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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

Zaroth had no idea what Dorris implies, but desires to follow his "orders". Gus snaps as one of the few teleportation charms he marked flashes, and he is sent back to his Class. He then waits patiently, to hear what the "headmaster" should say.... Zaroth was unfortunately patient while preparing for class.
Charon had a small smile at the compliment, after all it wasn't everday his tale was called 'awesome'. But his attention returned to the teacher and he listened intently to what he had to say before asking. "So, where exactly is the Headmaster?"
Midori smiled, this was becoming quite a fun job. Then he walked into view "Well, the teachers received packets that should describe everything they need to know about such things as the layout of the school, emergency protocol, different duties they will be entrusted with and so on. The structure of the classes takes the students to the teacher's room rather than the teacher to the student's room. As for students, the dorms are on the east side of the school. The maid there is informed on all of the residents and can help you find your places. Any other questions?"
Ajax silently looks back at the Headmaster and silently shrugs his shoulders as if to say,"I'll let you know."

Batarang squirmed in his hands slightly and made a high pitched noise that most resembled a chirp.
Shadow looked at the headmaster as he came into view, he then nodded and walked to him, leaned to him and talked to him in a low tone looking at the students "If you allow me, headmaster, i will leave the hall, gather some powdered silver for the permanent shadow guardians, make them all and get ready for my first class, i believe i have enough time for all that." He then looked at the headmaster, awaiting his answer.

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Charon listened intently to the man as he explained how it was all going to work out and at the end of it all, he didn't have any questions so he merely just shook his head. Then Shadow, atleast he knew his name now, called the man Headmaster. So thats the Headmaster, he didnt expect that but the man did that the look that fit the role so he let it go. Shadow was practically whispering to the Headmaster, but Charon easily overheard his words. Perhaps he wasnt trying to whisper at all, but regardless. The mentioning of 'powered silver' and 'shadow guardians' intrigued him and knew he would have to look into them further...
"None ~ " Dorris thought. He and his clones started to fight over the packet they received, thinking they should be the ones to read it first. Frenzied, the original Dorris slipped and he turned beet red of anger. "tsk tsk. You clones should really know how to respect the original. " he clapped his hands and the clones popped and disappeared like bubbles. Perhaps he wasn't concentrated enough when he summoned his clones or perhaps it was just the excitement that passed to his copies.

He gave a sigh and looked at the Headmaster, hoping he didn't notice his clones' mischief. Luckily enough, Professor Shadow was whispering something to him. He then turned to Charon. "It was very nice to meet you. Then, I shall take my leave and prepare my class. Alchemy is in room 1012, alright."

Dorris then left the room and scurried off to his class.
The vampire was silent. Shadows in a dusty corner almost seemed to be reaching out to her, clutching her pale skin with invisible black fingers and claws. A soft wind had blown down the hallway, the delicate snowflake strands of her hair flying forward and settling gently on her waist. She stood there, completely motionless as Drake and Ivy frantically discussed the causes and effects of a pureblood's bite. She seemed to be thinking intently. Her mind ran thoughts through her head like a machine that didn't know how to stop when it started. A pang of guilt hit her like a bullet, and she took several steps backwards as the sudden emotion took over her blackened heart.

"I..." She choked out in a whisper. Her hand swept up to her chest, pressing it against the place where she imagined her heart was beating at. She whipped around, concealing her face from the others as tears welled in her eyes and slipped down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"I can't," Lucia gripped the fabric of her dress in her hand. A heaviness weighed over her, causing her fingers to tremble. She had never felt so... Vulnerable. The thoughts in her head continued to repeat over and over again.

Look at what you've become, Lucia. Why do your fingers tremble? Why are tears falling from your eyes? Because you are weak. You always have been. Why don't you show these lovely people who you really are? The real you. The one who made people quake in fear at your very gaze. All you have to do, is take that brace off your neck...

NO! I will not!" Lucia suddenly screamed, the windows around her shattering as her voice pierced the air. She breathed heavily, sweat beading in the center of her palms as she struggled to conceal her power. Gritting her teeth and clenching her eyes shut, a large crack indented deeply into her neck brace, threatening to break it. Almost instantly, she sped out the entrance of the school in a blur. She ran and ran, her feet barely touching the ground as she disappeared into a dark forest near the school

Collapsing into the cold dirt, Lucia gripped desperately at her neck brace as if to hold it together. But it only cracked more and more. Her crimson eyes glowed brighter and brighter, illuminating the darkness around her with a red haze. A sudden, earsplitting scream escaped her lips as the neck brace snapped in two with a loud crack, and fell into her hands. A surge of power ran through her like a stream, and she rose to her feet slowly. She opened her eyes, and flicked her gaze upwards.

This, is who you really are.

Her eyes were the color of ice.

[image of eyes]

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From Zaroth's bored state, realizing class doesn't start for a while tapped into the Magic flow of things, just feeling the current, the life force at a sensitive level, forcing his mind and magic to almost share each other's knowledge. His eyes open, and he opens a window, hearing a shout. He then realizes the window is made of shattered glass, so he perches his feet in it, his flaming crimson feathers spreading out. He adjusted his robes accordingly to his new wings to not hinder his flight, and then he leaped out, letting his wings only glide him down to the Vampire Lucia, at least near by if she happened to notice a flaming angel-like being. He raised, and walks towards the girl, stopping when he sees her eyes. He then speaks in his more serious tone, "A terrible fate has become of you... hasn't it?"
Master Midori nodded, "By all means Professor Shadow." As Professor Shadow moved to go to work, the Headmaster added, "Oh, and you don't need to be so secretive about it. If the students know they're being patrolled, that will keep them in check I'm sure."

Michael turned to his new friends, "So… what can you guys do?"
Shadow sighed " I will leave that vampire to her own business, its her job to control herself, and if she cant, she better not come here." Then he nodded at the headmaster "Yeah, sorry, didnt want to unnerve the students..but you got a point, i think that looking at the shadow guardians without hearing about them might be more unnerving..." he chuckled a bit "I apologize, and now i move to work" He walked out of the hall and into his classroom, checking his pockets for several items on the way

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Mei was a bit flustered by the vampire situation. Michael asked her and the other boy a question and she simply held out her hand where a flower grew.

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Master Midori nodded to Professor Shadow. He stayed in the large assembly room, awaiting the students of his class to gather. "Is anyone here for the basic defense class?"

Michael stared at the flower with wide eyes. He loved flowers because they reminded him of home. For he considered the forest to be his home. "Oh that is so beautiful! Wait, one second…" with that, Michael tried to shift into the same flower that was in Mei's hand. It worked… somewhat. The leaves were a little too droopy and the stem was too stiff. Michael still needed some practice.
The center of the flour, containing the ever-present face, turned red. "Heh, yeah. Thanks!" Michael turned back to his normal form, with a satisfied smile on his face.
The vampire did not reply immediately to the boy. Power surged through her fingertips like electricity, and this feeling was new to her. That neck brace had been a part of her since she was a child, and now, it lay broken at her feet. Lifting her fingers up to her icy gaze, she twirled her hand slowly in a circle as if inspecting it, and than clenched it shut.

Lucia Blackbourne turned towards the boy, her eyes staring straight into his eerily. A sickening smile spread across her lips as if amused by his question.

"A terrible fate..." She repeated Zaroth's words softly, taking a few steps towards him until she was inches away. Her hand gently brushed against his cheek, as if feeling a mortal's touch would soothe her.

"My fate happened long ago I'm afraid. That neck brace concealed who I really was for my entire life. My powers, everything... And now, I'm finally free." Lucia whispered, removing her hand from his face and smirking. The iciness in her eyes turned cold, and suddenly, demonic wings shot from out of her back. They spread to a wingspan of 15 feet, and she stretched them out as far as they could go.

"However, I had that brace for a reason. To control my anger and the strength of my powers," She stepped back from him, the blood in her veins running black underneath her pale skin. Claws shot from her fingertips, the sharp points glistening in the sunlight as her hands lay limp at her side.

"I currently have no control over my powers, or my strength. And yet, you still stand before me, completely unaware of what I've become." Lucia smiled once more, before turning her back to him and staring towards the sky.

"If you see the headmaster, tell him of what has happened. I am a threat to the entire school." With a powerful stroke, Lucia shot into the sky, disappearing in seconds over the horizon.
Charon was uneasy upon hearing that there was another vampire here at the school and that there may be a problem with her. He looked to the Headmaster and thought carefully if he wanted to know more. If not for his own safety then maybe for his own curiosity. "Headmaster, I hear there is another vampire here. Who might she be? And is everything okay?"
Master Midori looked at the student with an eyebrow raised. "There are multiple vampires here Charon. This school was donated by one of the first vampire families. But this is not just a school for vampires, this is a school for all sorts of magical beings. There's nothing to worry about. The staff here is well trained for any problems that might arise."
Charon was beginning to feel like coming here wasn't the best idea after all. He'd been on the run from vengeful vampire clans and families for ages and the thought of being around any vampires was making him cautious. Besides almost all vampire have a natural hatred for werewolves and that sometimes led to by extension him. "If you dont mind me asking...how old are these vampires? I would assume you know as the Headmaster."
"Oh, there all around your age," responded the headmaster without taking his eyes off of a window in the distance. "Are you here for the combat class?"
Alia decided she'd stay for the combat class, as well. It will be helpful one day, she thought. Plus, in a school full of vampires, one can't be too careful. She walked up to the rest of the class and waited.
Charon was worried, not that he was in danger, he was already hard to kill and stronger than any other being that had challenged him in the past. He was more worried that he wouldn't be able to catch a brake here, he needed friends again. Hopefully he could find some while he was here, atleast normal ones. The hybrids he usually roamed around with he was tiring of. "Yeah, I think I'll stay"
With several powerful strokes, Lucia shot towards the school, the tall towers of the castle soon coming into view. She decided it was up to her, to tell the headmaster what was going on. Swerving her wings slightly to the side, she circled the castle before landing on an open window. A few startled students cleared from around the window, seeing the massive demonic wings and the icy glare from Lucia. She landed gently on the windowsill, folding her black wings behind her back and stepping into the school.

Her icy eyes spotted the headmaster at the end of the hallway with another student, and a grin spread across her lips. Wandering towards them slowly, Lucia's presence caused students to scramble away, trying to stay as far away from her as possible.

The vampire stopped a few paces away from the headmaster, a cold gleam in her eyes.

"Headmaster. I'm afraid I need to speak with you about something... Important." Lucia wasn't acting herself. The respectable stance from her was gone, and was now replaced with ambition.
Charon turned to see the person that had just approached them. Instinctively his nails grew longer closer to talons and his werewolf instincts told him to attack, but fortunately he had a lot more self control to follow his instincts. His nails shrunk back down and he calmed his inner beast. With the combination of his beast going crazy and the cold aura he felt coming off of her, he knew this person was one of the vampires the Headmaster had been talking about. It surprised him, seeing as how he didnt expect to meet one of them so soon. Charon couldn't help but hope she stayed for combat class, seeing what she could do would be good for him.
Shadow was gathering objects from a small bag with interdimensional space, he gathered a bag with powdered silver, about to start his shadow guardian project, until he felt a familiar energy, Lucia's. "Tsh...didnt take her even 5 minutes" he said as he took out his sword and his own shadow guardian, with his own shape and size. "You ready for this?" The shadow looked pissed, as always, he nodded and got into a combat stance, Shadow raised his arms and 15 shadow guardians came out of the desks. "All of you, go check on the vampire child, if she does anything funny, pile up on her and knock her out." The shadow guardians saluted him and all of them walked towards the main hall.

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