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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Lucifer could feel the pr3sence of that thing. He turned around to see it walking in his direction holding his sword "Hardy had har who brought this poor man along...Dar'vange is this your carry on?" Lucifer knew the figure well it was a dinner version of dar'vange well kindve.
"Oh Mr headless you are so brainless bad joke but funny Amway why are you here?" Lucifer didn't wish to fight the fail beast that came from a good gods mistake.

Vixen Lockeheart


As soon as the General mentioned the presence of Gods in the mortal plain, Vixen was out of there. She didn't care whether her so-called 'teammates' followed her or not. She would fight these bastard deities and win, whether she did alone or not; it didn't matter. Her mind was only set on one goal; the desire of spilling godly blood filling her with newfound strength and determination. 

Don't worry, Dimitri, she thought. Your death will be avenged. For a moment, her heard skipped a beat, out of agony and grief. he wasn't supposed to die in the first place. He was supposed to live a full life, become the man she knew he could grow to be.

But because of the Gods, he was dead. 

And they were going to pay. 


Vixen emerged from the underground base, and saw that the surface was coated in a layer of white. She had known the winter season had come, but hadn't expected the snow to arrive and fall so quickly. Nevertheless, she trudged on, the cold biting at her skin, making her feel frozen to the core. Her leather jacket did help somewhat, but could not completely block off the harsh northern breezes. She soon came upon the Castitas Forest. It's trees were bare, bruised by the wind, it's bushes in no better condition. The Forest itself looked lifeless, which gave Vixen an uneasy feeling, but she shook it off, as soon as she heard the sounds. 


They were sounds of battle, sounds of pain and fury, sounds of enraged Gods and bitterly determined and deadly humans. Vixen crept closer to the battle, seeing a gigantic stone hut creature deflecting hits made by the detestable God of the Underworld, Lucifer. Vixen gritted her teeth at the sight of him. Damned bastard, she thought bitterly. If he took Dimitri to the Underworld and--and hurt him...Vixen felt anger boil in her veins. If Lucifer had dared to take her brother into the Underworld and made him suffer, he would pay

. She noticed Coran, the cloaked man and Jay, her fellow assassins already merged into battle with the dark God. Coran was viciously attacking Lucifer while Jay was not far behind, poised with his bow and arrow ready to strike. Vixen caught a final moment of the cloaked being disappearing into the shadows. 


Vixen's sharp gaze also caught the sight of the God of Judgement, Dar'vange, dressed in his signature cloak. Vixen felt hate for him as well. Did he really think her brother's death was just? Did he really think Dimitri deserved to die? Scoundrel; he would taste the sharp edge of her sword as well. 

But then there was someone else. Someone she didn't recognize; someone who seemed to glow with purity within this world of filth. He had the wings of an angel, wore a snow-white toga that didn't necessarily cover his chest. He had bluish silver hair, and pale blue eyes, which were currently widened in fear and alarm as he watched the bloody scene unfold, all from behind a tree. And what's more, he looked as if he had no intentions of joining the fight. 

Coward, thought Vixen, her eyes narrowed as she began creeping towards the God. If he doesn't want to join the fight, I'll make him.


When Vixen was at the perfect range, she pounced. The assassin knocked the God to the snowy ground, and as quickly as she could, climbed on top of the shaken God, sliding her knife out. She raised the blade up to plunge it into him, but it seemed this deity had some special, hidden talents. With a quick motion of his hand, he made her fly across the forest battlefield, right to the trunk of a tree. Vixen hit the tree with powerful force, winding her, pain exploding across her body. She tried to prop herself against the trunk, and prepared to defend herself just in case the God decided to attack her again. She struggled to take out one of her throwing knives, wanting to plunge one into the deity's face. 

Just as she was about to throw, something stopped her completely. 

A large, headless knight emerged into the scene, wielding a wicked axe, it's sharp edge heating up, casting a flame orange onto the blade. 






(Gonna write Escora and Ezrael's povs next)
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Annabelle remained huddled inside NAMELESS. There was the sound of battle outside, and now NAMELESS was participating. She felt safer inside the construct than out in the snow. Limited vision of what was going on almost gave her... confidence.

She had no idea that there had been explosives placed around NAMELESS by Lucifer. She had no idea that a headless figure had arrived on the outskirts of the clearing. She had no idea.

NAMELESS, however knew everything that was going on. It didn't attempt to alert Annabelle to hold on, or get ready for anything.
Without warning, it stepped on the explosives around it's feet.

BOOM. A sickening sound rocked from the ground up as the explosives detonated beneath NAMELESS'S foot. Smoke billowed up from the impact, shrouding the outcome of the stone construct.

Annabelle shook inside of Nameless as the explosives detonated. She tumbled across the stone floor, and smacked against the wall on the opposite side. She reeled in pain and once again, curled up into a ball, placing her hands on her face as she mustered enough strength not to scream and cry. She smelled the smoke, she felt the gust of heat. 

Wonder Barrier. The summoned explosives, despite their power, were completely useless against NAMELESS. The stone construct emerged from the smoke with it's fire glowing an angered red. With all of it's force, it dropped the heavy weight of it's stone arm onto Lucifer, grasping for the satisfaction of squashing the roach. It didn't matter that Lucifer was having a conversation. It didn't matter that all eyes were on somebody else. The construct was fed up with Lucifer's trickery and sought to show it.

@LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers @Wick @TheCountryWarrior @Emberskull @Blitzer

OOC (Do you ever have that scene in your head that words wouldn't do justice to? I probably could have written out what happened in the clip but MAN you needed to see exactly what I was seeing. And some music never really hinders the experience, eh? Just don't mind the scenes where Lucifer is talking (Or my interpretation of the character's looks). I couldn't get this thing out fast enough.  :Ghostxx: )
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Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Before he knew it, everything exploded into battle. It happened almost instantly; and it shocked the young God at how easily things could fall into the darkness, how easy it is to crave for blood. The forest had began to form into some sort of blizzard. Though not serious, the wind had began to bite harder, becoming colder. Big, fat snowflakes entered into the scene, hailing on them all in a rapid pace. 

Ezrael watched with wide eyes, frozen in his place. He watched humans against Gods spilling blood, the hate, tension and darkness thicker than ever before. He remembered Lucifer mention the Resistance; the group of mortal assassins whose hearts were set on destroying all Gods, good or not.

It made fear hammer into Ezrael's heart, terrible fear. He had done no wrong, and yet he too, could pay a price he never knew he owed, not like the dark Gods, like Lucifer or Farazia. He had no part in the activities and battles of both Gods and humanity until recently; so he had no part in the oppression of the mortals. But it seemed the humans didn't care, because as long as there are Gods, whether they were sinless or not, there will always be pain. 


Ezrael tried to convince himself to join the fight. But on which side was he on? The humans, or his own kind? It was a question with no perceivable answer. Ezrael knew the real reason he was fearing the fight was because of the chance that he could lose his innocence. He was the God of Innocence and Life; he couldn't possibly join the fight. If he did, he would do and be the exact opposite of what he is and should be upholding. Killing didn't mean saving. Death didn't mean Life. Giving up innocence to go for the kill gains nothing but sin. 


Suddenly, Ezrael felt someone pounce on him, knocking the God to the ground. Shocked, he struggled to apprehend his attacker. On him, was a girl, a mortal, dressed rather thinly for such harsh weather. Her short, snow-white hair blew in the wind, and her electric-blue eyes were filled with an anger and desire for vengeance that frightened Ezrael to the core. She was poised with a deadly sharp blade, ready to plunge it into his heart. Snapping out of his daze, Ezrael, with a single motion of his hands, sent the girl flying to a tree, and watched as she struck against it. He hadn't meant it; truly he hadn't. Ezrael was in the middle of getting to his knees when something else distracted him. 

The sight was horrifying. A headless knight appeared, dressed in crimson. His neck was adorned in blood, a cruel reminder of what happened to the being. The knight approached, it's step heavy and menacing. Death radiated off of the creature, making Ezrael sick. He had never seen this being, but knew it must have ties with Farazia. 

Deadly ties.










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Lucifer could hear the rocks footsteps. He hated the thing with its rudeness and stupidity. Lucifer jumped the reddest part of the stone. He tackled the rims and slashed at the rock chipping both it and his own sword. He hated the thing he swang with might unbareble if a human took the hits. 
Lucifer's blade swung at the red center of NAMELESS, making a small chip in the exterior. The sounds of the impacts rang inside, as Lucifer's blade was hitting the entryway to the fires... and Annabelle's hiding place. The first thing she saw as she sat up was the nasty looking sword clashing with her friend. She clasped her hands over her mouth as she let out a muffled screech. Tears of nervous fear began to stream down her face. There was nothing she could do, really. She had to put all her trust in NAMELESS.

The construct, on the other hand, was still ready to fight. It swung it's stone arms with all it's might, looking to knock Lucifer back away from it's precious passenger and towards the headless creature that had appeared.

@LuckyLucifer @Wick @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior

OOC (Thank you! It's only an animatic. Had I enough time, I would have probably put a little more effort into it. I just sketched up the pictures in a free program and strung them together in an adobe flash timeline.)
Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception

Escora wanted to rip that cocky smile off of that bastard Lazarus's face. She wanted to inflict every single pain ever known on the half-god, or better yet, why not send him to the Underworld? Yes, that's a very good idea. Escora gritted her teeth. "You better watch what you say, Lazarus," she answered, her tone sickly sweet s she followed him into the hall. "You may have died once already, but it nothing compared to where I'm about to send you." She was about to grab her cat-o-nine-tails, but before she could, something else happened.

Suddenly, crash noises could be heard, as if someone was trying to get out. Escora's emerald green eyes widened in alarm as a headless soldier appeared, dressed in an aged crimson suit, adorned in golden military buttons. A stump covered in dried blood was a cruel memoir of what had happened to the man. As he brushed past her, Escora recognized him as none other than the Rider of Death, finally awakened from a deep slumber.

Making sure to punish Lazarus at a later time, Escora made her way out of the hall, and wasted no time in heading straight for Farazia's chambers.



3r still swing but dodge the best he could from the rock until it hit where Lucifer was but instead of hitting Lucifer it hit the furnace making the loudest ring. Lucifer fell though from e noise it sounded like someone screaming in a mega phone. Lucifer sword was almost broken so he created a sword that was almost as big as a horse.




He stopped. Axe held tightly in one hand, as the other rose with a single intention. Pointing at Lucifer, his index finger slightly crooked.  Alas, he began to advance, powerful arms lifting the heated blade upwards, above where his head should be to suddenly rain his blows upon the sinner. Each strike decisive and unrelenting, as he scraped the burning metal over the God's chest, using the flat of his foot with some agility, to knock him down a moment. The large sword, even now, contradicting balance. With the God distracted by the odd girl and awful thing of metal, the Rider appeared to have a strategy. And he didn't welcome insults to injury either.

Yet, with Lucifer hitting the snowy floor he turned upon Ezrael and Dar'vange. He was looking for his horse, it soon became clear. The Horseman communicated in an odd manner, those who could see his somewhat intact soul would realise his features to be blurry - as if he was forgetting himself. Words, not elaborate, but incredibly to-the-point. Enchantments were commonly used to see him as a man, not headless corpse still walking. But if one couldn't see his spirit, they would get odd thoughts, inklings of what he wanted, projecting his emotions and needs upon those in the surrounding area. 

And he was angry. 


Striding in his heavy, military fashion, the Horseman pointed the tip of his weapon at the growing crowd of battle. Heated to well over what normal metal could withstand, and that of a human warrior holding it. 



He cared not about those who used the advantage greater evil to dispatch the lesser - even without his head, the Horseman knew what they were doing. Perhaps not in detailed thought, but he certainly had his mullings over it. With his awakening, it was truly the beginning of the End. Just like the Bible said, book of revelations. A new start, under the rule of chaos.


After the horse, he'd be looking for his head. And the one who took it.




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Lucifer looked up after the ringing stopped. He saw the poor headless monstrosity wondering if some sort. "Hey headless what you looking for?" Lucifer could barely stand from the rigning of the metal. @HumansArentReal

Dar'vange felt The Horseman's headless gaze burn into him. He knew what this monster was capable of. His cape, bright Red, flapped in the increasing blizzard. Dar'vange knew the Death Rider would kill everything here, simply because he can. Yet Dar'vange noticed: The Horseman was here...where was his Horse? 


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Coran sighed slowly. It seemed everyone had forgotten about him. Convenient for someone who relied on stealth. He considered attacking Dar'vange, and decided against that. It would be bad to get him engaged directly in the battle. The headless horseman had wandered off, and Coran made sure to remember his shadow so he could watch him later. Well Lucifer had forgotten about him. He materialized and flashed to the shadow in front of Lucifer slashing him twice opening crisscross bleeding marks on his chest. Shadow blades could cut even an immortal god. As Coran went back into his shadows before Lucifer could stab him, he wondered if he was immortal. Why couldn't these darn god's retreat? 

Coran noticed from one his shadow, was it Vixen, knocked up against a tree. That what she got for taking on a god without support. He switched to her shadow and grabbed her and hauled her out of the battlefield. No sense in wasting a life he thought as he dumped her motionless body out of the battlefield. 


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It was almost quite melancholy, till the clashes of battle resounded again. Petty disputes by a filthy shadow-shifter. He remained in the clearing somewhat demandingly, waiting for an answer. His steed nowhere to be seen. Alas, the Headless gaze turned downward, boring into the ground and the flimsy yellow flower that propped itself up in the snow by his feet.

It was familiar, in the back of his mind memories pestered, letting the axe blade cool a moment - anger dissipating.

Till setting his sights upon the red cloaked God of Judgement for the second time in those few seconds. That and the God of this forest. Ezrael. 

Rage surged, lifting the weapon with intent to behead the young, winged deity - but saved by the distant whinnying. A horse, white as a ghost, with eyes of hellfire, rearing back till landing in the clearing. Approaching its master, in a slow fashion as the Horseman reached out offering the flat of his palm. The beast, pressing its nose into the welcome affection. 

Stepping into the stirrup, he swung up with a powerful tug to settle in the saddle. Kneading his fingers into the mane, distress was no longer. 

However, his mission had only started. And his head was seperated. The axe swung up with a masterful twist, glaring down at the group of divines and men. Scruitinising. As if trying to recall, who had beheaded him so long ago.

(Whoever would like to have taken his head, go for it fam idk :^) Otherwise I'll just have him discover it eventually)







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(I'm up for it) Lucifers cheats didn't bleed but the cuts where still there. The pain was almost unnoiticable. Lucifer turned to see the prick that has his shadows for his work. Lucifer walked making air he doesn't suspect him. Lucifer sword dragged on the snow like a rock.
The cloaked man was approaching Lucifer from behind, to back up the swings of the demi-god, when his ears burst with radio static from the small ear piece. The blaring screech was followed by the voice of an incredulous Farley. "What the Hell is happening out there soldiers?! You should have retreated long ago! You're outnumbered and this God just ain't going down! We've already lost Vixen. You need to retreat." There was momentary silence, followed by; "And bring the girl and her... giant stove.

We need her to answer a few questions."

@Jzork @Blitzer @Esther_Silvers @LuckyLucifer @HumansArentReal @TheCountryWarrior @Wick
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Lucifer didn't care anymore for the assassins. They would be retreating anytime soon. He started to look for the innocent god he knew his advice can in handy 'even the things you love Will betray you' Lucifer chuckled and sat beside a tree. "I'm done for today" 
He headed for the girl and the device. He took one look at the massive shell and groaned. How the heck was he supposed to move it? He tapped on the thing. "Hey, do you think you could get that thing into a smaller form?" 

Coran winced as he said it. What was he thinking? Well it probably was magical. 



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( @Blitzer Um Vixen was never dead or unconscious in the first place xD So there's no need for Coran to teleport her back to HQ. You can edit those posts xP)

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