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Realistic or Modern School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

Amber Marie Miller

Amber hadn't really played much of a role int the dance of, in fact, she quietly observed the whole thing, the dancer seeming very determined to be carried to their dorms, each having presented their dance, voting would be done afterwards, by the dj, Van, apparently, he had been more focused on his music than on the actual dancing, so it came down to a vote, she heard as all the others a round the bonfire voted, her vote not being required, though she would have picked Emmanuel and Celeste, in her eyes, they had just gone all out, making them the victors, then again, she knew very little about dancing. The battle was soon deemed a draw, the competitors ending the battle on relatively good terms, except of course for whatever Van did, she wouldn't exactly call it tantrum, but she was quite surprised, she hadn't really expected Van; a person who seemed to be very charismatic at first, to suddenly just burst out like that, even if she did find some truth in what he said, there was no denying Amber wouldn't even be slightly bothered by the sudden disappearance of anyone currently there, she couldn't exactly despise him for that, it just came of as a bit head-strong to her, after that, the bonfire came to a close as the students were told to go to their dorms.

Oddly enough, Amber found sleep to come to her very easily, the day hadn't particularly been very exhausting for her, so there was nothing much she had to stress about, so sleep came naturally to her. The next morning a small meeting in the auditorium had been issued, if Amber had to guess, it would probably be a meeting surrounding the play that had been programed to happen eventually; She woke up earlier than she normally did, guessing the slumber she had gotten last night served her well, she put her clothes on, heading to her computer, turning it on she was greeted her wallpaper, one of her fathers painting, which she would often joke was her own, though most of the time it wasn't a joke, it was a lie, she wanted to be proud of what she did, but most of the time, it ended up being another practice to her, hence her lies. She opened up her e-mail, typing one up for her parents, mostly for her mother, who had made her promise to keep in touch once in a while, after doing that, her computer shut down, leaving her room towards the auditorium. Upon entering, she four herself surrounded by the students she had been with the previous day at the bonfire, questioning why they were all there she looked toward the teacher now speaking; Miss Cochran, her announcement came of as unnecessary, at least to Amber, considering she had barely even taken part in the whole ordeal, and even so, it was still no reason to punish any of the students present in the room, however it was a simple task, be around a person, get to know them, and proceed to complain about how dull, annoying, self-centered or close-minded people could be, then again they people might turn out to be pretty likable, so she would give this a shot, for now.Upon seeing Danielle's outburst on Van she had to admit to herself, it seemed a little low to have done that clam down girl, it's not the inquisition, you have to go through, it's just spending time with a person, that's it Amber obviously not wanting to get slapped in the face, decided to keep that thought to herself, something that she thought was a little low for her as well, not being able to speak what she thought made her look like a coward.

Van's taunting wasn't helping with the tension, so she just decided to ignore them and head to the stupid paper.

Looking over the paper in which the partners would be, she could see hers were to be William, it had taken Amber a little time to fully remember him, but he was the actor, she remembered seeing him in the showcase, but that was about it, since she had not seen him for the rest of the night.

Whoever her partner could have been, she barely knew any of them and didn't really dislike anyone, remembering again what Van had said last night, this was sure to be a chance for her to turn one of those typical people at the bonfire to a person she would care about if they disappeared, and she was a little glad to be presented with that chance, looking over to her partner, she soon caught sight of him, and headed his way, putting her hand on his shoulder she began introducing herself "looks like this is your luck day pal, you have to spend some time with me, my name is Amber, I don't really like nicknames but I won't prevent you from giving me any if you wish, William, right?"

Alex James Jhonson

It had been quite the day for Alex, it didn't exactly help when drama began in the bonfire, first, there was the dance of, and while that was all well and good, the problems arose when there had been some trouble on deciding the victors, especially on Van's part, who seemed to have something personal going on with Celeste, something about Van's name had been brought up; he couldn't exactly identify with the guy, it was a very simplistic thing that could probably be talked out, but he guessed that some people had very specific pet peeves, this could very well be one of them, but Alex just couldn't convince himself that a pet peeve could go this far, as far as to call himself superior to others, which was certainly not true nonetheless he had little to do with the matter and simply watched as the whole thing went down, afterwords it was decided it would be a tie and the students were ordered to go back to their dorms.

Returning to his room, Alex immediately went to bed, and as always the same dream, he would always relive a certain day of his life throughout a dream, maybe not in exact detail, maybe it just his imagination creating a replica of his dream, but he was still giddy every time he received one, waking up extremely early for his liking, he took a shower, got dressed, and reviewing some music sheets he had lying around his room, after, he would neatly put them in a small pile.

As he had heard, there would be some meeting in the auditorium, arriving, he looked over to the teachers, and then back to the students, he recognized some of them, and it looked like they were exactly the ones from the bonfire yesterday, this seemed odd, upon the announcement of this being a punishment, Alex sighed, frowning upon the teachers for this unfair punishment, but he would try to cope with it as best as he could, seeing as one girl suddenly got enraged at this project, he wasn't took excited about seeing who his teammate would be, him being more quiet than anything; heading to the partner sheet, he looked to see his name, Catronia, if memory served, and most of the time it did, she had played a violin at the showcase great, another musician, this should be interesting at the very least, he smiled thinking of the chances to maybe have a future collaboration, getting to know others who played instruments might be a good thing, aside from all that, gutting to know someone would help, since he wasn't usually the type to go up to people and make chit-chat, and he couldn't really spend all his time in this school alone working on his music in his dorm, he looked over the students trying to find his teammate to work something out he guessed.
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Catronia sat quietly and listened to the others discussing the dance battle at the bonfire. She raised an eyebrow at Van's bias against Celeste, wondering what the female dancer had done to set the composer off. Both of them seemed pleasant enough, so the violinist had trouble wrapping her head around the issue at hand. Getting up for a s'more and heading back to her seat, she found Sebastian's words very insightful. Rather than choosing a winner, the brunette liked that he spoke of democracy. It was a farfetched idea in comparison to the battle, though it made perfect sense to the junior. She nodded in agreement with Kaede, who agreed that the competition should be a draw. In Cat's opinions, all of the dancers put their best foot forward, exemplifying their skills for everyone present. Given the effort they all put in, she thought the competition should also end in a draw. Since that option had been voiced more than once, the brunette kept her thoughts to herself with a soft smile, finding off the delicious snack in her hands.

About a week after the infamous bonfire, Catronia found herself adjusting to Grandell Heights once more. She got along well enough with her roommates and found herself becoming more vocal in class. When Miss Cochran called them to the auditorium, the young woman raised a brow in curiosity, wondering what announcement would be made. Sitting in the third row, the twenty-year-old waited patiently for the rest of the students to arrive. As the remaining scholars sat down, the Headmistress stepped forward and proceeded to reprimand them for their behavior. Cat's mind began to spin, as she attempted to pinpoint what brought this conversation on.
Could it have been the confrontations at the bonfire, the growing feud between various students, or something else entirely? These thoughts ran through her mind, though she believed she knew the answer. She gulped at the project and the mention of expulsion, if they refused to comply with her instructions. She feared the possibility, as she would never be able to make her father proud by playing at Carnegie Hall in front of thousands.

After the declaration, the violinist rose from her seat to see who her partner was. Many students were crowded near the stage, though Cat managed to make her way to the piano. She nodded with intrigue upon seeing her partner would be Alex Johnson. A light smile graced the corner of her lips, as she was pleased to be paired with another musician. If anything, they would be able to agree on harmony, pitch, and sweet-sounding music. Leaving the stage, the instrumentalist walked around the perimeter of the auditorium, carefully seeking out her partner. She was vaguely aware of what he looked like, given some music classes at Grandell were paired with musicians in other disciplines. Often cautious, Cat saw this as an opportunity to collaborate in the future. She walked closer to the others, noticing a young man with brown, unruly hair.
"You're Alex, right?" She inquired with hope, looking at the taller boy glancing around the auditorium.



Emmanuel chuckled, when Van noted that he had been focusing on his music throughout the battle. The dancer was not surprised, given the composer seemed very passionate about what he did. This fervor was something many, if not all, the students at Grandell Heights shared. "Whoa, man." He voiced, after Van announced his decision, bias against Celeste included. He rolled his eyes, considering that he always gave credit for talent where it was due, despite his personal relationship with the individual. He raised a brow when many of the others voted for a tie, agreeing with them and realizing he was fine with that. Though Manny was all for competition, there were times when a draw was necessary. "Alright, that's cool with me." The sophomore voiced with a nod, shaking Rashad's hand with a chuckle. "You're not so bad." He remarked before retracting his hand and going to shake Danielle's. His eyes lingered on hers for a moment before a sly smile appeared on his lips. "And you're just full of nice surprises." With the bonfire ending soon afterwards, Manny left the field, heading to his dormitory for the night.

After the bonfire, Manny thought things had calmed down considerably. Unfortunately, he was mistaken, as Miss Cochran requested their presence at an assembly the following week. Just before the theatrics began, the dancer sauntered into the auditorium, making his way to the fourth row of seats. He sat down in an empty chair, lounging comfortably and resting his feet up on the chair in front of him. Without his earphones for once, the nineteen-year-old listened to what the Headmistress had to say, his eyes widening at the possibility of getting kicked out of Grandell Heights. Though he was often confident on the surface, Manny knew he could not go back to his neighborhood in Los Angeles. It was fine to visit on short trips, but living there permanently was not an option. Though his foster parents would let him stay, he was afraid to fall into the lifestyle his foster brothers lived. Roaming the streets after hours, causing ruckus, and doing drugs were not only dangerous, but also a considerable waste of his dancing talent.

The young man paid more attention when Miss Cochran placed the list of duos on the piano. Instead of rushing the stage like a majority of students, he remained in his seat, figuring his partner would find him. Self-assurance flooded back to him, as Manny figured his partner would be able to recognize him, due to his performance in the showcase and dance battle. As he did well in both, the dancer had no doubts about his growing reputation at the institution. Crossing his arms behind his head, he glanced at Danielle when she yelled at Van, chuckling when her brother held her back. A bit loud, the sophomore could not help but admire her willpower. Her grand exit did not go unnoticed either, and Manny saw Rashad give him a thumb's up. Emmanuel saluted in response, reasoning that he must have been paired with the other dancer. He shrugged at the thought and stood, strolling out of the auditorium as carefree as he had arrived.
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The smile and the request to speak with her alone were an honest surprise. She followed him out and glanced at her fellow students over her shoulders. Whoever created the partners for this thing must have been dying for some kind of blood shed. She wasn't sure about the others but she knew for a fact that Maya and Danielle wouldn't make it two days let alone a week. Mainly because she already felt like Danielle was in serious need of mental help. She hadn't noticed Van had even left until she heard the auditorium doors close behind him. She shook head and rubbed her eyes a bit. She was still exhausted from her restless night of sleep. She shuddered as she remembered the nightmare and her fingers curled around the necklace she wore.

She jogged to catch up with Van and was now side by side with him. "Talk with me about what?" She had the slightest tone of suspicion in her voice as she followed him. She wasn't very sure why he'd ask to talk to her. Or why he would smile her. A since of dread briefly overcame her as she thought that he may simply want to kill her. However she dismissed the heinous thought as being another product of her sleep deprived mind. She'd never been so tired in her life. Which was really saying something for her. She wanted nothing more than to go back to her dorm and fall asleep on her bed.

"Can we talk in the cafeteria? I need coffee and I'll be pretty useless in a conversation if I fall asleep on you." The events from the bonfire the night prior, and the nightmare followed by the long talk with her mother had taken quite a toll on her. She brushed some hair behind her ear and glanced down at the floor. It was looked quite comfortable at the moment. She kept pace next to Van but had already started to head in the direction of the cafeteria.

Van hadn’t bothered to see whether or not Celeste had actually followed after him. He didn’t necessarily care if she did or not. If she chose not to cooperate then it’d be her ass who would screw them all over. Not him. His eyes roamed around the hall at a few of the students who were hanging out around the school. Why couldn’t he have been one of them? This whole ‘partner’ situation was just stupid. Completely. He honestly thought the teachers were a lot better at handling certain things but it had become clear to him that they certainly weren’t as competent as he’d believed them to be before. Making a silent vow to himself, Van swore he’d come back to the school one day and take over. Fire them. They needed some actual authority here.

The sound of Celeste jogging up to him caught his attention and Van glanced over to look at her, raising an eyebrow. Asking him what he’d wanted to talk about? She was certainly curious. If anything he thought she’d be like that Danielle girl and go off on him. Accuse him of being a monster, an ogre. Some huge creature that deserved to rot for all she cared. She surely hadn’t done that but the tone of suspicion in her voice was enough to let him know that she indeed wasn’t too open with him and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips. That was good enough.

His eyes flickered back over to her when she requested they speak in the cafeteria. He shrugged and nodded his head, turning in the direction with her. Shoving his hands in his pockets his eyes roamed across the area, scrunching up his nose as he sighed.

“Going to the cafeteria sounds like a good idea.” He mumbled, “I’ve been wanting to eat for a while now…” With all of the events that had gone on, he’d grown tired of being around in public. The people here really did irk his nerves and sometimes it was a bit too much for him handle. He’d grown to staying in his room for most of it- getting lost in his music to the point where he would go a day or two without eating before the sound of his stomach would grab his attention once more.

The doors to the cafeteria came into view and he smiled internally, his pace picking up just a bit as the thought of eating came to mind.
Maya Takanashi

If she wasn't the in-control, mature adult that she was, she may have actually screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw the sheet of paper. No, no, no, no, no, no; a million times no! Something had to have gone wrong, there must have been an error of some sort, because who in their right mind would pair her with Danielle of all people? There were so many other people in this auditorium that she could have tolerated, some that she even would have gotten along with. But no, it had to be her. Her competition. Again, she would have screamed but she was much too mature for that.

Instead, she opted to force an icy smile down at the list. And she laughed quietly to nobody but herself because this entire situation was utterly ridiculous. So ridiculous. Yes, she laughed and the laughter almost turned to tears but she stopped herself before that could happen. A week. She had a week to learn everything she could about a girl that she had decided to be her sworn enemy. The girl herself, she actually had very little problems with, but the idea that the girl was better than her. That this girl could take her place as best... She just couldn't think like that. She couldn't afford to think all of these negative thoughts.

Positive thinking; that would be the key here. Seven days wasn't an awfully long time, not when you compared it to how long she had worked and waited and hoped for her place here. Compared to then, it was an awfully short time, in fact. Which was how she assured herself that she would cope. She would talk briefly to the girl, picking up on a few things: where she was from, her birthday, her aspirations, her ideas. That should be enough to write a report on and then, her place here would remain secure and her future still bright. Yes, this was going to be utterly and completely fine. She was going to handle this, keep it as short and sweet as possible, and make sure her report was done on time. She just hoped that Danielle would see her point of view on the matter and hand over her life story willingly so Maya could write it up.

With that in mind, she backed away from the piece of paper that had sealed her fate for the next week and swept from the auditorium without speaking a word to anyone. And she was careful to keep her icy- though, it was verging on becoming rather smug- smile on her face, as she headed past everyone. She made sure to keep her eyes focused straight ahead, not looking at anyone for a second. Because she had to keep up her charade that she was fine with all of this, that she didn't care about having to study Danielle for a week- and, god forbid, she would actually have to talk to her.

And she chased down Danielle, picking up her speed to a jog as she spotted her and grabbing her shoulder. And she pulled on her to make sure they could make eye contact. Her dark eyes were harsh and determined. She was careful to use her politest voice as she spoke:

"Danielle, I need you to hand over your life story to me so that I can write it up and keep my place here. It's very, very, very important that I do. Do you have some kind of file or portfolio I can use or something? I'm going to need your birthday, last school, favourite school subjects, favourite colour and why, favourite movie, aspirations and any quirky habits you have. That should be enough to write a report on, don't you think?"

And as she paused to breathe, it occured to her how little she actually knew about Danielle. Her last name for instance; what was it? She knew that Rashad was her brother but was he older, younger or were they twins? Where was Danielle from? God, this was going to be an incredibly tedious task if she had nothing to start on. There was just so much she didn't know. She knew that Danielle was a competitive singer/dancer and that they disliked each other intently. But what else? Nothing.

"On second thoughts, this may take longer than I originally anticipated. Do you have any spare time? I've got an hour or two I could spare in exchange. We only have a week after all and that's hardly any time at all. Not when you consider research, drafting, redrafting, proofreading and the final typing up."

If she had no choice but to write this report, she had to make sure it was perfect. The best of everyone's.

"And I suppose I can spare you some information about myself in exchange."

Sebastian Lewis Denton

He watched as everyone approached the paper in turn and observed the reactions carefully through his camera. There were girls throwing fits, boys acting like asses as usual and a million other different opinions and reactions. But he still found Danielle's to be the most amusing, a smirk tugging at his lips as he watched. Talk about wanting to be the centre of the attention. And talk about being a dive, jeez. No wonder she was of little interest to him, how could enjoy the presence of somebody that insisted on yelling at people about being biased? Though, he supposed, that boy- whatever his name was, Van?- had been a little biased. Damn it, he told them that communism was the way forward.

"But nobody ever listens to the wailing of the forsaken souls."

He muttered that to himself in amusement. He liked playing around with words and looked around to see if anyone had noticed his creepy statement, to see if people were staring at him. Him and his "forsaken soul" were disappointed. Oh, well. Like he cared if anyone noticed his pointless dramatics. All the more suffering for him.

Once the drama seemed to die down a little, he headed over and examined the paper curiously. Danielle and Maya? That was one hellish pairing that he had no interest in whatsoever. They could strangle each other with their hair curlers for all he cared about them. Him and Kaede? Well, he had no objection to Kaede. He'd even go as far as to say that he liked her. But when pairings had been announced, he had crossed his fingers for a cute boy but apparently if there was a god, he had no time for petty wishes like Sebastian's. Oh well. Rashad and Emmanuel?
How was it fair that the two cute ones were together? As for the other two pairs, he cared very little about them. By that point, he was more focused on scowling about the fact that whoever had sorted the pairings cared nothing for him. Oh, well.


He turned to see if he could spot her anywhere, scanning the crowd for her familiar face and long blonde hair. Oh, her hair was so beautiful, it made him consider dying his own that white-blonde colour. He'd done stuff like that in the past; randomly dying his hair red, purple, pink, white, purple again and finally black. So, it wouldn't be the first time for him to show up with his hair entirely different. He thought it made him artistic and interesting, like some crazy, unpredictable artist. In reality, it just kind of made him look like a douchebag. Wait, what was he doing again? He seemed to have gone off on a tangent. Ah, yes, looking for Kaede.


Kaede was one of the last people to enter the auditorium that morning, only catching the last few sentences uttered by the principal. Judging by the assorted reactions of her peers, she figured the idea of being paired up with people wasn't sitting too well with everyone. The blonde didn't really see the big deal. It was only for a week, anyway.

However, she did have her fingers crossed that she wasn't going to have to push through this next seven days with a total drama queen. Speaking of one, Danielle seemed to be over-reacting again, nearer to the front. I think I'll make a mental note to avoid her for the next while.

Van, Celeste, Sebastian, Kaede.. Skimming over the list of names, she finally spotted hers. Sebastian, huh? He was the guy with the camera right? Didn't seem particularly bad, in fact, Kaede felt that she could probably end up getting along with him quite well. Just then, she heard her name being called, and grey-hued eyes scanned the group of students to spot the source. That made things a lot easier; the blonde was never too good at finding people.

"Hey! Sebastian, right?" she greeted, approaching the male, and obviously rather relieved. It seemed as though luck was in her favour, for this guy came across as pretty mellow unlike another student in particular ..
Celeste made a beeline for the coffee machine once she got into the cafeteria. Seeing it was empty, she helped herself to a fresh cup and loaded it with sugar and cream. She sipped the beverage and sighed in content from the warmth and the sweet taste before she made her way over a table. It was a circular one in the far corner of the cafeteria next to the window. She gazed out of it as she waited for Van to get his food. She enjoyed the silence for a few moments as she sipped on her coffee. Already she was beginning to feel more awake, however that didn't do much for her mental state. Her mind kept returning to the nightmare she'd had and a shudder would go down her spine every now and then. Hopefully whatever Van wanted to talk about would be enough to take her mind of things for a little bit. Besides, she enjoyed getting to know new people. even ones she'd gotten off on the wrong foot with.

She an mental note to herself not to call him by his full name. Her mind elsewhere and she running on 3 hours of sleep and a cup of coffee. The last thing she needed right now was to get into it with him again. Although she supposed it could be worse. She could've gotten paired with Sebastian. His rant about voting from the other night rubbed her the wrong way a bit. She relished that she hadn't been paired with Danielle as well. The one who really rubbed her wrong way, especially after her meltdown on Van this morning. While he wasn't on her list of favorite people either, she would manage to be civil with him. That girl was just begging to be as far away from his good side as possible. She made another mental note to herself to clear the air between the two of them. She felt that if she didn't, Danielle would end up challenging her to a duel to the death for Manny's hand in marriage or something like that.

Sure he was a hearthrob and a good dancer, and pretty good looking but it was going to take more than that to get her interested. She shifted in her seat again and finished off her coffee just as her stomach rumbled . She sighed and she looked at far away the food ways as she all she wanted to do at the moment was sit there. "Stupid human necessities." She stood up and headed over to Van to get some food with him. "So, what'd you wanna talk about?"
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Alex looked forward, catching sight of someone approaching him "Yeah that's me, Catronia, right?” being honest he couldn't recognize her, but since she had approached him it was only logical.

He began walking the hallway unsure of what to say next "So..." for a short moment there was only silence as the busiest place of the school turned into the most awkward conversation of all time "Did you ever think you'd end up here, in a school so prestigious as a musician with many chances of success?" it might have been a stupid question but it was a start, and in fact, it was a question he often asked himself he would have never guessed he'd be here, if anything he imagined himself in law school right this instant, but somehow he ended up in a school in which he could practice doing what he loved.

He awaited as he kept walking forward at a quick pace while looking for a place where they could sit down as he continued to think that maybe he was being a little too much like himself.

(Sorry for the short post I just wanted to get a post up)

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