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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

Ivy looked she saw Control 101, Music, Alchemy, and Enchantology. "I guess I mis counted headmaster I am sorry I guess the sleep spell affected me more cause I didn't fall asleep right away. Now um where did you put the blood retrieved for me?" She said and asked as she twirled her hair a little with her finger.
"Can I go now or there important information I need to know besides my classes?" Ivy asked turning over to the door the girl was back in a cute dress that looked like a vampire would love wearing it. "Hey cute dress it looks great on you Marie." Ivy said to the human girl. Marie smiled then noticed Ivy's dress was covered in blood. "Thanks Ivy um you need to change your dress it seems you got some blood all over it I love your tiara." Marie said smiling. Ivy looked down Marie was right her dress was covered in blood. "Oh thanks." She said for the compliment on her tiara and the warning to change her dress.
Ajax snapped his head in the direction of Ivy. "You may call it a class if you like, but as the headmaster said, it's more of a training course, for students to learn to 'control' their powers. Hence the name of the course."

Then his voice harshened, as his face scrunched in agitation, "And call me Mr. Wellington, students here shouldn't call me by my first name."

I'll just be strict with them at the beginning of the year, I'll soften up once people around here can take a Halfling Wizard seriously.

He commences to gently scratch Batarang behind the ear.
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Drakes face suddenly went from sad to absolute shock"SHIT"He says getting up and looking around at the headmaster and Maria "SHIT SHIT SHIT!"Drake says getting increasingly huffed and getting a worried look on his face
The vampire's eyes fluttered open slowly as she awakened, feeling a delicate hand nudge her. Her hair was sprawled on the floor, the soft strands creating almost a snowflake effect as she sat up. A tiredness drifted in her red gaze, lifting to her feet in a graceful movement. Drake stood next to her, seeming to be the one who awakened her from her slumber. She flashed him a gentle smile.

"Well than... I'm glad the situation has been dealt with." Lucia murmured softly, dusting off a few specks of dirt from her black dress. She clasped her slender hands together, while her bright eyes flicked over to Ivy. A smile spread across her lips as she noticed Ivy was back to her normal self.

"You're feeling better I see?" Lucia said while walking a bit closer to the vampire with a gleam in her eyes. She hoped she never had to deal with that issue again.

She stopped in her place when she heard Drake begin cursing repeatedly, as if something was wrong. A bit of worry flooded into her gaze, and she turned her attention towards him.

"Is something wrong?" Lucia asked, her hands suddenly unclasping and laying limp at her side.
"Tsh" said Shadow as Drake started to curse and shout. What is going on now dammit? "Whats wrong Drake?" He asked, both worried and slighty mad, he really just wants the rest of the day more calm and with less nonsense
"Drake what's wrong is it me did I hurt them badly?" Ivy asked looking at Drake worried now. Ivy's necklace glowed her worry showing.

Maria was still looking at Ivy's dress. Then she turned to Drake. "
Did I do something wrong Drake?" She asked. both him and Ivy looked worried her gold charm bracelet was still gold.

(Ivy's dress.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.07b0c85e6816a3b9f7eff7633d0dd152.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.07b0c85e6816a3b9f7eff7633d0dd152.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maria's dress<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.b9c6a916bf5ed8f3cab3ef6f770e5a24.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.b9c6a916bf5ed8f3cab3ef6f770e5a24.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Oh Ivy Ivy Ivy...your a pureblood who just bit 2 humans"He rushes around to look at Lucia"We need to do a blood extracion"Drake says in a frantic tone before whizzing around again "Proffesor shadow with all due respect...can you please Restrain the headmaster and Maria"
"What???? Why what do mean an extraction? Drake tell me what you mean??" Maria asked worried now.

I'm a pure blood vampire yes but why is that bad for humans when I bite them?" Ivy asked still worried her necklace was still glistening cause she was worried.
"wow you havn't had any form of vampiric education have you?"He sighs "Well you know their are 5 levels of vampirism. The purebloods/Level A's, The Aristocrats/Level B's, and the normal vampires who cant even go outside in the day and are allergic to garlic"He puts his hand up to his face"Which brings us to Level D's vampire's who where once human...One a pureblood like us bites a human they turn into a level D.They slowly get more and more hungry for blood and if they don't get it well...They fall to Level E...The E standing for THE END, Once they reach that level theres no way to save them and they must be Put Down" He brings his head up to face them again "Lucky for you 2 you have only recently been bitten and as such we can extract the vampiric blood from your veins...I'm not going to lie it will Hurt very very badly"

"Is there a way where I can be half a vampire?" Maria asked looking at only Drake she wanted/needed to tell Ivy and the other two vampires in the room something.

Um I uh no Maria I'm sorry it isn't possible from what I know." Ivy said she noticed Maria looked like she had something important to say to Lucia,Drake and Ivy herself.
"Sorry there isn't you either become an insane vampire who needs to be killed...or you remain human.Also the headmaster was bitten to so"Drake really didn't want to deal with this sort of thing on his first day here

"Um before we do the extraction can I tell you, Lucia, and Ivy something super important in private?" Maria asked. Bowing as she did so.

Can she Drake?" Ivy asked. From what Ivy heard in Maria's thoughts it sounded dangerous.
Shadow scratched his head confused "A simple bite? I swear it was more complicated....wasnt it that if you turn a human into a vampire he becomes one generation weaker? Like..if a Caanite...ahem..a pure blooded bites a human he/she becomes eh.."rank b" as you call it? If not...how the hell you become a pureblooded if vampires cant even reproduce?" He looked at Drake "You have some explaining to do before i restrain Marie and, y'know, the headmaster, maybe?" He rose an eyebrow, waiting for an answer

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"First of no their have been some stupid...ideas about vampires that people think...Like I can go into the sun,I can't stay their for long but normal vampires just melt suddenly.Secondly vampires can reproduce but no one can become a pureblooded vampire hense the named pure blooded.The purebloods dont mingle with lower class vampires or humans they only mingle with other purebloods."Drake was getting really tired of people just ashuming things about vampires

"I need to say it now actually Drake I'm scared to tell you cause you might hurt me and possibly Ivy but you can't hurt Ivy cause she didn't know and won't know until I say it." Maria said surprisingly calm.

Maria Drake is right we need to do the extraction first." Ivy said backing away from Maria.

Um Drake Ivy and I are twin sisters except she is vampire and I'm not and won't be... If you don't believe me look at both of us." Maria said using a spell to put herself back beside Ivy.
Shadow was just more and more confused, he knew stuff about vampires. He has met vampires before, whats the meaning of all this? "Eh...but vampires are undead...how do you....do it?..." He scratched his head, is this really a problem for this man to scream and curse?

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Drake just sighed before looking at the 2 'sisters"But but...How is 1 sister a vampire and how is the other one not?" Drake said with the most confused look on his face before turning back to shadow"The same as everyone"
Shadow looked at him and scratched behind his ear "but you're undead....you sure its how it works? Like...zombies cant reproduce either and are undead.." He then pointed at the twins "One was turned into a vampire and the other was not, turning is the only way to be one, and a single bite doesnt cut it....you speak about "extracting" the blood, but no vampire blood got in, and its not even logical to be able to separate different blood...who the hell taught you all that crazy stuff?"

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"First of Lucia and manipulate blood so we could easily take hte blood out...Secondly If she was turned that would explain what just ocured...why she attacked those people and that means we don't need to worry about The others becoming vampires...but this will get worst for Ivy if we can't find a way to refirse it"Drake sighed at all the problems being presented to him

((just some images for you guys on what a Level E looks like >
:) ))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf548e035_An_example_of_an_Level_E_Vampire(adult).jpg.fed5219a66c32260d7c86b74a4cc500e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf548e035_An_example_of_an_Level_E_Vampire(adult).jpg.fed5219a66c32260d7c86b74a4cc500e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Lv_E_child.jpg.4a6ba1a9c512fe52baf6f271fe904553.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Lv_E_child.jpg.4a6ba1a9c512fe52baf6f271fe904553.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>  
((also I cant spell to save my life or type fast and not typo xD ))



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"Want to know something even weirder.... Ivy is living with our real dad and her step mom and I'm living with our real mom and my step dad." Maria said looking at Shadow.

Ivy looked at Maria. "
Why didn't you say we were related before I bit you?!" Ivy hissed her necklace glowed anger showing. Ivy then turned to Drake. "How much worse can it get and what do you mean reverse it???" She asked
"It will keep going until you basically are no longer yourself...You will just become destruction itself.And to avoid that happening We will need to reverse it other wise...you will be hunted down by the Vampire Hunter Association and the Vampire Society at the same time"Drake was wondering to himself why in the world was this happening to him


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