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Futuristic Secrets of the Toriga System

He cut introductions short as he walked to line up to the counter waiting for the question and once it was asked he was stunned a little, but it was to be expected after all it was standard for most jobs in the human colonies to state such things. Except it was usually all on paper; although most employers approved of you more if you spoke about such things instead of them needing to find out on a piece of paper. A small, quiet sigh came from him as he soon stepped up in front of everyone keeping a small smile on his face, but if anyone looked closely they could easily see this was quite a sensitive and embarrassing topic as many judged criminals even if they were falsely accused.

"Well before I begin I'd like to say my name is Tendai Masego and it is nice to meet all of you for this adventure. Now back to the question at hand and yes I did unfortunately run into trouble with the law at the age of seventeen as I witnessed a crime in progress and someone hit me as I blacked out. I was setup for a murder I didn't commit and this left me incarcerated in prison colony P-5500 for exactly four years until finally it was discovered I wasn't the culprit I safely assume it had something to do with 'Ten’oh’Niners' using law enforcement for me to take the fall of that crime. If you wish to know more about this topic then anyone may wish to talk to me personally about it; although I'll be honest I do prefer to talk about myself I'll wholeheartedly admit." He said most of this statement without a hint of sarcasm, as he spoke with a more polite tone for most of it except the last part when he realized he was done stating case.
After that, Draz was a little embarrased to shake his head and say, in the soft and lilting accent of his kind, "No, sir. I'm only a farmer. I don't much time for anything else." Well, that might not be true. Human officers were awfully prickly about some parts of the law. And Draz was never very good at remembering things. Where to go for a quick swim without being disturbed? Yes. Everythin else, varies.
"what i do is perfectly legal, i've not been stopped by law for anything other than hunting without a permit" Rafel responded a bit annoyed as if this was often asked "and my name is Rafel Silverwing by the way." he would look around trying to find a pool table or a dartboard to help pass the time "hey, tendai, hows about a game of pool, looser buys a round of drinks?" Rafel would point off to the pool table of in the rec room
He chuckled a bit at the question, "I dont see why not, but fair warning I haven't done a game of pool in quite a long time. I'm definitely going to be rusty so go a little bit easy on me alright? By the way I'm glad you told me your name Rafel or else I was going to have to go with Birdman and I don't think you would have liked that name." He said with only a small bit of laughter as he took a look at the pool table in the rec room.
Rafel started to get the balls out and set them up "you aren't the only one who's a bit rusty, can't even remember when last i played a game" He chuckled. Rafel stuffs his hand into one of his pockets and digs a small coin out "heads or tails to see who goes first?" he asked? once the table was set up Rafel passed the coin to Tendai.
Tendai let Rafel keep the coin as he didn't open his hand to accept it. "Nah I think I'll just let you go first after all it is only courtesy since I was a bit of an upstart when I first came here. I do have a question though since you may have done these type of trips before, but what kind of terrain will we encounter?" He was hoping Rafel could answer the question or at least shed light on some if it. After all he only heard stories of what Earth looked like, but the information was outdated as many things could have changed on Earth. Soon he took a glance around the rec room and discovered pool cues as he grabbed two of them and handed one over to Rafel.
Wow, she wasn't expecting that. Sera just watched those two wander off, glancing at the one guy left before staring at.. what was his name. Lu? Yam? She's always been bad with names. She fluttered up until she was at eye level with the halfbreed, having her usual indignant, bratty look on her face.

"Hey, Yams. Is there anything else you need from these knuckleheads? You may wanna go catch them now before they get too inebriated." She figured it was just commonplace for people to get drunk at these kinds of places, and with the way those two guys were going off to play games, it was probably a lot more common for them to hang around these kinda places.

Was she insinuating that they were most likely drunkards? Yes, yes she was.
One by one, they stepped forward and spoke their words. All except the smallest in the room, who completely butchered his name. The half-breed raised a brow at her as she hovered in front of his face.

"Yin." He corrected her before continuing. "And what about you? You never answered the question, and if those others get drunk, they'll be paying for cleaning the ship if they throw up on the trip out in the morning."
Draz looked around the room, feeling thouroghly comfused and only slightly alone. Almost immediatly after introductions, the two burly "I kill things for a living" people went off to play pool. He watched that for only a short while before the tiny person with wings spoke up. She sounded angry about something, and he couldn't figure out why. Maybe she just needed to sit on the back of a spider and listen to the songs of the sky whales while the spider slowly rocked you back and forth as it made it's journey. Or

She just needed to eat a turtle. Eating a turtle always cheers him up.
Sera rolls her eyes at Yin, scoffing and taking an incredulous tone.

"If I didn't step forward, isn't it obvious? My record's so clean that it puts the hygiene of everybody in this Inn to shame!" She crosses her arms, offended that this guy would even assume she'd have a bad record.

"I guess that ain't saying much for some of these guys." She wrinkles her nose and mockingly waves her hand in front of her face, as though she were waving away an awful smell.
"Do you have any Dorox turtle meat?" he asked out of the blue. He was hoping there was some, and if there wasn't oh well. There was never any harm in asking, his mother would always say. To this his father usually replied by snorting and shaking his head before going back to whatever it was he had been doing. But if there was some, hopefully he could get the butterfly lady to calm down with it. Especially if it was made right. Nothing was better then tender turtle meat. Well, perhaps if it had some sauce on it as well, or perhaps marinaded. Mmm, that sounded delicious.
Yin rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "Yet even the others who haven't ever been in trouble still spoke up, sometimes silence belies guilt. Especially when someone so tiny..." He pinches his fingers together, a few inches apart. "Makes so much noise about her 'innocence.'"

He'd seen it before, a human had wanted to come on a journey and had made as much noise as the ny'iss had, claiming innocence. He was why they'd started background checks. The man had been a criminal half a dozen times over and had not only tried to make off with the ship and their collected relics, he'd endangered everybody there, resulting in the death of a middle-aged female Eurium. The human would probably never leave the penal colony until he died.

The half Ialdor looked over at Cavr and thought a moment. "Not us, no. But if you want some, you can go over to Asildra. There's no doubt they'd have some you can buy. You can use the kitchen if you get some raw, as long as you share it with me and my brother." The man flashed a grin, they were fans of turtle meat themselves but it wasn't always easy to come by.

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