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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Coran slander sat in a dark corner of the Resistance headquarter. Well, he didn't really sit, he flowed in the shadows of the dark corner. He let his face change uncontrolled rather than stay in one form. It was relaxing to hide out for a while. As one of the most effective assassins with his god-like powers, it was rare he got a moment to himself. Then again he scared everyone when he was in his fluid form. An assignment would be soon in coming with the activity in the god world. He could feel it in his bones. His god sense. He winced. He shouldn't focus on gods. They always left a bad taste or string in his mind. His anger started bubbling over causing him to shift faster. Coran sighed and finally left the relative comfort of the war and started looking for  General Farley. 

His observation led to one thought, and it revolved around the fact power had corrupted those who stood here in the divine realm. They were all insane, perhaps not as insane as the god of Madness, but surely they were getting that way. "This is surely idiotic, ladies and gentlemen." Chauncey suddenly spoke up, eyeing each god and goddess individually. "The prophecies of foresight, mention nothing about the End of Days occurring precisely now. Shamans, the old Gods, the priests, and 
seers! They have written nothing about this. It is wrong, to break fate. We have our roles to follow, and so do the humans. Mortals must be included in the last battle, at their full strength and nothing less. To become wayward is tempting something beyond our control. I am flummoxed at how little you all know. As those of divine creation, you all have the responsibility of keeping balance. You have lost your way. Death, especially you. For the embodiment of such power, was supposed to be used in keeping life healthy by giving rest to the ones who writhed in pain. Every action is met with an equal and opposite reaction. I might not be a full-blooded god, but without the human race we are nothing. Without their fire and hope, their pain and anger, we. Are. Nothing. Ezrael is right to speak up. Light must accompany darkness. Always. There must always be light, without it we are blind. Even in the stories of Pandora's box, there was a light amongst all those sins. The humans, are to be left alone. Earth, is not ours to command."


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Lucifer turned as he heard the poor demo God. He was spewing a unwanted amount of nonsense. He walked back to the room with a heavy step. He enetered and said"why do you say these things about us and your... Related people? "Lucifer had a evil tone to his voice. He didn't approve of this thing saying demeaning things. 
Lucifer looked and smiled. "Oh I never want people to agree with everything tats the point of a brain but if I find the enemy I'll tell you" said lucifer smiling sidisticly and chuckling a evil chuckle. 


Giving a hard stare toward the God of torture and anguish, Lazarus folded his hands behind his back lifting his chin upward. "Lucifer, each word you've spoken has lowered my intelligence more than discussing tax with inanimate objects. Yes, my mother is human. But I have been raised as both mortal and God. My bloodline makes no difference to clear logic of the balance. Good must have evil and evil must have good. None prevails without the other. Without sadness we would not recognise happiness, thus it is essential for every being to survive. As I said, Lucifer. Crushing the mortals won't help. They'll just become terribly boring, and immune to pain. Pain causes fear, fear breeds anger, anger causes uprising. Humans are resiliant. The stories of man and deity fighting, have saturated history. Titans felled by mere mortals, it goes on back to ancient times. The world of men is flourishing, and as higher beings we must guide them in their growth. And thank you, Dar'vange. At least someone has a functioning thought cortex."

Lucifer wanted to laugh so hard but he wouldn't let it by him. Lucifer dissapered to his realm. He had a few questions for his mortals. When he arrived he asked to all of them"what is it that fuels you to be you or fight or feel the way you do? " many screamed that they only fight to get out fight to oil fight was a reoccurring word. Then lucifer found it it was a fight but a slow rising to get to like a climax. He gasped sarcastically but still surprised. He reappeared to the room and lucifer said "hahah your right all of them want o fight but not the kill them straight away one like a movie plot! " yelled lucifer surprised. 

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael didn't answer the God of Judgment; he was too busy trying to regain himself. While the new experience of pain shocked him, he didn't want to appear a weakling. Yet, deep in his mind, he knew he was, at least compared to the other Gods and Goddesses. They knew pain, they knew anger, they knew sadness and death. They were familiar with the cruel ways of the Universe, they all had darkness in their hearts. Ezrael had little to none experience with any of these things. He was pure, untouched, untainted. Innocent. He had never known death. He only knew what it felt like to be truly alive. Life, was all he knew. And that, proved to be a large and vulnerable weakness.


Ezrael barely noticed Dar'vange's departure to speak to Lucifer as he got up and started getting the hell out of there. It was so tempting to leave this horrid place, so tempting to go home again. The influence was so strong, Ezrael had no choice but to give in. At the moment, he had not a care in the world if there were consequences. Yes, he was intending in abandoning his position, and yes, he was leaving the circle of Gods. It was forbidden, it was against the rules, but Ezrael didn't care. He just needed to go back. To him, he was leaving his burdens, worries, the darkness, the death, the problems, back to a place of peace, graciousness, and life, like a lost child finally finding home. 


It felt like a torturous eternity until Ezrael had found his forest. His beautiful, vivid forest. His wings ached and throbbed at the countless hours in the air, searching. The sky was dark, cloudy and chilly. Ezrael could detect no signs of life, as he crossed through burnt lands, empty lands, the remnants only being the ruins of past civilizations. Ezrael knew winter was upon them. Thick snowflakes began to fall, creating a thin blanket of white upon the Earth. 

As Ezrael landed in his forest, he noticed the eerie stillness. He began taking steps, glancing from one way to the other. He noticed how barren the woodland had become. Tall, naked trees flanked him, whipped and bruised by the harsh north winds, the grey and blandness, void of any and all colour and the lack of life. The forest looked dead, lifeless. It was more than the coming of the cold season; there was something more to it, as if some sort of cruel spell had settled over the timberland, snatching all the life of the forest and replacing it with death.

It frightened Ezrael more than anything in his life. 


Ezrael wandered, astonished. His forest had suffered while he was gone. With it's life source gone, it was dying. Ezrael couldn't believe it. Suddenly, there was a crack of a twig. Ezrael whirled around at the source, alert, hands up in defense. Emerging from a clump of bare-branched bushes, came a timid doe. Her body was shockingly skeletal, her rib cage visible underneath a thin, matted coat. Ezrael's defense dropped immediately as the doe raised it's head to stare at him. 

Her large brown eyes were filled with an ache, a sadness. Ezrael wanted to know why, and as the doe began inching towards him, he took an abrupt step forward. The creature instantly disappeared into the bushes again, prompting the God to follow it into the bushes as well. 

Ezrael emerged from the bushes, on the other side, arriving at a snow-white clearing, circled by coniferous trees. The foe was standing near a large, dense pine tree, staring at him. She seemed to beckon him forward, and that's exactly what the God did. He neared the doe slowly, making sure not to frighten her. As he approached her, Ezrael began to see what the animal was trying to show him. 

A baby deer lay there in the snow, absolutely still, its legs splayed in awkward angles. It's eyes were hollow and glazed, and it was already showing signs of decomposition. Ezrael noticed holes in the young one's flank; neat, circular holes, dry blood encrusted around the edges. Ezrael knew this was the cause of the fawn's death, but had no idea what weapon was capable of such precise and deadly wounds. He stared at the carcass, eyes wide. He glanced at the foe, and it dawned upon him that she was the mother. Her baby must've died somehow, and she stayed by it's side for days. Maybe she thought there was still hope. 

It's exactly what he saw in the mother's eyes when he met her gaze. The foe stared at him intently, a dim flare of hope in her eyes, as if she knew what he was, and what he was capable of. Ezrael realized she was asking him to bring the baby back to life. 


Ezrael glanced back at the dead youth. His gaze traveled to the wounds on it's flank. Yes, it was dead. All it needed was a touch of life.

Ezrael crouched down next to the fawn, closing his blue eyes. placing a gentle handupon the cold, lifeless body. 

With a single touch, life entered into the dead body. A motionless heart began beating again, blood began pumping, signals were being sent and the wounds on it's flank disappeared. The fawn twitched, and a few moments later, it raised it's head, staring straight at it's mother. Ezrael stood up, a ghost of a smile on his lips. The mother immediately began nuzzling it's baby, licking it, trying to keep it warm. Ezrael broke into a smile. He had reunited a family.






Dar'vange gave a respective nod, showing his approval. He let Escora go to her Master and Lucifer managed to disappear, ask the souls trapped in his realm what they fight for, and reappear saying something near incomprehensible. It was then he turned back to see Ezrael had gone. Most likely back to his Forest of Innocence. Dar'vange figured that he would be safe on his own home turf, though he kept an eye on their established enemies: Farazia, Escora, and Lucifer. He also needed to make sure Lazarus didn't get himself killed, trying to talk some sense into these bloodthirsty, power-hungry murder gods. 

Lucifer wanted to stay but wad restless. He decided to the underworld for his most favorite thing,barbed wire. He grabbed rooms and rolls until he couldn't carry them. He repeated in the room laying the barbed wire like a carpet. He winded and weaved the barbed wire to eachother. He huffed as it finished up. He fell back into the barbd wire layed out and it made a scratching no is as he fell on it and relaxed. He relized it must be wierd seeing this but he didnt care. He loozed around trying to find joe to cme and try his new bed of sort.
Ishari sighed rather loudly as she walked to the door to the dining hall taking in a small breath before she pushed open the door rather loudly as she gave every one a rather seductive smile as she looked around before locking her eyes on the Goddess of death. Her smile growing more as she walked past most of the gods gently running a hand across lucifers back as she walked past going behind Farazia as she gently slid her arms around frazias neck smiling as she pressed her self into her back as she spoke. "It's been a while Farazia. Almost felt like you forgot about little old me." Ishari cooed into Farazia's left ear. IShari had always been this way around frazia. Her Being one of the few people she actually would enjoy being with. 




@Daniel reaving @LuckyLucifer @TheCountryWarrior @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers "Of course not." Farazia answered Ishira, grimacing. "I saved a seat for you, although I'm not sure this is going to be going on for much longer. I can only put up with this whining for so long." She gestured distastefully at the Gods that were at each other's throats.

Sure the demi-god's outburst caught her attention, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing. "Oh right. You." She scoffed "Yes, Lazarus,  everyone here knows ancient history good balancing evil, all those stupid proverbs of peace. None more than I. And that, is why were tipping the scales. Good and evil was never something determined by God's. What is considered cruel and ruthless in the eyes of a shortsighted mortal is what I call necessary sacrifice. I guess you do have your mother's eyes." She tilted her head, smiling.
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Lucifer listened to the almost inspiring speech. To him not really inspiring but agreeable. He at least lifted up to hear more of it. "Hey look lady I don't know who you are but you are pretty good at what your saying or at least by me"lucifer smiled devilishly as he tried to not fall asleep. 
@Daniel reaving @LuckyLucifer @TheCountryWarrior @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers "Of course not." Farazia answered Ishira, grimacing. "I saved a seat for you, although I'm not sure this is going to be going on for much longer. I can only put up with this whining for so long." She gestured distastefully at the Gods that were at each other's throats.

Sure the demi-god's outburst caught her attention, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing. "Oh right. You." She scoffed "Yes, Lazarus,  everyone here knows ancient history good balancing evil, all those stupid proverbs of peace. None more than I. And that, is why were tipping the scales. Good and evil was never something determined by God's. What is considered cruel and ruthless in the eyes of a shortsighted mortal is what I call necessary sacrifice. I guess you do have your mother's eyes." She tilted her head, smiling.

Ishari smiled speaking softly into the deathgodesses ear. "You know my lady. If you want I can always... meet you somewhere and help relieve some of this tension." She spoke softly with a seductive tone as she gently Carresed one of Frazias cheeks. Doing what she normally does. "Dealing with these children must be so rough on such a pretty goddess. All you need do is ask and I'll make all your stress flow off you like water." She spoke to her with a smirk not caring how any one else thought of her. She was who she was, even if that meant having the want to bed any one she wanted to
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Lucifer looked tworads ishari. He's almost completely confused on what was going on. "Hey uhhh ishari......what do you do exactly are you like a servant of goddess of what or who??" Lucifer actually didn't know who or what ishari was and he just wanted dthe basics. 
Lucifer looked tworads ishari. He's almost completely confused on what was going on. "Hey uhhh ishari......what do you do exactly are you like a servant of goddess of what or who??" Lucifer actually didn't know who or what ishari was and he just wanted dthe basics. 

Ishari sighed not happy that lucifer might have just ruined her personal gains she spoke with some harshness to her tone. "Well first of I'm a goddess, not a servant of one so don't confuse me with one. Second I am the goddess of domination, and seduction, and love both in the romantic and more lewd way." She said to him before speaking again. "So in blatant terms I can be concidered a succubus but if you dare call me one I will make you bend your knee to me." She spoke as she leaned into Frazia some more. "But right now I'm here to serve an old friend. Weather it be dominating the human race or helping to relieve her of her stress." She said with a smirk as she glanced at Frazia then back to lucifer as her eyes glowed a faint romantic pink

Lucifer chuckled. He couldn't believe it. A succubus. It didn't pas shim by it just didn't come up. Lucifer stared at ishari and chuckled almost making it a laugh. "Don't try your lovey dove thing on me or anything go rthe matter of fact I've seen what people look like when there in love and then they get tooken away... It's a wonderful sight though" lucifer chuckled as he thought about the so many people who loved others down in the underworld. 
Farazia shook her head slightly. "There is still come planning to do. I cannot be distracted from my work." She said standing up. "You are all dismissed. I have to review the blueprints again." The Goddess undid her hair and walked off, her shoes clicking on the smooth dining hall floor.

"PEACE ON EARTH, IS WHAT WE WERE MADE TO BALANCE." He bellowed, lifting his finger with a precise gaze as Death strutted away from the hall. "There shalt only be true 
peace when the divine kingdom falls. A quote, from scriptures of old, that foretell the downfall of those who have no capability to learn. You will find your fault in pigheadedness, and the belief that your words are the only truth. 'For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.' The bible, from Corinthians 15:26. 'The day, man will find that he never really dies; that his Soul persists beyond death; he will have no more fear of death.' Swami Vivekananda, Hindu monk. It's written everywhere. DEATH, WILL NEVER BE THE END, FARAZIA. THIS WILL ONLY LEAD TO RUIN."


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Farazia shook her hair out. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Quoting the bible, a belief in one single god. It is an insult. 

She didn't bother gracing the fool with an answer. Useless. Demi-Gods are just mortal snobs.
Lucifer chuckled no laughed hysterically. "What are you talking about. You shall win if you kill oposers you shan't win if you read that. No wonder you aren't like us" lucifer couldn't stop chuckling and laughing in between speeches. 

"The end of life as we know 
it, is coming to an end. Choose carefully the sides you ally with, Lucifer. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. Sun Tzu, the Art of War. We're battling against fate, and father future doesn't take kindly to wayward children." Lazarus glared, yet it held sincerity. "But a man like you, was made for nothing more than crippling violence. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate written word. It seems your too busy, making yourself look incredibly stupid in front of various women. All whom tug on your little puppet strings. Isn't that right? Beaten by Death, and a Succubus in wit. I really do pity you." Spinning on his heel, Chauncey marched off toward the archives. 


"You little rat I don't side with weakling like you or anyone for the matter because ethey cripple at sights and speeches of violence I do and I see" lucifer didn't need this self absorbed little rat in his mind and toying with him"they don't pull on my strings because they are broken and you certainly won't have any effect to them either"

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