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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

eclipsehowls said:
Andalib turned her gaze on Cedric and stared at him, raising an eyebrow dubiously as he spoke of having to kill her if she tried to run before giving a slight shake of her head. Lifting her hands, she brushed her hair back from her face so she could see. Where did he expect her to go anyway? But she nodded to show that she understood his predicament and perked up a little when he said he'd remove her chains upon reaching the forest, the dullness in her eyes being replaced by a small spark of curiosity at the mention of the forest. Thinking, she curled her right hand into a fist and then extended her index finger before air writing an 'A', trying to tell Cedric that she could write. @Flack
"Ah you can write," Cedric said happily, " I have pens and paper at the cabin." He smiled it appeared that there was some life in her eyes again; a good sign. He felt like things were going better than he expected. He looked out the window and watched the buildings pass by. " I could never live here, it's to crowded." he said under his breath. "Have you ever been to a forest before?" He asked. Cedric wanted to know more about her, he liked humans and she wan an interesting one who could answer all his questions about them; but he knew he could overload her with them all so he would take his time and go slowly and once they had a better relationship then he would pry into her past; that seemed to be full of stories and experiences he would like to hear about. "When we get to my er our home I can get you the paper and pens and you can ask me about myself; I mean if we are going to be together we should know a little about each other." he smiled at her eagerly waiting her response.
(We'll get there soon and I don't like the sound of that what have you got in store for us I wonder.)
Andalib nodded eagerly, happy that she would be able to communicate and get to live in a forest. He was certainly talkative for someone who had been alone for a long time though he only appeared a few years older than her though she thought he might be far older than the...hmm...seventeen to nineteen year old...he appeared to be. Human lives were so short compared to a demon's. No wonder they had to keep purchasing humans. Cedric was right too about them needing to get to know each other otherwise it would probably be more difficult then it was already with her being mute to get along but so far he seemed amicable. @Flack
The taxi slowed to a stop. Cedric paid the driver, and opened the door and held it open for Andalib. Seeing the outskirts of the forest made him happy he was home and he wouldn't be there alone this time. He pulled the keys to the chains out of his pockets and waited for her to exit the car. He was going to release her from the chains and he wasn't going to take them with him; she seemed like she understood her situation and was probably to weak to make very far anyway. 'So first things first, I will get er the paper and pen and then she needs to bathe, the smell is starting to get to me.' he thought. He looked at Andalib smiled, showed her the key and waited for her to get out.

Jin runs until she runs into a clearing. she sees a high cement wall with an iron tall gate. she runs to the gate and shakes it "Please... open up..... Please...." she said scared

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Looking around as the taxi stopped, she cocked her head to the side as she listened to the wind blow through the leaves and the chirping of birds overhead and at first she didn't register that Cedric had got out and opened the door for her. Shaking her head, she looked at the keys and carefully got out of the car before moving away from the taxi, jerking slightly as the driver turned around and drove back to the city. @Flack


(Eh you mean Jin @The Unamed Character)

Seth's ears pricked up as he heard shaking of the iron gate that stood at the southern border, marking where his lands began. The horse snorted and lifted his head from where it had been nibbling at the grass. "Who in the world could be at the southern border? Well come on Eclipse. May as well check it out." The stallion trotted over to its master and Seth swung up into the saddle before setting off towards the southern border which wasn't very far away. He went along the hill and down the valley from the right so as not to startle the herd of deer who were grazing peacefully before setting off at a gallop once he'd reached the valley floor. As he came towards the southern border he saw someone standing begging to be let inside and pulled on the reins, halting Eclipse. Dismounting, he left his horse by the cherry blossom tree and walked towards the iron gate. As he got closer, he could see it was a human girl and frowned to himself, hearing the girl's fear in her voice. "Are you alright?" he asked.
Probably by predatory animals or other Shadow Demons, Seth thought to himself before unlocking the iron gate and opening it. "Well come in. You'll be safer on my land then outside though I can't help strays much. But I can get your knee bandaged," he said to the girl. @The Unamed Character
"Well we're almost there kind of." He said. Cedric took the key and first unchained her feet then her hands. He took the chains and cast them aside. "There that's much better." he smiled 'this should help her trust me.' he thought. He looked at Andalib, "If you would please lead the way for the first stretch, all you have to so is follow that trail just across the way." He pointed to a well kept and worn trail leading deeper into the woods turning slightly, then disappearing behind some trees. "If you lead the way then I will know were to set my pace for when we have to go off the trail." He added.

((Wolf form))

A slight breeze ruffled Kate's fur, and with it, the scent of two people. Well, one human, and a demon. This should be fun... Kate thought with a ominous chuckle as she waited in a nearby tree for them to get a little closer. She crouched down on the tree branch, her purpleish pelt melting into black shadow to stay hidden until the two came down the path.
Andalib stood still while Cedric removed her chains and watched them be put aside. Listening to his instructions, she nodded and looked at the trail before setting off, albeit slowly, keeping her eyes on the path ahead of her, slightly swaying as she moved. Although the chains being off helped a fraction, it would take a while for her to build up the strength in her legs and get used to walking again from four years of disuse. @Flack


Seth closed the door and locked it before leading the girl over to Eclipse and removing a water bottle, some rubbing alcohol, a cotton ball, a small strip of gauze and a large band aide. "You're welcome," he said as he set the supplies down and crouched in front of her. "I'm Seth Ritsuko," he said. "A Shadow Demon and that guy's Eclipse. Had him since he was a foal." Removing the cap from the water bottle, he poured it on the wound to wash out any dirt and blood before patting it dry with a cotton ball. When it was done he grabbed another cotton ball and uncapped the rubbing alcohol. "This is going to sting a little," he said before pouring the alcohol on the fresh cotton ball and dabbing at the wound. Done with that he put a small piece of gauze over the cut and then placed the band aide over that before gathering up his supplies. "What were you running from?" he questioned. @The Unamed Character
Jin cringes from the Dabs "Im Jin Kim..."A couple weeks ago... Demons attacked my group and killed all but the few of us that ran..... i dont know who is left... all i know is my mom is...." she looks down "She is gone..."

He kept close to Andalib, smelling another demon close he wanted to keep her as safe as possible there was a better chance of her being wounded or worse killed in her present state; they would have to work on getting her healthy. Cedric put his hand on her sholder and wispered,"Stay close I'm not the only Shadow Demon in theses woods." He let her sholder go, and continued to follow her getting ready for well anything.

"Well you aren't going to survive out on your own if demons are after you. You'll be caught and taken to the warehouse here or maybe a warehouse in one of the other cities and sold," Seth said. "But I've been thinking about whether it's time to get myself a new slave or not so if you're willing, you can become my new slave and in return you'll be protected from any shadow demons who try to hurt you, at least on my land as well as food, shelter and protection. Or I can put you back outside the southern border and you can fend for yourself. It's your choice," he said as he got up and walked towards Eclipse before putting his supplies in one of the saddlebags. @The Unamed Character


Analib stiffened at the touch, not used to people touching her, and relaxed when Cedric removed his hand from her shoulder after whispering to her about other shadow demons in the forest. Secretly she was grateful for her master bothering to warn her and stick by her this long. Most others probably would have left her to die. Her eyes looked around the path as she walked, wishing she had some weapons to defend herself and Cedric with. She'd have to ask to get some soon. @Flack
Seth closed the saddlebag before turning back to Jin. "Well this is a surprise and saves me having to go into town to purchase any slaves," he muttered to himself. "Right do you know how to ride a horse? I left my lunch on the hill I was at before you came along. You can share the food with me and then I'll take you home," he said. @The Unamed Character
"Andalib, lets stop here for a moment." Cedric said. "I want us to be in a better position, in case there is an attack." He looked at her as sighed, "I'm sorry; I brought you out here almost completely helpless, I wasn't thinking about you, just me; I will try to do better." He looked at their surroundings. There were lots of places to hide and see if the demon would come out looking for them, but that was unlikely and there where lots of places that the demon could be hiding. He had already put Andalib in danger and they hadn't even made it to the cabin yet. "Unfortunately it looks as though we have no choice but to press on, I promise to keep you safe." he said to her. Though he was hoping to avoid confrontation, he just wanted to get her home safe and bathed but the latter could wait.

((Wolf form))

Kate wiggled her shoulders and prepared to jump. I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere anytime soon... She thought, chuckling and melting into the shadows. She rose up from the other demon's shadow and growled, her yellow eyes glinting in the dark forest.

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