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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

Turning to look over his shoulder, Lazarus gave a mocking chuckle. Suddenly seeming almost vicious, with his features bathed in shadow. Two eyes glinting. "Then they have you on a teetering stool, with a noose around your neck. Luci. Believe me, this all ends in tears. And I shall witness it with much satisfaction." 

Turning the corner, he was gone. Well on his way towards the embrace of literature, strong brandy, and old memories. 
Today history would be made. 

Today, would be the last day, of peace on Earth.


"Who is the one with me in a noose, the foolish humans, or the bystraying gods... Like your father and your mother? "Lucifer put a chill in his tone he did not take kindly to this rechid rat. 
Ishari smirked when frazia went off deciding to follow her she excused her self from the others and snuck after frazia hopping to get her to relax some as she followed hopping she wouldn't be caught. Yet.

Jay looked up from his arrow. The General, whose name he believed to be Farley, was calling him along with a few others over. He seemed rather enthusiastic about something; Perhaps he had found an immortal? Jay slid the arrow back into his quiver and stood up, latching his bow onto the hook hanging from the small of his back. He stood up and walked over,narrowly avoiding being collided into by a few other men who were fighting over something shiny.

Once he reached Farley he stopped and looked around. Farley had called over a few others, who were also standing and awaiting instruction. One was a rather scruffy man. The stench of alcohol coming off his person was strong, and his beard was stained with some of it as well as some red spots; no doubt blood. Jay was fairly certain that he had seen this man killing a few of the other assassins earlier, but that was none of his business. Perhaps those killed had deserved it.

Another of the three there was a girl. It was strange to see a female assassin; Jay had no reason to hate her, or judge her by her looks however. Surely she was here for a reason, and had a well equip set of skills, it was just interesting. For reasons that Jay never understood, Farrow had not allowed any female assassins to be trained or even know about his league. He had always said that they were not as powerful as the men were, and were less willing to kill when put in dire scenarios, and although Jay had believed him, looking at her made him feel as though she was probably more powerful and tactful than the majority of the others combined.

The last one in the group was an odd one, and Jay found himself having a difficult time trying to read him; or perhaps her. They simply stood there silently, a cloak wrapped loosely around them, and a hood over their head, and they said nothing. It was impossible for Jay to see their face from where he stood, but he was sure that even if they were out in broad daylight, he would see no more of the persons face than he saw now.

Jay looked back at the General. He figured he would have to group together with these three, which he did not entirely prefer. If possible, he would simply avoid making contact with them and move along through the mission.

@Esther_Silvers @Emberskull @randomweegee
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Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception


Well, well, well, thought Escora, watching the scene unfold in front of her. It seems there is more opposition than I thought. She watched as the demi-god, Lazarus Chauncey leave, his entire being submerged in shadow, and his eyes glinting in mock. She was out of Dar'vange's powerful grip, but it was no easy task getting out. While every other deity, including the God of Judgment himself, were distracted, she destroyed his forcing grasp on her. After all, she was the Goddess of Destruction as well as Deception. 


She gritted her teeth in anger as the demi-god quoted some old, blasphemous verse from the Scriptures. Scumbag, she thought. Such words can be turned against you. And they will. 

His warning and certainty about death failing, falling to it's ultimate doom, made Escora want to obliterate that sorry excuse for a God. He's not even a God, she thought in disdain. Just a bastard son. Not even fully God, and he has the nerve to state such profanity! She narrowed her eyes. Both of them; Ezrael and Lazarus, even Dar'vange, she thought menacingly, remembering their objection and hate for the Goddess of Death and her plans. If Farazia won't do anything about it, thought Escora, seeing Farazia leave, that bitch Ishari following her like some love-struck puppy, then will. 


Escora went after Lazarus, her hand on her weapon. If this results in a fight, let it. She would win, and will make sure this scoundrel knows his place. Right at the bottom.


Dar'vange silently applauded Lazarus' brave words. He pulled the Bible on them. Well played Lazarus, well played. As the gods dispersed he noticed Escora's hand on her weapon, striding towards Lazarus like a wolf upon a rabbit. He kept watch for any funny business. 

(Sorry, meant to say he let her go)
"There is a lesser known prophecy. A prophecy which states that a powerful construct led by a valiant hero will be able to save the earth itself from outside evils. Along with a collection of fearsome creatures locked away in artifacts, all the brave hero needed to do is have faith in their abilities... and they could do the impossible."

Annabelle re-read the prophecy over and over again. Construct? Check. Artifact Monsters? Check. Valiant hero? Annabelle looked at herself in a puddle of melted ice.
No. It just couldn't be her. It just couldn't be. Yet here she was, soul-bound to NAMELESS and holding a pouch full of various... whatever these were... supposedly holding dangerous monsters inside.

The temperatures were beyond freezing. Unprecedented, even. Snow stuck to the top of the giant stone construct NAMELESS as it trudged through the snow and slush. It feared not the cold, nor the ice. As long as Annabelle was safe, so was it. 

Annabelle, meanwhile, was huddled up inside the construct. Though fire was lit inside NAMELESS, her soul-bind to NAMELESS prevented the fire from doing any harm to her. It was pleasantly warm despite the raging winds outside, and the occasional lump of slush falling from the roof, which would fall near the flames and melt. She carefully looked over a few of the artifacts that she had collected on the seemingly endless journey that NAMELESS was taking her on. Each one she eyed with uncertainty. How was she supposed to use these against the gods? As if a soul-bind with a giant stone construct and a wondrous barrier weren't strange enough.
She poked her head outside, recoiling as snow plastered her face. She sat back down inside.

"H-How longer until we find the next one, bud? I'm s-starting to get pretty cold and hungry..." Annabelle whimpered from inside NAMELESS. The construct simply purred calmly back. It couldn't speak, but Annabelle could somewhat understand it. The next creature artifact was somewhere nearby... Or at least, NAMELESS thought so.

The sound of snapping branches and trees being pushed aside alerted Annabelle to a change in scenery. They were entering a wooded area of sorts? Maybe. It could mean the typical wolves that NAMELESS would have to smash into the ground, or it could mean an encounter with somebody... human.
That would be a relief. An actual person. Not some crazy monster or construct. Annabelle sighed. Silently, she wished that this could all be explained to her by NAMELESS, but seeming how it couldn't speak, Annabelle wouldn't get answers.

Maybe the next artifact would be something that could summon a "growl-to-speech" translator. If she could even summon anything at all, anyways.
Lucifer wanted to have fun. He wanted to find some Han mortal to toy with. He just teleported to the closes one. He saw a girl in a cold place very cold. He stated in his normal form wanting I at least scare the little one. He crawled up to the girl and spoke in what he tried to make a creepy voice but really was almost a dead animal screaming "hello girl what are you doing here alone? " @Jzork
The sudden appearance of someone from the freezing cold combined with the horrifying tone of voice sent Annabelle screaming and huddled back into the farthest wall of NAMELESS. Fumbling and almost dropping her pouch, Annabelle quickly reached in for something, anything. In a panicked frenzy, she pulled out the first artifact that she could get her hands on and held it up in front of her face.
She opened her eyes, realizing that what she was holding in front of her face looked like an easter egg, painted orange and purple. Really? Could she have at least pulled out the spiky thing or the larger-than-average coin? Why did she have to make herself look like an idiot by pulling out the least threatening artifact in her bag?!

She had to go with it, though. No turning back now. She stood back up and moved towards NAMELESS'S front opening and confronted this frightening spook.
"Y-Yeah! S-Stay back! I... I uh, got this from a really powerful dungeon... um. Hidden away in..." She looked at the Egg-Like thing, then back at the terror. There was no way he was buying it. @LuckyLucifer
Lucifer eyeballs almost bursted out of his head. He laughed so hard his face turned read "I'm an evil God but it's wrong to kill someone like you you are priceless! " hey wasnte even gonna kill her just observe her but that was halarios. 
Annabelle's face turned a bright red from embarrassment. Why couldn't she just be taught how to use the stupid thing? She sighed and put the egg back in the bag. As if her self esteem wasn't bad enough, now some "god" was laughing his head off at her. Diety or not, Anabelle had little respect for this individual and even less for herself. She resigned back into the fire of NAMELESS, mumbling under her breath about how death would probably be better than what had just unfolded. Now some evil God was just going to watch her mess up over and over. Just what she needed.

"Nameless, buddy... just, keep going. W-We'll find the next crummy artifact." 

The giant construct nodded ever so slightly and continued to move forward on it's path towards the next artifact... but not before kicking up a large pile of snow onto Lucifer in the same manner that a dog kicks dirt over it's own feces. Annabelle could still hear his twisted laughter underneath all that snow. It rang in her head. The annoying, raspy, high-pitched laughter of that "Evil god" really didn't bode well with her.

Construct? Check. Artifact Monsters? I GUESS?! Valiant Hero...? No. Still not there yet.

Worried, Annabelle kept peeking outside of NAMELESS, just to avoid another jumpscare from the devious fiend. Seems that what she had heard in the last town was true. The gods were out for all of humanity.
Lucifer stopped laughing and dug himself out of te snow. He walked behind the mysterious girl. "Hey girl mind if I help you with your quest? " lucifer just wanted to at least have someone that understood that he couldn't be so eveil. 
Lucifer didn't want to be seen as weak or betraying so he left. He arrived back at the dinning hall he smiled as he walked around. "Anyone  here rill? " lucifer wondered if he could bring a human up and entertain one of the gods. 
Annabelle ignored the request to help. Why should she let some evil god, who had not only scared her but laughed at her, help on her quest? He'd probably laugh more and chuck whatever artifact she was after into a lake. A deep, frozen lake at that. Noooo Thank You.

She checked back outside of NAMELESS. The creep was gone, thank goodness. She silently hoped that she would never have to encounter any sort of god as horrible ever again... but knowing what she was doing, there would be no chance of avoiding that devil god. She was sure of it. 

Annabelle, of course, facepalmed when she realized she could have just had NAMELESS smash the laughing cretin like the bug he really was. Surprisingly, she often forgot that this construct she called her "temporary home" was also a moving creature that could smash down a tree if it so wished. She looked back at the bag of artifacts she had collected. Maybe the egg-thing could do the same. Smash down a tree, or burn it... anything other than being an egg forever.

NAMELESS began to slow. They were approaching the artifact's location in the snowy wilderness. Annabelle braced herself. This next part would require her utmost bravery, something she did not have a lot of.

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael wasn't too far from Annabelle and Lucifer's location. In fact, the moment Lucifer had appeared into his forest, Ezrael sensed his presence. Sensing his dark and malicious presence, a rush of fear overtook the young God. Why was he here? Did Farazia or Escora send him here to get Ezrael? Was the God of Innocence and Life being punished? These thoughts ran around Ezrael's head as he stood up, staring directly at the source of the dark aura. He left the snow-covered clearing and the mother doe with her baby, curiosity and fear bubbling inside of him. 

He hadn't walked far when he saw a weird looking, large stone stove in the middle of the forest, surrounded by tall, bare trees, the stove thing walking slowly through the snow. It had began to snow slightly, creating a stillness and peacefulness that Ezrael adored. He realized Lucifer had disappeared, but quickly forgot about it as he saw the head of a girl pop out of the stove. Intrigued, he hid behind a tree, and watched as the stove kept moving. 


Lucifer seemed bored with te gods. Humans where interesting creatures tortured or not. He decided to go back to the girl and wander with her to atleat see what they do. Lucifer appeared by the girl and almost feel over as he wasn't expecting a tree. "Ugh hi don't hurt me and I won't hurt you by te way I want to atleas observe you... I don't have much outside of my rechid underworld so I want to help you at least. " lucifer looked around it almost send like ezarels poor forest. Hope he's here good friend when he isn't being ignorant. 
Annabelle made a quick "Eep!" Before hiding back in NAMELESS. She still didn't trust him, but there wasn't much she could do at this point. He just wouldn't leave her alone. His appearance didn't back what he was saying at all. What kind of creep looking like they just crawled out of hell would really honor a peace treaty?

NAMELESS stopped abruptly. They had arrived at the location of the next artifact. Like it or not, Annabelle would have to get out, find, and recover the artifact that NAMELESS had led her towards. She peeked out again, coming face to face with Lucifer. Shuddering and with a look of sheer nervousness on her face, she managed to whimper out a: "O-Okay! B-B-But no tricks, a-a-alright? I just have to find s-s-something out here."

Deep breath. Remember. It's always close to Nameless. Never a long walk. Nope. Noooo. Uh-uh. You got this. Baby steps. Tiiiiiny steps. Don't worry. You can do it. 

Annabelle hadn't even taken one step from out of Nameless yet. She felt more than just Lucifer's eyes on her. Someone else was bound to discover that she was collecting these artifacts. Someone who KNEW.

She shook her head. She would have to do it quickly. Without warning, she grabbed her bag and jumped from the safety of the stone construct.

The snow was colder than she thought it was. Her feet felt like they were on fire, yet there they were, in the powdery snow. Frantically, she began to search for something. Anything. NAMELESS wouldn't help her with finding these blasted artifacts, anyways. It was usually all up to her.
Lucifer looked.l at the girl. "So what are these things for... The resistance I know that much but not much else... So where is it suppose to. Be" lucifer knew he may have to. Kill the girl if se tried to tell of anything. "I promise you no tricks" lucifer tried his best not to look like te monster he was. 
Coran drifted through the Resistance hideout, basking in the amount of darkness and shadows. He never understood why people complained about the dark. The dark was life, it was home. They were assassins, they were the darkness that guided the light. They brought the light while hiding in the shadows. No one here truly comprehended it like him Shadow Lord. He found General Farly and shifted to shadow behind him. Coran was about to speak, then he felt a massive chill run down his spine. Lucifier! One of his shadows had brushed against Lucifer's power. He was in the human world. 

"General! We have a problem. Lucifer is on earth in our city." 



Standing outside the grand doors of the archives, Lazarus clutched the keys in his taut hand. Obviously angered, due to the foolishness that dismissed his warnings. Yet, he supposed not everyone could appreciate and accept his job of recording. Much alike his father before him, he kept every moment of interest in ink. All preserved by magic and dust. A million or more years of the gods and human race, the stories that were told, and the prophecies they'd uttered. 

Nonetheless, Lazarus inhaled sharply and leant against the door a few seconds till scraping the cast iron key clockwise in the lock. Creaking as he pushed the wooden pane open, footsteps began to get louder. Authoritive, and heading for him. 


Turning on his heel toward the visitor, Chauncey sourly registered a well-known silhouette. Escora.

"I appreciate the visit, but don't you have someones feet to kiss? Better try and claw back that mistress of yours before you haven't got one. Or maybe, Farazia just doesn't care about you. And never will." Resting against the arch, he smiled. "I've died once already. Why do you think I was called Lazarus?" 

Motioning into the large archives he slipped away into the book filled hall. "Can I offer brandy? Or are you quite adamant and blind as the rest. Just make sure you don't damage the tomes, if anything. They hold too much discovery."


Lucifer was going to hep te girl but saw a shadow. But not his own it moved freely. "Come out all you scum I know your here! "Lucifer could feel the presence of so many. His voice scratches dthe air like a form on a metal plate. 

Coactus, God of Time


Gears whirled and clicked rapidly, the sharp clanking of boots echoing off the walls in almost the same pattern. Coactus made his way to the main hall, where most of the other gods and goddesses were. The humans; Even with the infinite knowledge of time itself, Coactus could not have imagined they would find a way to cloak themselves from his gaze, and make away with some of the Time Gears. His very being flickered; Time was being tampered with. They were doing something using the Time Gears, and he was completely incapable of discovering what it was. Even if he drew the power from the four remaining Gears, he would still be powerless to locate the others, and wipe the fools who have altered the timeline. He had shown mercy for eternity; He had not gone out of his way to warp time in any scenario, and now, the mortals were repaying his efforts to sustain the timeline, but attempting to potentially obliterate it.


His ability to look into the future was greatly nullified due to the efforts the humans took to time travel. He could only glimpse perhaps a few hours ahead at a time. His ability to see into the past was unhindered, though he was incapable of seeing his past that took place in the future, when this blasted war was coming to a close.


Coactus threw open the doors and entered the hall, scanning the room and looking at the various immortals milling about. Farazia, the leader, Goddess of Death, was not there currently. He was aware she had gone off to plan her next move on the Earth's core, but he was not sure where she had gone off to; He had been unable to glimpse at that outcome. A large majority of the gods and goddesses noticed his entrance and appeared enthralled. Coactus rarely ever left the Temporal Zone, so seeing him there may have come as a bit of a shock. whenever he appeared it usually had to do with someone messing with time, or to discuss minor issues with the other higher ups. Perhaps they thought, no, knew that something was bound to go wrong.


He stepped in a ways and looked around, noticing Dar'vange, The God of Judgement. Coactus strode over to him, his gears ticking audibly. When he spoke, his voice was contorted, and sounded as though it came from behind a glass wall.


"Where has Farazia gone to?"


Annabelle began frantically digging about in the snow. Maybe the artifact had been buried below the newly fallen frost and slush? Her hands burned as they dug sporadically for any sort of thing that looked like a trinket.
There was limited time. This lunatic wouldn't let her be, and there was already another set of eyes on her from somewhere in the forest. Then something about shadows?! Annabelle was in over her head. Cold. Colder. Colder still. Where was it?

Shivering, she looked in the one direction she hadn't already looked. Up.

And there it was, glistening at the top of a barren tree akin to a holiday decoration. A chunk of solid ice with three dark circles in it's core. Lucifer was distracted and there were no others presently able to grab it before she was. Grabbing the artifact would be the key to the whole "soul-bind" phenomenon that the prophecies had told her about. No time to lose.

"Nameless, buddy! I need a lift." Shakily, she shuddered over to the construct. Grabbing onto a freezing stone leg as best she could, she was hoisted up onto the snow-covered roof. She held steadfast to the ring at the top until NAMELESS moved into position.
"Come on, get a bit closer..." She whispered.

NAMELESS didn't budge.

Annabelle gulped. It looked like she would have to jump. Peering down at the height she would fall if she didn't make it, she almost slipped and fell regardless after recoiling in fear. Deep breath. Deep breath.
Invigorated by the cold and the rush of adrenaline, Annabelle jumped. 
She grabbed the ice-cold artifact with both hands as she crested over the tree. She watched as the familiar aura flashed briefly around the artifact, binding it to her.

And then she began to plummet.

@LuckyLucifer @Esther_Silvers (Gotta stop forgetting to tag people who are nearby)
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@Blitzer  @Esther_Silvers @LuckyLucifer @Wick @Andie

Farley snarled. Mideumess. Forget the bozo roaming the streets, we need to catch that devil! 

"New Mission!" He yelled. He would just have to send the amateurs after the other god right now. He knew he needed more experienced men to take Lucifer down. He picked one other man from the crowd and the one who had alerted him. "Come!" he shouted, unnecessarily. "Now where is that son of a hell dog?" Ther general spat. 

A monitor beeped and flashed red. A deity had been spotted!. Farley was incapable of seeing the Annabelle, because she was buried in a snow drift, but he did notice NAMELESS. "The hell in that?" He yelled, and no one dared answer. "Huh!" He examined the video feed carefully. There were two gods there. There were two spots golden glow, but the other god couldn't be identified. 

"Well, kids, looks like you're heading for the Castitas Forest." 

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