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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Alexis nods as she reads and looks at the prisoner "he's gonna be tough to crack. I'm used to getting my information by threatening their loved ones but I doubt he'll believe me when I say I'll kill his loved ones. Especially of they are Gods." She pulls her mask over her nose and mouth and enters the room as if she were a high class woman, her movements were smooth and fast as she crossed the room. If the prisoner thought she was someone of higher status he was more likely to believe whatever she told him. She places the board on the table and sits across from the prisoner. For a minute or so she stays silent, her eyes scanning around the room. Alexis leans forward as she begins speaking "says here they caught you hiding under a snow drift. Can't have been very fun for you, freezing conditions and most likely no fire to keep you warm either. I bet you haven't eaten in a while either huh? Then again I'm not sure if the spawn of two Gods even needs to eat but either way as a sign of goodwill I extend you the offer of food but first you have to give something to me in exchange, just so we know we can trust you. Fair deal right?" Alexis talks soothingly to avoid agitating the prisoner any further than he probably was already "first of all can you tell me your name? I'll go first as a sign of faith, my name is Kiera" she was taking a big risk by giving him a false name but over the years she had learnt to be a convincing liar, she didn't break eye contact or fidget as she gave him her alias.

Coran choked slightly. A baby sitter, how low could a demi-god get? Oh dear, and to that winy brat. Jay wasn't that bad, but that girl. He popped out of the shadow behind Farley and brushed by him brusquely. "They are shadows. I am a shadow lord." 

Not that Farley was much better than the girl. How he managed to remain general was beyond him. 



Jay Conners


Jay looked from the girl, back to Farley. He cleared his throat quietly. "You want me to, mentor her..?" He looked back at her, relatively scrawny, and clearly in no state to join a league of assassins that desired to eliminate all the gods. She had her stone golem, but even that thing was rather slow when it came to battling enemies. However, the idea of training someone, he mused over the idea. His thoughts wandered.


-July 21st, 1999-


Living in the little town known as Wickerburrow, there was normally a constant cool settled over it. The mountain winds would blow, and it often rained, but since it was summer, this day was particularly hot. Ice cream vendors sat on most of the street corners, pleasing the children with their different brands of ice cream, those of which brought momentary bliss, and relief from the risen temperature.


Jay's parents thought it would be a wonderful idea to take him to the lake, near Balomar Mountain. That mountain was the tallest of all the surrounding mountains, and was almost always capped with snow, even today. The lake was filled with cold, melted snow, coming from the river that ran down Balomar. For the four years Jay had been alive, he had never once, enjoyed the cold. It always got to him, chilling him entirely. Since the day was warm, he decided to bask in it, not letting it escape him even for a minute, in fear that it may suddenly disappear, only to be replaced with thunder clouds once more.


He lay on the pebbles near the water. The lake lapped up and caressed gently against his toes every now and then. The pebbles were all smooth, terra formed by the water. Each and every one of the smooth stones felt wonderfully warm beneath him. His parents were a short ways away, adjusting the tires on the RV trailer. John Conners spoke up toward his wife.


'That boy is gonna need to grow some muscle; He needs his meats!' He laughed softly and pulled the tire jack away from the vehicle. Maria shook her head at John with a small smile.


'He's only four dear, He'll get there eventually.' She looked off toward her son, lying in the sun. 'He has your hair you know?' John looked up as well, ruffling his hair a bit.


'Heh, yeah.' He stood up, picking up the jack. 'This was a wonderful idea honey.' He leaned in and gave Maria a quick smooch, which she happily accepted. 'The lake looks nice, glimmering in the sun like that.' He peered off to the water, watching as it danced along in the breeze, bedazzling. The setting was just right for a one day camping trip. As usual, the weather was expected to become cold, and stormy tomorrow, so it was the best time to do this.


John walked over and placed the tire jack into the storage box that hung along the side of the RV. He then moved back over to his wife and hugged her around the waist, holding her rounded stomach. Maria smiled and let herself relax into his embrace. 'I hope it's a girl.' She explained to John. 'I think Jay would make a wonderful older brother.' John giggled.


'That would be nice my dear.' He kissed her cheek and rested his chin on her shoulder. 'Only about five more months.. Think it'll be a Christmas baby?' Maria laughed gently and lay her head on his.


'We wouldn't have to spend as much money on gifts then.' Her comment caused John to laugh once again.


'Exactly.' He said. They watched Jay sit up and play with a few rocks, throwing some into the water. The world was at peace. Maria was going to have another baby soon, He was going to help Jay become more like himself, and they were all happy.


There was a sharp swishing sound and a loud thump. Both John and Maria collapsed to the floor, and arrow entering through John's neck and coming out into Maria's. They died instantly, along with the child within the womb. Jay jumped in surprise and turned to the abrupt sound. There his parents were, lying in the already bloodstained dirt and grass. A man stepped from the treeline, aiming his bow at Jay as he walked. The man didn't even glance at the two parents, he already knew they were dead; He simply stared at Jay, his bow cocked in case anything happened.


When he realized they were alone, he lowered his it, hooking it onto the small of his back. He knelt down and looked at Jay. His features were rather slim, yet hardened; He had clearly been through much worse, and even killed much worse. His eyes were a dark gray, similar to Jay's.




He spoke.


'Quite interesting... You do not appear distressed? I assume you are in great pain due to what you have seen but...' He took a short glance back at the bodies of John and Maria. 'So it begins...'




Jay shook his head a little and looked back at Farley. "Yes.. I will help her." He looked at the girl, still shivering lightly. "Only if she is capable of doing so. Only if she is willing." He looked down and slowly removed his soaked gloves, the warm air heating up his exposed hands. "And if she is willing, then.." He shifted his gaze back to her, staring her in the eyes. "So it begins..."


Annabelle took a deep breath. Conners was out there in the cold when NAMELESS had shifted into the stone cylinder. He had spoken some words of comfort to her... but none she could remember through her sobs and sorrow. 
Now, his words struck her as almost wistful and lost. There was something about the way he said that last bit... like he had been here before. 
There was a bit of hope for Annabelle. If Conners had been below everything and rose to the top, she could do the same, right? Farley had faith in her, and while Coran wasn't so supportive, it seemed like Conners was ready to do the impossible task and train her to become an assassin.
"Only if she is capable of doing so. Only if she is willing"

She did her best to stand tall despite her knees almost knocking together in fear. She returned eye-contact with Agent Conners, and did her best to maintain it despite feeling like her entire body was about to collapse. Flashes of heat and cold surged through her. Her mouth opened, but it took a few seconds to have her tongue catch up with the rampant thoughts in her head.
"I-I'm willing! I'm not s-s-sure about capable... b-but I'm willing, sir!" She blurted out before she could have any second thoughts.

Her grip tightened around NAMELESS. Was this what it had wanted? Would that have been the answer it would have wanted her to give? 

She could already feel the pressure mounting on her shoulders. What she would give to crawl back into the fiery chamber and be on her way... but that wasn't an option.
The words started echoing over and over in her head as she was escorted to her first training session.
"So it begins..."

It took every fiber of her being to not vomit up her worried stomach.
@Emberskull @Wick @Blitzer

Jay Conners


Jay didn't respond to the girls enthusiasm. Over the years, training with Farrow had always been challenging. Even when he managed to prove he was better than most of the others in about every situation, Farrow still appeared disappointed, all the time in fact. Whenever Jay saw him like that, he felt an urge to do better, to try harder; push his limits; and that was just it. If ones mentor appears to be dissatisfied with the work and ability of their student, it pushes them to work for that approval; for that pride to show up in their eyes.


He turned on his heel and moved off toward the hall that led to the exit. He was vaguely aware of Coran following them, so he quickened his pace a little. Once he turned the corner, he spun around. As he had expected, the girl had also tried to quicken her pace to keep up. Jay wasn't sure how Coran would have reacted to him attacking his new student, so he had made sure they were a good distance from him, before grabbing her by the wrist, pulling her around and slamming her into the cold, concrete wall with incredible force. He pressed her against it and leaned in close, holding a dagger so close to her neck that it cut the skin a bit. He bored his eyes into hers as he spoke, his voice barely a whisper, and fully serious.


"Never, ever, let your guard down. Ever." He let go of her and turned, continuing on toward the exit.


(OCC: Are the notifications for the OCC broken again..?.. No one seems to be replying...)
Coran yawned and decided rather than following them, he slid into the shadows and watched them from there. He clapped lazily when Connor attacked her. He'd never had a teacher other than the streets. His powers were probably the only reason he was alive. He'd been stabbed too many times to count. Each time, he'd been saved by his shadow regeneration powers. Eventually, he had learned how to manipulate the shadows and become a shadow. Of course, his curse was his changing face. After that he had been hated even more whenever he let his face flicker. Gods were hated, and he was one of them. He sighed and kept watching. 
Lucifer was so bored. No humans in sight and nothing to do. He was more than sure that this thing as their base. He wanted to be sure so he could show the true gods that will fight. He pounded on the side of the shell which made an echo even he could hear. He hate waiting to kill it made him bored and unwilling to care. @Blitzer @Emberskull @Jzork


Slumped against the trunk of a large, gnarled oak, Veiðimaður smoked placidly. Lifting the pipe away from his lips every now and then, to make rings of smoke for pure enjoyment. The antlered crown upon his head, casting shadows across the ground on which he sat. Plants gathering and growing around his touch as if his very being had rejuvenated the Earth he rested upon - even then, as it was suffocated beneath the layers of ice and snow.

Vei detested Farazia and her ideals. The fact she wished to wipe out those he was created to assist was preposterous. Without the assassins, he'd have no adrenaline thumping hunts to watch, and without the human race, he would have nothing left. But the extent of which those whom hated Gods, was unknown. If he offered his assistance, would it be accepted? And was he prepared to die, for those he'd helped father into maturity. Thoughts wracked his skull, sitting within the mortal realms for that very reason. His own forest had grown too gloomy. 
All the harvests he'd blessed, the children, protected the men they sent out into the woodlands for hunting - he was there. The one who brought farmers their crops in the failing months. Yet it seemed, they were ready to turn against the power of the divines for their own good. Farazia was mad. Alas, he couldn't help feeling hurt. As a God, he'd still acted in the right. He hadn't hidden away, nor shied from his duties. Vei brought miracles, surely those whom had witnessed him would be gracious enough to trust. Son of Gaia, Father of the Forests, and Huntsman of the Gods. 
Nothing to stop the End, but just the right amount to give in the name of a cause. Even with the Horsemen rising from their slumber.


Standing up, Veiðimaður stretched and leant to pick up both his spear and bow, hitching the string upon his shoulder. A mighty figure of raw primal strength, Vei began his arduous walk in tracking of the resistance. Too good at covering their tracks, but a few slips had made them seem childish. The God was rightly amused and exhibited the same behaviour of a parent looking through a child's latest schoolwork.

However, at the end of his trail, was an incredibly odd face he thought not to see. "Luci? My, it's been some time. When did we see each other last? Millennia ago! Surely! You know, at that one party I left early at. Drinks were horrible. No idea why we let whats-his-face make them." Waving his hand about, Vei gave a rich, raucous laugh; slapping Lucifer on the shoulder with perhaps a little too much force. It was an infectious chuckle, resonating from the depths of his chest. "But standing out here is quite ridiculous. You should be doing something awful, so I can despise you even more than I currently do." Rubbing his hand on the upper side of his torso, he knocked the God of Pain on the head with the flat of his spear. "Go on, get out. Farazia might need someone to massage her feet. Got told she has terrible trouble." His empty eyes of white-silver, were crinkled at the corners from his wide, pearly grin. Stark in contrast to his tanned, weathered appearance as a result of living the outdoors. "Anyway, I've been tracking the humans this far. They've vanished from the radar." Of course, from Vei's own knowledge, Lucifer was sitting on the very evidence he needed to call a devastating raid. 

Making himself comfortable upon the ground with his pipe, the freezing temperatures seemed to have no effect. Puffing away with a shadow of happiness cast over his handsome features. "I'm sure you have a few illegitimate children to sort out, child support to pay, angry ex-wives. Ah, you're still gullible Luci, if there are any humans here I'd eat my own shoe, as they say."





"And the beating of his telltale heart." Lazarus remarked, looking over towards Jennifer. A smile tugging upon his lips, offering a crooked form of appreciation to her quote. "You know, the world would indeed be simpler without the divines. Perhaps this was supposed to happen. A fall from power, that results in the human race showing each other that they have matured enough, beyond the reach of Gods. Especially when such power is easily corrupted, like that of Farazia. Once upon a time, she meant well. It lurks in her eyes, something that stained her goodwill forever. Not likely to be reversed. I see it in the Horseman too. Not in his eyes of course, the Horseman was before my time - but he pauses every now and then. A dangerous thing to do, but he remembers. He's more human than Farazia could wish him to be."





His head. At last, the corpses had stacked high enough to reward him with the head he'd had taken so long ago. It glowed warm in his palm, all bone now from its centuries of neglect. Setting it pridefully upon his empty stump of a neck, it locked into the top of his visible spinal column and with a deathly silence began to reform his appearance. Blood crawled upward, defying gravity as the muscle and veins, like ivy, overwhelmed and took away his skeletal features. The masons whom had tried so hard to keep it from his grasp, now lay beheaded and lifeless at his feet. A fitting end to thieves. Bathed in shadows, he grinned for the first time of what was close to four hundred years.
Menacingly, marching outward to the pure white beast, with his glowing axe blade and sheathed sword.

The End was coming.


Dar'vange followed the stench of injustice to...somewhere. He saw Hell spawn...Viedimandur? He called out. "Viedimandur!? What are you doing here? Haven't seen you in some time, my Friend. I'm still up for that hunt, been busy. Why is Hell Spawn here?" He said rather distastefully. 



"Dar'vange! I don't get out my forest enough sometimes, always something to do. Summer in one part of the Globe, winter in the next and all that." The Huntsman replied from his comfortable position on the ground. Grunting somewhat as he stumbled to his feet again. Pipe, removed from his teeth to offer a rough, masculine hug. Patting the God of Judgement on the back in his harsh, but overly friendly manner before pulling away. "Oh, Luci believes he's caught the assassin's hideout. But you know how he is, couldn't tell a doe from a buck the silly demon." Veiðimaður, chuckled once again, his cheeks taking on a rosy flush like a man who had one too many beers. "Ah, but when this mess is all over, you must come on the next hunt with me. I'm thinking deer season. Unless you'd prefer moose? Or - Cyclops" His brow arched with a silly grin in suggestion.


If she wasn't already on guard, she was now. No longer pressed against the wall by Conners, Annabelle pressed herself against the wall, shaking and shuddering from shock. Her eyes were wide and her pupils were pin-points, her mouth was frozen open, and her heart was skipping beats. Nervous sweat started forming on her face, and little by little, it delivered salt and grime into the fresh cut on her neck. It began to sting. What had just happened?!
Attempting to wipe the sweat and trickling blood off of her neck, Annabelle's hand now had a red smear across it, which she hastily wiped off on her pant leg. It took her a moment to realize that Conners had just taught her the first thing she would need to know.

"R...R-R-R..." She couldn't even give an answer, despite getting the message. The simple phrase had already flew through her mind a few hundred times in rapid succession. Don't let your guard down.

Annabelle sought to apply that one right away, just to ensure she wasn't caught on another wall again, gasping for air. She quickly caught up with Conners, frantically scanning every nook and cranny, and almost jumping out of her skin at the sound of anything that wasn't a footstep. She did her best to mentally prepare herself for whatever was outside.

@Blitzer @Wick

Lucifer chuckled. That poor god seemed almost to be a innocent fool, and the feet joke good one. "I think...no friend I know that this is the place, I mean people would run towards this area if something isn't here?" Lucifer knew that the poor god that hunted and one that judge like a poor child would appreciate the idea given or even presented but he knew it was true. Frazia needed the information and he wanted to kill the poor fools so many weakling gods protected. @HumansArentReal @TheCountryWarrior

"Now, now Luci. We're all brothers-in-arms. You realise animals bolt when they're frightened? Humans are no different. With your lazy, half-assed pursuit akin to that of a overweight, eighty-year-old woman, they could've reached the other side of the forest in no time. You're dealing with assassins, working in the shadows that you have no power over. They've fled, and you're sitting around like a dimwitted, half beaten hound. Farazia, I suspect, would prefer her lapdog to report in." His silvery-white orbs, had hardened somewhat into a stare. Head tilting, to have his long locks of chestnut hair shift, falling forward in the motion. "You do not belong on this mortal plain, Mideumess. And as a loyal protector of the woodlands, I suggest you leave. You have no dealings with the mortals. I, have come to go about my business. Farazia has changed her plans, my old friend. You need to be informed. Begone with you, the air is foul in your presence." 


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Dar'vange smirked and chuckled at Vied. "My friend! You insult me! Give me a challenge. Five Cyclopses and a Frost Giant. At the same time!" He laughed good naturely. Always good for a laugh that Huntsman. But the conversation turned serious. "You call us weaklings? You could barely fight two mortals back in that fight. You didn't even hit one! Ezrael did more damage than you did and his was an accident! You were truly comical to watch."



"Then five cyclopses and a frost giant it is! I shall enjoy such a hunting trip immensely, but you might have to keep up." Veiðimaður remarked with obvious humour, playful in the way he voiced his tone, alas it still held onto the icy edge from dealing with the hellish God of Torment and Pain. Vei, then glancing between Lucifer and Dar'vange, cocked his brow. "Really?! Ezrael? I wasn't here for that little scuffle. Poor lad must feel terrible about it. Anyhow, that is quite amusing. Ezrael is but a boy, and Lucifer, you are still an unmatured man. I pray, that one day you might encounter common sense."



Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael watched as his beloved forest was being pelted by snow. He had left Dar'vange, determined to go back to Farazia. He felt a slight shudder run through him as he remembered Escora, and the way she had threatened him. The encounter was vivid in his mind, and he would be in no hurry in forgetting it. Ezrael glanced at the gash Escora had given him, on his chest. The wound was healing quickly; in a few more hours it would be nothing but a faint scar. Ezrael guessed his life-giving powers also heightened his healing, but it still didn't erase the sharp, searing feeling of pain from Ezrael's memory. The young deity wished to never feel it again. 

And yet he knew, with the coming days of the End, pain would be the only thing both humans and Gods would feel, if something isn't done about it.


The God of Innocence and Life had been walking from the place where assassins and Gods had battled. He would take flight soon enough, but just wanted to spend his time in the forest, just in case he doesn't come back from Death's domain. The fact that he might perish did frighten Ezrael, but it was the least of his worries. The Goddess of Death would usher in the era of the End to all, her headless horseman by her side, and as her complete opposite, Ezrael had no choice but to fight against her dark forces. As Life, he needed to overcome Death. As the God of Innocence as well as Life, he needed to cleanse all of their darkness and impurities, as impossible as it seems. 


Instantly, Ezrael felt it. The godly presences of deities, lingering in the frosty air. It was faint, almost too faint, but as alert as the young God was, he sensed it. One was very familiar; the hellish sense of Lucifer, the righteous one of Dar'vange, and one he did not recognize. This one was tinged with all the earthly scents of the timberland, wild animals, and the harvest. Ezrael had no idea who this was. But before he could investigate, an anguished, muffled cry of a girl stopped him dead in his tracks. 


Ezrael turned around, but saw nothing except for the ceaseless and growing stretch of snow in front of him, tall trees flanking him. And then, he saw it. A movement, a harsh jerk upwards, farther down the clearing. Ezrael realized it was a girl, disoriented and gasping for air, as if in pain. His eyes widened, recognition hitting him in an instant. It was that same girl, that same assassin that attempted to take his life earlier, in the heat of battle. Her silver hair was laced in snow, and so were her clothes and it seemed she was trying to move, but something was clearly restricting her from that freedom, with every cry of pain she produced. 

Ezrael couldn't help but approach her, to see the source of her agony. His intentions were to help, but would she accept that help?

As he neared her, he saw how her body was mostly covered in snow, and Ezrael froze as the girl's head snapped up to look at him, realizing he was there. Recognition flickered across her wide, cold blue eyes, and a snarl formed on her face. 

"Get away from me!" she cried, holding her arm up in front of her. Ezrael saw how angry she was, how pained she was, and how scared she was. Did she really think he wanted to hurt her? Ezrael felt sorrow wash over him; it seems the Gods had so frequently abused the mortals that the humans can't tell between good or evil, when it came to Gods. They only viewed the deities as enemies, as killers, as oppressors. 

"Don't be afraid," he answered, staying calm, taking a step closer. The assassin flinched, and her hand seemed to be fumbling to grasp a weapon of some sort, and Ezrael rushed to stop her, by grabbing her wrist. The girl shrieked in pain, and Ezrael realized her wrist was broken. Her wrist seemed lifeless, and a glaring, red liquid covered it. He glanced at her legs, and saw that her right ankle was twisted in an awkward position, and Ezrael couldn't help let out a tiny gasp.

"You're hurt," he murmured, voice low and slightly hoarse, crouching down. The assassin girl gave him a poisonous glare. "Because of you," she answered, through gritted teeth, tears of pain coming to her eyes.

Ezrael's eyes widened. He caused her injuries? The memory of how he made her fly right against the trunk of that tree rushed into his mind.

"What else?" he asked carefully, softly, gazing at her. The girl stared at him, and Ezrael imagined she was pondering on whether to answer him, to trust him, and it seemed she gave in, whispering, "My back. It's not broken, but--but it hurts." Ezrael glanced at her back, and went back to her. Without thinking, he said, "My name is Ezrael." He gazed back at her, only to see her eyes narrowed, and a mix of conflicting emotions flickering across her pale features. 

Finally, she looked away, and murmured, 

"Vixen. My name is Vixen."

Ezrael smiled kindly. "Let me help you, Vixen."



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Vixen Lockeheart


Why had she given him her name? Vixen regretted it. But the fact that he hadn't killed her yet and was showing this much kindness startled her. He at least deserved to know her name.

His request to help her shocked Vixen to the core. She indeed needed help, but stubbornly refused to acknowledge it. She didn't need help. She would get through this alone. She would not accept help. especially from a God. The very thought riled up anger, hate and disdain hidden in her. Help, she thought in contempt. Gods don't know how to help. They are all selfish bastards, all arrogant and narrow-minded. You are the reason why I'm in pain and injured! Go to hell, she thought, giving Ezrael another hateful glare, only to be met by a gracious smile. Vixen wanted to plunge a knife in this God's body so bad, but she couldn't, because of her wounds. Because of him. She gritted her teeth, her pride making it hard to accept the fact that she needed help. Another wave of pain rattled her, and she let out an anguished cry. 

"Fine," she gasped. "Help me."
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Lucifer studded. "I have and it'll come again so dont worry, now insist go to farazia..." lucifer dissap3ared and reapper3d to the halls walking to the last spoy he had seen farazia. "Hem farazia I have been informed or at least lied to that you have new to share with me...you So called lap dog." Lucifer chuckled he didn't care for what they called him and he did his job and he does it good. @Emberskull

With Dar'vange's comment, a slow but sure smile twitched at his features, till he began to laugh once again. A hand on his diaphragm, whilst he pinched the bridge of his nose leaning forwards. His shoulders shaking in such amusement, that it was hard to decipher whether he was fitting or still chuckling. At last, he began to calm down, letting out a long whistle whilst wiping under his eyes where silvery tears had begun to build. Inhaling deeply. "You, are certainly being invited to the next hunt my friend. God of Judgement, is an unworthy title." Taking his time to recover, Veiðimaður rubbed at his forehead and let the colour drain from his jovial expression, till he stood with somewhat sincerity.

"Do tell me, where is Ezrael? I last saw him years ago. I'm afraid hunting doesn't quite add up to some beliefs. A necessary evil to feed man. And to kill one another. It's a strange game, I tell you that. Ah, but the forests link us all in the end." Glancing to the vanishing act of Lucifer, he smiled to himself. "Another problem dealt with at least."


[Mentioned: @Esther_Silvers, @LuckyLucifer]
@Katie Jensen The man looked up at her with hollow eyes. "It's coming... The End is coming and there's no stopping it." He breathed, his hands quivering uncontrollably. "There stopping her." His voice hitched and he clenched his fist around what seemed to be an invisible lifeline. He a shiver wracked his body and he shakily brought his head to his hands, whispering a pointless prayer. His hands sifted through his hair.

He was surely mad.

@HumansArentReal Jennifer nodded and took a large swig of brandy. "I can sometimes feel the trees shaking. The forests are dying. They become sick, and one by one they die. The End was surely coming, it was just a matter of when. I just hope it isn't the true End, just a new opportunity for a beginning."

She poured herself another glass and raised it high. "To the mortals." She said, smiling.

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Vixen accepting his request flooded Ezrael with delight. He could easily tell this girl absolutely despised Gods, and it nerved him at how much abhorrence was stored inside of her. He caught her venomous, loathsome glare. This much hatred could only be the result of a painful, traumatic past; a tragic past influenced and formulated by the Gods, he reasoned sadly. She would kill me, he thought, getting up, and preparing to aid her. If she could, he added, glancing at her injuries. Ezrael made sure to be gentle, to be light with Vixen, as he handled her and her wounds. He helped her get up, and realized she was much lighter than he thought. Being the harshest season of the year, food must be very hard to come by, presumed the young deity. Vixen was hesitant, and seemed to hate the fact that Ezrael was helping her, that she was even making contact with him. 

Finally, Ezrael had Vixen's arm slung over his shoulders, and made sure to keep her upright and stable as they made their way through the winter wonderland of a forest. 

Ezrael had yet to tell Vixen that he didn't really know how to help her. He was no healer after all; he can only raise the dead, not heal them. It being winter, all the healing herbs are surely gone, night was approaching, and the winds were becoming harsher. Ezrael felt Vixen shake uncontrollably, her skin becoming colder and colder, number and number. She refused to press close for at least a sliver of warmth. Ezrael wondered how could such a delicate being such as herself have such stubbornness and temper. It made no sense. Ezrael could only guess that this cruel world of hers is responsible in making her become what she was today.


Ezrael didn't know what to do with the silence either. Vixen refused to speak, and he had nothing to speak about. The tension and hate radiating of her person was almost palpable. As the time grew, Ezrael knew it was only a matter of time before she would demand where the hell they were going. 

"Where the hell are you leading me?" demanded Vixen, her voice hoarse. Ezrael didn't answer; he was too busy trying to muster up the courage and boldness to admit that he had no idea. "Well?!" she inquired again. Ezrael sighed. "I--I don't know," he admitted. "However," he added, before Vixen could explode in anger. "I do have a suggestion." He paused their trek, turning his head to look at her, gaze serious and piercing. 

"The Resistance's Headquarters."

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