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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Rei began to track behind Arabella into the forest and her response was even more overwhelming than the last. "It's just...how thoses village men reacted to your abilities. It made me want to worry about my own well-being when i'm near you." His response only made him feel more on the edge.

@Defective Kitten
Arabella decided not to reply to his reason since she'd spoken enough for the night, anymore and she would strain her voice. The silence between them was actually more intense than if she were to have responded, she could be planning to kill him or hurt him or plotting some type of torture for him in her head, she could've been planning anything really but of corse no one would ever know. For now he could just think of the worst while they walked in silence.

She walked into a dark and creepy looking cave where monsters or demons could lucre without no one noticing it's presence from the outside. As she walked in, her footsteps echoed throughout the cave and her eyes being the only thing that shed an ounce of light for them to see. Moments pasted of walking in the dark until a light could be seen at the end of the tunnel. Arabella made an erupt stop, looking forward at the scene in front of her. It was flourishing in life despite the fact that demons had destroyed such scenery years ago when we decided to attack the human race. Streams of water from a waterfall and giant trees with large orbes of light wrapped around each branch in such a serene place seemed not only beautiful but impossible in an open cavern of a cave or anywhere actually. It seemed like its own biome, a place that went on forever and the moonlight seeping in from the top which shown its own colors reflecting on the trees and water. Simply to put it, this was the place she wanted to show him. The moonlight mixed in with the beautiful scenery made Arabella seem as if she were radiating in an angelic glow, which in her case was ironic.


@Cloud Nagasake
"Oh haha master, I am sure it is sooo very funny to see your human in near death fear" She said with a playful tone to mask the fact she was about to die of fear. "But anyway, let me sing a song for your happyness" and begain to sing with a shakey voice filled with fear

(<~> I don't know how that happen.
AliceB said:
"Oh haha master, I am sure it is sooo very funny to see your human in near death fear" She said with a playful tone to mask the fact she was about to die of fear. "But anyway, let me sing a song for your happyness" and begain to sing with a shakey voice filled with fear
(<~> I don't know how that happen.
I'm gonna be out of the hospital in 3 days! )

Luna laughed. "You're so scared! It's so humorous I almost feel guilty." She said before slowly flying to the ground seeing the fear in Violet's eyes. "Perhaps we should do something that doesn't scare the living hell out of you."
Rei heard no further response from Arabella and they began a walk in silence once again. He was lost in his thoughts. All he could think about was how she truly feels about his last response and where she was leading him to. Upon arrival to a strange cave that lead to a new landscape it seemed were it was filled with large odd trees with the branches wrapped around these orbs of light and the moonlight shined in reflecting off the water and some trees then back on Arabella. Her strange new glow altered her demonic appearance to a angelic appearance which lead Rei to a new feel about her.

@Defective Kitten
(Oh congratz ^o^)

Violet scared out of her mind and shakeing agrees"Yes maybe it might be for the best if we are off else where" "Do you have any ideas" Violet said well slowly but surely trying to stop shakeing.
"Oh how dull, I know you do not like being bored so I just have to ask, why don't we move away from here and go on some adventure in the world?" she said hopeing her master would like the idea so she can be happy.
Rino was in his room listening to music while writing down lyrics to a new song he was making when his father came in his room. "Rino why are you in your room listening to music when you should be looking for a slave?" His father asked as he pulled of Rino's headphones. "I'll look for one as soon as I'm finished with my song, dad." He said looking a bit anoyed.

"Fine, but make it quick."Rino's dad said as he left the room closing the door behind him.
Arabella studied his expression when he saw the scenery, her eyes seeming to dim in light and now the only thing that shown in the eye holes of the mask is darkness. Walking in farther of the cavern, fireflies flew around and near them, their lights leaving a small smothered trail behind them. Arabella was quite fond of fireflies, it didn't seem she minded them like she did with other insects.

Moving forward, jumping on rocks of the stream to avoid water, and also on the tree branches just to get a high advantage, her foot steps and landings were soft and graceful, making it seem easy to do such. Arabella would often look behind her to make sure Rei was still keeping in, not wanting him to fall too far behind. Eventually she made a stop on the highest branch of the largest tree located in the center, taking a seat next to a glowing orb. Her legs softly swung back and forth as they dangled, the attention on the scenery in front of them. Arabella was normally already quiet but the atmosphere around her was unusually too peaceful for once. "Pretty?" Asking Rei without looking at him, her questions usually very short and blunt.

@Cloud Nagasake
Rei hopped off the last rock over the stream and landed on the ground less graceful than previously demonstrated by Arabella. "It's amazing here." Have any other humans been here before?" His response was quickly given as he walked backwards to continue to look at the scenery from behind. Rei looked up to Arabella sitting on a branch next to a light orb of the largest tree conveniently in the center of it all. This was truly a breathtaking landscape and it seems that it was kinda like Arabella's "Happy Place".

@Defective Kitten
Humans... Arabella thought upon the word for a bit before reply to Rei with a simple nod. "Others too.." Signifying that other slaves of hers had been here before, although not necessarily liking to use the word slave for her humans. Arabella jumped down from the tree, the height could possibly break a human's legs or other bones but it was as if she floated down with a soft landing. Looking up at Rei she still sat at the top of the tree, Arabella waited on him so she could lead him to another area within the cavern.

Once Rei met up with her at the bottom of the tree in his brisk manner, Arabella made her way to a light up area in the far back of the cavern. The walk took a bit of time but once they arrived, what was in front of them were stone crosses and headstones with names along with dates and few other things engraved on it, each had a unique flower grown in front of it and a different pendent or ring hung/placed on the headstone or cross. This seemed to be were all her previous human slaves were buried and rested, in all there were only about a handful despite her old age. Other demons would've had several slaves at a single time or plenty more than Arabella anyways. "Rest in peace." Mumbling in a soft manner to herself, waiting upon Rei's response to the scene.

@Cloud Nagasake
Rei was rather impressed that Arabella had spoken more than one word which was not in her nature to do so. The graves of previous humans that once walked in the same path as Arabella. The sight of these graves didn't scare nor upset Rei, but when the time is right he knew that he could be laying right next to her previous Humans. He remains staring at the different headstones and reading the names of the deceased in silence.

@Defective Kitten
Gwen was exploring the wilderness. "I havent seen another Human in days.... maybe months...." she sighed to herself "I cant fit in anywhere...."
After he was done Rino went from town to town looking for a slave. When he was going to another town he saw a sad looking girl in the middle of the woods. He decided to talk to her. "Hey whats wrong, you look kind of sad.
Arabella stood in front of the first headstone, it read "Alexander J. Deasoner 600 AD - 689 AD Warrior for all eternity." He lived a full life, almost three times longer than most that lived back in that time which said something about Arabella as an "owner".

Glancing up at Rei who seemed unfazed by the graves, she walked up to him and held out her hand as a way to ask for him hand. When he gave her his hand, she placed a ring onto his palm that some headstones had but each had a difference about them. Each had a simple design that had a nice charm about them, "Yes?" Asking him in an odd way of whether he liked it or not.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.a21c6f037e7bdf6c02979a98c7b8b91a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.a21c6f037e7bdf6c02979a98c7b8b91a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Sorry for the late replies, I've been extremely busy with school starting up again and I have a lot on my plate. Also this is my last reply for the night, hopefully it suffices.)

@Cloud Nagasake



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Gwen looks at him "I... I have not seen anyone for days...." she said "I was on the run..."

[QUOTE="Red Reaper]After he was done Rino went from town to town looking for a slave. When he was going to another town he saw a sad looking girl in the middle of the woods. He decided to talk to her. "Hey whats wrong, you look kind of sad.

[QUOTE="Red Reaper]"What were you running you?" He asked wondering what happened.

"A bunch of demons..... they killed everyone...." she said "I ran to survive"
"Oh." He said a bit disappointed in his species."I'm actually a demon if you couldn't tell."He said making a fire in his hand.
Gwen stumbled back a bit "P-please.... d-don't hurt me...." she said falling down "I-I will do anything..."


[QUOTE="Red Reaper]"Oh." He said a bit disappointed in his species."I'm actually a demon if you couldn't tell."He said making a fire in his hand.

[QUOTE="Red Reaper]"Don't worry I won't do anything to you. But I can help you out if you want."

Gwen nods "Please...." she stands up "Y-you mean it...." she asked

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