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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

Charon looked at Shadow and nodded. He kept his smirk at what Shadow might have been trying to suggest about his skills. "I don't know about that Professor. Just because I have age doesn't mean the skill comes with it."
Drake floated into few of hte others in the entamolgy class and took a seat next to Lucia "Lucia i heard crying are you ok...you havn't cried since,well"Drake looked like what he was trying to say was painful.
Alia strarted when Shadow announced that enchantology would start right away. She quickly followed him to the room and sat in the middle of the classroom, not really wanting to sit up front. There were only a few other kids in the class at the moment,so she relaxed in her chair to wait for the others.
Lucia snickered quietly at Charon after he scolded her once more. Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes for a few moments as if to relax herself. But her eyes snapped back open quickly as she heard someone sit next to her. She turned towards Drake, a warm smile on her face.

"Well, I'm okay now." She said to him, grinning at Shadow as she said this. Lucia heard the pain in his voice, and she frowned slightly. She wondered if he had noticed the brace around her neck was gone, and that her eyes were now the color of ice.

Blinking her eyes, Lucia glanced behind her as she noticed another student had entered the classroom. The vampire flashed her a friendly smile, before looking over at Charon again. She stared for a few moments, and than blushed when she met his gaze. Chuckling nervously, she smirked sheepishly before turning her gaze away.

Why do I act so strangely around Charon?
Charon sat in the back looking down at Lucia. Two students entered the class and he gave them both glances before returning his gaze to Lucia. She looked back at him as they looked at each other, he couldn't help but smile. Somehow she brought out the more human side of him, the side he hadn't indulged in such a long time. He liked the feeling and knew that he wanted to spend more time around Lucia if he could continue to feel this way.
Seeing his smile, Lucia smiled as well. The hotness from her face began to die down as the air around her grew still. Time slowed himself, and twisted the world into his realm. The vampire's porcelain face stared into the distance. Dust specks floated inches away from her lashes, falling onto the desk next to Lucia like snowflakes.

Slipping out of the trance, she blinked her icy eyes multiple times before stealing one final glance from Charon. For some odd reason, Lucia found herself feeling an intriguing emotion. Now turned away from Charon, she gently twisted her white hair in her finger, as if to distract herself from this strange feeling.

Looking up at Shadow, she wondered when class would start...
Hearing the call for first class Philis said one thing before heading to the class to Michael and Mei.

"Well, that's first class, we should get going."

Philis decided he should start looking around for people the cult leaders had been putting up wanted posters for, not for any particular reason, just to see those people he had been taught to hate from another point of view. When he got to the class he sat as close as he could to the middle, one column back from the front.
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Shadow smiled as more students came in the classroom, giving them a "good afternoon" when they came in. he then looked at his watch and decided it was time to start his class. He stood up and walked infront of his desk and smiled "Good morning students, i am proffesor Shadow Ally, your enchantology proffesor. I am very glad to have you here and glad to teach you about my passion that is Enchantology." He sits on his desk "You may ask, what is enchantology?" "Its when you enchant things" he then said in a goofy tone "yeah, its that, but specifically it is the art of channeling arcane energy through items or giving mundane items magical properties." He then grabbed a broomstick "The most cliche being the staff" he raised the broomstick and said "pew! pew!" And then a third time saying "DISINTEGRATE!" In a disorted tone while a ray of energy came out of the tip and hit a can on a shelf turning it into dust. He then looked at the students with a serious and intimidating face, only to smile and laugh a second later "That's what enchantology is about, students"

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Ajax pokes his head out from around a corner in the hallway to check if everyone is gone. It seems like everyone has gone to class, very good. He passed by Shadow Ally's room and saw that he was very passionate about what he was teaching. Ajax kept walking an saw his room, he walked in and then grabbed a few textbooks. He started to lay the the books on the desks in his room and then took a random book out of his library. He sat down in his chair and observed the book, it was one of his old, leather bound spellbooks. He began to read over the spells, getting excited for whenever he would be able to teach his first class.
Charon smiled at the display of magic, personally he thought it was a little flashy but then again that's the best way to capture people's attention. Hopefully, he'd be able to enchant his own weapon. He already had a powerful one but he wasnt the one to enchant it.
Alia smiled at the sudden display of magic and thought of how awesome it was. I wonder if I'll be able to do that? She wondered. Everyone else in the room seemed to be thinking the same thing. Alia suddenly decided to inquire about the class. Her hand shot up in the air politely and she waited to be called on by the teacher.
Shadow smiled as he saw the reaction of his students, a single drop of sweat came down his face, it was a spell of the 6th arcane circle, so it was a strong spell that required a significant amount of energy, he could do that several times, but it would eventually tire him. He then saw one of his students raise up her hand, he turned to her, smiled at her and said "Yes? What is it? Please tell me your name before you ask your question." Said Shadow as he put the broomstick agaisnt a wall, still looking at the girl

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"My name is Alia," she said, smiling. "I was wondering if we'd all be able to do something like that, or if we had to have a specific ability to do it. I was wondering because my magic doesn't specialize in anything that has to do with spells."
Shadow listened to Alia, nodded and sat on his desk "All of you here have arcane energy running through your whole body, no exceptions. Maybe some more than others, but we all do, from the lowliest human peasant to the greatest dragon wizard in the universe." He took his cup of mocha and took another sip "What matters is if you train that or not. Some of you have specific magical abilities, that is just part of your magical talent awakening." He took a coin and started flipping it, every flip making it change color "The spell i used was disintegrate, a spell of the 6th arcane circle. A well trained spellcaster could manage to learn and master that spell. With years of training." He smiled at his students "With enough time and dedication, you can master this and even more powerful spells." He then grabbed the coin, squeezed it, and opened his hand, revealing 5 more. He looked at the coins then at the students. "Any other questions?" Said Shadow putting the coins in his pocket.

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Philis was suddenly very interested.

"If everyone has arcane magic going through them and to master it is just repetitive practice and I am not completely human I might be very good at this!!! Alright calm down, something like this can't be that simple and not to mention it may be much more than just repetitive practice, for now just put my hand up and ask what kind of practice it takes."

Philis put up his hand, mind racing to figure out how he would word that
"Students enrolled in the Basic Combat class please report to the main gym after your first class," said an announcement over the PA.
Shadow motioned to something besides him, as if calling. His own shadow guardian came out of the wall and started to serve him another cup of mocha, reluctantly looking. Shadow then noticed the student raising up his hand and pointed at him "Alright. Tell me your name and your question" Said Shadow, still with a smile on his face. He liked that his students were already getting interested in his class.

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"My name is Philis Tivnan, my question is how would we practice spells like that if they would destroy things around us?"

He immediately became very self conscious but still tried to remain calm
Shadow laughed a bit as he heard the student finished asking the question "Not all spells are damaging or dangerous Philis! There are several spells that are for utility or indirectly affecting combat or non-combat situations, such as diplomacy." He said as he took his cup and took a sip "As for destructive or dangerous spells, they must be used in a controlled enviroment, with supervision. When you master several spells of the 0th and 1st arcane circles, you can move to the 2nd and so on. The method of learning can be different. For some people, the new spells just come out as you master the old ones, other people study them and research them. The earlier method is the one that gives you most control, while the latter is easier and gives you flexibility in the spells." He stretched "If you wish, i can show you spells of the 0th and 1st arcane circles, and next class ill be showing you how to actually cast them. After you have learned that, we will go towards enchanting accesories, weapons, armor and clothing." Said Shadow as he dismissed his shadow guardian back to his original position.

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Drake was one of the few in the room who didn't seemed faced by the spell that had just been set of.His silver eyes wondered around the room with a bored look on his face. He kept look over to Lucia who sat beside him wondering how she was copping with the sudden amout of power that had been thrust apon her.His mind wondered back to hte old days With Lucia where she always had the ideas...Now it seemed the roles had reversed themselves.
Kiri had been just puttering his way around life, hoping the next person who picked a fight with him didn't get killed, but hey it was there fault for attacking a kid wandering around a park with a katana at his side. One time he accidentally let his powers get out of control and set a punk on fire but man did his hair need it. The there was the time one of his old friends saw his tail and that went down hill fast. But he wound up here, at a school where he was accepted. The only person who had accepted him was his mother who raised him not to be human but to accept he was a demon and cope with it. Despite that he had mastered the Katana and could best even the most experienced have made him take basic combat. She claimed it would culture his abilities. "What's load of bull." He said to himself as he stood in the classroom looking back on what she had said.
Headmaster Midori noticed a student sitting silently in the gym, so he approached him. The student was wearing a katana, as was habit for Midori as well.

"Welcome to Basic Combat. I'm Headmaster Midori," he stated, extending a hand.
Seeing the head aster extending his hands towards him he took it and shook it loosely. "Pleasure to meet you. I am Kiri, demon first class, lesser being of evil." He said to the headmaster. "Well we sure are popular..." He though to himself sarcastically.
Master Midori cast Kiri a disturbed look, taking his hand back.

"Does a demon have to be evil?" asked Midori as he turned to look out a window.

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