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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Andalib turned her head to look at Cedric as he talked and even apologized before shaking her head sadly and giving him a small encouraging smile. How was he to know there would be other demons out and about in this forest or did they make a habit of coming here? She could ask later when she had some paper and a pen to write with but for now...turning her head back to the path she began walking only to stop as she heard growling. @Flack


Seth shook his head. "No, I can turn into smoke and reform myself at the hill. Eclipse knows every inch of my lands and knows how to find me," he said as he patted the horse. He helped Jin up onto Eclipse and allowed his body to change into black smoke before disappearing. Eclipse snorted and turned around before trotting back towards the hill, being careful of the human on its back. The Shadow demon reformed on the hill and stood there waiting before turning his gaze back to the valley, pleased to see the deer herd hadn't left the valley during the short time he'd been gone. @The Unamed Character
They continued on, Cedric just wanted things to happen. He paid close attention everything; but he was just relieved that she seemed to forgive him. that made him some what happy. "I don't know who you are but you can come out I know you're there." He called into the woods. Hearing that growl made him nervous, was it one of his siblings, someone he had upset in the past, or a stranger; regardless who ever it was was dangerous that much was evident.

(Sorry I have to go for the night I will be back on in the morning)

@GoldenWolf @eclipsehowls
The horse huffed and went back to grazing on the grass when Jin jumped off his back. Seth turned as he heard Jin land on the ground. "That I am. He's actually my favorite horse and the one I ride most often," Seth said. "Fathered a few young that have been sold off for money over the years." He sat down and motioned Jin to take a seat on the blanket. "Ask what you want," Seth said as he pulled out a couple of water bottle filled with pink lemonade and set one across from him before dividing up the food which was ham and cheese sandwiches, Lays Potato Chips, and fruit salad. All the food was on plastic plates and had been transported in containers. @The Unamed Character
Jin sits down and grabs a sandwich. "What do i do as a slave? I have avoided it for as long as i could i dont know what to do.." she said as she took a bite


Gwen points at the cookies and cream ice cream "I love this stuff" she said

@Red Reaper
"Hmm. Well you'll clean the home, keep everything organized, muck out the stalls, put the horses out to pasture in the morning and bring them back in at night, feed, water and groom the horses; cook, do laundry, pull weeds from the garden, mow the front and back yards, wash the car when needed and protect me from humans, werewolves, vampires, other shadow demons and yourself of course. You'll be responsible for cleaning the entire house although I don't allow anybody within my study on the eastern wing which is mine and located on the third floor or in my art gallery. You may go in the library if you like to read or the music room where there's a piano and explore outside if you wish wen your chores are done." @The Unamed Character
Jin sighs "If it means im protected...." she said after finishing her sandwich. "I will do it... just dont expect me to give you a bath" she said laughing a bit
"No need for that," Seth said after swallowing the bit of sandwich he'd been eating. "So how old are you and where have you been if you've managed to escape slavery this long?" he questioned. Asking how old his slaves were was routine for him. He liked knowing how many years he could have with a slave before it died. @The Unamed Character
Jin looked at Seth "I am 19. and I have not stopped moving since they attacked.... my group was moving through the woods when they came..." she said looking down @eclipsehowls

Gwen gets a Ice cream cone of it "This is enough for me...." she said with a giggle @Red Reaper
"Nineteen and you've managed to evade the demons and slavery pretty much your entire life I'd guess? That's impressive. You have been very lucky. Can you fight and what type of weapons do you own? Oh and you can also ask me questions if you wish. May as well get to know one another." @The Unamed Character
Jin pulls a pistol out of her knee high sock. "I have this.... and I have my Kitten..." she said a bit happy as she shows the pistol and puts it back. "and i will wait until you are done asking questions for me to ask questions" @eclipsehowls

Gwen giggles again "Im just glad I belong somewhere" she said happily @Red Reaper
Rino smiles, "I'm just happy that you aren't depressed anymore."He says as he grabs Gwen's hand teleports to his room.
"Your Kitten," Seth says slowly before brushing that comment aside. "Well at least you have weapons. Most slaves don't and so their master has to take them to get weapons so they can protect their masters. Is there anything you like to do in your free time?" @The Unamed Character
"So" Gwen said a bit Happily "What should I do First...." she said looking around @Red Reaper

Before she answers the question she pulls out a Katana "This is my Kitten..." she said putting it away "I really have not had any free time..... I usually run all the time"

"Well you'll have plenty of time to discover what you like to do," Seth said as he looked at the Katana. "Don't go off my lands by yourself or into the city. Otherwise you can be mistaken as a runaway slave and you want to avoid that misinterpretation at all costs." He fell silent as he ate his meal and turned his gaze to the valley below them. "I can't think of anything else at the moment to ask you so you may ask what you like of me," he said. @The Unamed Character
"You seemed like you needed the help," Seth said. "For some reason I felt sympathy for your plight and that's something I haven't felt in thirty years. I suppose that is why I helped you, an injured and lost stray." @The Unamed Character
Seth began packing up the picnic basket before tying it behind Eclipse's saddle. "Well I'm 3,500 years old and your the first slave I've had in thirty years." He got up on the horse and reached down to help Jin up. "The second floor has bedrooms and three bathrooms for slaves, the west wing of the home is for guests," Seth said. "Once we get home you can pick any room on the second floor." @The Unamed Character

(Going to bed. Goodnight.)
After Arabella had placed the ring upon his finger his expression went blank as he stared back and forth at the ring and back at Arabella when a caring smile appeared on his face. "Thank you...Arabella." he was truly grateful from her gift to him and found that even at times when she is Silent, Dark and Mysterious there is a much better being within her.

@Defective Kitten
Arabella nodded at his gratitude, he had been with her for a little more than three years so this present would more than overdue. "Mhm.." She hummed softly to him before leaving on her own again this time towards the exit. This place was always nice to visit but staying for too long could be a bit nostalgic for Arabella, although she would never admit it herself.

Once they were in the open woods again, crickets filled the sounds in the empty night that was accompanied by the bright moon above that gave light down. Arabella wandered for a bit like she always did, seeming to try to find her way out of the woods but instead stopped in her tracks after noticing a boy no younger than 12 with a dog following him which was quite an unusual sight to see. Domesticated animals were long gone and children were usual caught by the slave traders, he also seemed to be along also. Arabella used her finger to motion for Rei to come next to her, pointing out the boy.

@Cloud Nagasake @WoodenZebra

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