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Futuristic Secrets of the Toriga System

“Yin? Yiiin? HEY! YIN!”

The halfbreed's eyes snapped open and he sat bolt upright, clutching the beds sheets as his legs flailed and almost spilled his covers to the floor. “What is it? What's wrong?!”

The answer to his question came in the form of a chortle, which mutated into a chuckle and ended with a loud guffaw from his twin brother who was rocking back on his heels. “You... your face!” He slapped his thigh and wiped some tears of mirth from his eyes. “Amazing!”

Yin's eyes snapped to narrow slits. “Bolin! You... You!” He snatched up the pillow from behind him before hurling it at his sibling. “Stop doing that!”

The pillow sailed across the small room and bounced off the other halfbreed's upper arm, then fell to the floor with a soft thwup. Bolin was still grinning like an utter loon as Yin let himself flop backwards onto the bed with a laughing sigh. He tugged his sheet up over himself as his twin's laughter died down.

"No, no, no, no. You have to get out of bed." Bolin chided, padding across the room to his hidden sibling. "We have posters to post across the System. C'mon. They won't post themselves."

"Oh." Yin lowered the blanket so it covered his nose. "That's today?"

"That's today." Bolin nodded. "So, once I know you're awake, I'll take my half and do Dorox and Kelepsie and the rest of the places out here. You take the rest."

With that, the darker-furred Ialdor grinned once more, then turned and left his brother to let himself out of bed, which he did. Yin rolled himself out of bed and picked his clothes up from where he'd left them the night before. Apparently, the lovely lady he had come home with last night had left sometime early this morning. What a shame, she would have been a lovely sight to wake up to. At least, he thinks she would have been. What was her name again? Nevermind, he might see her again, he might not. Once he was dressed, Yin left his bedroom, deciding to get breakfast elsewhere.

He grabbed the rucksack of posters from the counter where Bolin had left them and he headed out through the passageways that led to the Bleached Bones Bar. This bar was the headquarters to the Adventurer's Guild and was no stranger to mercenaries, guild members, wanderers, travelers and all manner of folk. except of course, the Ialdor who stayed within their precious city walls.Walking around the bar, he nodded to the ginger Ialdor who tended the Bleached Bones for them when they went out.He made his way through the arch on the right side of the main bar room that led to the portals. His first stop would be the human Colonies, the main Colony didn't take kindly to his posters, so he'd avoid that and go to E-2009, the middle colony first. Stepping through the portal, the world swirled before him and in almost an instant he was at the portal room of E-2009.

People of all species wandered too and fro, some visiting, some here to work, and some here for who knew what? Leaving the portal room, Yin made his way along the corridor,

stopping every now and then to post up posters. Once he'd plastered them around he headed back through the portal to do the same in the next location before heading back to the Bleached Bones to await the arrivals of those interested. This part was always amusing, because members or not, those people would need to fork out a decent amount of Credits, or hand over an item of worth for the passage. Of course, this amount varied from person to person and journey to journey and was generally based on how well the person presented themselves and acted.
The house was bustling with kids coming to and fro, the mother with the black-patterned wings exasperatedly preparing breakfast while the older ones sat around and corralled the rambunctious tykes around a circular, wooden table that took up most of the room. It was a miracle the whole family could fit inside such a small cottage, let alone keep it as pristine as it was; it'd explain all the sudden grey hairs the mom was getting, though.

However, there was one among the group who had still not roused herself from bed. The mother took note of this, scowling deeply as she turned to her husband.

"She's late, again. When is that daughter of yours going to make herself useful and find work!?" The husband, who looked as though he would rather be anywhere else besides there at that moment, turned to his wife with a disinterested stare. He merely shrugged, setting down the drink in his hand as he wandered up the stairs to Serainya's room.

He knocked on the door, grumpily mumbling something that sounded like "Sera, get up", but could easily have been mistaken for "Syrup".

In the room, the teen made a groggy noise, reaching a hand out from the mound of blankets she had nestled herself into the evening previously to grope for something on the table. The searching became more and more fitful before she burst forth from her blanket cocoon, baring her teeth as she leaps from bed and glides down the stairs.

"WHO TOOK IT THIS TIME?!" Still in her hand knit starry-pink PJs, she addresses the whole room with an absolutely livid expression. One of the children cackles madly, holding up a glimmering stone clutched in both his fists before he skitters under the table. What happens after can only be described as literal Maelstrom; food flying, kids trampled, parent screaming and everything in between in Sera's pursuit of her precious treasure.

The struggle ends with her treasure back in her possession, a large welt on top of the child's head, and a furious mother who shortly gives Sera a talking to.

"I do everything around here, and you can't even bother to go and support this blah blah blah..." Sera stops listening as soon as the mother starts nagging, giving her a plastered apologetic look before sulking up to her room, closing the door. It's almost completely overrun with plants and flowers of various kinds, the blanket nest laying in the corner over the cot.

She sighs, examining her treasure to check it for any damage. It seemed to be an uncut, yellow stone and she goes to go open her window and put it under the light. It explodes her table with various colors and she smiles, seeing as it's undamaged.

The next half hour or so is spent with her mulling over her wardrobe, fastening her whip on her belt and slipping her precious treasure into an inner pocket. By the time she exits, most of the family is out and about, except for her mother. She waits at the foot of the stairs, arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently.

"...I expect you to look for work today. This lazing about just won't fly here."

Sera rolls her eyes at that. "I knoooow, don't you see I'm headed out right now? Now, if you don't mind." She holds her head high, passing her mother to leave without another word.

She walks along the path, pouting and kicking rocks when something catches her eye. To her right, nailed to a tree is a poster proclaiming to be seeking explorers for relics on Earth. Sera blinks, reaching to rip off the poster to give it a closer look. An entire wasteland planet, probably full of buried treasure... Her eyes sparkle as she flits back home, waving the poster about excitedly.

Her mother barely paid any attention to the poster, the prospect of one less mouth to feed around the house was the best explanation she needed. Sera flew up the stairs, grabbing a satchel and stuffing it with spare changes of clothes. Everything else of worth could either wait at home or was already on her person.

Once she was done, she bid her mom farewell and made her way to the teleporter tower, splaying the paper in front of her before taking the one to the Bleached Bones, ending up right outside and practically storming in.

"OI!" She holds up the poster, yelling and flailing it about. "Which one of you is taking me on an adventure?!"
The sunlight had been creeping into the small little home, but it's one resident appeared to be quite busy enjoying the activity known as sleep until eventually the sounds of many people outside awoke him. There came a small yawn as he arose from his comfortable bed to take a glance outside to observe if whether or not there was trouble and luckily there didn't appear to be. He did ascertain that the town appeared to be normal which involved working and providing for the village, but something did catch his eye as he looked toward a small tree with a poster. Tendai diverted his attention away from the window and soon got himself ready for the day and to look at that poster and soon he eventually walked out of his home to check out the poster. There was a small raised eyebrow at the job description he was reading on this poster and a small sigh came out.

"Well I did wish for adventure some years back, ya know check out other parts of the galaxy and maybe save some princess while I was at it and become royalty. Except I didn't expect an opportunity to come out of nowhere and say to go back to I guess we humans would say our old 'home'?" He was somewhat cautious about going to Earth as he knew possibly more than anyone in this village the dangers Earth pose, but if anyone wants to get anywhere risks need to be taken. "Well looks I'm in it to win it and who knows? Maybe my good luck, fancy skills, and human instinct might earn me a good amount of credits."

He gazed from the poster to the side of him to see young Ny'iss wolves looking at him in confusion. "What? Someone can't talk to themselves about their grand master plans? Now move along little ones and no I don't have ears, tails, or claws I'm human." He exclaimed as he took a walk back to his home in preparation for this endeavor, which he made sure to pack most of his essentials and this made him frown a little as he realized he barely had much food rationed except for three days worth at most. Soon he became finished and made his way out of his home for the last time in what may possibly be weeks or even months on this job. He began to head towards the portals kept in the village and once he explained where he was going he was allowed passage.

Tendai arrived from the village to a short walking distance away from the Bleached Bones and quickly closed the gap between him and the bar. There was a small sigh and he came in while observing the place hoping to find someone who maybe knew directions. "Well I hope I'm in the right place and not a weird alternate reality where towns are just bars." It was a really lame joke, but he needed to say something to be rid of the tension he was feeling signing up for this job.
Rafel woke up like he did any other day, late. He grabbed his spear and quickly ate some leftover pizza from the previous night. "get an alarm clock they said. it will help they said" he mumbled to himself as he turned the alarm clock next to his bed off and ran out of the door that lead onto his balconey, feeling the cool night air blow around him, he spread his wings and jumped off the edge headed towards the market place.

As he spotted the bar his target worked at he swooped down gracfuly landing outside. ducking his head as he walked in he made his way to the counter pretending to look at the menu while he looked for man who wouldnt pay his debt. a brown Ialdor man came up to him "Hi, can I get your order?" "um yeah, ill take that debt you owe" he said picking up the spear he leaned againts the wall when he came in "oh! im so sorry i forgot about that, please just, take the money" the Ialdor said taking out his wallet and handing him 500 credits "thanks, go about your business, oh and try to pay us back on time next time" Rafel said as he left the bar. With his work for the night done he headed into the market stalls checking the new posters and fresh fruit. he picked out some chocolate before he came across a poster that cought his eye "adventures guild eh, well it sounds better than debt collection."

a few hours of flight later Rafel arived at this bar "the Bleached Bones? thats an odd name" he said holding his shoulders high as he walks in, or at least before ducking them to fit inside the door "hello" he said firmly "im here about the adventures guild?" *he said looking over the room "and maybe a coffee" he joked with what seems to be a smile.
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Draz rode lazily on the giant spider, the meat and shell of his dad's hunt stored on the back. The hunt for the Onyx Crab had gone well. No one died, and they got one. It wasn't the biggest, that was probably the biggest reason no one died, so the meet and shell were also being sold with some of the local edible flora. Some of the other cultures loved eating exotic dishes, and a few had taken a liking to the food from Dorox. One person asked to sample the sky whales. That person was thoroughly beaten and chucked, head first, back through the portal they came through. Why would someone want to eat one of their gods? It was blasphemous and out right stupid.

Upon arriving at the local trading hub, he saw it. A poster from the Adventurer's Guild. They were accepting new members, and he needed to get away from the farm. Thinking frantically, he waved over one of his siblings to take care of the spider and sell their goods. He, meanwhile, grabbed a small piece of Onyx shell as a keep sake. Who knew? Perhaps it brought good luck.

Running, nearly sprinting, towards the tower, he finds the proper portal and nearly hurls himself through. Once on the other side, he continues running to the famed tavern of the Adventurer's Guild. He ran the whole way, across space if you want to get philosophical, to get here. There might be limited acceptance, and he did not want to be denied.


The Bleached Bones was set underground to escape the scalding heat of the day, the portal located just off to the left at the top of the stairs down into the bar. It was moderately sized with low tables and comfortable pillows against the far wall, as well as the stools at the bar. A halfbreed tended the bar, wiping down the counter with a slightly off-coloured white cloth, although what he was aside from part human seemed a mystery. He greets each with a polite nod and a smile, gesturing for them to take a seat.

"Let me get Mister Yin for you." His voice is gravelly yet soft and he turns, heading down the hallway and returning shortly to his post.

He's followed by one of the two owners of the Adventurer's Guild, Yin Taesen'anea. He himself is an obvious halfbreed of human and Ialdor, his flesh and fur silver in colour. He strolls out from the hallway and shoos the man away from behind the bar, telling him he can take a break. Leaning behind the stone bar, he rummages for some items and stands straight, setting a clipboard and a lockbox on the counter in front of him.

"Alright, one at a time, come up here and fill out a form. Sign it and pay up. You'll get a room here for the night for free, we'll be leaving at first light tomorrow." He waves the clipboard. "So if you didn't bring anything with you, it's a good time to go get some. If you have none, you can rent it from us for an additional fee." It was amazing how many wannabe adventurer's didn't bring weapons or protective gear with them. "We supply your food and water, so don't worry about that. Any questions?"

The form was pretty standard, asking for the personal details of the reader, any medical issues or allergies that should be known about. There was a wordy paragraph stating that if they got killed or injured that the Adventurer's Guild was not responsible and that they understood that going on said adventure was at their own personal risk. Then at the bottom they were to date and sign it. Below that was a small box which was to be filled out with what they had offered to go on the journey, be it Credits or items of worth. This was to be signed by both the applicant and one of the brothers.
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"About time!" Sera made her way to the counter, having to hover off the ground in order to even see the clipboard. Her face goes from interest to indignant as she crosses her arms.

"H-hey, what gives?! You're expecting us to PAY you to be risking our lives?!" She scoffs, fluttering higher up so she's practically towering over the halfbreed, her knees at counter length. "How much does this cost, anyway? If this charges us anywhere close to a small fortune, I highly doubt any of these other knuckleheads are gonna be able to afford this!" She gestures to behind her and at the others who've showed up, still staring Yin down.
Rafel would ignore the ramblings of the small butterfly "ive never been a fan of paperwork, so lets just get this over with" he says as he makes his way to grab one of the forums and begins to fill it out "what's the date again?the 11'th or the 12tth?" Rafel scratches his head for a moment before saying "lets go with the 11'th" he would start to sign it and then getting to the payment he would reach into his pocket "will 500 credits be sufficient payment?" he asks placing them down on the counter.
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Another sigh came from him except this time it was of irritation at being called a knucklehead, but he'd simply let it slide after all she did have a point about the papers asking to pay to go on an adventure where they'd risk their lives. He folded his arms and tapped his arms waiting for the others to complete their form to go on this adventure. Soon he began to speak up, "I'll admit the little one with wings does have a point us paying to just risk our lives doesn't quite sound right. I think I would like at least a small explanation of how much we gotta pay up and please don't tell me it's some complicated company policy, if it is then at least give me the short version so I won't fall asleep." He said with a small chuckle, as he walked up to the counter taking a closer look at this bar as he found it fascinating that it was underground. "Yin is it? I must say this bar looks quite amazing to be underground like this, well at least to me since I'm not used to places being underground well anywhere."
The gall!

A somewhat irritated hiss left Yin's lips as he looked at the two fussing about price, he raised a hand toward them, palm out as he looked at the birdman. "500? That's not even enough for our fuel. You might want to up your offer."

With that he turned to the butterfly and the human, regarding the two with narrowed eyes. "You both think these little trips would be free? My brother and I risk our lives, our ship, our livelihood every time we do these. You don't want to pay, you don't go. The payment you give us fuels the ship, pays for your food and water as well as the upkeep of the ship." People could be so petulant sometimes. He sighed. "I'm amazed after this many years people are still unaware we are a business that provides a service. Anything you find on your own you keep. Group efforts are split at the end of the trip, when we get back here.
He kept his composure as he didn't seem fazed by what he'd consider a small outburst at best and he slung over his stuffed backpack in front of him, as he began fishing for what he had of value on him. He pulled out exactly two large black twin-tailed wolf pelts, which appeared to include their teeth and claws; then he pulled out from his pocket a decent sized credit chip and placed it on the table.

"No need to be irritated I just asked a question and now I understand why you ask for payment if it pays for our trip then who are we to question it? Though I'd like to ask before I begin signing on the papers the payment I present you with is it enough? These pelts will definitely fetch a price on Rhion, but I can't exactly say how much it could range from 200 to 400 credits each. I also attached with these pelts a credit chip which contains a total of exactly 800 credits. If this is enough I'd like to start signing myself up now after all if I wait any longer I just might grow grey hair." He gave a small joke, but his expression didn't seem to deter from the composure he put up earlier.

@Fus ro dah
Sera was absolutely bewildered at the human's willingness to just, fork over that kinda cash. She just floated there, balking at the amount of credits these people were willing to fork over for, what. A trip to a dead planet in search of something that may or may not be there? No, she won't be having ANY part of this. With a scoff, she takes her leave, slamming the door behind her.

She took the teleporter back home, walking back and kicking the same stones she had kicked on her way to the poster. Even now, she was still holding it... Why? She couldn't even afford to join when she was there, and she was NOT selling her precious treasure for this experience. But, her mom isn't gonna be pleased with the news, so she took the longest time going back.

Her mom was busy knitting together something, sitting on a stool with a variety of sewing supplies scattered about. At Sera's entrance, she looked up, setting down her materials.

"...Didn't get accepted?" There was not her usual cynical tone, this was something more genuine. Sera sets the wadded up poster on the table, sounding a lot more down than she was feeling.

"The stupid guild's got an entry fee that's unreasonably high. Somethin' about space travel costing a lot." She pulls up one of the kitchen stools, crossing her arms and staring at the floor.

"...Wait here." The mother stands, fluttering into the other room upstair and disappearing for a few minutes, leaving Sera to mope. When she returns she has a large knitted coinpurse in her hands, opening the clasps and rifling through it. "How much do you need, sweetheart?"

Sera can only blink at that. "You're kidding."

"I've been saving up, and if this is what you really want..." She gives Sera a warm smile, placing about 1,000 credits in her hand. "..then i'm willing to fund it."

She can only stare in silence before getting a terrible case of the sniffles, clasping the money and feeling tears beginning to well up in her eyes. The next few minutes are spent reigning in this sudden outburst while her mother does her best to console and reassure her daughter. With money in tow, Sera once again takes her leave, this time on a much sweeter note than the last. She flies past her abandoned rocks, headed for the teleporters once more.

{Don't worry mom, I'll find as much treasure as I can so we can buy anything we want!}
Rafel would just watch the butterfly leave in a huff reaching into his pockets and getting out another 300 credits "here this makes it 800, like the humans, that enough for you?" Rafel places the extra 300 on the 500.

looking around the bar "and maybe" Rafel grabs 10 credits "and some water. I'm parched. and I don't believe i have the necessary gear you mentioned" he went on "so if you don't mind i'll be renting some from you"
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Draz looks dumfounded at everything, taking what was said in but taking a second to process it. He had to pay to risk his life? Well, as long as it got him out of the house. So, he walked up, and hesitantly took the onyx crab shell fragment from his pocket. Looking at it, then at the box, he gently, as if afraid to break it, sets it down. "I hope this is enough." Then a look of surprise crossed his face, and quickly he turned out his pockets, which produced a few more credits and local currency, a bit worse for wear but still acceptable.

"I just need to grab one or two things real quick. I'll be back as quickly as I can." he said, motioning as if to make sure everyone would stay where they were as he hopped backwards a little before turning around and taking off. He was gone for a few minutes, a bit longer actually, before he returned. With a pack full of clothes and things he deemed useful, and a quarter staff made from the local trees of Roxos (hope I got the name right), he was ready to set off. After he filled out the form.

Taking the piece of paper, he slowly and methodically begins to fill it out. His handwriting was large, and almost childish. He was obviously not used to writing, which was only reflected by his intense look of concentration.
The half-Ialdor sighed and shook his head as the butterfly stormed from the bar. It wasn't the first time he'd see that happen and he knew it wouldn't be the last. He looked at the offered credits and nodded, it seemed enough, especially as the bird man needed gear rental as well. "That's fine." He took the extra ten and grabbed a bottle of chilled water, setting it on the bar. "We'll sort your gear out soon, let me deal with the other two and get them sorted."

Yes, he'd ignored the human. These 'jokes' of his were tiresome and kind of irritating to the half breed. He signed his portion of Rafel's form and set it aside out of the way for now. Turning to the human as the Cavr got what he needed, one eye on the offers on the counter top.

"Yes, yes, that will do nicely." He took the pelts, unhooking the chips from each one and setting them aside with the rest of the money. Like Rafel, he made a note of the amount paid and signed the form then set it aside.

While the Cavr filled out his form, Yin took the shell fragment and studied it a moment. "Yes, this is acceptable." Of course, this little fragment easily was worth what the others had paid, maybe more to the right person.
He noticed the butterfly left and safely assumed that is what many people had to do when they didn't have enough to go on these adventures. He soon closed up his backpack as he didn't want anyone getting bright ideas about digging into it. "Well I'm glad that was enough to satisfy the payment, but I am curious about something when you have given services to Earth like this what are some of the hazards that come with it; other than Earth puking acid rainstorms constantly and the mutated wildlife." He appeared to be quite serious this time with barely a joke worth mentioning, as he wondered if there were other dangers to be aware of on Earth.
Sera quite literally flew past the doorway and into the tower, taking the teleporter near the Inn and practically kicking down the door. If there's one thing, she sure knows how to make an entrance. Exhausted, she flutters back up to the counter, slamming down the money that was in her hand and catching her breath.

"..I...I've got, some money now..." She has to lower herself down to the ground, resting her hands on her knees.
Hah she came back.

The Ialdor took the money and counted it quickly. "Yes, this is acceptable." He gestures to the form for her to fill it out. "Once you fill out the form, I have one more question I'll need to ask everybody."

He cast his glance around at those who continued to linger. "We'll know if you lie about the answer to the question and once we're done, those that need to rent gear will go get it after we're finished here."
Rafel Looked at the halfbreed "how can you tell if I'm lying?" he seemed genuinely intrigued "and shoot, what's the question" Rafel finished. starting to take the cap off of the water and start to drink it.

Rafel would then turn to the human standing next to him eyeing him up and down, trying to get a feel for if he could trust him, he seemed nice enough.
"Me? Lying? I don't think lying was in the job description according to the posters, so I don't see any point in lying. I'll admit there are some personal things I wouldn't like telling, but alright shoot with your question." He was prepared for this question at least he assumed so. He could see Rafel out of the corner of his eye looking at him and turned to him with a small smile. "Sorry I don't believe we have been properly introduced and I've been giving so much banter already. I am Tendai Masego and your name?" He held out a hand to this bird man, which he'd quickly admit he hasn't seen many bird people at all in the village he's staying at.
The little butterfly girl wheezes, fluttering up to the counter once more before just grabbing the paper and a pen, landing on the floor and using the backdrop of the counter as a writing surface. Unfortunately, she is completely unaware of how they could possibly find out if they were acceptable, though the form gave her a good understanding.

She took her time filling it out, double checking in her head to see if all the scribbled info is correct, before fluttering up once more and plopping both the form and pen back down. "Okay! What's the scoop, boss?" She seems to be behaving a lot more friendly now that she's aware she'll be working for this guy.
Draz finished filling out the papers, and stared st them for a few more minutes trying to catch something he might have done wrong. Once he was satesfied with his work, he got up and placed it on the counter, then proceeded to stand there akwardly, not knowing what to do after that. "My name's Draz." he blurted out on a whim.
Once everyone had finished, Yin took the papers and read the contents before setting them down on the counter.

"Right, line up." He gestured to the left and right in front of the counter. "This will be the last question before you're free to kill time until dinner time." Once they'd done so, he eyed each one of them for a few moments. "Have any of you -ever- been in trouble with the Law for anything? If so, I want you to step forward and tell us. This is for the safety of the group as well as myself and my brother. We will be doing a background check after to prove that you were telling us the truth. Understand?"
Oh boy, this was sure to be interesting. Anybody who stepped up would definitely be kept an eye on by her.

Sera merely crossed her arms, watching the others and standing on one leg as her wings were tired. Compared to everyone else, she was pitifully short; a whole two feet shorter than anyone else in the room. Then again, this had been true for most of her life so this was nothing new to her.

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