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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

"That is so cool!! You know what, I'm gonna buy some icecream."

(sorry got to go to bed I'll be on later)
Rino grabbed her hand and teleported infront of a icecream shop. "You may have any flavour you want." he said walking in.
A dirty human sat in one of the boxes that slaves were held in until purchased by a Shadow Demon. Her long black hair was oily from years of not bathing and there was a stench about her that really couldn't be helped. The girl sat there in a purple kimono with goldfish on it, rocking back and forth on her knees and just staring dully at the passerby as customers hurried past her cage when they got a whiff of her. She had been born into slavery and so for the first few years of her life it was all she knew until she had run away from her mother's master. The girl had managed to live on her own and experience a little taste of freedom for four years until she had been caught by some Shadow Demons. Now she was here, had been here for many years, far longer than most humans. Waiting silently for someone to buy her and watching other humans be purchased, humans who had been born into slavery, humans who were part of the rebel factions that sprang up every few years and were sold into slavery as punishment, humans who had been captured in other countries and lands when Shadow Demons burned villages and cities to the ground just so they could fuel the slave trade. Light blue eyes watched the customers, humans screaming, crying, fighting as they were chained and passed over to their new masters for whatever fate awaited them beyond the warehouse. She had heard there were warehouses in every major city that housed human slaves and wondered why the humans bothered to fight when it wouldn't do any good. A Shadow Demon paused to look at her before shaking her head and hurrying on to the next cage, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the smell coming from this human. If she wasn't mute she might have laughed at the disgust the Shadow Demons showed her. What did they really expect from the slaves who were kept in boxes and not allowed any luxuries? To smell like flowers?


A black stallion with red eyes snorted and pawed at the ground as horse and rider stood on top of a hill overlooking a valley and the deer grazing below. The Shadow Demon sat atop the horse, holding the reins lightly in one hand as he surveyed the valley below him. Dismounting from his horse, the Shadow Demon pulled off some food he'd made and allowed the horse to graze on the hill, knowing it wouldn't wander far from its master's side. The horse and its master had a strong relationship with each other due to the Shadow Demon had found it when it was just a newborn foal after its mother had been killed by wolves. He'd taken it home and nursed it back to health where he had slowly gained its trust and developed a deep bond. He'd named the young foal Eclipse for its ebony coat. Opening up the small picnic basket, the Shadow Demon spread out a red and white checkered blanket on the ground before sitting down and pulling out the food he'd made for himself, wondering if it was time for him to look for a slave. His last one had died thirty years ago defending him and he hadn't purchased another one since.
Cedric was going mad, being alone for so long was finally starting to eat at him sure building the cabin had helped but it just wasn't enough. "Well I guess I could go to the warehouse, they sell humans there." He mused. Even if it meant going to the city, he hated it there it was loud and crowded, but it would be worth it for a chance to find someone he could enjoy the having around.

He left gathered his things and made his trip into the city. After getting lost for a bit he finally found the warehouse. It was worse than he thought lots of humans and Shadow demons, this was crowded and going to take forever. Cedric sighed, and began looking at all the humans, none seemed to be what he was looking for. He began to think maybe I am just meant to be alone, as punishment for running away from home. "Just one more," he said. There she was a girl with long black hair and a purple kimono, no one wanted her they didn't even really look; probably due to her foul odor. But that smell would go away with a good wash.

Cedric approached her cage, "Hello, whats your name?" He asked the girl hoping for some response anything other than screams and tears, he prayed.

The girl lifted her eyes to the new customer standing in front of her, a fleeting glimpse of surprise flickering across her pale blue eyes before it was gone. Was she finally going to be purchased and able to do what she had been bred for after all these years of waiting? Slowly the girl slipped a hand into a pocket sewn into her kimono before pulling out a faded yellow note card and slipped it through the bars to the customer which had her name written on it in shaky writing: Andalib Hitomi. Footsteps came over as one of the Shadow Demons in charge of this warehouse looked disdainfully at the girl before looking to Cedric. "This human doesn't talk. Doesn't scream, cry, nothing. Good for nothing mute. But she was trained by one of the Shadow Demons who died when the warehouse was invaded by those rebel humans a couple years ago. You sure ya want this one?"
Cedric took the card read it, smiled and looked at the Shadow demon, "Yes, she will do just fine for what I have planed." He glanced at Andalib and smiled quickly then back to the Demon, "How much are you asking for the girl?" So what if she didn't talk, she could still provide companionship. Andalib, she was going to be his and that at this point in time was all Cedric cared about. 'I suppose we can just write down things when we want to talk with each other.' He thought, as he waited to hear the price.
Andalib put the note card back into her pocket before dropping her hand in her lap, tilting her head at the Shadow Demon who seemed interested in purchasing her. The Shadow Demon who was with her master stared at her, causing the girl to scoot back as far as the box would allow, before looking back at Cedric. "She's been here for four years. Normally they'd run anywhere from 10,000 or more but since you're the first to show an interest in buying her I'll sell her for $2,600." He pulled out the contract to sign and signed it before handing it to Cedric to sign while he signaled another Shadow Demon who worked there to take the girl out of her box and put her in new chains. Andalib was grabbed roughly by the chains attached to her wrists and pulled out of the cage like a dog before she was unfastened and put into new chains that were handed to Cedric. "From what I understand, this one was born into slavery and ran away when she was a kid. Lived on her own for four years before a team of Shadow Demons caught her and brought here so you might want to take precautions to ensure it doesn't try running away." Andalib didn't move as new chains were put on her after being dragged out of the box. It was rather eerie how she didn't make a sound at all or respond in any way to the rough handling. @Flack
Cedric took the contract signed it. "Well, thanks for the deal, and my home is pretty secluded so if she runs she will most likely die." He replied matter oh factually. He dung in his bag and handed the Demon cash for the girl. "Oh and try not to damage my property." He said to the one who was handling her. He wondered if she had been born mute or if there was something in her past that robbed her of her voice. "Andalib, I'm Cedric and I am your new master." He told her with a smile. Trying to hide how anxious he was at finally getting a companion. She may have been a slave but he was determined to treat her as best he could, he didn't want her to leave. To him she at this moment was his savior, and hopefully he could get her to open up him as well , maybe not with spoken words but with actions. Cedric hoped that someday she would perhaps hold his hand as they took a walk through the forest in the Fall and watch the leaves change together. But he knew that was most likely several months or even years to get to that point. He was willing to wait.
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Andalib flicked her gaze to her new master and listened as he spoke before nodding at his introduction though his nice attitude confused her. Aside from the kind one who had taught her to fight and taken pity on her, she hadn't met any nice Demons before. Hesitantly, she took a step forward, stumbling due to having been in the box for four years. Four years of freedom and four years of waiting for a master. Carefully she took another step forward, the chains around her wrists and ankles clinking as she moved. This was going to no doubt take a while for her to get used to walking again but she knew she would learn for otherwise she would be of no use to her master. Andalib was careful to stay away from the other Demons who walked past and stay as far as the chains would allow her from Cedric though she knew there was no way for him to get out of the contract. No reason to make her new master sick and regret purchasing her after all. @Flack
He smiled as she approached. "You are mine now." he said and patted her on the head. "It was nice doing business with you." He said to the demon and took her chains and the key to them. "Come with me, I am going to take you to your new home." Cedric said to Andalib, walking slowly to the exit noticing that she didn't seem that familiar with walking, must be part of remaining in captivity for so long he pondered. Making sure to glance back at her every now and then just to see if she was doing alright; and to make sure that this wasn't a dream.
Frowning at being petted before the emotion slipped off her face, Andalib followed Cedric obediently, her eyes staring dully ahead as she walked and the only sound being her footsteps and the clinking chains that she made. The girl did roll her eyes as one of the slaves who had just been brought in tried escaping and shook her head, some of her hair falling into her eyes. She did duck her head and squint her eyes at the sudden brightness though when they stepped outside and blinked like a deer caught in a car headlights, pulling back slightly on the chains until her eyes had adjusted to the sun's brightness before shuffling again and inhaled the fresh air. She'd missed the fresh air and outdoors and hoped she'd be allowed to wander around outside at her new home.
((Human form))

Kate wandered the dark forest quietly, hoping to find another human to play with. She liked to toy with her victims before she slaughtered them, human reactions were funny to her. I probably won't find anyone today. The woods have been quiet lately. I've probably wiped the whole place clean. She thought, hoping it wasn't true. Killing humans and fighting with other demons was how she spent her days, it was her only true entertainment. The forest was always dark, even on the brightest of days, like this one. The tree cover was thick and the trees many, that was why Kate decided to stay in the solitude of the wilderness. That, and her natural wolf instincts.
Jin ran through the woods. She had been running for days because her group was attacked. "Got to... get away..." she said to herself still running.
Finally fresh air how he missed it and even though it had only been a few hours Cedric had missed it. "Oh, sorry to let you know but I don't live anywhere near here." he said to Andalib. "I live in the forest, and well now so do you, I hope you will like it there." He continued to walk on hoping to find a taxi to take them to the edge of the city, humans were weaker than Shadow demons and they were going to have a long walk ahead of the it took awhile to get to the cabin. 'Oh by the way; do you know, oh what is it called it's the thing you do with your hands instead of talking, it's called sign language that's it." he said content he remembered what it was. "I mean I don't know how to do it but I would learn if that's how you communicate." he said. As they made it to the main road where Cedric got a taxi and opened the door for Andalib.
Glad for the cab which had the air conditioner on and it being more roomy then the box she'd spent four years of her life in, Andalib settled into the cushioned seat and rested her head against the back as the door was opened for her, another odd thing about Cedric, but she decided not to question his good mood for now. After all it was so easy for demons to change their personalities if angered. At the mention of sign language she shook her head in the negative when asked if she knew it. She could write and read written words though but wasn't sure how to communicate that to her master.
Jin jumps over a log and trips. "gah...." she yells. she turns over and grabs her knee. It is scraped and bleeding just a bit. As she stands up she cringes "Got... to... run..." she said, running with a limp
Cedric got in and sat next to Andalib; and closed the door. "Hmm," Cedric said. "Well, lets see then how can you communicate with me?" He pondered aloud. "It's not going to be very effective for me to ask you a bunch of yes or no questions." He crossed his legs and scratched his head. "To be honest with you, I probably won't talk much anyway I have been alone for longer than I would have liked; that's why I got you, so you could be my companion." He tried to explain he didn't often interact with people, or well anyone in general and he was trying his best to make a good impression. He sighed, "Listen I will remove your chains once we get to the forest, that way it will be easier for you to walk, just know that if you run I won't hesitate to kill you; I can't appear to be weak you understand." He stated.

Jin ran across a clearing. once she was hidden she tore a large leaf from a plant and made a kind of bandage for her knee "This is a hard life...."
((Human form / Wolf form))

Kate leapt into a nearby tree and scouted the area. Nope. Still nothing. Perhaps my wolf nose will sense something better than this crappy human one can. Kate thought, shifting into her wolf form. Her yellow eyes glowed from the treetops as her gaze raked across the forest floor. Her nose worked delicately, trying to pick up the slightest whiff of a possible meal, or fight. She also allowed her ears to swivel back and forth, scooping up the small sounds of the silent wood.
Jin went silent. she heard the tree tops rustle. she went dead silent. "Please dont be searching for me...." She thought


GoldenWolf said:
((Human form / Wolf form))
Kate leapt into a nearby tree and scouted the area. Nope. Still nothing. Perhaps my wolf nose will sense something better than this crappy human one can. Kate thought, shifting into her wolf form. Her yellow eyes glowed from the treetops as her gaze raked across the forest floor. Her nose worked delicately, trying to pick up the slightest whiff of a possible meal, or fight. She also allowed her ears to swivel back and forth, scooping up the small sounds of the silent wood.
Andalib turned her gaze on Cedric and stared at him, raising an eyebrow dubiously as he spoke of having to kill her if she tried to run before giving a slight shake of her head. Lifting her hands, she brushed her hair back from her face so she could see. Where did he expect her to go anyway? But she nodded to show that she understood his predicament and perked up a little when he said he'd remove her chains upon reaching the forest, the dullness in her eyes being replaced by a small spark of curiosity at the mention of the forest. Thinking, she curled her right hand into a fist and then extended her index finger before air writing an 'A', trying to tell Cedric that she could write. @Flack

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