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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

"Every en
d, leads to something new. A decision or choice. Time is a concept, so is the future and past. Tomorrow never comes, because tomorrow is today." Taking his own long gulps of brandy to soothe the rather philosophical debate about the End of Times, Lazarus grinned. "To the mortals, may they do more than we ever could've." He replied, raising his own glass to clink it against her own. 

"One day, we'll all cease to exist. But energy can't be destroyed or made, my dear Miss Jenny. So what will happen to all that the Gods possess?" 

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Jay Conners


He moved along the corridors, turning a corner every now and then. Since the gods were so persistent with eliminating the resistance, they all needed to locate a different area every now and then, in hopes that the immortals would not find them once again. Even though they had set up camp in this strange cave within the middle of a forest, it only took Jay the week and a half they had been there so far in order to map the entire area out. One more right and two lefts in order to make their way outside. The storm was still blowing outside; which made Farley's idea to head out there and train completely mad, at least for the girl's sake.


He listened to his footsteps echoing briefly off the walls. Other than the girl's own footsteps and the faded background noise of the assassins further into the HQ, there was no other noise. Only girl and him remained; Coran had evidently decided to ignore orders and stay behind to sulk about within the shadows. This was okay with Jay; He felt no need to have a brute for a babysitter.


The exit was a door that led into a well of sorts, that had a ladder leading up to a hatch buried by snow outside. He hauled open the large steel passageway and walked over to the ladder inside, and stopping to look back at the girl, who had kept up quite well. She had smeared the blood from the cut he had created.


He reach up, pulling his cloak up and over his head. Beneath remained a somewhat ragged, beige T-shirt. His arm thrust out and pressed it against her chest. "Still a good storm going out there, you might want to wear that." He placed his hands on the rungs and began to ascend the ladder.



"Every en
d, leads to something new. A decision or choice. Time is a concept, so is the future and past. Tomorrow never comes, because tomorrow is today." Taking his own long gulps of brandy to soothe the rather philosophical debate about the End of Times, Lazarus grinned. "To the mortals, may they do more than we ever could've." He replied, raising his own glass to clink it against her own. 

"One day, we'll all cease to exist. But energy can't be destroyed or made, my dear Miss Jenny. So what will happen to all that the Gods possess?" 

Ealoseum, God of Space

Without warning, Ealoseum teleported into the room silently - not alerting his presence until he opened his mouth,

"Oh, but time is not merely a concept, Chauncey-boy. Time is the boundary that keeps space intact and space is... well, space.. that keeps time from collapsing and crushing itself like a black hole."

He then continued, still seated in one of the armchairs on the opposite end of the room - across where Jennifer and Chauncey was sitting,

"Knowledge and understanding are but the same - I expect you not to understand fully, but it'll surprise me not if you do. Now, what you said... Regarding the True End... The mortals are tearing the very fabric of this universe apart - clearly, if we are to let this be, we won't be the only ones ceasing to exist - the whole universe will... On a brighter note, might I know where my fellow Coactus might be? I'm most certain he's within our vicinity.."

@Wick @HumansArentReal @Emberskull
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As the voice emitted from the region behind him, in surprise Lazarus jolted. His intoxicated coordination no real help, as he managed to spill the brandy over a knee. Glaring toward the god, he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Time is a concept to understand the existence of the universe. There is no such thing. The only reason it manages to exist is because of humanity. There is no such thing as anything other but the current moment." Chauncey remarked. "As we live, we seem to move through a succession of Nows. Each Now is an arrangement of everything in the universe. We have the strong impression that things have definite positions relative to each other. The aim is to abstract away everything we cannot see, directly or indirectly and simply keep this idea of many different things coexisting at once. There are simply the Nows, nothing more, nothing less." Folding his arms and taking another long swig, he rubbed his forehead. "Coactus should be the God of moments, not time. It's a misinterpretation. My father is the god of knowledge, these archives are extensive. I might not be all-seeing, but I'm more intelligent than you give me credit for."


The demi-god then sank back into the sofa cushions, glaring at the visitor. "The End is the fault of us. I don't care whether this universe ends, nor do I care if you die. For a personification of space, you are what we call, up your own arse." Stretching out, he then motioned toward his current companion. "This is why I prefer the nature deities. And your friend is kissing the feet of Farazia, in a desperate attempt to wipe humanity from the Earth. The only thing we've ever created, that was more gorgeous than ourselves. Weak as glass, and stronger than titanium. They are our Achilles heel, our children. But men like you have never been able to relate. You're not even a man. Just a thing, who has no identification of what humanity really is." Turning off to gaze into the maze of books which lined the small living space, Chauncey's eyes took upon the same, odd silvery appearance as he'd exhibited not too long before. "The cat that jumps is not the same cat that lands. There is no past moment that flows into a future moment. Instead, all the different possible configurations of the universe, every possible location of every atom throughout all of creation, exist simultaneously. Nows all exist at once in a vast Platonic realm that stands completely and absolutely without time. For time, is a lowly terminology. Used by the dull, and unimaginative labels that come from the tongues of mere mortals, in their attempt to understand the world around them. They shall succeed us as the new gods. Through oppression and sin, they shall emerge anew and rebuild from the remnants of a war that will burn across the land, with famine, plague, war, and death."

Suddenly his head fell forwards, not with drunkenness but with the idea that wherever his father had gone, he'd left a part of his psyche in his only son. Knowledge, and understanding beyond his years, that one human body - no matter how much divine heritage, could hold at once. Locked away till such a time, where even Lazarus could ascend to something more.


Lucifer seeing farazia wasn't there traveled to farazia. He had seen he talking and walked up tapping her back. "Farazia I've been told or li3d to that you have new information than your original." Lucifer wanted to be atleast informed if it had anything to do with the attack on humans.@Emberskull
Not wanting to disappoint her new teacher (or freeze, for that matter), Annabelle put on the cloak without question. It was large enough that it covered up her face and hands. She could feel damp pockets that still hadn't dried from Jay's travel through the wintry conditions, and the musty smell of dirt and earth near overwhelmed her. She rolled up the sleeves to the point where at least her hands were always visible, and then climbed up the ladder after Jay.

Outside, the cloak protected her from the chilling frost and snow, though the wind still pierced her to the very core. She was grateful that Conners had lent her the cloak for the time being, but she silently wondered how he would fare out in this weather in only that t-shirt.
Don't let your guard down, she remembered, saving herself from becoming lost in thought. She quickly attempted to become aware of her surroundings as she followed Jay further into the cold. She briefly patted her bag, almost as a promise to NAMELESS that she would make it out alive.

Eyes forward, Annabelle.

Don't let your guard down.


Vixen Lockeheart


Silence hung in the air for a few long moments.


More silence.

Then, anger hit. 




Vixen felt disbelief strike like lightning. How dare he? How freaking dare he? The urge to murder the bastard was so strong, so powerful---

Screw it, she thought in rage, scrambling to retrieve a knife. There is no way in hell that I will ever bring him to our base. I'll f***king kill him right now!

She struggled to get away from the damned deity's grasp, despite her injuries. With each struggle, pain overcame her, and it was almost unbearable, but Vixen vowed to endure it. She had to, if she ever wanted to get rid of this pathetic, vile, revolting son of a bitch!


"Wait! Vixen, I---"

"Let go of me, you bastard!" 


She finally managed to free herself from Ezrael, (miraculously) and get her signature knife, and gripped it hard, preparing to attack, despite the hellish agony coursing through her body. Unfortunately, luck was not on her side. Yet again, Ezrael was using those damned telekinetic abilities of his, thus restricting her from moving. 

"Dammit--let go!" retorted Vixen, angry but pained. Without support, the agony was almost too much. "Not until you hear me out," answered Ezrael, his eyes filled with caution, and fear. Good, thought Vixen. At least the bastard knows who's he's gotta fear.

"I'm not planning to attack the Resistance," started Ezrael. The statement shocked Vixen, but she kept it hidden. What did he mean? What else could he want? 

"I want to join it."


"Wait, what?" Vixen was terribly confused. A God, as an ally? Vixen couldn't believe it; all Gods hated the humans. They all followed Death. Why would Ezrael want to help humans, if he served the Goddess of Death, who sought out to destroy them? The Gods have always oppressed the humans. What changed? Unless...unless...

"You--you hate Farazia.." The phrase came out as breathless, filled with disbelief and shock. Ezrael looked away, and nodded. "Yes," he answered softly. "In fact, I am not the only one. You'd be surprised at how many share mutual feelings against Death." Vixen's mouth was open, her blue eyes wide in stupor. "But-but it can't be true! You're lying..lying.." No matter how many times she tried to push down the obvious truth, it came back up again, forcing her to acknowledge that maybe all those myths and legends of all the Gods being nothing but cruel and vicious, were wrong. Ezrael had just shown that perhaps not all Gods were like that. 

"The End is coming, Vixen," warned Ezrael, his gaze suddenly becoming very serious. "You'll need every ally you can get, God or not. What Farazia is planning to do, is beyond our cruelest imaginations. Suffering and sorrow is in store for humanity, more than you can envision. Unless, that is, we don't do something about it."


Vixen's heart hammered, and her anger began to fade. "But Farley..my teammates...no one is going to believe you," answered Vixen. "They will see you as an enemy and will surely kill you." Ezrael gazed at her, determination written all over his features. "Then I will convince them."


Ezrael let Vixen go, and immediately began to support her as they made their way out of the forest. It was evening, and the sky was dark with stormy clouds. The winds have died down, but the cold was still as sharp as ever. Vixen knew if they didn't get out of the cold fast enough, she'd die. She still refused to press close to Ezrael for warmth. She didn't speak her thoughts out loud, but the doubts were swirling in her mind as she directed the both of them to the underground HQ of the Resistance. 

Did she make the right choice, believing Ezrael and his words? What if this was no more than a farce, a lie, to get close to the HQ, and humanity's last hope goes down, all because of her? Was it right to trust this God? Vixen hated being dependent on someone. It made her feel weak and vulnerable, and her pride was dented in the process. 

Finally, they had made it. Vixen knew the security cameras must've got them, with them standing at the entrance so stupidly like that. Vixen knew they'd be confronted sooner or later. She just hoped Ezrael wouldn't get killed, not when he had such an important request to make.




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@LuckyLucifer "And who would have told you such a thing?" Farazia asked, turning ominously on her swirly chair. All she needed now was a fluffy white cat called Mr. Bigglesworth.



@HumansArentReal @MatTamMax "And this is where we stop." Jenny said, standing up to smoothen her skirts. "I'm certain this dispute will result in the End, just like discovering the meaning of life would only result in death." She said, her eyes switching between the two Gods. 


"You brother was last seen searching for Farazia. That's all I know."



There were already around thrity Assassins waiting for the pair at the entrance.

"Let them in." Said Farley, confident that his men could take down the God of Life. The hidden titanium door slid open, dirt scattering the entrance. 

"Well, well, well. What do I see here? A traitor, I presume? And her newest bodyguard? Oh my, oh my." Farley took in a long, deep breath of the base's recycled air. 


"Seize them."


"Ah, well. It was a nice catch-up, Dar'vange. But I believe I'll stay, and offer my protection to this forest. My own is well equipped to handle its own dangers, should they ever arise." Veiðimaður thrust the end of his spear heavily in the snow at his feet, gaze sweeping over the icy blanket of snow, and the rolling overcast skies. "I've spent millennia, watching over them. It's only right in the End, that I should watch over them one more time. The location of their resistance shall be well hidden, I'll deter any divine being away from this place. I know not where the resistance lies, but I know they understand Gods have oppressed them for centuries. More than that, since the beginning. I only hope they recognise me, after all this time." It was a optimistic expression, of that resembling a hopeful father. "For now, I'll take a stroll and see what I can. I just pray they ask questions first and shoot later. I haven't got many other wishes, than to remain what I've always been." A long sigh escaped him. "No one should be out in this weather. I might be able to offer something." So he began his arduous trek through the harsh terrain, his silhouette, a mighty man with that same crown of antlers he was often known for. 


Vei was clueless, yet he trusted if he discovered another flame of life, it would give him a chance to prove them wrong about the misconception that all deities oppressed and controlled. He had punished - yes. But never did he mindlessly exact his revenge. He was but a servant to the providing Earth, and a source of miracles for the working man - as well as a saint to the families made possible by his blessing. 




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Lucifer smiled. "Well vei tells me that you have had a different plan than normal." Lucifer knew with couldn't be true. He knows that farazia wouldn't change plans on a dime. He wants to kill to poor man that believes in the mortals. They are just offspring of failed gods and misled fools. @Emberskull
Don't let your guard down.

Don't let your guard down.


The sound of crunching snow jolted Annabelle out of her focused stupor. She whirled around to see who was there, grasping for something in her bag to possibly use as a weapon, like a bludgeoning rock of sorts. She pulled out the icy orb and clutched it in her hand. Regrettably, she hadn't taken any sort of dagger or blade from the base. 
She scanned the area for who or what made the sound, checking over her shoulder numerous times to make sure that it wasn't her teacher lunging at her with another blade. Finding nobody, she breathed a quick sigh of relief and once again continued to follow Conne-

Jay had disappeared from view.
She had been distracted for too long and had lost her mentor. Frantically, she searched the snow for his footprints, but the weather had already sealed them up behind him. Annabelle began to panic, frantic gasps for air escaping her, eyes darting around in the snow to locate someone... anyone.

Don't let your guard down.
Annabelle seized her mouth with her free hand, tightly holding the icy orb in the other. She listened and observed very carefully. Breathing softly yet deeply enough to mask her fear behind concentration. She did everything she could to prevent herself from shaking from nervousness.

@Wick @HumansArentReal @Emberskull @Esther_Silvers
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Jay Conners


The second the wind shoved the chunk of snow from the tree, the girl swirled around, frantically grabbing for something in her bag. Jay took this time to rush away from her, and out of sight. His own mentor had done this to him once; during a blizzard not much worse than this one. Jay had been following him through the snow, and a doe had dashed away through the nearby bushes, causing Jay to panic. He had had no training in that kind of a scenario, and he ended up wandering the cold mountaintop for a few hours, in search of either Farrow, or even any random person hiking through the storm. It hadn't been until he calmed down and let the cold overtake him that he fell unconscious. He later awoke inside the league's hideout; Nobody spoke of his failure, not even Farrow. He wondered how the girl would handle such a situation; Perhaps she would pass out as he had? Or maybe she will be able to find him through the conditions.


She held some sort of sphere in her hands. It glowed a soft icy blue in color. She didn't appear to have any idea as to what she could do with it, and Jay was also clueless. If it held similar abilities to the stone construct that she had been accompanied with earlier, she would likely have no trouble locating him, along with finding her way back to base with it. She whipped her head around frequently, her gaze often passing over him without any hesitation.


Jay was a master at hiding in plain sight. If he were in a jungle, he would stay still as an owl watching it's dinner. If he were in a desert, he would bury himself in the sand in order to avoid any unwanted attention. Blizzards were some of the easiest to hide in. At times, he would stand perfectly still, allowing the snow to gather on him and partially cloak him from the vision of others. He was also easily able to move along, following the direction the snow was blowing in.


The girl seemed to calm herself a bit. Even with the snow flying by, Jay could tell she had relaxed more. He continued watching, observing all that she did.




Coactus, God of Time

Coactus leaned back in the chair. The hall was still bustling with gods and goddess', all milling about and speaking with each other. On occasion a group of them would glance over, but averted their gaze before Coactus could feel bothered enough to react to them. His gears softly ticked away, barely loud enough to make up for the background noise.


He took a mug of brandy off the table in front of him and stared into it, making circles with the bottle that caused the alcohol inside to swirl. All the time in existence and he had never once partook in the beverages of neither the gods nor the humans. He lifted the mug to his nose and took a strong whiff, the sharp stench of the beer flooding his nostrils. After observing it for a moment longer, he rose it to his lips and downed the whole thing. When he lowered it and placed it on the table, nothing happened. He was aware that the quantity of beer that he had consumed, normally had a major effect on the mortals, but he felt nothing had changed. Even so, the drink had tasted like nothing. Why would the immortals here drink any of it unless it had any effect on them at all? Unless they could taste it while he could not?


He leaned forward and grumbled, bored, pushing the glass aside and using his arms to prop himself up on the table.



"Farewell Viedimadur! I look forward to that hunt." Dar'vange said with a laugh. But inwardly, he was worried that Viedimadur would get himself killed by those he sought to protect. But something else came up. His Justice senses were tingling. He followed the trail of unnecessary hatred and saw Ezreal carrying an female. This seemed okay until Dar'vange recognized her. He immediately turned invisible and watched since it seemed they had come to some sort of agreement. He followed them and saw them be taken in. But not out of kindness. All he felt was a wave of vulgar hatred and the one small speck of purity Ezreal carried. The female was the most interesting however. She seemed to be undecided between evil and good. He continued watching. 



Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


"Wait!" insisted Ezrael, intending to try and explain his reasons for coming here. Unfortunately, that didn't work, (no kidding), and at Farley's command, assassins had Ezrael's arms behind him, hands in chains. Vixen was ripped from his grasp, and put in chains as well, and she cried out in pain at all the pressure and action. "I am no traitor!" she said, indignant. "Ezrael, he has a request and--" Vixen cried out in pain again, abruptly interrupting her sentence. She stumbled, and an assassin had to support her. A rush of panic and fear overtook Ezrael for a few moments. What if the general had them both killed before he even had a chance to speak?

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Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora had left Farazia's chambers, troubled by her thoughts. The way the Horseman had looked at her, it sent a chill down the deity's spine. Even without a head, it's nonexistent gaze made her blood run cold. She instantly knew how much the Rider of Death disdained her. The malice, the derision was all there. Escora made a mental note to not run into the headless soldier anytime soon. 

The green-skinned Goddess made it to the hall, wanting something to make her forget all this. She needed beer. Of course, she also knew alcohol had no effect on deities, and she wished it had. Then, at least she could forget her burdens for a little while. 

Escora grabbed beer, a large mug of it, and let her emerald green eyes scan for a place to sit. Then, the handsome figure of Coactus, the God of Time, caught her attention. She smiled, and made her way to the God's table, and took a seat, not bothering to ask for an invitation. 

"Something troubling you?"



As the voice emitted from the region behind him, in surprise Lazarus jolted. His intoxicated coordination no real help, as he managed to spill the brandy over a knee. Glaring toward the god, he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Time is a concept to understand the existence of the universe. There is no such thing. The only reason it manages to exist is because of humanity. There is no such thing as anything other but the current moment." Chauncey remarked. "As we live, we seem to move through a succession of Nows. Each Now is an arrangement of everything in the universe. We have the strong impression that things have definite positions relative to each other. The aim is to abstract away everything we cannot see, directly or indirectly and simply keep this idea of many different things coexisting at once. There are simply the Nows, nothing more, nothing less." Folding his arms and taking another long swig, he rubbed his forehead. "Coactus should be the God of moments, not time. It's a misinterpretation. My father is the god of knowledge, these archives are extensive. I might not be all-seeing, but I'm more intelligent than you give me credit for."


The demi-god then sank back into the sofa cushions, glaring at the visitor. "The End is the fault of us. I don't care whether this universe ends, nor do I care if you die. For a personification of space, you are what we call, up your own arse." Stretching out, he then motioned toward his current companion. "This is why I prefer the nature deities. And your friend is kissing the feet of Farazia, in a desperate attempt to wipe humanity from the Earth. The only thing we've ever created, that was more gorgeous than ourselves. Weak as glass, and stronger than titanium. They are our Achilles heel, our children. But men like you have never been able to relate. You're not even a man. Just a thing, who has no identification of what humanity really is." Turning off to gaze into the maze of books which lined the small living space, Chauncey's eyes took upon the same, odd silvery appearance as he'd exhibited not too long before. "The cat that jumps is not the same cat that lands. There is no past moment that flows into a future moment. Instead, all the different possible configurations of the universe, every possible location of every atom throughout all of creation, exist simultaneously. Nows all exist at once in a vast Platonic realm that stands completely and absolutely without time. For time, is a lowly terminology. Used by the dull, and unimaginative labels that come from the tongues of mere mortals, in their attempt to understand the world around them. They shall succeed us as the new gods. Through oppression and sin, they shall emerge anew and rebuild from the remnants of a war that will burn across the land, with famine, plague, war, and death."

Suddenly his head fell forwards, not with drunkenness but with the idea that wherever his father had gone, he'd left a part of his psyche in his only son. Knowledge, and understanding beyond his years, that one human body - no matter how much divine heritage, could hold at once. Locked away till such a time, where even Lazarus could ascend to something more.


Ealoseum, God of Space

Ealoseum grinned at Chauncey's speech,

"Your elevated comprehension of the universe's workings... astonish me... Truth be told withal, the universe works in more ways than one - time is a concept, yes - but that isn't all that time is. Think of it as different perspectives, if you will. I seem to have underestimated your intelligence by attempting to simplify the concept of universe... My apologies, I suppose."

He then stood up and buried his frown,

"You are a remarkable creation - possesing remarkable knowledge. I see no point in keeping it a secret any longer as I'm sure you are already aware of this - I can speak frankly to you then. I care no longer for the fate of this universe - it's a matter of mere moments before we all cease to exist..."

Ealoseum then let out a subtle smile - one that was pure and innocent for once,

"I dare not say this to the others for as you know, they are... ignorant, if you will. They don't posses the rare... understanding that you have. Most of them are conceited - they see themselves as masters... I'd rather think of ourselves as parents - parents who fear change and are stopping their children from fleeing their cages. If the mortals are to replace us, then let it be. I can finally rest in peace.."

"You know, Chauncey-boy, I find conversing with you... amusing as I need not hold back. Pour me a glass would you?" Ealoseum then strolled over to the two deities before him and sat down. 
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Soon, the God was in air-tight confinement, fool proof to both mortals and divines. Farley didn't bother asking how they did it. Some sort of sciency sh*. 

Vixen had been moved to a contained medical room, where her wounds were being treated.

"Hello, Mr. Ezrael." A voice boomed over the intercoms, followed by a loud but abrupt screech of feedback. 

"Do you mind stating your business here? I'm aware that it is your goal to kill us all, I'm just following protocol." the voice said, his voice flat as a dime on a railway track.



"Ah, that. Yes, there has been a slight change of plans regarding the organization I beleive is called the A.G.A.. We no longer strive to see them kneel, we are out for their blood." Farazia said, smiling.

"We're going to kill them all, along with their puny organization."
Lucifer nor than glad at how the plans may be better. "Am I grants to tak3 and torture some?" Lucifer was almost wanting to hug farazia but supressed it as it may get him killed. He smiled as thought about who to torture. The girl can stay she isn't a figh she is in a infancy stage of fighting. @Emberskull


Moving forwards, he kept a sharp eye out. Figure although broad and well-muscled, elegantly stepping through the blizzard without so much of a hitch. The forest was a vast place, holding the secret to mankind's uprising within its folds of evergreens and bare branches. Deer stripping the bark off birch trunks to get by through the winter months, feeding their young with whatever they could. 

Veiðimaður, taking note of his current surroundings, began to notice the silhouettes in the snow. Most identifiable, a young woman who hadn't taken any preparation to hide, but clutched an odd sort of stone to her chest; appearing lost. His concern blindsided the outline of the male not too far off within the vicinity, making sure strides through the worsening weather, one arm lifted to half cover his face. Quite literally craning forward from his height, to arch his brow in clear confusion. "Might I question, why you're out in this gale?" Vei, lifting his voice above the whistle of the harsh winds that whipped the ice assaultingly upon any living being caught outside. Alas, he might've been recognised as a simple huntsman, was it not for the silvery eyes that lacked both pupils and irises. However, you could most definitely sense the gaze.





He almost rudely rolled his eyes in front of Jennifer but refrained just in time as to not insult. Shifting himself to sit more comfortably, he locked his gaze once more upon the God, sitting at one end of the room quite lax within an armchair. "Your apology is wholly accepted, ol' boy." Lazarus nodded, straightening his posture only to incline his head whilst listening. "So you do, in fact, have some kind of fatherly emotion towards them. I shouldn't quite label the mortals, for I am half myself. Yet some of us, merely wish to smother our children in their beds. Farazia wants to ensure they never mature to their fullest extent. A waste, of such innovative, brilliant minds." Alas, a smile grew on his features as Ealoseum moved to share in the conversation without his previous aura of aloofness. "My pleasure. Ah, but observe Miss Jenny, that conflict can bring understanding and unlikely acquaintances." Chauncey noted, pouring a large brandy for the new deity, and offering it towards him. "If only all battles were so easily concluded. Anyhow, I can see how surprising it must be to acknowledge that a demi-god is somewhat intelligent. Yet I have my father's knack for reading. Centuries cooped up, leave me with nothing to do, except discovering the secrets that lie within the extensive archives. I can read back to the very first primal, elemental titans that walked this earth. As well, as each and every God and Goddess that has ever existed. You see, I'm also in charge of noting down the family trees of every divine heritage. Quite interesting if you ask me."



Dar'vange continued to follow Ezreal and his captors, invisible to sight, though he wasn't sure if they had some sort of technology to advert that. He found that for some reason, he couldn't enter the room they held Ezreal in. So Dar'vange watched and listened. 


Emptiness....darkness and sound of something beating. He remembered but forgot in an instant until for a split second he did remember. He was in his trance, how long had it been? Hundreds or thousands of years since he had awoken? No matter, he would wake soon enough more powerful than he had ever been in his whole life. With each beat a shockwave of pure energy shot through the universe all the way down to earth. They caused a major earthquake in every location of the world, volcanoes erupted and the balance of order has been disturbed but all for a moment. In a day or two he will be fully awake and and travel back down to earth from his "prison" in space. Destruction is coming and he will be at the head of it. One sentence could be heard if someone was up there "I wonder how they have changed" before he slept again
Annabelle froze like the ice as Veidimadur made his way into the clearing. Even somewhat arched over, he dwarfed Annabelle in size, and presumably, in strength.
And his eyes. They weren't... human. Not human enough, at least. Silvery eyes that were empty as a blizzard and yet piercing like the breeze... she could feel them staring to her very core. 
Was this some specter of the icy frost, here to claim her life from a cold freeze she hadn't acknowledged? Or was this a beguiling trick, a homely hunter out for blood?
Annabelle made eye contact from underneath the cloak. Why was she assuming this giant was inherently bad? The training was already starting to get to her head, it seemed. Could she really trust anyone now? Could she-

Don't let your guard down.

She suppressed her sporadic trains of thought, and derailed them all at once. This was still a training session. Conners would want her to react and act like he would.

... Uh, how would someone like Jay react? How would someone like Farley react to this? She had to pretend like she wasn't nervous, quaking, frozen Annabelle for a second, not like the giant wouldn't have been able to see that she was indeed, nervous, quaking, and frozen. 
A deep breath out from under the cloak made a small puff of heat rise in front of her face, and she hopped backwards, stumbling but managing to not fall on her back.

"Stay b-back! I'm training m-my will and my strength! I... I don't need your help!" Annabelle held out the icy orb in front of her, doing the best a small girl could to look menacing. "I'm warning you! I'm going to b-become an Assassin!"

She gasped and covered her mouth with her free hand.
She had probably said too much.

@Wick @HumansArentReal

"Ah, an assassin." He nodded, with a rather amused, benevolent gaze. "I'm not here to assault, nor cause harm I'm afraid. But an assassin on a hunt, that does intrigue me." The tiny female was half frozen, from both the blizzard and fear, her eyes wide clutching the odd icy rock before her. Hardly what she seemed or proclaimed to be. "You know, many people introduce each other with names. You might not be familiar with the concept, but it's generally a nice little conversation regarding how a person is." The God chuckled, a rich tone resonating deep from within his chest with a warmth that bled through the rapidly dropping temperatures. "Strength is also normally, not found out in the middle of a forest during a storm. Unless you want to know how far you can go till dying in the grasp of hypothermia. But testing a will, that could work. A will to live." Veiðimaður shrugged, clasping his hands together heavily. 
"I understand if you don't need my help, whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, but for the record, what is so important to search for in the snow? I know that I'd rather be in front of a fireplace right now." Taking down his own hood, he pushed the antlered crown to fully reveal his features. Both headset and cloak hanging from his shoulders then, to lessen his intimidation. Only somewhat, for a man standing at six foot five, with silver eyes and a chest of odd patterns that resembled scar tissue; was quite rightly a character to be cautious around. Common sense after all. 
Crouching lower till he managed to reach her eye height, Vei put his hands up in surrender. "Mighty assassin, I quiver in my boots - but please -" He slowly reached down to nudge the snow from the frozen ground.  A flower spiralled upwards from his touch, nursed by the warmth of his calloused hands to spread its petals faster than spring. Plucking the buttercup, he offered it out towards the girl, his lips upturned by a genuine smile. "- accept my truce."



@Emberskull @Moon Maybe @Katie Jensen @Syra @MatTamMax @HumansArentReal @Wick @Blitzer @Daniel reaving @Andie @Jzork @TheCountryWarrior @LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers as the shockwaves reached the realm of gods and goddesses they would experience a slight shaking of there realm and the feeling of there blood boiling under the skin, even the few demigods and gods on earth could feel this. Meanwhile on earth people and gods would experience major shaking of the earth but that would be it. Many who remember the old times would most likely know that Dracke was waking 
Lucifer standing turning away from farazia feeling a slight rumble. He check and as no machine or even cr waa tyre stirring around. He brushes it off and returned to his position when he was on the mortal plain. To his suprise the girl had been there with the stone out again. Lucifer made his presence clear with the feeling of death and darkness form around him as it could be seen even by a normal human.Even with this menosing feeling Lucifer laughed. The stone or even the things that poor girl pulled so it of her satchel amused him. "Hahaha I'm dying stop girl you can't keep doing this!" Every word took a amount of breath. Lucifer choking and gasping for air as his lungs emptied every time he . He fell to the snowed ground as his face plunge into the snow making a terrible scraping sound as he continued to laugh under the snow. @Jzork @HumansArentReal

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