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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Lucifer looked at the chair and scuffled. He kicked the chair and made a chair of thorns appear. He seemed to smile as the thorns sank into his skin, but surprisingly no blood came of it. He waited and heard the many voices or the others. He despised dar'vange for his unwise choices and blindness but he didn't seem to care. Lucifer relaxed and waited for one of the many gods to strangle each other. @Esther_Silvers @Emberskull

Dar'vange was quite aware of his many enemies, all thinking unjust thoughts. He also had noticed a pattern a long time ago: His enemies were always associated with Death in some way. It seems the power that position holds is always to much for them. Dar'vange noticed the Demigod of Knowledge or something enter the room, late from reading all the time no doubt. While it didn't bother Dar'vange much, a slight annoyance at the most, he knew Farazia would not take kindly to this. And she didn't. He noted Escora's glare towards Ezrael and wondered if he had any allies. 


Joe looked mildly inconvenienced at his inability to speak. He pulled out a hacksaw from his hat and started sawing at the wires. 
Lucifer afood from his chair and went to Joe. He ripped the hacksaw from his hands. Lucifer smiled and started to pull the wires not breaking them but making a almost guitar like sound. He kept playing it until he heard the muffled pains of Joe. 

Joe didn't even notice the pain, if he felt it at all. He started laughing hysterically, though not as loud as he'd like it thanks to the Bitch of Death. No way! I'm a guitar! I'm a guitar! That was awesome! He started tapping his foot and snapping his fingers. 
Lucifer chuckled as Joe seemed like a kid. He kept playing but stopped after. "Hey Joe I find it we should be.... Business partners.  You seem tolerable. " said Lucifer in a very struggling voice. He stood tapping his foot with a sad beat. 
Lucifer smiled and walked back. He stood in a very demanding way. "Hey miss death God what's my job for the mortals? Can I terrarize them? " said lucifer smiling sidisticly. 
@LuckyLucifer Farazia looked down her nose at him. "That's what were all doing. But not just yet. We must keep this war under wraps. Humans might be useless as baby wipes, but that's a lot of baby wipes to dispose of. Do not start a war with the baby wipes." Despite the commentary about the baby wipes, she was completely serious. And what she said was true as well. You know how toxic those dang baby wipes can be?! The Goddess smiled. "But I do not mind you having fun with any kind of secret orginizations. Just make sure there are no survivors if you every do." She winked. 

"Now. Let us feast!"
Lucifer smiled. "Can I take those baby wipes down to try underworld instead of killing them? "Asks dlucifer smiling. He liked the goddess of death she was fun. She was good in his eyes. He wodered if there was ever a chance of being allies with her. He thought as he sat in his chair looking at the goddess. @Emberskull

Ezrael, God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael wanted to do something about Lucifer's actions to Joe's sealed-up mouth, but he knew he couldn't. It seemed Joe was enjoying it either way. Ezrael started to acknowledge why they called him the God of Madness. The deity was insane. 

As for Lucifer, his mind was only on torture. Ezrael's stomach twisted as the being asked Farazia if he could terrorize the humans. Ezrael felt a prick of that feeling, anger, again. The mortals were already going through enough. They didn't need more terror and pain; they already had enough of that. Hundreds were already dying, and so many were losing their innocence and becoming full-on killers. It pained Ezrael. With each person dying, with each mortal losing their virtue, it felt like a sharp kick to the stomach. An insult, a disappointment.


Ezrael's breath caught in his throat in horror as the Goddess of Death gave Lucifer permission to obliterate the groups of resistance that resided in the mortal world. Ezrael knew those organizations were humanity's last chance in standing up to Farazia and her demented rule, They were the ones who were brave enough to face the immortal beings, and bold enough to plunge sword into a God's heart, no matter the consequences. 


Ezrael couldn't just let Farazia permit Lucifer kill those humans, let alone torture them. Not when they had something as precious as life in their souls, not when they could feel something as sharp as pain.

"No!" he spoke up again, daring to look Lucifer in the eye. "The humans have enough pain and death in their lives because of the witch." Yes, he dared to accuse the Goddess of Death and call her witch. "They do not need more of it, especially when it is coming from some ignorant fool like you!" 



@LuckyLucifer @HumansArentReal @Esther_Silvers

Farazia raised her eyebrows, grinning. "Isn't that place the equivalent of death?" She answered, ignoring Ezrael outburst. She looked at Escora as if to say 'Do what you must, but don't mess up the newly waxed floor while your at it'.

Don't even ask me how she said all that with her eyes. It's magic I tell you. Maaaaagic.

Farazia took a large but polite bite out of a chicken leg. The hum of conversation had begun once again, though a lot more reluctantly. The supreme Goddess had completely forgotten about the tardy demi-god.
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Ishari sighed rather loudly as she walked to the door to the dining hall taking in a small breath before she pushed open the door rather loudly as she gave every one a rather seductive smile as she looked around before locking her eyes on the Goddess of death. Her smile growing more as she walked past most of the gods gently running a hand across lucifers back as she walked past going behind Farazia as she gently slid her arms around frazias neck smiling as she pressed her self into her back as she spoke. "It's been a while Farazia. Almost felt like you forgot about little old me." Ishari cooed into Farazia's left ear. IShari had always been this way around frazia. Her Being one of the few people she actually would enjoy being with. 



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Dar'vange knew that look. He'd been around a long time and he knew Ezrael was in trouble. He decided to keep close to Ezrael so he wasn't killed, poor guy. He certainly wouldn't put the murder of a fellow God past the Murderess and her lackeys. "Ezrael. Back off. Please." He said pulling Ezrael away from his enemies. And then yet another of the Evil Gods appeared. It seemed Dar'vange and Ezrael were alone in defending the Mortals. 

Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Ezrael's little outburst almost made Escora laugh. That little God should learn his place, she thought, as she gazed at him through narrow eyes, smirking. These outbursts are getting repetitive. 

Escora stroked her cat-o-nine tails longingly. She wanted to teach that Ezrael a lesson. Make sure he wouldn't do it again. Make sure he would know his place among the Gods. To do that, she would require fear and pain. Pain was the lesson, fear was the goal. Fear was what kept people in their places. It was how Farazia ruled. 


Escora saw her chance as Farazia threw her a knowing look. She knew what to do, but don't mess up the floors. Got it. Escora smiled devilishly as she began making her way to the young God, but was rudely interrupted as a new Goddes entered the hall, in a rather fashionably late way. Escora narrowed her eyes in disgust and disdain as Ishari, a seductive but vile Goddess made her way to Farazia, whispering into her ear as if they were the best of friends. 

Of course they weren't. Escora knew Farazia was more favorable towards her, instead of the bulging bimbo Ishari. 

Escora tried to ignore Ishari as she made her way to Ezrael, who was staring at Ishari as if star-struck. 

Of course he would be, she thought in disgust. Ishari has that dreadful effect on gods, especially the male ones. Not to mention this one is so young and naive. 

Escora saw Dar'vange near Ezrael, and punched the God in the stomach swiftly yet almost silently and grabbed Ezrael by the arm roughly, her grip bruising. She pulled him towards the doors, but, unsurprisingly, he resisted. 

"What are you doing?" he demanded, his tone low. 

Escora pushed him through the doors and into the tall, dark and dreary halls of Farazia's domain, never answering. 

The Goddess watched in contempt as the young God stumbled and almost fell, but regained enough balance to turn to face her, his sweet blue eyes filled with anger. 

"What are you doing?" he demanded. 

"Teaching you a lesson," she finally responded, pushing him against the wall with surprising and powerful force. Ezrael wasn't expecting it, the poor thing, and he stared into Escora's malevolent green eyes as she gushed over the way his gaze was broken in fear and confusion, dread and shock. She leaned in and whispered into his ear, her teeth clenched. 

"Farazia warned you once," she murmured. "She will not warn you again. If you dare, resist again---" Escora's nails bit into the young God's skin, "--she will kill you. Got it?"

Ezrael didn't answer; he was probably in too much shock and fear to answer. Still, Escora couldn't help but wish he had. To make sure this threat stayed in his mind, she took out her cat-o-nine tails, and clutched one of the many long strands of leather, this one having the sharpest blade on the end. 

In one swift motion, Escora slashed Ezrael's bare chest open with the single blade, an ugly, bloody gash across his torso. Ezrael let out a choked cry of pain, and Escora let him crumble to ground. 

The poor thing must've never been hit before, thought the Goddess in fake pity and amusement. Well then, it is my honour to be the first. 

With that, Escora turned around and entered the banquet hall once more, acting as if nothing happened, leaving the young God to deal with everything that he had created. 


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Lucifer looked at the many things going on. The goddess that entered the room strocking his back, he cringed at this. Then he noticed one of the goddess tottering the poor little child the God of innocence. Lucifer smiled and laughed hysterically at it. "No stop it.-wheez- I'm dying" lucifer was dying of laughter as he fell out of his chair onto the floor. He was dying and coughing ferioucly. Lucifer cried a pool of tears and curled up in a ball. He wanted to stop but couldn't. @Esther_Silvers @Emberskull

Dar'vange was more or less incorporeal and the God of Judgement saw Escora drag Ezrael out of the room and slash at him, then walk back as if she had swat a gnat. Not on his watch! "Escora! Must you hurt the weak and innocent, at the command of someone who wouldn't bat an eye if you perished! Vile Monster!" He lifted her with his power and pulled her back. "Explain yourself." 


Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora didn't know why she didn't expect Dar'vange to confront her. It just never came to her. How foolish. Escora muttered a curse as the God of Judgement ranted on, and used his abilities to lift her and pull her back. He was making a scene, for Pete's sake! Escora realized her dress was ripped at the hem because of Dar'vange and his idiotic powers. She also heard his words, and fury began to boil. Farazia would bat an eye! In fact, she would do much more. Escora was sure of it. Dar'vange would be sorry for ever uttering those words to her face! She longed to see what the imbecile would feel after a few beatings from her. Or maybe Lucifer. Either way would work. 

She glowered at the God, but did not answer.

Lucifer stopped laughing and stumbled up. He went to escora and asked. "We have to be friends I mean that was hilarious! " exclaimed lucifer almost bursting into laughter again. He couldn't get over the fact the there was another God that undestood that torture was good. He wanted to at least have a friend like her. She was really compatible. 

Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Escora gave Lucifer a dead-panned look. Lucifer was not helping in this situation, and his hysterics were getting on her nerves. "Maybe when you stop acting like the fool you are and start acting like a real God," she answered, giving him a smug, and slightly seductive smile. She tried to get her way out, but Dar'vange was stubborn. He wouldn't let her go that easily, and it was extremely hard on getting out on her own,


Dar'vange glared at her from under his hood, his eyes flashing red. Then the Underdweller showed up to pat her on the back! Despicable. "Why are there so many for the destruction of humanity? What did they do? They already worship us! Do you really need more?" Of course he already knew the answer. They would never be satisfied with just a bit. They would want more, and then more after that. 

Lucifer at least understood and straigtend. He tapped dar'vange's shoulder and smiled sidisticly. "Come on let the lady go all she did was teach a child a lesson" said lucifer in a evily calm way. He wanted to kill the poor sap but wanted to at least toy with him if he could. 
Lucife decided to stop bothering with the plane God. He walked to the doors and went to the hallway. He sat on the floors and relaxed as he breath very slowly. He wanted to torture most of them except the goddess of death, deception, and Mr Joe. 

Pain was a whole new feeling.

Ezrael had never felt it before. Truly, he never had, not until now. The forest creatures loved him back at his home, and there was nothing in his peaceful forest that could hurt him. It was sharp, shocking, and instant. It spread through him like wildfire, and he could barely move, being in agony. He was on his knees, struggling for breath. Pain was horrible. Pain was terrifying. He now truly knew what the humans were going through. And it fueled his anger and determination even more. 


Escora had threatened him yes, and Ezrael was scared. But he had to overcome that fear in order to stop Farazia. The fear of being rejected, of being thrown away, and worst of all, of being tortured. Ezrael leaned against the wall, feeling warm liquid dripping down his chest, and staining his snow-white robe. His blood was golden. It stained his clothing, it mystified him. He had never known he could spill blood. 


His wings felt sore after being pushed up that wall with so much force. Suddenly, he sensed something. Something dark and malicious, something evil and vile. Ezrael knew it was none other than Lucifer himself.


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Lucifer looked to ezarel in the hall. He chuckled at seeing the spin spewing from him. Lucifer walked up and chuckled. "Pain is a funny thing especially when people feel it" lucifer wanted to laugh but held it in. @Esther_Silvers

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