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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern School Of Stars | Fight To The Top


Van had been pretty happy with himself, enjoying the applause he’d managed to receive. Once he was finished he sauntered back over to his seat, head bobbing to a beat that only he could hear. Of course he had a new sound in his mind. There were tens, hundreds- millions of different sounds playing in his head, whipping this way and that as they meshed and ripped apart, trying to create the perfect sound. He was just a walking jukebox- a walking radio. Music truly did run his life.

He watched the girl going after him, listening intently as she played the piano. Her name was Tabitha and he loved the music he made. He made a mental note to meet up with her and become friends. Hopefully one day he would be allowed to record her playing and use it to blend into a song he’d ben working on. It would be perfect if she allowed that.

The next girl was a director. He leaned back in his chair, hooded eyes watching the short film with interest. It was alright. Pretty funny if he did say so himself. He wasn’t sure he’d ever need her but they could always collaborate. Maybe he could make the music for a video if they ever became friends. He wasn’t sure. That one was certainly a maybe if not a no.

The next was a girl- There were a lot of females weren’t there?- Danielle. She was a singer. He smirked. ‘
Let’s see just how good she really is at singing. Will she beat the one from before?’ He thought to himself as her music began. He watched, listening to her soulful performance. He nodded his head. She certainly was good. He could already see this girl and the other butting heads one day with their very different- but very beautiful voices.

The next girl brought a guitar up with her and Van found himself getting excited. Now that was something different. Van welcomed different. This different girl was named Kaede. Kaedae and her guitar. Guitar and Kaede. He listened, enjoying her performance on the guitar. She was something else and he certainly would love to get to hear some more from her guitar.

The next would be a girl named Catronia. He automatically wondered if people called her Cat and whether or not she enjoyed that nickname. A violinist and pianist. Double trouble. Though for today she’d be playing the violin. He listened, nodding his head in agreement to the judges once she was finished. She was god though- great even. So many sounds… The next to go up was a kid named Emmanuel. He did hip hop- and ballet? Van rose an eyebrow in surprise and amusement. That certainly was a pretty tough guy if he was willing to admit he did ballet. So many people would ridicule those who did it yet this guy continued with his passion. Van had to give him the props he deserved.

He was good- Van was sure of that. Very good. He’d keep an eye out for him.

The next was a guy named Alex who played the saxophone.

“Oh yes, I need a sax player.” Van mumbled to himself, already making ideas with the music he could make using the sounds Alex produced with this sax.

The next one up on stage was named Will. He was an actor. Van wondered just how well his acting was but his question was answered pretty damn quick when Will began his performance. The guy was good.

Van was certainly impressed with all of the performances he’d seen when Ms. Cochran finally came back on. He listened to her speak, not necessarily caring what it was that she had said. He just wanted to get some food from that bonfire he’d heard about earlier. When all was done and finished he hummed to himself, standing up with a stretch and glancing up when he heard the one girl scream at the guy before storming off. She was that singer. So she was a diva? He shrugged to himself and continued walking out himself and going to drop his equipment off at the dorm.

Minding his own business he took a nice long stroll to the dorms, opening up the door to his room and putting his things back in their usual place. He grabbed his small turntable, packing it up in his bag before finally leaving the room. He figured there wouldn’t be any music and he found himself being correct when he finally arrived. He grabbed himself a hamburger from the rest of the food and looked around.

There was a small group, the ballet guy with miss diva and two others that he’d watched perform. They were all talented- What were their names again?

"Celeste… Catronia- the cat girl. Danielle and… Emmanuel!” He said with a grin. Though when he went to sit it wouldn’t be with them. He walked over to where the other girl Kaede was sitting and plopped down on the log beside her.

“You’re the guitar girl right? Kaede?” He asked conversationally as he set up his turntable. “You were awesome in your showcase. I truly enjoyed it. Wish I was as good with the guitar. I only know the drums.” He said with a grin as he plugged his phone into the machine. Seconds later, mellow music would begin to play and after a bite of his burger Van would begin messing around, scratching the music and adding his own effects as the songs changed periodically.

“Name’s Van if you don’t remember me from my showcase.” He said, smiling at her before going back to messing with his music.
Celeste smiled at Cat's compliment. "You did really good too! Playing the violin looks complicated. I tried to play it when I was younger. My cousin had one. I fiddled with it for a second or two, it wouldn't stop squeaking and I gave up." She laughed as her mind briefly drifted back to that day. It was until a few seconds later she realized the joke she made that was so corny it was punishable by death. "I promise you that wasn't intentional."

Emmanuel came and sat as well and he struck up a conversation with Danielle, the power singer from earlier. Her eyes widened at him in feigned shock and she began to applaud slowly as she swallowed down some of her s'more. "Wow, I'm impressed. Not surprised, but impressed. Flirting with a girl in the first 20 seconds or so of communication," She said as she glanced between him and Danielle. She found Danielle's behavior to be rather cute and couldn't help but be amused by Manny. She raised her eyebrow at his compliment and pondered the offer for a duet. She licked some marshmallow off her lips with and smiled at him. "That sounds pretty nice, actually. I like your style. As long as you can keep up we could be a pretty damn good pair." She returned his wink and smirked.

Two could play at that game.

She smiled when Van came over, she watched as he set up his turn table and smiled. She swayed a bit as Van got some music going. "Thank you! I thought this was going to be one of those really awkward collage parties with no music. She turned in his direction. "Oh I definitely, remember you Mr. VanDyke. Gotta say, I really liked what you did up there," She said with a nod towards his turn table. She tapped her finger on the log along to the beat and nodded her head a bit. "Nice," She said with a smile. She stood up and went over to the concession table to gather more ingredients for s'mores. As she placed more food on her plate there was a gentle to sway to her hips as she moved along to the music that played. She didn't understand what her mother was so worried about. She loved it here. She loved all the talent, the people, the thrill of competition, the vast diversity of everyone. It was just what she needed right now. The only thing.

She got her self punched and headed back over to the circle, still dancing a bit as she did. "So," She started as she sat down and looked at everyone in the circle. ""We have ourselves a nice bonfire, some snacks, a bunch beautiful, talented people. Speaking of beautiful, this lighting is perfect." She paused and fished her cell phone from her pocket and raised it to take a selfie. She caught whoever sat closest to her in the photo. She smiled at it before she saved it and stuck it down in her pocket. "Sorry bout that. But like I was saying, I think this calls for sharing time. If we're gonna spend the rest of the year fighting to the top, competing and showing off we might as well get to know each other right?" She was curious to know more about the others and felt now was as good as time as any to get to know them, if not the best time. "Any volunteers to go first? Casanova? Joan Jett? Modern day Beethoven?" She asked as her eyes darted between, Manny, Kaede and Van. She bit into another s'more and waited for someone, anyone to speak up.
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Danielle & Rashad


Danielle eyed Manny for a few more moments until Celeste joined her and Manny. "
Why, thank you. And I am sure Rashad would agree with me, no doubt." She continued conversing with Manny. "Awe, I wasn't that good." Danielle said softly while lowering her head. "I could've been better." She looked up at Celeste with a soft smile as she heard her response about Manny making a fantastic Danny Zuko. She smiled at her then looked back at Manny, awaiting his response. That was when Bridget decided to join the fray and asked if there was room for one more. "Sure, hon. Come sit." She waved for Bridget to sit with them then eyed Manny as he was responding to her and Celeste's statements.

When Manny suggested that him and Celeste do a duet sometime, Danielle shot her a glare then turned back to Manny with a giggle. "Yeah, you two would look great up there and I hope neither one of you break a leg before then." She eyed Celeste with those comments mostly then looked up at Catronia as she joined them, as well. Her ears twitched at Cat's comments then eyed her with a pleasant smile. "Thank you, Cat. You did amazing, as well." She waved for her to come and join them while speaking. "Sure. Come on. The more, the merrier." Danielle really tried her best to push Celeste off of the log but it didn't work plus she didn't want to seem mean to her new group of friends.

She continued to converse with her new group of friends then eyed the girl with the guitar from the showcase. She would've invited her to come and sit with them but she took it upon herself to sit down on the ground before the fire. Danielle quirked a brow as Van came over and did the same thing but set up his turn tables and started jamming. Danielle swayed from side to side at the beat then saw that Celeste was fixing to take a picture but photo bombed her with a chuckle. Danielle took out her cell phone and raised it high over her head. "Everyone make a funny face." She insisted towards Celeste, Cat and Manny and snapped the pic, showing it to them all before posting it on Instagram with multiple hashtags.

Danielle eyed Celeste once again as she started talking. She nodded her head at every word Celeste was speaking then eyed her when she gave everyone realistic names but her. She flipped her hair to the side then bit her lip as she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I can go." She stood up and stood in front of the fire, the waves of the flames vibrantly showing off behind her. "Well, again, I am Danielle McDaniels and I am a singer. I may not be the best singer here but I damn sure will fight my way to the top and knock down my competition if I have to." It seemed like everyone's eyes was on her when she spoke those words as she chuckled nervously. "But anyways, I am a nice person to get along with just don't get in my way. Aside from singing, I also like to do makeup. So ladies, ever need your makeup did, I am your gal. But I am an open book so whatever you want to know, just ask." She added with a soft smile then bowed before taking her spot back on the log.


As the jams kicked up, her brother stepped behind them and tapped Manny on the shoulder. "You and me, right now. A dance off before everybody." His voice was stern, so everyone would know that he was serious. He'd walk away without awaiting Manny's response. "Yo, Van. Spin something with a little bit of Hip-Hop." He called out towards him then stood there with his arms outstretched beside him almost challenging Manny and waiting to see what Manny was going to do. His eyes went towards his sister, who was even more pissed at him now. Danielle stood up and ran over towards her brother, sighing before speaking. "What are you doing? Not here, Shad." She spoke but Rashad did nothing but push her gently to the side. She just stood there with her hands on her hips, hoping that Manny tear his ass down in the dance battle, if he accepted that is, which she really hoped he would.
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Amber Marie Miller

The showcase went on for some time, Amber eyeing all those who came and went, she watched all the students, laying back in her seat, as another student went to the stage, reciting a monologue, Will, sadly, monologues weren't really interesting to her, but she still thought he did a great job, she decided to applaud him, as she had done for everyone.

After they were informed of the bonfire she Amber returned to her room, upon opening the door, she quickly grabbed a jacket and put her phone away "wouldn't really want mom to call me right now" she said, placing the phone in one of her drawers, turning around, she locked her room, heading outside, she was quick to grab herself a hamburger. She looked and saw some people from the showcase, some little groups scattered around the place, she decided to head to a group that seemed to be growing bigger, she sat down alongside the others, not introducing herself as she watched a boy say something to Emmanuel, this is sure to be interesting Amber thought, she watched both of them as they seemed like they were going to compete, Amber though about introducing herself later, when all this was over and done for.

Alex James Jhonson

After the showcase, Alex just wanted to go back to practicing, after he had missed a few notes, he felt like he needed to start from scratch, but once he caught a glimpse of the bonfire outside, he decided to give himself a break, he headed towards his room, pout his saxophone away, along with his case, and headed outside, seeing as he wasn't hungry, he just grabbed a bag of chips and headed out, many the students that had taken part in the showcase seemed to be gathering around a certain spot, and Alex was curious as to what was happening,so, moving towards the others, he looked at the group, not wanting to interrupt anything, he sat down, after their the commotion was over, he would ask them if they were alright with having him there.
Danielle's stare of death wasn't lost on Celeste. She raised an eyebrow and made note of that. She was going to be a problem it seemed. However, she decided to avoid conflict. Then she made the break a leg comment. She tried hold her tongue but failed. Celeste faked a laugh and shrugged. "Thanks for the sentiment but I've been this lucky so far. But don't worry, now I'll be extra careful so you'll get to see us preform some day. I promise it'll be quite a show. We got accepted for a reason. Right Manny?" She shot Danny a utter playful wink and flashed Danielle a sweet smile and simply laughed when Danielle photo bombed her selfie and then took one herself. She then bent on to try and push Celeste off the log but she stopped herself from falling and glared at her again. "Like I said. I'm really careful...for the most part. I'm careful enough!"

Her attention was then directed at Rashad who abruptly stood and challenged Emanuel to dance off for his crazy sisters honor. She perked up as the new dancer intervened and raised her hand, "If this isn't some kind of stupid testerone thing, I'd like a piece of that action," she said with an intrigued look her face. She loved dance battles. And a good old fashioned dance off sounded quite nice right now. While she couldn't careless about Rashad's sudden testostorone trip, she cared a lot about having a good time.

She and her cousins used to have them all the time. It was them who taught her some of her other dance skills. While ballet was her passion, hip-hop was more of a hobby. Something she did at a club or a party when she wanted to liven things up and have a good time. But it was ballet, and some contemporary that had gotten her into Grandell. Stripped off her jacket as the heat was beginning to get to her and let it warm her skin. Her eyes darted between Rashad and Manny as she waited for Van to start the music.
Tabitha continued to watch the school watching the fire slowly rise as she thought about how nice it would be down there laughing warming up by the fire and most of all eating smores but there was just one problem. Tabitha didn't have the best of times interacting with people she was more of a loner and always ended up socially awkward when she tried to make conversation. But because of this problem when she was little people would always say she never interacted with people enough she needed to get out and do things and enjoy the sun shine and stop and smell the roses but hey you would fine it hard to talk to people as well if you spent your entire school life online basically growing up with internet. Tabitha sighed as she hopped down from the roof and back onto the balcony before walking inside she was going even if she didn't like it or not. Interacting with someone not on a computer might be good for Tabitha as well who knows. Tabitha sighed as she strolled to her wardrobe and started searching for any clothes she could wear she had never really been to one of these events or any event for that matter so she was clueless on what to wear normally she would just wear causal comfy clothes but since this was a event and she wanted to make a good impression she decided she needed to look nice. Tabitha continued to dig deeper and deeper searching for anything almost about to fall into the wardrobe as if she was going to narina before Tabitha finally manged to find something manageable to wear. It was a black dress the same one she received as a present from her dad many years ago but it seemed just like yesterday.

"Tabitha Tabitha where are you? I have to leave in a few minutes" A grown man about in his mid thirty's called out dressed in a military uniform. "Do you really have to go dad on Christmas?" A rather younger Tabitha asked as she peered around from a corner showing her best puppy dog eyes. "Yes I told you this a hundred times they are calling me back to post I know I said I would be here for Christmas this year but apparently another war has broken out and they need everyone they can mange to find back on duty" The man said as she knelled down and placed and hand on Tabitha's shoulder "Ok daddy.." Tabitha replied back sadly as she starred at the ground as a few tears slipped down her face "I know I am always gone and I love you very much and your daddy wants to be here for you and I'm sorry that I cant be no matter how much I wish I could but I cant but I wanted to give you this before I dispatch out" The man said as he pulled out a sparkling deep black dress as black as the night out from behind his back "This use to be my sisters before she...left and never came back from war.." The man said his voice trailing off before placing the dress in Tabitha's arms "Now I know its a little big but you will grown into it take good care of it" The man said as he pulled Tabitha into a hug as they just dwelled there arm and arm before a loud whirring sound pierced the air "Daddy has to go now I love you my little angel" The man said as he kissed Tabitha on the forehead before walking out the front door to what appeared to be a military helicopter out in the front yard a NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter. The man quickly hopped into the helicopter as what appeared to be ten other men already inside which must have been called onto duty just like him. The helicopter had started to lift up into the air as the man waved as Tabitha ran outside and watched as the helicopter slowly rose into the air before finally drifting farther and father away just as Tabitha had started to cry watching the chopper leave it had started snowing outside as white flakes slowly fell down mixing with Tabitha's tears.

Tabitha had never wore this dress before once in her life she could never mange to put it on it just always brought sorrow to even look at it but now it looked like Tabitha was out of options as she toke off her normal blue sweater she always wore every single day and tossed it onto the bed followed by her shirt and pants as she quickly slipped the dress on. She gazed at herself for a moment she had never seen herself in the dress before so it was quite a site to display Tabitha shoke her head and quickly combed her hair so it wouldn't look like she was a hot mess out of bed as she checked herself in the mirror for any blemishes as everything appeared to be in order she quickly gave a kiss on midnight's head before quickly dashing out the door. She ran down the flight of stairs and out the entrance of the apartment and started running back up the path she came hoping she didn't miss the bonfire. She soon finally arrived back at school grounds as the smell of smoke rose in the air and a light glared from the forest proving that she didn't miss anything hopefully. Tabitha now slowly trailed into the forest not really sure what to expect before she heard laughter and talking and the sound of music but most of all the smell of food and smores. Tabitha quickly recognized many of the people at the bonfire all which appeared to have showcased their talents but her main target was getting food she hoped she could mange to sneak to the food table without being seen but that was about to be a big problem. Tabitha silently tip toed over to the food table trying to stay out of the view of everyone not really in the mood for interaction at the moment as she hit the jackpot she quickly grabbed a plate and started to pile it with food. Once she piled it with more then enough of what she could mange to eat she started to sneak and quickly ducked behind some trees to eat her food in peace as she manged to catch a glimpse of the conversation which appeared there was a dance battle which sparked her interest. Tabitha was almost about to jump up and join but she was a horrible dancer she would only embarrass herself and there was no way she could dance in a dress or could she. Despite Tabitha arguing with herself whether if she should join or not she wanted to get a closer view of the showdown as she quickly gobbled down any remaining food on her plate as she started to climb the tree she had ducked behind to get a better view. Soon she had manged to climb up onto a branch rather high up a perfect view for watching a dance battle without getting noticed or Tabitha thought as a loud cracking sound was heard as the branch couldn't support her weight and snapped with Tabitha on top as a scream escaped her lips there was aloud crashing sound followed by a loud thud as Tabitha fell at least a seven feet drop to nothing but hard ground.
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Maya Takanashi

Everyone seemed to be gathering in a large group near the bonfire but she didn't even think about approaching them, not for a second. After all, they were her competition and she knew better than to get friendly with them.

Well, she supposed she could perhaps befriend a dancer or two or a musician or maybe even an actor. But never in a million years would she be able to befriend another singer. She would be sure to clash badly with another singer, her competitive streak at it's worst. She'd never sink as low as sabotage, sure, and she would still act friendly to them, if a little bitter, but she would harbour a sort of dislike them for them eternally. She didn't like other singers.

In the end, she did decide to approach gingerly and stand at the very edge of the group, listening and surveying. Danielle could be a problem for her, it seemed. A singer like herself and, as she noted, competitive like herself. But other than that, everybody else seemed okay. Some of them even seemed like friend material. But they were all too caught up in their own conversations for her to be able to get a word in. Not that she didn't try.

"Hi, my name-"

"Hi, I'm Maya, I saw you in the-"

"Excuse me but aren't you-"

"You were really-"

She couldn't get a word in edge ways, either because she wasn't talking loud enough- more mumbling to herself than anything- or because they were busy. She gave up quickly and retreated to just listening again.

She heard talk of a dance battle and her eyes widened. She could not dance, it was not her talent. She sung, she acted but she did not dance.

But it would be fun to watch, wouldn't it? And there was nothing wrong with having a little fun once in a while, she thought, her eyes sparkling with a strange kind of delight. The delight that one can only get from watching a performance- or at least, the prospect of watching a performance.


Sebastian Lewis Denton

The bright light of the fire made for a beautiful atmosphere, he thought, as he focused his camera on the crackling fire with interest. It was doing a good job at keeping everyone warm too and at keeping everyone together, like the heart of their group. He had to admire the way that everyone had been immediately drawn to each other; people of talent immediately recognising each other as their friends and family. Coming together almost as if they'd known each other all along.

On that strangely poetic thought, he brought his camera up and trained it on the other students instead. He knew a few of them by name- due to the showcase- and didn't care to learn the rest. Few of these people came across as interesting to him, despite some of them being admittedly rather talented and full of character. Of course, some of them were interesting to him- some he liked the look of- and he focused on them for longer.

Emmanuel- one of the few he did know by name- seemed to be the centre of the crowd somewhat. He was pretty interesting. Pretty cute too. There was Kaede, slightly off to the side from the group with her guitar. Now, there was a subject of interest. His camera lingered on her for longer than he'd have liked to admit. Celeste was pretty interesting too. A dancer. The others he cared less for.

As a dance battle was announced between Emmanuel- they'd dubbed him Manny but he wasn't exactly one to use nicknames- and the other boy who appeared- Sebastian quickly took a liking to him as well- he edged closer. Not much closer, not significantly closer. But just closer so that he could see what was going on better.

Because, damn, a dance battle between two cute boys and a pretty interesting girl would be something he would love to catch on film.



Kaede's pale, blue-hued gaze swept up from the fire and fell upon Van as he approached her and sat down on the log just by her side, his turntables with him. She gave a nod in response to being asked for confirmation on whether or not he had gotten her name correct. The mention of him being able to play drums certainly caught her interest. "And I wish I was able to play drums," she remarked, a slight grin quirking the corners of her lips upwards. "Hitting something repeatedly seems kind of fun."

The blonde could be pretty humble at times, and so, his compliment was nice to hear. She wasn't sure before her showcase whether or not many people would've liked her main taste in music or not. And one other person was definitely better than none. "Thanks. You were pretty awesome as well. I usually don't like electronic stuff as much, but what you did was interesting," commented the blonde, returning the praise. And not just for the sake of it. She thought what he had done portrayed a sense of creativity, which was always good to see.

Her attention then switched from Van and the bonfire to the group of others close by, after the sound of commotion reached her ears. A dance-off? Again, wasn't something she'd go out of her way to watch normally, but since everyone here was a lot more talented than the average person, Kaede decided it could end up being entertaining to observe. Criss-crossing her legs in front of her, she reclined again, back resting against the log fully. It didn't occur to her at all that someone had their camera out and pointed it in her direction. Not that she would've minded particularly anyway, if she had noticed.


Catronia continued to ingest her hamburger, smiling when Celeste and Danielle both complimented her showcase performance. "Thank you." She murmured, giving them both a warm nod and continuing to listen to the conversation. She chuckled gently when Celeste mentioned her own experience with violins. "I suppose I had to get used to the sound. My father helped me with that." She stated, though the brunette instantly regretted bringing up her deceased parent. She looked down at her plate and cleared her throat, becoming silent for a moment and gazing at her hands. "Ah, uh, don't worry about it." Cat whispered when Celeste apologized for the corny joke, though her mind was somewhere else entirely.

The junior zoned out, while the others continued talking, glancing around the school field to keep herself occupied. Though there was a multitude of people, she was able to pick out Kaede, the guitarist who needed to plug in her instrument during the showcase. She wondered why the girl chose not to join the group, yet Cat noticed her interaction with others was also out of character. Kaede seemed to be enjoying her hotdog, when Van approached her log. Catronia observed their interaction, seeing as Van was beginning to set up his turntable. The young woman grinned at the gesture, knowing they needed some music to really get the bonfire going. When mellow music began to play, she swayed lightly to the tuneful melody, turning back to the group. She perceived growing tension between the others, wondering what happened.

Catronia raised an eyebrow when Celeste went to take a selfie, stifling back a laugh when Danielle casually photo bombed her. She swore she saw Danielle try to push the other girl off the log, looking at Emmanuel with a confused expression. When Danielle requested they made a funny face for a picture, the junior nodded, leaning in and simply sticking out her tongue and crossing her eyes. As the freshman went to post the picture on Instagram, Cat smiled, seeing as she was meeting a good group of fellow performers. The brunette shivered at the prospect of sharing, yet she knew she would have to be more vocal to excel at Grandell Heights. It was one of her imperfections, considering she often waited for an opportunity, rather than creating chances for herself.
"I'll go." She announced timidly, after Danielle and Celeste had gone, looking at the others to make sure that was fair enough.

The violinist stood nervously in front of the small group, smiling at the performers gathered and clearing her throat afterwards.
"Uh, hi, I'm Cat. Nia's also fine too, if you prefer. I play the piano and the violin, and I'm a bit of a klutz really." She began with a tense chuckle, gazing at the flames of the bonfire, as they illuminated the field. "I'm not a composer, but I do really good arrangements with acoustic instruments, if you guys are interested." She voiced, sitting back down quickly to take the attention away from her. Her eyes widened in surprise when Danielle's older brother, Rashad, stormed over and challenged Manny to a dance battle, wondering what was going on with him. She could see the reproachful look on Danielle's face, pondering over how this was going to play out. Celeste seemed interested in participating, and Cat sat back, waiting for the skirmish to unfold rather than getting involved.


Emmanuel gave Celeste a charismatic smirk, when she called him out for flirting with Danielle. "I'm glad you're impressed by my talents." He retorted with a chuckle, glancing at her and then Danielle. He stared at the latter for a few more moments, watching her lower her head and shaking his. "I don't know much about singing, but they loved you up there. That must mean you're pretty good." He confessed with a small shrug, giving her a mild wink. The nineteen-year-old looked at Celeste again, grinning when she agreed to do a duet with him. "I like your style too. Don't worry, I'll have no problem keeping up. I know you specialize in ballet, but I was hoping we could throw a few hip-hop moves in too. I hope you can keep up with me on those." He countered with a smirk of his own, seeing Danielle glare at Celeste in his peripheral vision. As any other boy would be intimidated by the situation, Manny was rather amused, given that both girls seemed to be going at it. The young man was not exactly sure what the cause was, though he was looking forward to finding out.

Manny smiled when Danielle giggled, raising an eyebrow when she thought that he and Celeste would do a great duet. "Hopefully neither of us will actually break a leg. I actually, um, meditate and stretch sometimes to get rid of stress and stretch before a performance." He noted casually, strategically forgetting to mention his ADHD and anxiety issues. He blinked in surprise and amusement when he thought Danielle tried to push Celeste off the log, covering his laughter with a raspy cough. Wiping his mouth, the dancer brought the hot dog up to his mouth, finishing it off quickly. He made a ridiculous face when Danielle requested them too, looking at the camera and simpering, as she immediately posted it on Instagram. The dancer looked over at Van when he began to play a sick beat, bopping to it slowly and giving him a thumbs up. "Great song, man!" He called, continuing to listen and getting off the log. Instead, he sat in front of it, leaning against the branch and crossing his hands behind his head in relaxation.

The dancer looked up with Celeste suggested sharing things about themselves, considering and deciding to pass.
"I'll pass for now, but I'm interested in what you ladies have to say." He grinned, making himself comfortable against the log. Listening to Danielle go first, he smirked gently when she mentioned her drive to fight her way to the top. He had to give her credit for that, as Grandell Heights was a pretty competitive institution. As Celeste insisted how careful she was, Manny nodded slowly, realizing that there was a deeper meaning behind her words. At that, the dark haired boy made a mental note not to cross her. He listened to Cat, her words soft-spoken, as she offered musical help. He wondered why she was so bashful.

Emmanuel continued to enjoy himself at the
bonfire, looking up when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He raised an eyebrow when Rashad challenged him to a dance battle, making a big show of it in front of the others. "Hey, what's your deal, bro? Can't you see me having a good time here?" Manny inquired with irritation, his hands balling into fists, as he glanced at the older boy. He watched Rashad continue to walk away, asking Van to hook them up with some hip-hop music. The dancer rolled his eyes and stood, wanting to wipe the dance floor with his ass for being an idiot. "Alright, let's do this." He stated loudly with a smug smile, standing there with his arms outstretched to mock Rashad and confirming that he accepted the battle. Celeste wanted to join in, and he smirked, motioning her over and knowing it was about to get interesting at the bonfire. He looked at Danielle, as she spoke to her brother, though Rashad's stern expression conveyed he was serious about this. It was not like Manny minded, considering he loved showing off his skills.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/download_24.jpg.990b506f4797ce43c6d9fc19c92a011c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/download_24.jpg.990b506f4797ce43c6d9fc19c92a011c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/img] Celeste had already made up her mind about being in the dance off, figured it'd be a good way to some fun and get to know her competition a bit better. The days of doing dance battle with her cousins began to come back to her and she felt more at home again. She thought back to Manny's performance and wondered if she try and ix dance skills together at some point. It'd been at the back the back of her mind and Manny's performance only made those thoughts return. She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. This was was no time to ponder her life choices and dance career. This was time to have some fun and perhaps even show one of these boys up. Her lips upturned into an even wider grin when Manny excepted the challenge.

She caught his look when when Danielle made the comment about breaking a leg. She acknowledged mentally and figured that he probably couldn't go two seconds without flirting to save his life, he was still a dancer. The comment may have been nothing more than a bitter, empty remark but it still stung. The thought of actually breaking a leg plagued Celeste ever since she became a dancer. A cold feeling overtook at the thought of actually breaking a leg. If she broke a leg, she couldn't dance. And if she couldn't dance. She'd have to go back home. And if she had to go back home...She shook her head and pushed the thought away when Manny answered the challenge. The corners of her lips turned upwards in a smirk. She stood and approached them both, she shook her limbs out some as she did so and took another swallow of her water.

"Okay, stupid testosterone thing or not, I want in on this." She tied her hair back in a ponytail with a hair band that was around wrist before she approached Rashad and Manny. By now more people had shown up to the bonfire, she toke note of one with a camera. She waved at him and gave him a thumbs up, before she blew a playful kiss at the camera. She turned towards Rashad and Manny and placed her hands on her hips with a thoughtful look. "Before we start how about we make this a little more...interesting. I say that whoever wins this thing, not only gets bragging rights.." She paused as she tried to think of something and then her eyes lit up and she smiled. "But the two losers have to carry her...or him back to his or her dorm building, on their shoulders, once the bonfire is over. Because who doesn't love some high stakes, am I right?" She took a few swallows of her water and then set the bottle back down in the spot she'd been sitting in, eager to get started. She held either of her hand to both Rashad and Manny to shake. "So gentlemen...we have a deal?"



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Van grinned at Kaede when she nodded her head in confirmation before speaking of her wish to learn how to play the drums.

“Thanks for the compliment!” He said, sending her a genuine smile. “Makes me feel good. I can admit that what I do isn’t exactly something you see everyday. It is a bit weird I suppose but it’s me and it’s my life. Something I love to do. As for the drums- my father taught me. It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I could certainly teach you if you wished to learn.”

The young man’s ears pricked when he heard a different voice speak towards him. Dark eyes flickered up and over to Celeste, an eyebrow rising upwards. He smiled at her small thanks of him providing music. However, that smile quickly dropped as he winced at the sound of her calling him ‘Mr. VanDyke’.

“Van,” He spoke, voice not particularly the friendliest as he stared at her. “Just call me Van.” He turned away, deciding that if she couldn’t call him by the name he wished to be called than she wasn’t worth trying to be friendly with. “Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it.” He mumbled, going back to his music. He’d gotten engrossed when he heard Celeste speaking up once more about beautiful people and what not. He glanced at her and chose not to respond. He felt no need.

Danielle took the bait though, standing up and giving a small synopsis about herself. He nodded in her direction, scrunching his face up in thought for a moment before looking at her.

“Danielle… Do you mind if I call you Dani? I’m one for shortening names.” He said with a small shrug before his eyes looked at the new arrival.

A dance off? This guy had just challenged Manny to a dance off? A grin came to his face at the thought of it. Manny was pretty damn good at dancing and even though Van hadn’t seen this new comer he already knew he had to have been good. This school didn’t take tyros. The only took the best of the best.

He nodded his head at the guy before looking over at Celeste who thought it’d be wonderful to join in. Of course she did. Van had a feeling she was one of those people who loved to be in the center of attention. He was surprised she was willing to share it with the two male dancers though she probably had plans of pushing them out by being the best dancer of the group.

Hands already moving a rapid speed, he began plugging up many small devices that held hundreds of different songs. Some were ones that he’d created while others were songs that he’d heard and liked.

Tongue was sticking out once again as he focused in on creating the right sound for his three fellow peers- all the while glancing up once in a while at them to witness their moves. He heard the snapping of a branch and glanced back to see the girl from before on the ground. He stared at her for a bit before turning back to his turn tables and scratching a song as it changed to the next one.

Sure Van would have happily helped her up but when he was making music all care washed away. If you weren’t music than you weren’t important. You became irrelevant to him until he was finally finished making love to the beats and fades of the songs he’d make.

“Hip hop? Three components? Plus a wonderful deal? This is going to be glorious.” Van spoke out loud, pressing a button as a bell sounded. With that being said, a loud boom sounded from Van’s speakers before the rhythmic sounds of Hip hop infused with Jazz came pouring out.

“May the best dancer win and let the dance off begin!”
Just as bridgett had been accepted into the group, Emmanuel had seemed to receive a dance challenge by another dancer, and then Catronia, taking a bite out of her hotdog, she watched as the dancers seemed to be very excited for this competition, she sat in a tree trunk, ready to kick back and enjoy their little battle, if only she had her camera, this would be a great as a first day on campus sort of film, a great memory. It was also great that Van would be providing the music, another great chance to see some talents at their core, just as she got ready for the battle Bridgett heard a snap, looking over to where the sound came from, she saw Tabitha, the girl back at the auditorium, she had fallen of a tree...somehow. She questioned whether or not to go in and help her, since she could easily loose her spot, but nobody seemed to be helping her, and she could have been hurt; sighing Bridgett stood up and headed over to the tree, she kneeled down "You're really clumsy, you know that?" she said, wondering why she would even climb a tree anyway, she held her hand out to her, as she helped her up, she gave the girl a quick smile, and ran back to her seat, not wanting to miss a second of the battle, looking at all the others around her, there seemed to be a rather large crowd forming around them, some people who presented they talents at their show-case, others who might have hung back, still she was eager to meet all of them, soon she thought.

She waved over to Tabitha, wanting to make sure she would also feel incorporated somehow, taking the last bite of her hotdog, she turned her eyes to the competitors, she hadn't really talked much to any of the dancers, but from the show-case she had gotten intrigued into Emmanuel's form of dancing, none the less she was hyped up to see each of them. She wished in between all of the students, there would be another director, somewhere, so she could learn and compete with them.
The next thing Tabitha knew was she had a cold meeting with the ground as she just laid there from shock not wanting to move. But to her surprise she heard a voice before she quickly recognized it. Tabitha slowly looked up to find bridgett standing over her holding out a hand she hesitated for a moment before finally taking the girls hand as she pulled her up. "Thanks..." Tabitha quietly responded as she dusted herself off trying to get as much dirt and mud off her clothes as she could "Well this is rather embarrassing" Tabitha said out loud but to her surprise bridgett had already gone back to her seat but just as Tabitha was about to slip away from the bonfire she saw that bridgett was waving towards her signalling her to join the bonfire. Tabitha stood there dumbfounded no one had really ever noticed her or talked to her without reason so it was a first. Tabitha continued to just stand there like a statue just frozen before finally she gave bridgett a sad look and started to walk away back down the trail starring at the ground but just as she did she heard that the dance battle was starting as she froze again in her tracks.

It really did seem like fun Tabitha loved to dance even if she knew she was horrible at it but just as Tabitha was deciding if she should join there was a high pitch song that started playing in the air it appeared to be the lavender town theme song. Tabitha quickly slid into her pocket and pulled out her phone as she looked at the screen it appeared someone was calling she sighed and quickly slid the answer button waiting for a response. "Hello? Night" A male voice who appeared to be nineteen answered asking for her youtuber name "Banette what are you doing calling this late! You know not to call me after eight!" Tabitha screamed into the phone before quickly glancing around slipping into the forest to carry the conversation in private "C-chill out there s-sorry night but remember we where going to record a video of forest with the guys tonight?" The male asked stuttering shocked at Tabitha's random outburst "Oh shoot I totally forgot I am so so sorry!" Tabitha quickly responded as she slapped her forehead of that fact that she forgot "Hey where are you anyway?" The male asked wondering why she forgot in the first place "Oh its nothing just the school was holding a showcase today and then a bonfire so I sort of dragged myself to it" Tabitha responded back sheepishly rubbing the back of her head blushing embarrassed "What! Why didn't you tell me we could of made another time or something!" The male responded back half mad that she didn't say anything half excited that she was doing something besides games in her life."Well I'm sorry I forgot shoot me I was just leaving anyways" Tabitha sighed as she looked back at the bonfire before slipping back into the forest "Wait why leaving?" The male asked confused "Well aside the fact that I made a fool out of myself or the fact that no one noticed?" Tabitha replied back sighing before continuing "I knew I should of never came here I just thought it would been nice getting out for a change and to think I was about to join some dance battle" Tabitha said chuckling a little before the male stopped her "Wait..You where about to join in a dance battle?! Well why didn't you!" The male asked almost panicking "Because I'm a horrible dancer you know that!" Tabitha snapped back "But what about that challenge remember we challenged our subscribers our fans to a contest and they won remember that class we toke because we had to dance live on national Tv because we lost the bet?" The male said getting excited again "That was one time! Besides even if I did join I cant dance without you here remember that dance required a partner and your the only one who knew the secret move" Tabitha said hushing to a whisper "Come on lighten up have some fun unless your a...Pussy" The male replied laughing almost as if you could feel his sly smirk through the phone "Your so on" Tabitha growled as she hanged up the phone and slid it back into her pocket stomping back to the bonfire.

"Wait!!" Tabitha screamed as she rushed over to the bonfire "Don't start the battle yet!" Tabitha said trying to catch her breath bent over "I-Is there room for one more?" Tabitha asked again still trying to catch her breath before finally pulling herself together as she blushed realizing she had basically just stomped right into the center of the bonfire when her number one rule was to avoid attention. Tabitha continued to stand there awaiting a answer growing more nervous by the second before she finally noticed bridgett sitting on one of the logs she gave her a quick smile before gathering her courage finally repeating herself "Well are you going to let me join or not I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines lets have some fun" Tabitha said as a sly smirk grew across her face knowing she had a secret move up her sleeve waiting to be used that was if they let her join or not.
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William Joseph Whittington


Following the showcase, Will decided to make a quick run back to his dorm, wanting to drop off his bag in his room. It wasn't the heaviness of the bag that bothered him, but he just didn't like the idea of misplacing it somewhere. Better safe than sorry. Once he arrived, he took his time, sitting down on the couch for a minute or two before heading back out again. It wasn't like the bonfire was going anywhere anytime soon—or was it?

Making his way back to the bonfire, Will checked his pockets for all the essentials: keys, wallet, phone, etc. It was practically second nature to him, after having continuously reminding his siblings to do so in the past. As he approached the bonfire, he could definitely feel the liveliness and energy of the event, compared to the the rest of the campus, which was pretty quiet and empty at the time. Hearing the chattering of people and smelling the aroma of various foods, he quickly pumped himself up.

Upon entering, Will grabbed a can of soda, cracked it open, and began sipping as he perused the crowd of students. He tried to make small talk with a few people, though the conversations managed to die out pretty quickly. Eventually, he noticed a semi-large crowd gathering around some people. Wanting to check it out, Will squeezed his way to the front of the crowd, being greeted by several familiar faces from the showcase earlier—Danielle, Manny, Rashad, Celeste, Van, Kaede, Cat, and Tabitha. If it was anything that Will was good at besides acting, it would be remembering names. Those were the ones who seemed to be at the center of attention at least.

Wanting to understand what this was all about, Will watched Tabitha rush into the center, carefully listening to what she had to say. "Don't start... the battle?" he mumbled to himself, raising an eyebrow in confusion. The thought of a smaller girl such as Tabitha rushing into well, battle seemed so bizarre that it was almost something to laugh about. Looking back at the other people, Will noticed the somewhat aggressive posture of Rashad, the determination in Celeste's eyes, and the smug smile that Manny wore on his face. You could definitely tell that there was a competition between them, and something was about to go down. The three were all dancers, so he reasoned that there must have been something along the lines of a dance battle taking shape. It wasn't the least bit of what Will had expected from tonight, but entertainment was entertainment.

"Anyone wanna fill me in on how this started?" he asked, though if he had to guess, he would've said is was Rashad's doing. It just seemed like something he'd do. And if it was indeed a dance battle in the works, he'd probably be the one Will would bet on. He made quite the reputation for himself over the years, and Celeste, Manny, and especially Tabitha haven't exactly proved themselves yet. Nonetheless, Will kept his eyes glued to them, waiting for the event to unfold and to see if he would be proved wrong.

Sebastian Lewis Denton

As somebody new arrived, Sebastian quickly turned his attention to him. Ugh, there were too many people around here. How the hell was he supposed to focus on one person at a time? How on earth was he supposed to revel in the beauty of human nature if there were so many different people to study? He heard the boy ask what had happened and aha- AHA!- that was one question he could in fact answer.

"If you want the short version, I'd be happy to fill you in. I don't know all the details as I was busy elsewhere until but a few moments ago. As I understand it, this boy, here."

He gestured to Rashad, though his name was still unknown to him.

"Made his way over here and demanded in some testosterone fuelled competitive attitude that Emmanuel participated in a dance battle with him. The idea was quickly accepted by our fellow performers here and now these two lovely ladies seem keen to join in. I'm not one for competition myself but the whole thing does seem rather appealing to film, don't you think?

Of course, I'll film anything and everything but this does seem to be more interesting than filming everybody standing around talking to each other like mindless sheep."

That was the most he had said to anyone all day. In fact, it was all he had to said anyone all day if you didn't count thanking people for holding the door open. Which Sebastian didn't reckon you could- that was just something you did to be polite. But he was excited now and the words he had held back all day were tumbling out his mouth faster than he could catch them.

"If I were to place bets, my money would go somewhere between Celeste and Emmanuel. Of course, I wouldn't place a bet because they are irrational and to get you easily into life or death situations but it's nice to think that I would back someone, isn't it?"

With that, he decided to return his camera to Celeste who had been the only person here to acknowledge him it seemed. Nearly everyone else seemed oblivious to him or simply didn't care. Not that he minded, he preferred hanging around in the background. Background character, not a main role.

"Anyway, that's it. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the show, sir."

Danielle & Rashad


Most people thought Rashad was a real jerk for coming at the Emmanuel the way he did but Rashad really didn't care what other people thought. His main focus of the dance battle was to test Emmanuel's strengths and weaknesses when it came to dancing, since he was one of the best in his class.
His eyes were locked and loaded with Emmanuel's then went to the other dancer, Celeste, with an arched brow. "Excuse me but this is between me and him." Rashad said while pointing at himself first then back at Emmanuel but after hearing her wager, a slight smirk came over his face as he nodded his head. "I like your style and way of thinking. Sure, come bust a move with us." He waved for Celeste to come and join them as Danielle then stepped forth.


"How about adding me into the mix? I'd like to be raised on someone's shoulder after my victory. I mean, two against two seems pretty fair." She just wanted to show Manny that she had some sort of dancing ability after being taught by her brother, sometimes. She eyed Tabitha, who wanted to join the fray but eyed everyone else to get their opinion on the matter before giving one on her own. Honestly, Danielle thought it was a joke that a piano player with probably little to no dance experience wants to join in on a dance battle. She chuckled to herself then eyed her brother with a smirk. Rashad looked at Tabitha with a raised a brow. "Sorry but no need to add one more." His eyes were diverted to his sister as they did their handshake then busted out some dance moves.

Rashad was the first to toss out some dance moves as his sister, Danielle basically followed his lead, copying his moves though throwing in her own style. It was a team thing but they decided to take alternate routes first then bring their routine together. It worked when they were little so they were hoping it would work in their favor now, as well. Rashad did a move where he got down and basically lunged himself forward and Danielle knew what that meant, time to bring it home - And that's exactly what they did. Rashad and Danielle both threw in a variation of moves then their performance up with Rashad doing an old school kick stand move with Danielle posing behind him.

Once they were finished, Danielle helped Rashad up as they hugged and chuckled then eyed Celeste and Manny. Danielle folded her arms over her chest while looking at them both, seeing what kind of moves they'd could up with. It was nice to dance alongside her brother again but the scattered applause they got told a different story. Basically, they got a few cheers and jeers from their peers but it wouldn't be a contest without a few haters. Rashad and Danielle stood there, still waiting as they both had brows raised up.
Celeste watched with raised eyebrow and nodded a bit. She'd been a bit surprised when "Okay, Okay. Nice. Our turn now though". She counted off the beats for a split second in her head and then began to move along to it, much differently from how she had on the stage. Her moves were no longer, swift and graceful, but now percussive, full of energy and and even a bit aggressive. She thought back to all the Hip-hop movies she'd watched with her cousins and mimicked those. It wasn't until not that she realized how much she missed doing Hip-hop. While she didn't love it nearly as much as ballet, it was nice to try something different and experiment with other moves for once. She moved along in sync with Manny as he followed her lead.

Half way through the dance she forgot that they were even having a competition and began to freestyle, she created moves off the top her head and tried whatever basic hip-hop moves she could think of. She wasn't quite as skilled at hip-hop as Manny but she still managed to keep up with him and match his style he matched hers. As they came to a close she realized they needed something big. A finisherr to top it all off. She glanced over at Manny and him quick glance, eying his shoulders for a moment. He nodded and squatted down a bit. She ran over to him and pushed herself up onto his back so that her legs were around his shoulders. She locked on tightly to him and from there they continued their routine their arms, Danny making careful foot movements.

As their dance came to a close Manny kneeled down a bit and allowed her to hop down from his shoulders. They continued their routine a little longer and a small laugh escaped as the beat moved through her. Whether she had to carry Rashad and Danielle on her shoulders hardly even mattered anymore. Only the dance, the beat and the rhythm. As the song came to a close she and Manny ended their dance with a pose. She laughed in delight as she high-fived, feeling on cloud nine.

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Emmanuel chuckled when Celeste introduced the wager, nodding in agreement and smirking softly. "Sounds good to me. We have a deal." He voiced, instantly imagining the losers of the dance-off carrying him back to his dormitory, when the bonfire ended. The young man began stretching his arms and legs, wanting to be limber, once they started. Dancing against both Rashad and Celeste, he knew he had some tough competition. Despite their skills, the sophomore thought he could take both of them easily. "I hope you two don't mind carrying me all the way back to my dorm. It's a bit of a distance." He murmured with a simper and a shrug, though he could not predict the outcome of the battle before it began. He chuckled when Rashad officially invited Celeste to join, shrugging in agreement that the battle would be very interesting now. Not only did they have a mixture of genders but a mixture of dancing techniques as well.

The dancer raised an eyebrow when Danielle suggested adding her in, wondering whether or not she could even dance. He knew she was at Grandell for singing, but perhaps Rashad taught her. "I didn't know you have moves." He teased with a light smirk, though he was impressed that she had multiple talents. "Let's see what you've got then." He challenged, stepping back to give the freshman some room. Manny questioned whether or not Tabitha's request was serious, though he gave it no further thought when the others voiced their opinions. He turned toward Van when he began the music, nodding to it slowly and enjoying the beat. The hip-hop rhythmic sounds with a jazz-fusion definitely caught his interest. He stood back and waited while Rashad and Danielle tossed moves at them, analyzing the techniques carefully and continuing to nod his head to the music. There was no doubt that they were good, though the egotistical sophomore would have trouble admitting it aloud. He found the alternate routes they took quite intriguing, raising an eyebrow when Rashad ended with a kick stand move.

"Not bad, but Celeste is right. It's our turn now." Manny voiced after his partner, waving the McDaniels off the area that served as a makeshift dance floor. He counted the beats in his head with his eyes closed, letting Celeste start and beginning to dance a half step behind her. This created a nice chain reaction effect, meshing their styles of dancing together. He chuckled, as Celeste's moves were utterly different than the ballet she did during the showcase, adding to them with his own flavor throughout their dance. He added a bit more Memphis jookin', one of his favorite types of hip-hop dancing that he presented earlier in the day. When they approached the end of their dance, Emmanuel caught Celeste's eye, nodding in understanding, when she gazed at his shoulders. He squatted down a bit and smirked, staring at their opponents. The young man braced himself when she pushed onto his back, refusing to move anything but his arms to make sure she did not fall. He made slow foot movements once she was in place, remaining steady in wanting to finish the battle strong with his companion.

Further into the song, the dancer knelt and made sure Celeste got down safely, adding some jazz-funk moves to match the music Van played. He simpered and kept dancing, knowing they were doing well and hoping the odds were in their favor. As the song wound down, Manny ended with a pose on his feet, Celeste beside him doing one of her own. He chuckled and clapped his hands when the music stopped, giving Celeste a high-five with a grin. "That was great." He said genuinely with a laugh, looking at Danielle and Rashad. "What do you two have to say to that?" He taunted with a smug smile, outstretching his hands and showboating before he even heard the results of the battle. Without waiting for a response, Manny turned to the music man, Van Wellson. "Alright, man, who wins this?" He asked, crossing his arms behind his back and waiting a bit impatiently for the composer's answer.

Note: Since Cat is watching the dance off, her point of view will be posted sometime after the results are announced.

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Van was out of it. Completely out of it. Once he’d been tasked with creating the music for their dance off that had certainly been what he’d done. He created the music. While the dancing had certainly interested him- The music was a lot more important. He would watch bits and pieces of each dance but was mostly focused on his turntable, tongue sticking out as his hands moved with swift flicks here and there.

He’d slowed down the tempo of the song, bobbing his head with it when he heard Manny speaking. He glanced up, not necessarily thinking the guy was talking to him until he saw those eyes. His eyes widened as he made a small ‘oh’ with his mouth in surprise.
“Oh? You want me to judge this?” He asked, pointing at himself before pointing to both of the respective groups.

He scrunched up his nose. He would pick the siblings. That was for sure. Even if he hadn’t seen their routine too much- Anything to spite that Celeste girl. But Van wouldn’t do that to the group. He wasn’t that bad of a person. So he had somewhat a better idea.

“Well… I wasn’t exactly watching either of you. I was just creating my music.” He said with a shrug and a grin before glancing around. “Instead of making me the only judge, how about we make this a multiple judges thing?”

He glanced down at Kaede and grinned.
“Kaede, you are now officially a judge along with me." He looked around the circle that had surrounded them and while there were plenty of people in the crowd watching him, he’d only been searching for a select few.

“I would also like to have the lovely and talented Maya, Sebastian, and Mr. William? Anyone else want to step in here?” He asked, looking at the ones he’d called out before glancing around the group once again for anyone else who wanted to join the judging.

“As one of the many judges I shall have to choose the tweedledees over there.” He said, pointing at Rashad and Dani. He looked at Manny. “Manny man, from what I actually saw, you were great. However your partner isn’t exactly at the top of my list. Biased choice I know but hey- I’m a petty person.” He said with a shrug. “Who’s up next to judge here?”
Celeste watched Van with a sly smirk as he spoke, her eyes twinkled with amusement His "biased intentions" hadn't been lost on her. She laughed when he blatantly stated that he wasn't at the top of her list and brushed some hair behind her ear. She turned to Manny gave him a fake out. "Sorry Manny," She threw her hands up helplessly and sighed, a mock pout on her face as she looked between Manny and Van. "I guess I was a handicap." She looked back at Van, her smirk still on her face. "Still, thanks for being the DJ. It sounded pretty good considering that a five year old apparently made it. Granted he's a five year old who knows how immature he is, but a five year old nonetheless." She crossed her arms over her chest and took a few steps closer to Van, until she stood about a foot away from him. "I get it. You don't like me because..." Her voice trailed off as she drew a blank. She waved a hand around as she tried to jog her memory. Why is he upset with her? She'd felt she'd been pleasant enough to everyone since she arrived. But apparently not this guy. She then remembered how much his attitude towards her shifted when she called him by his full name. "Ohhh," She said. "The name thing. Right." She rolled her eyes. "Well excuse me for only knowing you for all of an hour, barely communicating with you within that small period of time and as a result of that, not knowing that it'd upset you this much when I called you by your full name. Which I only did because I think it's a nice, you know?" She said. She poke the last part in a very innocent voice.

She then said to him in a fairly polite voice, "Look Van - See, I said it right this time, Happy? I'd really rather not have a rivalry with you over something so stupid, so how about we go ahead and squash this right now? I'd much rather just be a stranger to you, than someone deliberately try to spite. You'd just be wasting your time and more importantly, my time. Because unlike you, I'm not petty. So how about I just save the both of us any drama, and just call a truce here ad now? I'm here to do what I love and you are too. So let's not let this turn into something that's just going to get in both our ways? Because right now, I have no problem with you." The sweetness and politeness in her voice faded and her eyes hardened. "But if you were to keep this up," She motioned at his figure which towered over her. "Then we actually would have a problem. If you don't like me? Fine. If I'm not at the top of your "list." Fine. But for future reference, keep all that to yourself, especially if you're gonna go and drag other people into it." She motioned to Manny who stood next to her. "I don't need it. Now now. Not ever."

Her tone dripped with the slightest bit of venom when she said her last few words. She meant that more than anything she'd said. She had enough going on and had no desire to drag a petty rivalry to it over something as silly as a name. She then turned her back on Van, and looked to the other judges with a smile. "But there is one thing, Van and I agree on, We're both eager to know what guys think! Anyone want out there want to actually judge this competition, based on how we danced? No matter who it is, I want the winners to be the winners because the judges think they danced the best." She waited for their response, and purposely avoided looking at Van. The thrill of the competition had been drowned out by the thrill of having fun with the dance, and the thrill of that had been drowned out by Van. At this point, she didn't care who won.

Maya Takanashi

She wasn't a dancer- as she would tell people repeatedly when stating her talents, when they asked if she was a triple threat, and it annoyed her mildly- but she knew for a fact that these guys were good. A million times better than she could ever dance. And she found it strangely entrancing, her usual mask of fake smiles falling away as she just stared.

Each person was better than the last and they were all going so fast that she gave up any hope of remembering who was who. And for a minute, she found she couldn't stop herself from staring blankly at the dancers, even after they'd finished up and everybody started talking. Wow, that was just


She heard her name mentioned and tore her eyes away. She realised that she was in fact being directly addressed- hey, somebody actually spoke to her. She'd never admit it but she was secretly incredibly pleased that she wasn't going unnoticed- by Van. She recognised him from the showcase; he was the one that she noted had taken a lot of pride in his work.

"It's unbelievable that you would let your opinions of people's personality get in the way of your voting, Mr Van. I hardly think that's the way of democracy. From what I understand, your petty dislike of Miss Celeste was over some silly personal matter. I see no reason for this to sway your vote in the slightest. You should be ashamed- these people are our colleagues and friends, you should not harbour dislike towards any of them."

She raised an eyebrow, even though everything she was saying was entirely hypocritical. Because, after all, she didn't want Danielle to get recognition as being better than her. Which was why she turned to Celeste and Manny with a smile.

"I have very little knowledge of dance so you'll have to forgive me if I come across as ignorant. But I thought you were great up there. I think... I think it was beautiful in a way. There was a story to it! And I just really liked it..."

It wasn't so often that she voiced her excitement about things but she caught herself quickly and shrugged like it was no big deal. Whatever. She turned to the other pair.

"I thought you were really good too. But I only have one vote after all."

Though, her gaze lingered on Danielle for longer than she would have liked. That girl was better than her. She was better than her at everything so far, it seemed. How? Maya was more than used to being the most talented singer, the prettiest, smartest, friendliest girl and now... She was second best. She looked away.

Sebastian Lewis Denton

That had certainly been... Interesting. He had to admit that he was a little more intrigued by the tension between Celeste and Van than he was the actual competition but no matter. They were all good through his eyes and as he was asked to judge, he just shrugged. Why the hell not? And he listened in turn to Van's opinions, then Maya's- though he only half listened as he didn't really care about their opinions- before adding his own.

"There's a difference between a competition and a battle in all honesty. I think this was more of a friendly competition. After all, in a battle, it's rare to see one side arguing with the middle ground."

He was pointing his camera at Celeste as he said this, looking mildly amused at the turn of events. He was fiddling with his camera, playing back the competition he'd recorded so he could watch it over again. True, his filming had been a tad shaky and he had focused more on the people involved then the dances but it was enough to judge, he thought.

"You guys ever thought that perhaps a democratic method is dangerous to our society. Putting power into the hands of the people has never been wise in the past. People often let their personal opinions cloud their judgement."

"The only reason we indulge the idea of democracy and paint it with red, white and blue and show it off to the rest of the world is because we're stupid. All Americans are just plain stupid. Now, if we were smart, we would embrace the idea of Communism but that wouldn't work out either. In the past, Communism has fallen through because despite people deciding they were equal, some people still thought they were better."

"What I'm trying to say is that I don't believe strongly in the idea of democracy. I think it takes away individuality and feeds the ego of whoever recieves the most votes. Which is why, I am opting to vote for nobody. I think voting is stupid."

"And I will hear no arguments, please, about how many people don't have a right to vote and that I should use mine fairly. After all, this is just some silly competition. In fact, I think I'm reading too deeply into this. But no, I refuse to vote for anyone."

He paused to take a breath, which signified the end of his pretty stupid rambling. He was very strongly opinionated when it came to things like voting, politics, film and what kind of fillings people had in their sandwiches. They were matters of importance and he thought very strongly about them.

"Though, I would like to add that I enjoyed all performances greatly and I thought everyone was good."

And he returned to staring at people from behind his camera and calling it art.


Kaede had zoned out slightly during the small rant Celeste had cast in Van's direction. Something about a misunderstanding regarding his name? I think that was the jist of it. Her attention was snatched back to reality after she was invited, along with others, to vote for the winner of the dance competition. Damn.. how exactly should I go about doing this? Kaede wasn't exactly the most.. educated when it came to dance. Sure, it interested her sometimes, but she didn't know the ins and outs of it. It was mainly whether or not it had looked cool, that the blonde paid attention to.

Celeste had certainly taken a different route to what she had done on stage earlier on, Kaede noted. Therefore, she thought that was pretty brave of her. It felt like the other girl had attempted to think of moves on the spot, and Kaede wasn't sure she would've had the guts to do that in a similar situation. Actually, scratch that. Kaede would refuse to ever dance in public anyway. Manny seemed to work well with Celeste. Both of them were certainly confident. Both parties had finished off well, with a final move to wrap everything up. Kaede couldn't decide who deserved the winning title, and as she contemplated over this, the guy with the camera - Sebastian was it? - had gone on to voice how he thought a tie was needed. The guitarist felt herself agreeing with this, and began to lean towards the option of no winner. It was easier to go down that route. Besides, a few others still had to give their opinions, so it wasn't necessarily set in stone just yet.

"I guess I should go next then," spoke the blonde after Sebastian had finished, and no one else volunteered before her. "I'm.. going to have to pass on choosing a winner. All of you were really great, which is a compliment from me since I'm not that into dance," she continued, that being a bit of a cover up of the fact that she really couldn't care less who won. A contest between instrument players, now that was something that should be done. Before she could return to her own world of thought, Kaede summed up what she had just been saying. "I also think it should be a draw."​

Danielle & Rashad


After watching Manny and Celeste dance, Danielle honestly gulped. She didn't really expect them to be that good, let alone be greater than her. She stood there next to her brother, arms folded over her chest, while her eyes watched as Manny voted for Van to be the judge. She was very intrigued to hear the decision after such an intense battle between the duos but Van also called out for other judges to help him with his decision. With an eye roll, Danielle was ready to hear what everyone thought about the dance battle. When Van's spoke, she was really disappointed in his decision. It was a biased decision and winning like that felt awful to her. She eyed her brother and saw the disappointment in his face as well. "Man, that was whack." Rashad replied towards Van then eyed the other judges. Rashad was really furious at Van's display but he actually sort of liked the guy so he couldn't be too mad at him.


Although she wasn't their favorite right now either, Danielle and Rashad applauded at Celeste's words then turned towards the other judges. Maya was the first to speak up and Danielle just knew that it was over for herself and Rashad but her thoughts altered when she heard Maya's words. No vote. His lips quirked up at Maya as Sebastian was the next to speak. After his words, Danielle rolled her eyes and arched a brow as Kaede was next. "I think everyone except for Van is right. I think it should end in a draw." She then turned towards her brother and waved for him to come by his side, which he did. "Yeah, a draw. My first draw in a dance battle, might I add." Rashad and Danielle extended their hands towards Manny and Celeste, congratulating them. "You guys danced really well together." Danielle eyed Manny more with those words.

It was about ten o'clock when Miss Cochran came out to the bonfire and concluded it, saying that there will definitely be another one some time in the future. Everyone basically cheered about it then started walking towards their dorms. Danielle had a really nice day and the dance battle was probably the highlight of her night. She changed into her nightly wear after a shower then settled down into bed. Rashad bragged to his roommates about the dance battle then they eventually dropped like flies somewhere. The bonfire came out to be a very eventful night as always and there were much more to come from Grandell Heights.

Middle of Third Week, Noon

A brief meeting was called in the auditorium by Miss Cochran and a few of her colleagues as she didn't look too happy about something. Danielle made her way into the auditorium and sat front and center with a smile, which altered into an emotionless state when Miss Cochran stared at her. Rashad was next to come in as he plopped beside his sister with a sigh. "What's going on?" She whispered towards him as he shrugged his shoulders then eyed everyone else that was present.

Miss Cochran then stepped forth and eyed everyone before her. "It was brought to my attention that a bonfire of fun turned into a bonfire of biased intentions. It will not be tolerated here at Grandell Heights and it's written well in the manual, that none of you seemed to have read." Danielle muttered under her breath that she had read it but forgot like half of the things that were mentioned. "So, now, instead of kicking you guys to the curb, I have an idea. A project if you will." A slight smirk came across Miss Cochran face as she held up a piece of paper. "This here is a list with everyone's name on it along with the person that will be partnered up. You will get to know that person inside and out then bring me a report of that person. You have until the middle of the fourth week to get the report to me or..." She raised her hand up to wave. "Bye, bye, Grandell Heights. Are we understood?" Danielle and Rashad eyed Van, shaking their heads, turning back and facing Miss Cochran, nodding their heads.

"The list will be displayed up here on the piano and I suggest you guys give it a look see." With those words spoken, she marched off with her colleagues as Danielle stood up and eyed Van, pointing her index finger at him. "This is all your fault. You biased bastard!" She wanted to leap over some seats and get her hands on him but Rashad held her back. "Calm down, Dani." He said while letting her go. She straightened herself out then stomped onto the stage and saw who her partner was going to be. With an eye roll, she eyed Maya then walked off the stage and out of the auditorium. Rashad went up there next and saw his partner, eyeing Manny with a thumbs up and walking off the stage and out of the auditorium, as well.

This was proving to be an interesting project, to say the very least.

Maya & Danielle

Van & Celeste

Sebastian & Kaede

Rashad & Manny

William & Amber

Cat & Alex

Note: This list was devised by Aster and not me. :)

Celeste nodded when Maya voted for them. She seemed cool. Then there was Sebastian. The whole night had tired her out so much that she only followed half of what he said. Something about communism. She made a mental note to keep an eye out for that kid. It was Kaede who finally decided that the match would be a draw and everyone else seemed to agree. She had been looking forward to being carried back to her room but was at least glad that Danielle and Rashad seemed to side with her regarding Van, as did a couple others. Much to her surprise, Danielle and Rashad approached them and shook their hands. She smiled at them both. "Thanks, that was a lot of fun. You guys were really good too." A yawn escaped her just as Ms. Cochran approached and dismissed them their dorms. Which she regrettably wouldn't be carried to. Which was a shame. A low down dirty shame.

She gathered her thing and bid good night to everyone before he continued to her dorm. She had half a mind to drag herself. She managed to make it to her room and collapsed on her bed with a heavy sigh. She kicked off her shoes an simply pulled off her pants before she snuggled under her covers. Before she drifted off she plugged her headphones into her ears and let Nina Simone help her drift off. Within seconds she was out like a light.


The wind howled louder than it ever had and swallowed the voices of the people who were still stupid enough to be outside. She sat on her uncle's lap in the long hallway downstairs. The windows had been boarded up with the old pieces of wood left over from a summer project he'd been working on. He held on to her rightly as the storm raged outside. She busied herself with a dial on the walkie-talkie that he had tasked her with tuning. There only static for the most part. Occasionally pick up on faint music that was still planing or a commercial. She'd she didn't notice how hard her uncle tried to keep from shaking as he held her. How his grip was tight because of fear more then protection. He bent to down kiss her forehead and ran a hand through her hair. There was a large crash that made them both jump. She dropped her doll and looked up at her uncle. His eyes were wider than ever. Her hand left the dial, her fingers hovered over it as she listened. The howling was louder and the voices couldn't be heard anymore. Neither could anything else for that matter. There was only the storm, the static and there breathing.

"What was that?" She asked, her neck craned so she could look up at him. His response was delayed as he looked listened closer. "Uncle Hen?"

Her Uncle was never this quite. He locked his gaze on the wall ahead of him and held her shoulders. "Keep turning the dial. See if you find something."

His voice was empty, but she obeyed. There was suddenly a loud crash from down the hall and the sound of the wind got louder. Before either of them could registrar anything, the table from the living room blew into the kitchen. Her uncle cursed and pushed her off his lap. "Stay there! Keep tuning the radio!" He ran down the hall and into the living room. He threw curses that were drowned out by the storm. She sat there, frozen in place when she saw him fly away from the door. She clutched radio and pushed herself onto her feet. More things flew out of the living room. A vase, some family pictures. But she didn't see Uncle Hen. "Uncle Hen!" She called out to him again, but couldn't even hear herr voice. What she did hear, was the sound of water.


Celeste shot up in bed, her breathing rapid and heavy. Her chest heaved and her she'd broken out in a cold sweat. She mechanically leaned over the edge of the bed and frantically felt around under her bed. Her eyes were wide and stared ahead of her. Her finger tips brushed against the soft exterior of plush stuffed animal. She grabbed and pulled a stuffed giraffe with a silver chain around its neck from under the bed. She held it close against her chest and buried her face in hits mane as she shook. After a few minutes herr breathing steadied. She felt around for her phone on her bed stand checked the time.

3:27 AM.

She huffed and rolled onto her back, the giraffe still clutched tightly in her arms. She stroked its head and stared at the ceiling. Sleep was not not going to come. After several moments of staring at the ceiling, she dialed her mothers phone number. To her surprise she answered on the first ring.

"Celeste? Baby what's wrong?"

She couldn;t for words at first. She remained silent for a couple seconds and her mother finally sighed. "You have the dream again?"


Her mother made a small grunt on the other end of the line. "Talk when you're ready honey. Don;t rush."

Celeste heeded her mother's words and waited a few moments before she began to talk.


The conversation lasted until dusk. Celeste had gotten a whopping four hours of sleep. She rolled out of bed with a groan and went to take a shower. She went back to her room and made quick work of getting dressed and doing her hair. Just as she was about to walk out, she went over to the giraffe and took the chain from around its neck and instead put it around her own. She then left her room and headed off to the auditorium. A few other students were already gathered there. She listened to Ms. Cochran speak and raised an eyebrow. Apparently they were being punished for Van did last night. "What the hell kinda school..." How something like what happened last night was in the manual was copletely lost on her but she rolled her eyes. Danielle on the other hand, took the information a lot harder and went beserk. "Damn girl! Calm down!" She said as she walked pas them to wear the bulletin was posted. She was beginning to think that Danielle needed some serious psychological help. She added her to her list of people of to avoid. She ran her finger down the list until she found her name. She frowned when she saw who she was paired. "You have got to be kidding me..."

One would think that someone would grow hot and embarrassed as they found that the people around them didn’t particularly like what had been said. One would think that a person who found they weren’t getting any agreements would quickly try and backtrack- trying to make up an excuse of some sort. Maybe they’d be joking or possibly try and say it came out wrong. Well certainly many people would do that.

But not Van.

He was not one of those people.

Van had immediately gone to taking apart his things, packing them up as he listened to everyone around him. The smirk on his face grew more and more with every negative comment directed at him. A small shiver ran down his back in the anticipation of it all- the many opportunities that had just opened up. He glanced around at each one, a grin on his face. They were so easy to bother. It wasn’t hard at all to get under their skin and this made Van giddy with excitement. He’d certainly do his best to see which one of these idiots he could push the farthest before they broke down. Oh such fun this would be.

He couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the display of idiocy he saw before him, wiping away a tear as he zipped his bag up. He stood up, putting it on as he looked around the group.

“Biased. Biased. Biased.” He taunted, rolling his eyes as a smile came to his face. “Pathetic, right? I’m a terrible person. I deserve to rot in hell for being a childish little five year old.” He said, chuckling as he pulled out his headphones.

“If anything- I’m the best one here. You all are worse than me.” He snickered, pulling his phone out and silently going to his favorite song. He let it play, feeling the bass of it against his neck. That bass felt good, the beat... Had he done a song in that tempo before? He needed to. It would certainly be a challenge to him.

“You all pretend like you’re all the sweetest people here. Yeah right. The tension is noticeable on most of your faces. Isn’t that right Dani?” He asked, glancing at her with a smirk before letting his eyes flicker over to Celeste and land back on her. "You all want to call me biased and a terrible person when I'm pretty sure that the majority of you already hate someone here in this very group. If not hate then you wouldn't be bothered if they were to just disappear in thin air. In all honesty you all would probably feel relieved if they were to just up and leave so you could have the spotlight to yourself."

“So while you all pretend that the world is all sunshine and rainbows, I’ll be the one to cut the bull and let you know how it is. When you decide you want to stop playing pretend, you let me know and maybe then we can talk. Goodnight everyone!” He said happily, putting his headphones over his ears and happily walking off, hands in the air as the imitated the beat in the song.

A smile came to his face as he was sure he’d created more enemies but he certainly didn’t care. He wasn’t here for friends. He was here to get the education he needed to go to the top and soar with his music making skills and he’d be damned if he let some girls ruin that for him. He’d worked way too hard to get caught up in that now.

‘I’m not gonna let them win dad,’ He thought to himself, looking up at the night sky. ‘I’m going to finish what you started even if it means I kill myself doing it…’

Weeks had gone by since then and Van certainly had no problems, sauntering around and getting his work done. He’d been having huge success lately with his muse and had whipped out almost two songs a day, even remaking a few that he’d created years ago. Van wasn’t sure what it was that was so muse worthy but whatever it was he didn’t want it going anytime soon. He heard that there was going to be a small meeting and made his way over to the designated place, the sound of his music drowning everything else out.

He glanced around at the others before watching the teachers come shuffling in. Deciding it’d be best to be polite and respectful, Van pulled the headphones off before watching them silently. With every word they spoke, the smile on his face grew. It was hard for him but he did his absolute best not to burst out with laughter. Seriously? They were punishing the whole group for his actions.

Damn, even the teachers here were idiots. Way too full of themselves. Did they think this was some kid movie? High School Musical?

‘We’re all in this together…’ Van thought mockingly as he waved at the teachers as they shuffled out like the flustered people they were. He sat back in his seat with a sigh, stretching his arms out in the air as he stared at the door they’d gone through. He’d be sure to talk to the Cochran later on and let her know just how he felt about this stupid ‘project’.. If anything she should have simply punished him- not the others. Despite being somewhat of an ass even Van wasn’t that much of a jerk to know that this ‘punishment’ wasn’t right. Not at all.

‘They must really not have that much stuff to do and need to torture the students…’ He thought to himself before his eyes flickered over to Danielle when she pointed at him.

He stared at her, his face impassive as she yelled at him. Damn, why was she such a drama queen? Was that seriously how all singers were? Talk about annoying.

He smiled at her, cocking his head to the side as his eyes widened just a bit.

“Feeling froggy there? Wanna jump on me? Leap little froggy, leap!” He taunted her, chuckling. “Go ahead and put your hands on me. You’re only harming yourself. You’d be the one most likely getting suspended- maybe even expelled. I on the other hands don’t hit females so nothing would happen to me. So you still want to leap froggy?” He asked her, standing up with a yawn. “Thought not.”

He walked over to the paper, looking at who his partner would be and grit his teeth. Of course. At least it wasn’t froggy though. That much he was happy about. Plus he had been meaning to speak to her anyway. Now would be the perfect chance.

“Celeste.” He said, walking over to her, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Looks like you’re stuck with the biased bastard. Aren’t you a lucky gal? Let’s go.” He said, turning around and beginning to walk to the doors. He paused, glancing back at her. “Besides- I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyway.” He said, his growing softer with slight embarrassment at admitting that he’d wanted to talk to her. If anything, Celeste was one person he’d come to respect. She’d certainly been one to stand up for herself against him- something that never usually happened. While he had respect for her it certainly didn’t mean anything. Oh no- he’d enjoy pushing her buttons and figured she would do the same.

‘Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.’ He thought to himself as he didn’t wait for her response, shoving his hands further down into his pockets and quickly walking out of the auditorium.

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