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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Annabelle sighed and slowly got to her feet. Arms folded and hands nestled against her sides, she followed Coran through the assassin base.
She never once looked up or around at her surroundings. Her head was lowered in shame and sadness, tilted only enough to the point where she could see where Coran's footsteps were leading her. Despite her lackluster and lethargic appearance, her mind was a flurry of rapid-paced thoughts.

What will happen now?
Will NAMELESS ever come back?
How will I defend myself? Will I have to learn how to wield a sword or shoot a bow or something?
Am I even strong enough to do that? Will they kick me back out into the snow if I can't prove myself?
Will they even teach me? Who is to say I won't be stuck washing dishes or cleaning?

She dismissed each question with a shaky and vague "I don't know. It could be worse than that."

But could it really? She hoped that Coran wasn't planning to lead her to a locked room and dispose of her.

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Dar'vange nodded his head towards Ezrael. "Of course. Anytime. What will you do next..." He trailed off as he was looking around and noticed one of the Assassins staring towards them. Dar'vange stared back through the increasing snow blown wind. A flurry of snow came between the two locked eyes, and the Assassin was gone. "We need to leave this mortal plane. I know where to hide, a place of order that Farazia dares not set foot in. For now." 


Farazia dismissed the Horseman with a curt nod and turned to face the mighty Time God. "They have, have they? How very... cute. What sort of threat do they pose?" She asked  @Wick
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Coactus, God of Time


Coactus wracked his brain, trying to recall the more important details from the future. "It might come to your attention that I have come bearing only four of the seven Time Gears. The humans, they stole three and I was not capable of stopping them in time. It is, difficult to tell when someone is entering the Time Zone, so they took me by surprise. I cannot remember too many of the details, but one could only assume that if they were willing to steal from Time itself, then they must have been truly desperate. I figure they were loosing this battle against your immortal, er, "fan club" so they decided to turn the tides. Seeing as a small group of them came from the future, my bet is that they have brought with them the information needed to defeat you, and send the timeline into complete disarray." His voice became low, and far more grim. "They know of every single plan you are formulating; Every god you send, every attack you throw at them, they will always be one step ahead of you, and even I cannot predict what they shall do because their little endeavor has practically obliterated my memory of the future."


Coran slammed into the wall again. He was completely exhausted. He just needed to get to the General. He looked back seeing her pitiful face and sighed. Why did he have to escort such a crybaby. Ah finally the general's room. He knocked on the door before entering and said. "General Farley, one pitiful girl for you." 


"Perhaps not. There will be a change of plans, then. We won't make the humans kneel." Farazia said, grinning sadistically. "We'll just have to kill them all.

Starting with the one's who know how they're gonna die."


"Good work soldier!" Farley boomed. "You are dismissed.

"Now girl..." The General started, putting on his best 'Friendly Face!', in reality, it just scared the friendly out of everyone. No one dared tell him that though.

"You've got one hell of a stove there. What's your deal?

@Blitzer @Wick @Jzork
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Sitting slumped in front of his fire, amongst the stacks of books in the archives, Lazarus knocked back his eighth brandy. It was the End of everything he knew. Infinite knowledge and nothing to do with it all. A sad state of affairs if ever he saw one. Gazing through the amber liquid, his expression was sour. His warnings meant nothing, his intelligence wasted in solitude. If he turned his back on the Gods, he turned his back on his father. But to assist the humans was for the greater good. With the Horseman of Death now unleashed, almost at his full strength, Chauncey was lost for answers. For the first time in decades. Perhaps being tortured by
Escora wouldn't be so bad if it happened, at least there'd be company. Chuckling at his own absurdity, Laz continued to sit up and stretch, grasping at his bottle of alcohol to swig from the neck. Ah, existence was meaningless anyhow. If the Universe had a plan for him, it was surely to sit around and record every blasted event that occurred. His own little Library of Alexandria.

With his bottle in hand, he twirled on the back of his foot to move towards his record player, slotting in a Chopin assortment to wallow in his slowly disappearing sanity. "I suppose I should start talking to sock puppets, and escape to the desert." The Demigod muttered, running a hand through his loose hair; tether long lost. "Oh - but then, who has the fucking patience to write about people murdering each other?! Give me a second - I'm the only one who appreciates making history." Complaining to an empty room, the Library responded in silence. "I've missed so many things, by staying here. Lifetimes of making no change, but calling out into the wilderness - no one listens to reason." Making a face, he continued to slightly stumble around, making comments under his breath about stupidity and pity. 


[Open to interaction]



Released from Farazia with her nod, he led himself out from her chambers with the newly acquired sword. Out into the mists between realms, where he would ride till reaching the place they called Earth. A mortal dwelling, he'd once been familiar with. The source of his own humanity. First - it was back to Sleepy Hollow. Searching for his head, would take little time. Terrorising the population whilst he was at it, would surely be beneficial to Farazia and her plan. Alongside his beheadings that he particuarly favoured. 
If only he could smile.

A shiver coursed through Annabelle's body. This man was trying his hardest to appear kind, but it scared the living daylights out of her. Instinctively, she started walking backwards, her hand frisking the air behind her for a familiar stone leg... but remembering what had happened, she put her hands at her side and forced a grin, nervous at best. Pitiful girl indeed, she was.

"A...A...Annabelle's the n-name, s-s-s-sir!" She blurted out nervously. "I-I-I'm from a mining town out west, I-I-I've been far from home for m-months, collecting s-strange a-a-a-artifacts to f...fulfill a local prophecy... and..." Annabelle reached into her bag, pulling out the stone cylinder. "A-And this is my 'Stove'! Here it is! It's... never... done this be-before..."
Her face couldn't hold even a forced smile. It drooped back to the melancholy expression that it was wearing when Annabelle first entered the room. Tears started to form in Annabelle's eyes again, but she hastily wiped them away with her sleeves, not wanting to appear too weak to the General. 

"Y-You see, it had to t-turn into this in order to make it here q-quickly... but I h-have no idea how to get it out of this state. S-Same with all of the other artifacts I've collected so far..."
The laughter from Lucifer came back to haunt her memory. As if threatening a god with an egg was enough to make them laugh their eyes out, how was she to face up against him ever again with only a stone cylinder? How much would he laugh then? Annabelle solemnly looked towards the ground once more, ashamed to answer her own question or look Farley in the eyes.

@Emberskull @Blitzer @Wick
@Jzork By now Farley was genuinely grinning. "Hah! That's great!" He laughed. "Local legends, magical stoves and an adventure! I wouldn't think you legend material, girl." He punched her playfully in the shoulder, harder than he probably should have. "Listen, Annabelle." He said, kneeling so he could look her straight in the eye. His eyes were piercing. "I've got a thousand soldiers out there. They're tired, they're hungry from the rationings and some are even injured. They may look like heartless killers, but I think they need a hero, like from the old stories. And I think that you'd be that short little hero that'd just make everything look a little brighter." He smiled and stood up, his hands behind his back, a soldier at attention.

"That being said, I think I'd be willing to get you some training for the time you'll be staying here until threat levels have lessened.

I don't want your legend falling into the wrong hands."

Coactus, God of Time


"Do not underestimate them, Death." Coactus stared at her, a newfound intensity settling in his eyes. "If they discover what you have planned, or see you coming, they will simply jump back in time, to prevent that plan from taking place. For all we know, you have already slipped up, and they have gone back dozens of times, finding different ways to stop your various plans." He looked back up in the direction the Horseman had gone in. "Even with the Rider's coming into play, the End that they sense may be ours." He turned back to Farazia once more. "Take caution, and time to plot against the humans. Predict the unpredictable."


With that, Coactus spun on his heel and made his way back to the main hall, calling back to Death behind him. "I shall assume that my Time Gears shall be returned to me by the end of this predicament." Without waiting for an answer, he came to a corner, and left, passing by Lucifer once more on his way out. For once, he had no time.


@HumansArentReal Jennifer clenched and unclenched her fists in an unsteady pattern. What Farazia spoke of, the drilling, the death, the torture... deterioration. It was against all that she believed in. The fact that she couldn't do anything about it only enraged her further. Damn this. I need a drink.

Remembering that Lazarus kept a well -aged brandy in the library, she made her way down the hall to the place of infinite knowledge, to wallow inside a bad romance book and drink a few glasses of ferment. She pushed open the grand foggy crystalline doors to reveal an endless maze of information in black ink. Upon scrolls and pages, tablets and tanned hide, the endless archives had it all. The Goddess of Forestry rubbed her temples to clear her washed up mind. 

Brandy, brandy, brandy, where is the brandy?  The wondered, her weary eyes scouring the library, only to see the blond Demi-God pouring himself another glass. Walked over and sat down beside him. 

"Mind sharing?"
Alexis sighs. She had been tasked with squeezing information out of some new prisoner her comrades had picked up in the forest, she adjusts the knives that lined the belt on her chest and sighs again Damn it I'm lost. I need a map or something, maybe even orientation. Alexis rubs her eyes and begins looking around for a room that resembled an interrogation chamber.
"T-Training? Th-Thank you sir!" Annabelle mustered, forcing yet another grin while gently rubbing her shoulder. She'd need that training if a tiny punch made her arm sore. Imagine what a sword could do to her...
"I'll d-do my b-b-best!" Of course she would. She was too intimidated to say no, or to say anything else. 
At least it wasn't out in the cold for her. No, this wasn't a chill she was feeling.

It was out of the fire, and into the fryer.
"Wh-When does training b-b-begin, Sir?" She asked, the words stumbling out of her mouth.

@Katie Jensen The hooded assassin spotted Alexis wandering the halls. He approached her and nodded a greeting. The was a swoosh sound and he turned, leading her down the hall, to a iron cast door. He glanced back to see if the other assassin was following.
I9Lucifer almost bored of the empty halls. The end of the time e live in is beginning so he might as well have fun. Lucifer appeared to the familiar forest of the small battle. He chuckled as he wondered where those assassins went to. He looked around seeing tracks but animal tracks. Lucifer wondered if there where any human tracks. He looked and saw the familiar giant steps of the rock. He followed them almost falling in the first step. He reached a shell of some building. He knocked on it wondering what it was. "Hey anyone there..." Lucifer wondered what it is. @Jzork @Emberskull @Wick

OOC (In case you had not caught the last few posts from @Jzork, the stone construct known as "NAMELESS" Shrunk into a much smaller form, and @Blitzer brought them to the HQ through the shadows, not the snow. Also, the only assassin that left on foot was Jay, and as I mentioned in my post, the snow immediately covered his tracks due to the rapid storm. ^,^)

Jay Conners


After a long trip pushing through the now hurricane-tier winds and snow, Jay finally entered the Assassin's Bureau. Crisp ice was frozen onto his eyelashes, and some had even managed to form along his mask. His clothing was drenched in icy water, since he had needed to cross a river. He would have gone through the trees as he had on his way over to the scene, but due to the increasing fury of the blizzard, he needed to find an alternate route, which he was now regretting. The cold part, he didn't mind. The idea that it had soaked him was what bothered him. it was uncomfortable, and now he would have to leave his gear out to dry. His boots squished beneath his feet as he made his way, weaving between the rambunctious men and women around him.


Before he could head into a separate room to recuperate, he had to report to General Farley. Jay was sure Coran had spoken to him already, and told him about Lucifer, and the other gods, and how they got away, but if Farley wasn't aware that he was still alive, he wouldn't have the chance to get back out and fight those high and mighty ass hats. He walked up to the door leading into Farley's chambers and knocked a few times, entering without waiting for a response.


"Lucifer got away, sure you already knew that but.." He glanced over briefly at the girl that had been in the forest. She looked as though she had been the one to take a dip in a river coated in ice. He caught sight of a faint tremble running through her; pupils shrunken, knuckles white from her hands clenching so hard around the stone cylinder. "There were other gods... as well as, er, one of the Horsemen of the apocalypse." He finished.


@Emberskull @Jzork

(OOC@Wick Would you mind if Jay was to be the one of Annabelle's teachers?)

OOC (I was just thinking that as I made that last post xD sure. :>)
Lucifer mostly unintreged by the gods discussions and people even there decided to go back to the war torn forest. He dissapeared from the halls and went to the familiar forest.  Lucifer walked many trals seeing how the enemy moved while in battle. "Interesting and almost outstanding." He sought to find what they kept as a base. He walked around the forest far and wide to the point where even the snow seemed different. He felt a knocked as he kick a hidden rock in the snow... a object...place. He didn't understand what it was and why it was there. He knocked on what seemed to be a top. "Uh huh what the he'll is this thing?" Lucifer was audible and was certainly clueless at what it was. @Jzork @Emberskull @Blitzer @Wick
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Alexis follows the hooded assassin, this place was so damn confusing and getting used to it proved harder than she first thought. Alexis decides that it's probably best to try speaking to the man "thank you for this, I didn't realise that this place was such a Labyrinth. Maybe a map would help" she wasn't used to talking to people and coming up with subjects was hard.



Between his constant murmurings and a current state of half-drunken insults at the universe, the Demi-God glanced upwards at the new arrival in his library. A rare sight to see, the Goddess of the Forest far from her abode of peace and tranquillity. "Ah, good afternoon m'lady." He slurred somewhat, clicking his fingers and nodding. Looking at the bottle in his hand, he gladly offered it towards the woman whom had seated herself beside him. "You know, that fire is made from the final death of a phoenix. A very rare occurrence that burns for millennia. Not that anyone is bothered to know. Infinite knowledge, Miss Jenny, and nothing to do with it. Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink." He quoted, in his odd, but intoxicated manner. Hanging his head backwards, to face the vaulted library ceiling. "Chasing visions of our futures, but unable to meet destiny for the death of the human race shall prove our undoing. The Horsemen will destroy us all. This isn't a rapture we can control." Chauncey whispered his next comment, eyes appearing to glow a faint silver till he snapped from it; inhaling deeply. Long lost was his shoes, jacket thrown over the back of a distant chair, leaving him rather uncharacteristically lounging around with his untucked tunic and socks.


Coran breathed a sigh of relief now that was over and had gone to find a nice corner to nap in with the shadows. He never used his assigned room. What was the point of having a bed when you could float in the shadows. To rest, he simply became a shadow. His shadow however, and as he closed his eyes, he drifted in the shadows completely gone from reality. 

When he came to, he started to watch the the whole base. Hmm, that was interesting a new assassin. Poor girl. Ah well, he probably should check in with Farley for assignment soon.
Lucifer figured it was empty and walked along the forest as it slowly stopped snowing. He smiled as he kicked in trees that echoed in the forest. He was upset that the walkling base wasn't the mysterious shell. He sat on the shell of the mysterious building and waited for any moment. He one the humans could see him, he just waited for them to reveal thenselves. @Blitzer @Emberskull
@Katie Jensen @TheCountryWarrior The cloaked figure only nodded; he wasn't one for conversation either. He led her through a door that led to a room with one-way glass, at glinted in the agency's pale light. Through that glass was a young man, his wrists bound by chains that hooped through a ring on the table. His head was bowed, in what could've either been fatigue or shame. The Assassin gave Alexis a board wit several notes hastily jotted down on the paper, ushered her through the door with the captured man inside. On the note was written;

Prisoner 398

Name: Unknown

Age: 25-30

Sex: Male

Relations: Dar'vange (God of Judgement)

Possible Relations: Farazia (God of Death)



The prisoner has somehow escaped the Godly realm, following the teleportation of the God of Judgement from the Realm to the Forest known as the Forest of Innocence. The prisoner proceeded to hide under a snow drift until discovered by an agent. 






@Jzork @Wick @Blitzer @LuckyLucifer Farley grinned. "Right away!" He said, pointing his chin towards the sky proudly. He would make this timid young girl a true warrior!

"And I know just the guy to train you." He said, putting a firm hand on her back and escorting her out of his office. 

"Agent Conners! I'm sure you've already met this young lady here. Which is absolutely wonderful, having you being her new mentor! " He pushed the girl forward. "Have fun and don't kill her! I would recommend training outside, having that our Gym is currently non-existant. "  Farley turned to Coran's barely visible form. "And you! Go supervise to make sure they don't kill each other. If you really need to, use your... Magic stuff. You know, the" The general flailed his fingers about in the air. "Stuff."


@HumansArentReal Jenny smiled bitterly. She sighed pouring herself a glass.

"Because men fear the old man with an evil eye. He's merely impaired, an aged fellow, blind in his right eye. But the others, they themselves are the blind ones, if they see only the devil in his ice blue eye."
Lucifer layed in the snow and saw a deer. He felt obligated to throw a snowball at it. He cl7mped up snow as he whistled for the deer it looked at him and Lucifer threw it at it's ribs. Lucifer laughed hysterically as it made the wierdest noise. He loved it he could barely contain it. @Emberskull

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