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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Annabelle lowered the icy orb, taking a moment to look at the blooming buttercup, and then at Veidimadur, who was softly grinning.

Don't let your guard down.
Don't let your guard down.
Don't let your... your...

Annabelle couldn't hold out. Finally breaking, tears formed in her eyes as her face contorted into a confused and sad wreck. Her free hand clasped over her face, and she fell onto her back, the snow molding around her as she plopped into the ice. She couldn't hold her facade at all. So much for the "intense" training.
Why? Why were these powerful figures so kind to her?! There was no doubt that this huntsman in the snow was a god... but why were so many of them so... kind?! She was so confused. This was the enemy, and she couldn't hold up against a measly yellow buttercup. 
She was dead now if Veidimadur decided to so much as step on her. She was probably dead if she stayed there in the frozen cold. She was dead if Jay saw her conversing with the enemy. Dead, dead, dead. She didn't know what to do or who to be at that moment.

She figured that for just this once, she'd be her scared, timid, self.

"A-Annabelle. The n-name's Annabelle." She whimpered beneath the heavy cloak. "And... yeah, I guess being in a fire would be nice too. My fire's just not here right now." The way she worded it probably sounded strange to Veidimadur, but to someone who had lived the past few months in a moving stove, it made enough sense and comfort to stop the flow of frozen tears. 

She could hear Lucifer's cackles from afar, no doubt laughing at the icy orb she held in her hands. Annabelle looked at it with disappointment, wishing she could just... make it work. She was probably dead without NAMELESS here too. All it would take is for Lucifer to just summon some random weapon and slice her to mincemeat. She sighed, puffs of hot air forming and then blowing away almost instantly.
"I accept your t-t-truce... B-But I s-s-still can't have y-your help." She puffed,pushing back the buttercup a bit. "I-If I'm supposed to be strong... th-then I must l-l-learn to be... in... in..."
There was a slight shaking sensation beneath her, as though her body willed her to not say it. To not say the word she wanted it to say. It grew stronger, but she had to be the strongest.
"Independent!!!" She shouted into the cold, not wanting to disappoint her mentor, not wanting to disappoint NAMELESS. She nearly threw the icy orb into the air with all the force she put into her words.

The sad feeling ebbed away.

The shaking beneath her... did not.

@HumansArentReal @LuckyLucifer @Wick @DeathValley105
Lucifer stopped laughing hearing the girls conversation. He got up and walked over to the girl with a crunch of snow in his wall. Hr knelt down to the girl."Hey it takes a lot to be independent I mean I was never this way belief it or not I was vulnerable but you have to find your own ways to patch the holes not someone elses." Lucifer knew she wasn't much of a fighter more of a chance taker. He just hoped it didn't get her killed. @Jzork

Kneeling beside her in the snow of which she collapsed, Veiðimaður felt an awful sense of pity for the small girl. "You'll catch your death if you don't sit up, you know." The huntsman commented, twirling the delicate yellow flower between his rough fingertips. At last he oddly patted her fallen form, sighing outwardly whilst gazing upward at the drifting snow; blanketing anything caught outside. "Annabelle is a lovely name. Both elegant and somewhat stern." Vei mulled, with a pensive expression whilst waving his buttercup around. "I'm Veiðimaður. Patron saint of hunts, harvests, and fertility. I could go on with the titles, but I get bored of them too soon. Sometimes I feel that people like coming up with another sobriquet to merely annoy me by adding it onto the list." His tone had become something soothing, attempting to calm the young woman with mindless conversation, inserted with the odd piece of humour here and there.


Annabelle's light push of the buttercup had him slightly saddened, but not too much as he put the vibrant petals of yellow in the loop of his cloak clasp. "Sometimes independance somes with age. Annabelle, accepting help has never been something scowled upon. Don't try and beat your weaknesses, if makes them hurt more. Accept them, to overcome them. All in good time." The Huntsman reassured, till the ground began to shake. Silvery eyes flashed vibrant gold in those seconds till it ended. "War begins." He cryptically muttered, hunched over the earth as his hands kneaded into the frozen soil. 


Alas for most the conversation, he'd ignored the laughter of Lucifer, and with his approach and advice, Veiðimaður suddenly turned. His expression contorted in anger. Reeling back his fist to plant it directly into the other Gods nose. "YOU INFURIATING HELL DWELLER. CHOOSE A DAMNED SIDE." It was saturated with the primality of a million beasts, his other finger extended to point accusingly. "You laugh, and then offer the mortal advice using your own past experiences. Now, she is definitely not your estranged daughter. You've tried to kill these people, you want them dead, Farazia has ordered you to kill them. Make up your mind, and leave or stay. Either way, no one should bear to trust you. You bring only pain, and nothing more, Luci. So are you with the rebels, or against them? War has awakened, and the fight starts soon."




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Jay Conners


Jay had observed the god, whose name had been spoken of as Veidimadur, as he interacted with his student. Most of his training and instinct told him to run out there, but another part told him to stay out of it for a bit longer; partly because he wanted to see what the girl would do. Would she try to fight the giant, or would she perhaps feebly call out for Jay or another assassin to help her. Maybe she could even discover how her orb worked, or summon her golem once again. Another part of his wanted to see what the god would do. Surely the enemy was willing to crush and obliterate any resistance they came into contact with? His new student could die here and now, and that would be the end of it.


None of that happened though. Both girl and immortal began to speak with each other. After she broke down, either out of exhaustion, fear, or maybe even just giving up, the god strode over to her and spoke, calming her. Jay almost ended their conversation once she provided her name, but in the times they were living, there wasn't much a name could do to screw them over, but still. The circumstances seemed so absurd that he hadn't even noticed the arrival and pure mental breakdown of Lucifer. Jay only took notice once the devil began walking toward her.


Jay quickly rose out of the bushes and drew his arrow back, aiming it directly at Lucifer. That damned god had probably summoned the demon to do his dirty work for him; finish the job. But Jay was proven wrong once the larger god turned on Lucifer, bellowing in rage. Even the storms winds seemed to silence themselves briefly to his call. Jay kept still, continuing to aim his bow.


"You heard him.. step off creature." He spoke to Lucifer.



Coactus, God of Time


Coactus turned to see Escora. She approached the table and sat beside him. It was surprising to see her after so long, at least, given he never walked outside of the Time Zone.


"Escora!" He laughed loudly and patted her shoulder a few times with his massive hand. "It has been quite a long time! I haven't seen you in eons! Well, unless it was through the time stream." Although the alcohol did nothing for him, he grabbed the mug from the table again, allowing it to magically refill with ale before sipping some up. She spoke about his missing something. "Mmm... yes..." He peered down at the four remaining Time Gear containers that wrapped around his waste, then to the three empty cylindrical indents that made their presence on the right side. "Those humans, believe that they can do what they want in order to change their fates, including disrupting the timeline, and sending the universe into chaos. I am sure my brother has noticed the disturbance as well. He may be nearby in fact." Coactus scanned the room, but found nothing.


He looked back at the goddess. "I understand you share similar viewpoints with Farazia, and Dracke. You enjoy death, war, corruption, lies. No wonder you have joined this war. It must bring you great pleasure to watch the mortals break down and suffer." He smiled softly and took another sip.


OOC(Sorry for my absence guys, my wifi was being dumb)

@LuckyLucifer @DeathValley105

Farazia smiled. "Sadly, I cannot allow them to live for very long. They know of the future. Must be destroyed if we are to win this war." She sighed, shaking her head. 

"They fight back, but merely bring themselves closer to death."

She watched him vanish, smiling to herself. Suddenly, the earth shuddered. Glasses tinkled on the table and er plans rolled out on her desk.

"Ah, Dracke, welcome back old friend."
Lucifer chuckling. So much disgrace for one who changed makes it harder for adaption. Lucifer smiled and rose."then I shall choose what is right...end the resistance for it doesn't help their own cause it kills more than it saves" lucifer looked in the direction of the assassin from before. One wanting to help but not in a good way. "Oh so a poor assassin comes to find me, you won't be so lucky this time!" Lucifer knew he was there he was either going to kill him or torture him. @HumansArentReal @Jzork @Wick
"War has come." He thought before opening his eyes to reveal dark eyes shrouded in bright red fire. Unleashing a bellow Dracke turned his form around to face earth where he would be needed most. Opening his hand he wiled for a double ended spear to appear. Pointing it's tip to the planet he slowly started to move gaining speed as the moment passed until it was like a meteor was falling down. Until finally he hit the surface sending all around him to be launched back. Standing up Dracke regained his thoughts as he looked around at the forest until spying the four people. "Hello mortals." He said in a voice like gravel before looking at the gods and nodding "So Luci and Veid its been awhile. How's it going?" He said smiling 

@Wick @LuckyLucifer @Jzork @HumansArentReal
As advised, Annabelle sat up, somewhat prolonging an untimely doom. Now her teacher was here, finally appearing from the frozen conditions. Had he been watching the whole time?
At least he didn't show any anger towards her, rather, he was more or less focused on Lucifer. His bow drawn, and his voice cold... Conners was serious.
Ashamed, Annabelle almost resigned herself to the cold. She wished she could just freeze up and crumble into powdered snow. There was almost a comforting feeling to this thought... but she couldn't place where it came from.

The trembling of the earth ceased. Veidimadur's eyes flickered with a serious golden glow, and mentioned something about war.
War. That's right. That's why Annabelle was out here in the first place. That's why she was freezing. That's why everything was happening! It's probably why she was clutching the orb in her hands. Conners knew. Veidimadur knew. NAMELESS knew. She didn't.
Annabelle didn't know what on earth she was doing. More than ever, she felt worse and worse about herself, self esteem rapidly dropping.

"Just let me freeze..."  She whispered under her breath as a new scene unfolded. Already, Lucifer was throwing threats, Jay was ready to strike, Veidimadur was already asking about sides. Annabelle curled into the fetal position once more, not in a comforting flame, but in a cold, icy tundra.

She felt it. A pulse. Not from her sorry heart, but from the icy orb. It was calling to her through the soul bind she had established when she had first leaped from NAMELESS to the tree. Annabelle's eyes opened wide, taking a gasp for air, suddenly stopping all movement. The orb had told her something very, very quietly...
She was doing her best to listen. Maybe it would speak again. Please speak again. What had triggered the connection?

Annabelle appeared as if she had frozen to death. Fetal position, eyes wide and glazed... not a breath emerged from her shallow chest. The world around her seemed to drain away as she focused on the orb in her hands, focused on it's words.

"Become one with the-"

A sudden blast of energy and raw power flung her into the air and out of her trance, silent at first, then screaming on the way down. It seemed that war had arrived at it's destination, and had announced this in surely the most appropriate way, by creating a giant shockwave. That didn't matter now, though. Nothing mattered except the words that she had just failed to hear. Become one with the WHAT?!

@Wick @HumansArentReal @LuckyLucifer @DeathValley105

Jay Conners


He thought he had felt a tremor. He thought he had heard a sound, one like compressed air, burning, steaming. The clearing exploded. Of all the outcomes Jay could have predicted, a meteor landing came nowhere near any of them. He hadn't seen it coming, and was sent flying into a tree. His head slammed against the trunk, followed by his neck which gave a loud crack. He slid down the tree and slumped hard onto the dirt.


There was no more snow, and the entire storm had ended around them when the clouds had been pushed away by the thing that had fallen. Everything was black now, and a harsh ringing bounced around inside Jay's head. He struggled to look up, and as his vision came back, he discovered that most of the clearing was now on fire, instead of snow. Annabelle lay on the other side of the small crater, peering up at the scene in shock.


Jay had to get them out of there. That god, Veidimadur, he had lowered their guard. Jay had become a hypocrite to the first thing he had even taught Annabelle. He had let his guard down, and now, both of them were in serious trouble. He wasn't sure if Lucifer had been in on it. From what Jay could see, he appeared to be in an almost equal amount of shock as himself.


The meteor hadn't even been a meteor; It was a god, and not one of the friendly ones. He glanced at the meteor god, towering over them. The god looked toward them and greeted, then the other gods and did the same to them.


He had to get up, to get to Annabelle. Fighting Lucifer again wouldn't have been a challenge, but given the new circumstances, they were now outnumbered, greatly.




"I swear, Lucifer, I will drag you back to hell if need be." Vei sourly threatened, till turning on his heel at the newest voice. A male assassin this time, bow drawn at the hellish god, which made Veiðimaður feel slightly better in the situation. Unable to voice his thanks, an explosion in the forest clearing occurred. Prompted by the meteor, which turned out to be a man. Or rather God, should it be said. Dracke.



The Huntsman was almost picked up by momentum and smacked backwards into the trees, alas dug his feet into the ground and protected his features. Minutes later, when dusting himself off, the antlered God appeared more than irritated. "You couldn't use your feet, and walked here? WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING. YOU COULD'VE KILLED SOMEONE." And there it was, his odd parental manner of which he conducted scoldings. "For the pantheons sake, I wish you would learn a less dramatic way of entering the planet's atmosphere." Evidently in worsening mood, he grasped his spear tighter, using an elevated voice and a very dark scowl. "Lucifer isn't even supposed to be here, this is my bloody forest and if another God wants to visit, well they can ASK. You know, using their VOICES, UNLIKE YOU TWO. WE'VE DISCUSSED MY PRIVACY ONCE BEFORE. It was only last millennia, how could you have forgotten it? Were you born yesterday?" Veiðimaður continued to rant, moving to obstruct the view of fallen Annabelle and Jay from the other deities so they could attempt running with less consequence. "Oh, and Dracke, your girlfriend is up in her office. Making plans to extinguish humanity, you might want to make a visit. Take her on a picnic, I don't know what she wants, apart from souls and the screams of the damned."

It was then quite evident, that no matter how majestic or elegant the Huntsman looked, he was both incredibly sarcastic and brilliantly equipped with humour involving human traits of language and slang.

"On the other hand Dracke, I despise meeting you again. Never been a fan of war, I'm afraid. Only the hunt." 



Shrugging he walked out of the crater he made and stared at Veiðimaður with his burning eyes and delivered a killer smile "You already know that every time someone wakes me I come with them to wherever they wish, but for the first time I have awoken myself and more powerful than I have ever been." He said circling the group of people "you should also know that I have no control on how powerful my blast is" he took a quick breath and continued his own little rant but now with a voice like a thousand anti-aircraft guns "But besides the fact I do like our beloved goddes of death and you have insulted me there is yet a side I must choose and instead of normally waiting a few days to see what's going, I would think the two parties of gods meet and one member from each will explain the current situation to me and then I will join there cause even if it means I must kill my brothers and sisters that I have once fought with." now holding a wicked mace in each hand he started to swing them around enveloping them in blue flames as he waited for him to answer or insult him some more. He chuckled at his own little joke.


With a long, slow chuckle, Veiðimaður shook his head in amusement. Locking his gaze with the God of War, challenge written over his features. "You think of me a child, to be scared of such words. The hunt never started with humans. Like you, I've been here since the beginning. Yet this is not about age, nor power, for now it is survival. To witness what the End brings." Vei, instead of his previous soothing tone, responded to the gravelly tone with one that growled. Veiðimaður, was a primal spirit. Embodying both the predator and the prey, which resounded within his very chest. Like a wolf, bearing his teeth. "I have always insulted you, dear brother. For war needs to hunt, and to hunt needs war. Conflicts rely on each other." Taking a step forward, he was toe to toe with Dracke. His eyes, lacking irises and pupils, becoming a vibrant, burning gold from their previous silver.  As seconds passed, his appearance proceeded to resemble more and more of his late mothers. Plants twisting up to hug his calves, with the gorgeous swirls and scars marked into his skin began to faintly glow an ethereal green. "No matter what happens, you will run back to Farazia. You don't care, and never will. The Gods wouldn't take time out of their day, to come and visit you of all people. The only things that matter is humanity under the rule of Death - shall vanish, and cease to exist. I remain faithful to my purpose. I will protect, and watch over them as if my own children. For I have blessed them throughout the beginnings, and I have seen them mature into a beauty we cannot possess. But mark my words, the green Earth shall die beneath the rule of tyrants. The beating hearts of all humanity and the forests will fade. And with them, I shall too." Grasping the spear, he pointed the jagged tip towards Dracke. "I will always fight with you. The hunt demands it. Whether or not in body or spirit. In death or life. Brothers never cease." Humour had dropped from his features, his giant frame of 6'5" now seeming more like a mountain than man. Tone filled with conviction, and promise.





Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life



Ezrael didn't know where he was. They shoved him into this tight, small chamber. He tried to use his telekinetic abilities to escape the damned chains, but he couldn't. It as as if the chains were neutralizing his powers, making him useless. He groaned, wondering how these mortals were able to do such thing. Gods were Gods. What technology was this? 

Ezrael wondered what they did with Vixen. Surely she was still alive. But they had called her a traitor, and all traitors always meet the same end. Oh gods, he hoped Vixen was spared.

Suddenly, he heard a voice, from  piece of tech Ezrael did not recognize. A screech made him cringe, and he started to feel slightly nauseous from being inside such an airtight confinement. "I don't want to kill you!" protested Ezrael, staring at the piece of tech intently. "I wish only to speak with the leader of the Resistance, to help him, to help you. Nothing more, nothing less." 


(I'd post Escora and Vixen's posts later, but I have to go. See you guys later!)
Locking eyes with his brother Dracke nodded at his harsh words "Without war there is no death, and there is no death without an hunt. Brother shall fight with brother for mother Gaia and Father Time shall bear witness to our struggles. I have slept for to long and I realize now that the only evil is of destruction." He then outstretched his arm hoping for him to shake it. "None can call us evil nor good. We both kill but we also de good in what we do brother. The wild hunt and the blood bath call for the reckoning, summon our allies and our soldiers for we have a war to win." He said his eyes full of fury and no remorse but also truth and the eyes of a leader. "Humanity is what helps us so now we shall help them.

@Jzork @LuckyLucifer @HumansArentReal @Wick

"Mother Gaia became one with the Earth long ago, holding true to her promise. But I'm afraid, Father Time seems to aid in the destruction of humanity. Coactus, leaves us no more seconds to wait." Veiðimaður clasped his palm around Drake's arm, in their firm stance. "Then you've chosen the right side. After this battle, the age of peace will end. And I can only guess, that you shall dance once more on the mortal battlefields amongst their petty disputes." Yet he drew the God of War closer, his eyes filled with meaning. "This is not something we can charge into though, brother. We are fighting against death, and the very tides of the apocalypse. The first horseman has already been awakened. Already I feel the forests shudder, and a sickness begins to spread. It is dark, and I fear we shall all be smothered."



Lucifer almost busting into a fit of laughter. "Help humanity hahaha help?! Are you insane hahaha that's horrible" Lucifer quickly strained the laughter and happiness from his time. It seemed to almost make a planet stand still as his tone darkened. "Why should we help someone who isn't grateful who doesn't care for what we give and only kills us from some man that doesn't know who his talking about" Lucifer despised even drake now for his foolish comment. @HumansArentReal @DeathValley105
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Dracke sighs as he hears Lucifers comment, letting go of his brothers grasp he summoned a loaded crossbow its tip covered in green posion "Lucifer you know nothing if you haven't realized that without humans you wouldn't have anyone to torture or hurt. You are all but just a simple minded false god in this world who follows nothing but everything blindly" he growls before pointing the crossbow at his head "Leave this land you foul demon while you still can" he said coldly

@LuckyLucifer @Wick @HumansArentReal@Jzork
There was heat. A familiar feeling of stone against her face. "N...Nameless...?" Annabelle uttered in a daze, forgetting she was in a clearing surrounded by Gods.
There was a brief moment of comfort as Annabelle drifted in and out of her shocked stupor... but then the taste of something nasty and metallic rocked her from the comforting feelings. She spat out whatever horrid taste was resonating in her mouth. Blood splattered the stone she had just landed on.

That's right. She remembered now. The orb had spoken to her, and then the meteor had landed, breaking her concentration. Now, there was a greater presence in the clearing.
Now her world was spinning. The blizzard had been replaced with ash and smoke, fire glistened on trees instead of snow. Confused and scared, Annabelle slowly wobbled to her feet. This was all her fault. She had let her guard down, and if the lesson wasn't already apparent, the end result was a lot of pain. She spat out more blood onto the ground, almost puking as she finally stood upright. There would probably be some sort of lecture about how she had failed once she returned to base, but that didn't matter. What did matter was finding her mentor and getting out of this situation alive. She did her best to slink around on her wobbly feet, scanning for Jay amidst the debris.

She spotted him across the clearing, working up to his own feet after being thrown against a tree. She made eye contact with him, tears forming in her eyes as her body finally started registering the pain as the shock and adrenaline faded. At this moment she blamed herself for this whole mishap, but would not let herself resign to moping like she would have normally. The situation required her to be strong.

She would make it up to Conners somehow. They just needed to make it out alive... and fast.

@Wick @HumansArentReal @DeathValley105 @LuckyLucifer
False god. Lucif3r wasn't a false god he was what mad3 humans fear being what they are now. Even if He didn't have humans there would be everything and anything you could torture the animals the other gods the so many possibilities. "Let you know this the day of reckoning is a pin every single failed god. I hope you change because on the battlefield there is no help or hope it's only war" Lucifer have a dead tone it had a almost death feeling. Lucifer looked around seeing the poor girl. She can't fend for herself but not can she be with gods she chose a horrible path."Tell that gi4l that she can change and be a greater subject of power if she pushed away the fogged ideal of winning" lucifer left with a blink of an eye. He arrived back in the halls walking towards farazia. "Farazia I have some news. Drake decided that humans at needed and has sided with them. We need to strike soon and apply pressure to an open wound that is the resistance" @Emberskull @Jzork @DeathValley105
@LuckyLucifer @Jzork @DeathValley105 @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior @Wick

OOC (Who would be okay if one of their characters died? I mean, this is a war, I'm just being sure of who we can kill and who is required for future plot.)

Farazia froze. Her teeth ground together with a terrible scraping.


Her rage was unquantifiable. This war was getting out of control, and her subjects either turned against her or failed to succeed in any given task. This was the last straw. She checked a monitor on her desk. The drill was three-quarters of the way to the earth's core. She wouldn't have to stand failure anymore. 

OOC (I'm okay with Jay getting rlly injured, but I figured I was to stay alive and hep @Jzork's character train more o,o)
(Well now that I think about it, I think Dar'vange should choose a champion among the mortals to be the future God of Judgment. He dies and the mortal ascends in a spectacular fashion to godhood. While I'd rather my character not die, I wouldn't mind if it's necessary for the story. Just give me time to set that story up. Or we can kill Lucifer.
(I wouldn't mind Escora dying. Not right right away, but we can kill her. Maybe Farazia gives her a task and she fails miserably.)
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( @Emberskull Lazarus can die, it just means that his father would return to take action against Farazia. It will be filled with much drama. .u.)

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