farazia and support your kind not the wasteful mortals!"

 @Emberskull @Esther_Silvers 
OOC ( @LuckyLucifer You do know he can't kill them all, right? they're the best of the best when it comes to humans, plus there's like a bazillion of them. There's is no way he can win the fight... I hope you understand ^^)

"Grab him, boys!" The General barked. Instantly, they were all on him, slashing him from all, sides, their fury doubled by their lost comrades. They slashed him from all sides, deep, slicing gashes in his feet and thighs, his arms, his neck, his back. It was enough to kill any mortal man ten times over and just enough to severely injure a God. Golden Ichor splashed in collision with crimson, life blood clashing. The mortals were winning. It was an impossible battle but the God lasted for the long, gruelling battle, his wounds were screaming from the poison slicked swords. Some of the men and women retreated in fear, but the most fearless of them stayed to slay the beast.

Dar'vange felt the giant earthquake as the meteor struck, though he didn't know what was happening at the time. He contemplated whether he should go and see what was happening or stay and watch to see if Ezreal would be okay.


It didn't much matter, because he sensed the disgusting, hellish scent of The Hellspawn, followed shortly by explosions rocking the building, and alarms going crazy. He watched as the warriors rushed outside to fight. But he sensed many different motives to their haste. Some fought for loved ones, living or dead. Some fought for themselves. And some fought because they loved to fight. 


He quickly teleported to the roof where the Mortals were slicing The Hellspawn up good. Hopefully, finally, Lucifer would be killed. His needless torture of people at an end. That would be poetic Justice, killed and tortured at the hands of those he killed and tortured. 



 OOC (yeh don't worry I do) Lucifer feeling the weapons slash and cut but not the pain. Pain a figure of the mind was easy to ignore and dispose. "It's no use to stab something that won't fall even if you did twenty times what you are doing now" Lucifer chuckled as he grabbed the tips of swords spears knives and endless weapons. His hands bled like a guy he fish but he grabbed men throwing them to the ground. "Tell your old man leader that the devil will condemn him with something worse then death" Lucifer feeling bad for the endless amount of cowardness covered in blind courage.
That blaring sound. It wasn't her head ringing, right? Annabelle plugged an ear with a dirtied hand, and the sound lessened. It was definitely not her imagination or the result of impact with the ground.

Jay's glare had delivered a clear message. Stay where you are. Easy enough to follow, right? Annabelle didn't want to mess up again...
But now his glare turned into a shocked stare into the distance as an alarm blared into the storm, only now returning after the intense meteor strike. Annabelle didn't know where it was coming from or what it meant, but by the look on her mentor's face, it was serious.
She tested her legs, patting them little by little onto the seared turf, a tad harder each time. Nothing appeared to be broken, which was a relief. She looked back over at Conners, who was slowly limping over. His legs, it seemed, were not in good enough condition. He must have been seriously injured by the meteor explosion.

Annabelle reflected over some of her options as Jay made his way over. This was all her fault, she reminded herself. Jay would have been out of harms reach had she acted like a normal assassin. Had she not let her guard down. Had she just followed the one rule she was taught...
She took in a deep gulp of fresh air coming from behind her. Was the situation serious enough to warrant her to go ahead and help? Would Jay be... alright with that?

She remembered the orb, and how it had spoken to her. She had been so close to unlocking it's secrets and potential, and had almost received the key to doing so... now all she needed was a final push. Her stomach churned upon realizing this fact, her knees began to wobble and her arms began to shake. Her push was there. Her push was at HQ.

As Jay approached, Annabelle removed the cloak that she had borrowed from him, and held it out towards him. "Conners, Sir... I am g-g-going to go ahead. This is all my fault to begin with... S-So y-you stay safe! You'll need this t-to keep w-warm... And as for me..."
Annabelle clutched the icy orb in her hands. It was worth a shot. It would be what NAMELESS would want, and she was sure of it.

"I-I'm going to make it up to you!" She blurted out. Before her mentor could stop her, and before she could stop herself, Annabelle was already running out towards HQ, and straight into the storm. All she had to do was follow the alarm.

The snow started to fall rapidly once again, and Annabelle was out of sight.

@Wick @Emberskull @LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers

Jay Conners


Jay took his cloak hesitantly and had no time to react to Annabelle leaving him. She ran off into the returning storm without saying anything except how she would make it up to him. "Annabelle. Annabelle!" She was gone. Jay cursed himself. It appeared that unlike Farrow, he was not trained to be a teacher; then again neither was Farrow himself. Perhaps she would be safer at HQ anyway. She would be better off surrounded by a hundred bloodthirsty men than with one. Farley could probably even detect an inbound meteor days before Jay ever could. He cringed at the thought of his utter failure to help her at all. He just hoped she didn't get killed out there.


He staggered and turned back around to look at the gods standing by the crater. Maybe this was his last stand? Maybe this was how he went out, fighting to his ultimate demise at the hands of two massive immortal beings, one of which had actually made its entrance by crash landing and obliterating most of the surrounding forest. His leg throbbed angrily, screaming at him for even choosing to continue standing.



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